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3、sent=feelvis,vid=see vert=turn,妩媚人生,合成词-合成形容词,形容词+名词+ed 形容词+现在分词 副词+现在分词 名词+现在分词 名词+过去分词 副词+过去分词 形容词+名词 名词+形容词,合成名词,名词+名词 形容词+名词 动名词+名词 动词+名词 名词+动名词 动词+副词副词+动词,妩媚人生,合成动词,名词+动词 副词+动词 形容词+动词,妩媚人生,听力十大场景词(一)-学习,1.申请学校apply for 申请 business degree 商学院学位pay your own way 自己支付各种费用2选修课程semester 学期(美国英语)term

4、学期(英国英语)registration 注册course 课程 class permit 听课证optional course 选修课 literature class 文学课3.听课lecturer 讲师 barely stay awake 几乎不能保持清醒complicated 复杂 extra copies 多余的篇子informative 信息量大 presentation 陈述,解释,示范 mission 任务,使命,4演说nervous 紧张的 contest 比赛calm 平静的 contestant 参赛选手a large audience 一大群观众 talk of the

5、 town 镇上谈论的焦点shaking all over 浑身发抖 not a big deal 不是什么大不了的事情beyond me 超出我的理解范围5阅读reading assignment 阅读任务 selectively 有选择地chapter by chapter 一章一章地 theory 理论read through 从头到尾地读 plot 情节cover a few chapters 涉及了几个章节 intensively 精细地character 人物角色,6写文typing errors 打字错误 revise 修订quality paper 好纸 get it publ

6、ishedproofread 校对 paragraph 段落7考试final exam 期末考试 fail 不及格,失败mid-term 期中考试 results(pl)分数stay up 熬夜 release 发布(分数)two sleepless nights 两天两夜没睡觉 be through with 结束,完成,场景二:工作,1面试interview 面试 finance 金融suit 西装 accounting 会计tie 领带resume 简历 working experience 工作经历hand in 上交 travel 出差annual vacation 年假2收发邮件e

7、mail 邮件 attachment 附件log in 登录 forward the mail to 把邮件转发给log off 登出3开会和约会appointment 约会 move on to 继续confirm 确认 the next item 下一议题cancel 取消 presentation 陈述,解释,示范come in ones place 代表某人来 replace 取代on behalf of 代表,场景三:娱乐,1看戏Global theatre 环球剧院 drama 戏剧Grand theatre 大剧院 impressive 令人印象深刻的too dramatic t

8、o be true 太假了 audience 观众play the boss 扮演老板 out of the way 太远了the greatest hit 大片 a long queue 长队appreciate 欣赏 sold out 卖完了2体育活动basketball season 篮球赛季 tennis 网球camping 野营 badminton 羽毛球jogging 慢跑 performance 表现fishing 钓鱼 keep fit 保持健康3旅游scenery 风景 Greek style 希腊风格lawn 草地 museum 博物馆column 柱子 statue 塑像

9、,场景四:购物,1采购衣服size 型号 come in all sizes 号全price tag 价格标签 bargain 讨价还价2其它discount 折扣latest technology 最新的科技 cashier 收银员,场景五:吃饭,1评点餐馆Italian restaurant 意大利餐馆 popular 受人喜爱的environment 环境 crowded 拥挤的 reserve a table 预定餐桌 2饮食健康必备词汇表on diet 节食 dessert 甜点contain 含有 salad 沙拉steak 牛排,场景六:居住,1电话询问租房信息inquire a

10、bout 询问 furnished(公寓)带家具的apartment 公寓(美国英语)double-bedroom 两室的flat 公寓(英国英语)2买房brochure 册子 house developer 房产开发,场景七:交通,1飞机flight 航班 wait for further notice 等候进一步通知gate 登机口 seat belt 安全带minor mechanical errors 轻微的机械故障 terminal 候机大厅sign 标志 aisle seat 走廊座位 window seat 靠窗座位 check-in 办理登机手续2小汽车parking lot

