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1、记叙文,记叙文写作的注意事项,一、交代背景文章的开头应概括地介绍事件发生的 时间、地点、人物以及事件等二、详略得当过多不必要的细节会冲淡文章的主题。因此,在细节的选择上应注意选择与主题密切相关 的内容,从而点明文章中心。三、条理清晰记叙文一般按照时间顺序或空间顺序来描述,要求层次清晰、条理清楚。,例文 A traffic accident,首段:首段概括交代事件发生的时间、地点、人物等信息 A week ago,I witnessed a traffic accident in a rainy day on my way to school,which still sticks in my m

2、ind.,例文 A traffic accident,中心段:交待细节,注重在how;交待细节时应注意的事项?过多不必要的细节会冲淡文章的主题。,中心段细节描写练习,请找出下文与主题无关的细节 An accident This afternoon I went out in the country to see my grandparents.After I got out there I decided to take a short drive.I drove down to East Greenwich,which is about eight miles from Centrevill

3、e.While coming home I was obliged to follow the railroad for a mile or two.When I had gone about half a mile I heard a terrible whistling ahead of me.On coming near to where the sound came from,I discovered that an express train had run into the rear end of a freight train.Fortunately no one was ser

4、iously hurt,although I heard on man say that he never got shaken up so badly in his life before.The engine of the express train was somewhat disabled,as the cow-catcher was broken and the head-light and the smoke-stack were knocked off.No one seemed to know the cause of the accident.,例文 A traffic ac

5、cident,中心段:交待细节,注重在how;交待细节时应注意的事项?过多不必要的细节会冲淡文章的主题。因此,在细节的选择上应注意选择与主题密切相关的内容,从而点明文章中心。从首段也可看出 文章重点在traffic accident和stick in my mind,例文 A traffic accident中心段赏析,It was about 7:00 on Friday morning,(Oct.31st).(补充说明时间)I was walking through the pedestrian overpass near my school when I was shocked by t

6、he screech of a car.(事情的起因)I saw a man knocked down by a black car.Soon many cars were jammed there.I got there and found that beside a black Benz lay a middle-aged man in a pool of blood.(交代一些细节)The street turned chaotic.(事情的大致经过)After a moment,the police and an ambulance arrived.The victim was ins

7、tantly sent to the hospital.(事情的结果),注意空间的移动:I got there,例文 A traffic accident结尾段赏析,结尾段:可适当发表一点议论In my opinion,the pedestrian should have taken the overpass when crossing the street.Besides,the driver might have driven too fast,regardless of such bad weather.Anyway,I believe accidents may be avoided

8、if we become aware of the importance of safety.(结尾),记叙文常用句式首段:交代主题,It was the most exciting moment that I have ever experienced.All through my senior high school,I couldnt forget In the years that followed the event frequently floated in my mind/often recurred to my memory/kept haunting me.Last week

9、,when I was on my way home something terrible happened.I quickly turned around,just in time to see the whole process of the accident.,记叙文常用句式首段:交代主题,补充交代时间The event took place/happened/occurred in the early morning.The whole story happened the(first)day I entered the senior high school.,记叙文常用句式主体部分:

10、,(一)作者心理活动的描写I could hardly believe my eyes.I felt as if I were on top of the world.I was completely shocked.I was bursting with joy.,记叙文常用句式主体部分:,(二)人物外貌和性格的描写He is of medium height.He is good-looking/ordinary-looking.She is plump/slim,with fair skin and curly hair.He looks handsome in a sports sui

11、t/blue jeans.He is of mild/bad temper.At first glance,you would say he is the perfect image of an obedient boy,but deep down,he is not that way at all.,记叙文常用句式主体部分:,(三)物体的描写It comes in a variety of colors/shapes.It consists of several integrated parts.It is shaped like a circle.It is flat in shape a

12、nd small in size.Attached to the bottom is,记叙文常用句式主体部分:,(四)景物的描写There is a wonderful array of flowers along the street.The air is filled with the scent of roses.The trees stood there on guard for generations,with branches reaching out like a canopy over the road.I feel miserably insignificant approa

