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1、英语类专业学生的素质、知识与能力,孙有中北京外国语大学,提 纲1.英语类专业的人才培养规格2.人文思辨系列教材的编写理念,1.英语类专业的人才培养规格,素质要求 应具有正确的世界观、人生观和价值观,良好的道德品质,中国情怀和国际视野,社会责任感,人文与科学素养以及合作精神。,英语类专业人才的特色和优势:国际化,国际化人才是指具有国际化意识和胸怀以及国际一流的知识结构,视野和能力达到国际化水准,在全球化竞争中善于把握机遇和争取主动的高次人才。国际化人才应具备以下7种素质:宽广的国际化视野和强烈的创新意识;熟悉掌握本专业的国际化知识;熟悉掌握国际惯例;较强的跨文化沟通能力;独立的国际活动能力;较强

2、的运用和处理信息的能力;且必须具备较高的政治思想素质和健康的心理素质,能经受多元文化的冲击,在做国际人的同时不至于丧失中华民族的人格和国格。(MBAlib),知识要求 应掌握英语语言知识、英语文学知识、英语国家知识,熟悉中国语言文化知识,了解相关专业知识以及人文社会科学与自然科学基础知识,形成跨学科知识结构。,能力要求 应具备英语运用能力、英语文学赏析能力、跨文化交流能力、思辨能力、一定的研究能力、自主学习能力和实践能力。,2.人文思辨系列教材的编写理念,2.人文思辨系列教材的编写理念,2.人文思辨系列教材的编写理念,1)Ability-Driven Education,人文素养人文知识:文学

3、、历史、哲学、社会学人文精神:爱人、爱文化、爱思想、爱自然,英语运用能力能理解英语口语和书面语传递的信息、观点、情感;能使用英语口语和书面语有效地传递信息,表达思想、情感,再现生活经验,并能注意语言表达的得体性、灵活性和丰富性;能借助语言工具书和相关资源进行笔译工作,并能完成一般的口译任务;能有效使用策略提高交际效果;能运用语言知识和基本方法对语言现象进行分析和反思。,跨文化交流能力能通过语言学习认识世界的多样性,并以积极开放的态度对待多元文化现象;能敏锐觉察并能合理解释和分析文化差异;能灵活运用策略完成跨文化交流任务;能帮助不同文化背景的人士进行有效的跨文化沟通。,14,Five compo

4、nents of IT(Byram)Attitudes:curiosity and openness,readiness to suspend disbelief about other cultures and belief about ones own.Knowledge:of social groups and their products and practices in ones own and in ones interlocutors country,and of the general processes of societal and individual interacti

5、on.,15,Skills of interpreting and relating:ability to interpret a document or event from another culture,to explain it and relate it to documents from ones own.Skills of discovery and interaction:ability to acquire new knowledge of a culture and cultural practices,16,and the ability to operate knowl

6、edge,attitudes and skills under the constraints of real-time communication and interaction.Critical cultural awareness/political education:an ability to evaluate critically and on the basis of explicit criteria perspectives,practices and products in ones own and other cultures and countries.,思辨能力勤学好

7、问,相信理性,尊重事实,谨慎判断,公正评价,敏于探究,持之以恒地追求真理;能对证据、概念、方法、标准、背景等要素进行阐释、分析、评价、推理与解释。,自主学习能力能对学习进行自我规划、自我监管、自我评价、自我调节;能组织和配合他人开展学习活动;能及时总结并善于借鉴有效学习策略改进学习方法;能利用现代信息技术手段进行学习。,2)Content and Language Integrated Learning,Definition:“any dual-focused educational context in which an additional language,thus not usuall

8、y the first language of the learners involved,is used as a medium in the teaching and learning of non-language content”(CLIL/EMILE:The European Dimension,15),Integration is the key!,The key is integration!,CONTENT,LANGUAGE,3)Task-Based Instruction,Definition:the use of authentic target language to d

9、o meaningful tasks,A task has four main characteristics:A task involves a primary focus on(pragmatic)meaning.A task has some kind of gap(information gap,reasoning gap,and opinion gap).The participants choose the linguistic resources needed to complete the task.A task has a clearly defined,non-lingui

10、stic outcome.(Rod Ellis),N.S.Prabhus three gaps:Information-gap activity:a transfer of given information from one person to another or from one form to another,or from one place to another generally calling for the decoding or encoding of information from or into language and attempts to convey it v

11、erbally to the other.,Reasoning gap activity:deriving some new information from given information through processes of inference,deduction,practical reasoning,or a perception of relationships or patterns.Opinion gap activity:identifying and articulating a personal preference,feeling,or attitude in response to a given situation.,ACT,


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