11、停车场 maintain 保养break down 抛锚 garage 修车场scratches 刮蹭 highway 高速公路single lane 单行道 No-parking sign 禁止停车标志,3公交bus stop 车站 passengers 乘客 crowded 拥挤的 pull into 进站4火车platform 站台schedule 时刻表sleeper 卧铺 be supposed to 应该view 景色 scenery 景色,场景八:疾病,a cold 感冒 dizzy 头晕a fever 发烧 exhausted 筋疲力尽的have the ankle twist

12、ed 扭到脚踝 appetite 胃口high blood pressure 高血压prescribe 开处方 take the temperature发烧a sore throat 喉咙疼 dentist 牙医ward 病房,场景九:天气,cloud over 天阴起来 sweat 出汗clear up 天晴起来 weather forecast 天气预报 coupled with strong wind 伴有强风freezing cold 非常冷drought 干旱 shower 阵雨,妩媚人生,场景十:人际关系,hear from 听到某人消息 get along 与相处be mad w

13、ith 对某人生气 get in touch with 和联系,妩媚人生,常见短语词汇之 come,come across come up come up against/with/tocome aboutcome around/roundcome atcome offcome downcome down withcome out,偶遇,碰上出现;被讨论突然碰到(困难等)/筹集/达到发生,产生苏醒,复原攻击脱落;成功;举行,发生坍塌;(物价等)下跌生病(口语)出现;出版;结果是,常见短语词汇之 take,take after 与相象take apart 拆开(机器等)takeas 把理解为ta

14、ke away 拿走,夺去,使离去;减去take down 取下;记下;拆卸take for 认为,以为;误认为take on 接受;包含;领会;承 担,从 事;呈现,具有;开始;雇佣take into account 把考虑进去take up 拿起;着手处理;占去,take over 占据;接任(职位)take out 拿出;去掉;扣除;(通过申请等)取得,办理;(on)对.发泄take back 收回(说错的话)使回忆起take in 接受,接纳,吸收;包括;领会,理解;欺骗take effect 生效take turns 轮流,常见短语词汇之turn,turn down(音量)关小;拒绝

15、;turn up(音量)调大;出现,出席;turn out 结果是,证明是;It to be true 生产 This factory has turned out a million cars this yearturn over 翻过来;移交,转交(没有方向性)比较:hand over 移交,交给(父传子)take over 接管(子承父业)turn in 上交;turn to 求助于,求教于turn off/on 关/开,常见短语词汇之 make,make out=hard to recognize 努力辨认;理解,领会make for 朝着方向走 make off 匆匆离开,逃走 se

16、t off cut offmake up 组成,构成;补考;缓考make it=succeed in doing sthmake up for 补偿,常见短语词汇之 hand,hand overhand in 交来,交上,呈交hand down 把传下来hand out 分发,派发hand around一个传给另一个(没有方向性),常见短语词汇之 call,call for要求;需要;call in 叫某人进来;约请,约进call off 取消=cancelcall on 拜访(某人);号召,呼吁call up打电话,使人想起;动员,召集,妩媚人生,常见短语词汇之 go,go off 离开;爆

17、炸;断电go after追赶,追捕;追求;go along 进展 go along with 赞同;陪某人前往go around 四处走走;(消息等)传开go back on 违背go by(时间等)流逝;遵守,遵循go for 去拿,去请;袭击;适用于go into=investigate 调查,研究;谈及,谈论 the problemgo out 出去;熄灭(自己灭)fire put outgo over=review 复习,仔细检查go through 遭受,经历(苦难等);审查go up 上升,上涨go with 陪某人一起行事;与协调一致,匹配,常见短语词汇之 break,break

18、 through取得突破性进展;突破,突围;break down(机器等)损坏;(汽车)抛锚;(谈判)破裂;(人)身体垮掉break into破门而入,侵入;break off 中断,突然停止;break out(火灾,战争,疾病等)爆发break up 打碎,驱散;终止,结束break the silence=break the ice 打破沉默break the promise 违背诺言break the record 打破记录,常见短语词汇之 give,give away 赠送;(泄露,吐露)秘密give back 归还give in 屈服,让步=yield togive off(烟、热