13、ching the mountain.Even judging by modern standards,the town was large in population.The campus has a unique atmosphere.,练习一,The Day My Classmate Fell Ill)简单描述这位同学的生病情况;)同学、老师和我是如何帮助他/她的;)人与人之间的这种互相关爱给我的感受是,词汇拓展,扭伤 twist ones ankle/give a wrench to ones ankle/sprain ones ankle ones sprained ankle喉咙疼

14、痛 have a sore throat痛苦的表情 an expression of pain Her face was contorted with pain.她痛得脸都变了样。量体温 take ones temperature轮流照顾某人 take care of sb.by turns/take turns at caring sb.发高烧 have/run a high fever健康状况 health/condition请假 ask for a(sick)leave/ask for a four-day leave/be on sick leave,范文一,Last year,a t

15、errible flu spread across the whole school.One ofmy classmate,John/Jane Doe,became a victim of it.He/She ran a high fever,and ordinary medicine didnt work onhim.The news quickly reached everybody in our class.Someclassmates recorded the English lessons for him so that he/she could keep up with his/h

16、er studies.Our English teacher called on him/her at the weekends sometimes.With care and help,he/she was soon able to be up and about and finally came back to the class.From this event,I learn two things.One is that with love,noillness or difficulty is terrible.The other is that love and help are tw

17、o-way streets.Our classmates offered John/Jane Doe kind help partly because he/she himself/herself had always been a helpful person.So I realize that when we help others,we are helping ourselves.,范文二,In the summer sports meeting last year,one of my classmates,John/Jane Doe,suddenly fell to the groun

18、d and hurt her left foot when he/she was practicing high jump.His/Her face turned pale and showed great pain.Seeing this,our classmates immediately came to her aid.They struggled to take her to the temporary emergency room.One boy untied his/her shoe and applied ice rocks to his/her wound.Meanwhile,

19、girls comforted her in a soft voice.Soon the P.E.teacher came.He checked his/her sound and took some emergency measures to lessen her pain.Fifteen minutes later,the ambulance arrived and she was sent to hospital.Luckily enough,with our care and concern,John/Jane Doe recovered quickly.Such an inciden

20、t impressed everyone present.I realizethat love and care are the best medicine for an injured person,学生作品中的常见问题,在叙事时,一般用过去时,但在表述个人观点时可以用现在时。在叙述部分缺少所对叙述事件的结果。Last week,my classmate had a bad cold.不要用或A,B,C来表示人,可以取一个恰当的名字,或是用John Doe或Jane Doe来表示“某人”。,学生的优秀作品(一),Last Friday,my classmate John was absent

21、 because he suddenly caught a heavy flu and ran a high fever.(时间、人物、事件交代清晰)After school,we three volunteer students,together with our class teacher went to see him.John stayed in bed and had a running nose.He told us that he was anxious about his studies.On hearing that,we promised him we would try

22、our best to help.Therefore,in the following days,we arranged ourselves to teach him every day in turn,hoping to ensure that he would catch up with us when he came back to school.(条理清楚,因果关系合乎逻辑,细节描写恰到好处)In my opinion,no one is born to live alone.We should love,care and help each other.Moreover,friend

23、ship can help defeat difficulties more easily.(班 袁宛青),学生的优秀作品(二),Tough as the suffering is,we will feel much better when friends are around us.One day,when we were playing basketball,an accident happenedLannes got wrenched in his ankle.From the painful look on his face,we knew it was serious.Without

24、 hesitation,Fenix and I raised him up and helped him walk to the clinic.But unluckily,the doctor was out.We knew if we didnt take action at once the injury would get worse.So we placed some cold-pack on his ankle.Soon after,the doctor came back and gave us some directions and then we took him to the