19、、光等)散发,释放give up 放弃=abandongive out=hand out=distribute,常见短语词汇之 pull,pull out(车,船等)驶出,划出;拔出pull into(车,船等)进站pull through 恢复知觉pull up 车等停下来pull over 使(车,船等)闪到一边,妩媚人生,常见短语词汇之 bring,bring about发生 使发生bring around使苏醒,使复原bring off使实现;表现 bring out使表现出版bring over使转变(思想)改变立场bring down降低;达到bring forth生产;引起bri

20、ng forward 提议bring up 抚养,养育=rear,语法总结,虚拟语气,表达愿望“但愿”“要是多好”反事实假说(不可实现的条件)省略 if 的条件其他强制性虚拟语气:表示“建议、命令、打算、劝告”等的动词及它们的名词、形容词等形式Its+adj.+that+(should)+verb“早该做”句型“宁愿”句型,表达愿望“但愿”“要是多好”,1.Peter wishes that he _ law instead of literature when he was in college.(2000年53题)A.could study B.studied C.had studied

21、D.would study 2.I didnt go to the party,but I do wish I _there.(2001,53)A.were B.would be C.Had been D.will be,反事实假说(不可实现的条件),If I were you,I would do it immediately.If I had chosen A instead of B,I would have passed the exam.If it should be sunny tomorrow,I could go swimming.,妩媚人生,省略 if 的条件,_ the a

22、dvice of his friends,he would not have suffered such a heavy loss in his business.(2004,4,32)A If he took b.If he should takec.Were he to take d.Had he taken2._,I should ask them some questions.(1997,30)Should they come to usIf they come to usWere they come to us Had they come to us,其他,But for my cl

23、assmates help,I _ the work in time.(2004,4 36)a.did not finish b.could not finishc.will not finish d.would not have finished2.But for the rain,we _ a nice holiday.(2003,4,28)should have b.would have hadc.would have d.well enough,only if/if only,Only if he works hard,he will pass the exam.If only he

24、had worked hard,he would have passed the exam.,妩媚人生,强制性虚拟语气:,表示“建议、命令、打算、劝告”等的动词及它们的名词、形容词等形式The doctor advised that Mr.Malan _ an operation right away so as to save his life.(1998,28)a.had b.would have c.have d.was going to haveIts+adj.+that+(should)+verbIts urgent that a meeting _ before the final

25、 decision is made.(2003,45)will be arranged b.must be arrangedc.be arranged c.would be arranged,“早该做”句型,1.It s high time we _ something to stop traffic accident.(1996,43)do b.will do c.did d.must do2.Dont you think it is time you _ smoking?(1999,31)give up b.gave up c.would give up d.should give up,

26、“宁愿”句型,I am too busy these days.I would rather all of you _ next month for a dinner.(2002,46)come b.would come came d.have come试比较would rather than.,倒装,妩媚人生,1.表达否定的词或词组放在句首,never,scarcely,hardly,rarely,little,nowhere,no sooner.than,not only,in no case,in no way,on no account,at no time,under no circ

27、umstance,妩媚人生,1.Examples,Never before has anyone applied such principles to practice.Hardly had he said anything before he left.Scarcely had she fallen asleep when a knock at the door awakened her.No sooner had Anne arrived there than she fell ill.Rarely did Tom leave his lab those days.Little did I

28、 think a year ago that I could work for your company.,2.Only引导的状语放在句首,Only then did the doctor realize that his patient needed surgery.Only after class was he allowed to raise the question.Only in this way can you make progress.Only once did his father call his full name.,3.Here,there,then,thus 等副词放

29、在句首,并且谓语动词为come,go,exist,follow 等不及物动词时,这时一般为全部倒装。,Here comes the bus.There goes the bell.There exists two types of flying machines.Then follows the fashion show.Thus arose the division between the developed and developing countries.,4.句首为so,nor,neither 等副词,表明前句说明的情况也适用于本句。,Richard can speak Japanes

30、e.So can his sister.Copper is a good conductor.So are many other metals.He didnt say anything,nor(neither)did his assistant.The first one wasnt good enough and neither was the second.,5.在虚拟语气中,非真实条件从句中的连词省略时。这种情况下,倒装到主语前的助动词是had,should 和动词 were.,Had I left a little earlier,I would have caught the train.Should it rain tomorrow,what could we do?Were there no air,there would be no sound.Had I left a little earlier,I would have caughtDecide whether the following statements are true or false.,


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