25、 classroom.We will never walk alone.Whenever we get hurt and fall down,there are always friends who will give us a helping hand by our side.It is friendship that links us together.It is the most precious fortune in our life.(班周剑帆),学生的优秀作品(三),As old saying goes,“A friend in need is a friend indeed.”I

26、t was such a group of true friends who melted my heart gently and deeply at one time.This autumn,I unfortunately came down with influenza becauseof not having well prepared for the chill.I kept feeling dizzy and had a headache accompanied with fever.My classmates and teachers tried to argue me into

27、taking a good rest at home;nonetheless I was terribly concerned about missing lessons.They handed me a glass of hot water,which warmed my heart along with their simple words,“dont worry,my dear,well help you.”At last,I asked for sick leave for 2 days and got over it soon.With the earnest aid of my c

28、lassmates and teachers,I caught up with others before long.Do you have such a friend,or are you such a person whos always ready to offer a helping hand?Only when we realize the meaning of life lies in what we give rather than what we get will we no longer be lonely in this magicalsociety.Keep in min

29、d that love is the best policy.(班方莹),学生的优秀作品(四),One day on a PE lesson,we were enjoying the benign weather and playing sports on the playground.All of a sudden,we found the centre of the playground chaotic.When we got there,we were surprised to see our classmate John lying on the ground with painful

30、 expressions.With the arrival of clinic teachers,the students about were evacuated and John was instantly sent to hospital.Because of Johns unexpected illness,my class teacher and all the classmates were intent on calling on him.After we decided to visit him in the hospital,some students carried the

31、 notes of todays lessons,some bought what john loved most,others made a card bearing the signature of every one in class,hoping that he could recover soon.When we saw smile climbing up to Johns face,we all took an optimistic view of his condition.Nowadays,more and more people began to have glimmers

32、of hope about the relationship among the human beings,which is the same to me.However,the segments of that day frequently floats in my mind,which changed my opinion of this kind of circumstance in society.The reason why we human beings can“live together”in such harmony along with creating this prosp

33、erous city is that we have the feelings of love.(班王奥维),范文 The Most Unforgettable Person,All the people will meet a lot of people in their life.Among them,some are just known a little,others will be their friends forever.And in their minds,there will be one or two persons who will be never forgotten.

34、In my life,I also have met many people who are really worth mentioning.But perhaps the most unforgettable one I have ever known is My English teacher,Mrs.Sun,范文 The Most Unforgettable Person(continued),For the first thing,she gives me a very good impression because of her kindness and smiling faces.

35、In the first class,she told us that she really wanted to be our friend rather than a teacher.In reality,she does as what she has promised.When we met with some trouble,the first helper appearing in our mind would be her smiling face.We even treat her as our elder,范文 The Most Unforgettable Person(con

36、tinued),sister.Once the father of one of our classmates was seriously ill,which made this boy very upset and depressed.When Mrs.Sun knew this,she went to his home to comfort him and contributed a large sum of money to his family.After that she asked us to try to help him in any way we could.So some

37、students helped him in any way we could.So some students helped him with his lessons.Others went to him home to help his mother to do some housework.,范文 The Most Unforgettable Person(continued),And some others donated their pocket money to help the family.Through this special activity,we found our c

38、lass strongly untied.And we all felt proud to be useful to others.For another,Mrs.Sun has a strong individual charm.Her classes were always full of laughter.She not only has a wide range of knowledge but also has humorous and lively teaching methods.,范文 The Most Unforgettable Person(continued),I sti

39、ll remember that all the students in our grade liked to attend her class.From her,we learned a lot of valuable advice.Everything seemed much easier after attending her lessons.Now I will soon graduate from senior high school,and it is four years since I left my junior school.But Mrs.Sun will be in my mind forever.I even wish to be such a teacher as her.,记叙文练习题目,)你的同学、家人曾说过善意的谎言吗?请把这样的事写成一篇记叙文。2)My best friend3)某学生骑车上学路经工业区总是感到眼睛不适,以他的亲身经历体会,指出城市空气污染必须从源头整治。,


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