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1、面向异构网络融合的业务提供技术,徐名海南京邮电大学通信与信息工程学院,提 纲,网络发展的几个特点 困境与破解之道 下一代业务重叠网(NGSON)物联网与智慧城市 几点思考,网络发展的几个特点,业务:话音业务为主-高级多媒体业务 网络:异构、融合、协同 终端:智能、移动、感知 用户:消费者、创造者,Generic interworking scenario for heterogeneous wireless networks,Interworking levels and related interworking mechanisms,终端:智能、移动、感知(1/2),终端:智能、移动、感知(

2、2/2),用户从网上内容的消费者到创造者,困境与破解之道,下一代业务重叠网(NGSON),NGSON引入背景 NGSON基本概念 NGSON典型应用,NGSON引入背景,网络架构演进 几种主要业务提供模型-WEB Services/SOA-SDP 业务组合 现有方案的主要缺陷,Evolution of service functional separation,SOAP-based web services architecture(Simple Object Access Protocol),SOA,In SOA,various software programs,computing dev

3、ices,and networking resources are encapsulated via standardized common interfaces as loosely-coupled service components;each service component publishes its location and service description to a registry(also called a service broker)The service in SOA is provisioned according to the“find,bind,and ex

4、ecute”paradigmSOA is an abstract reference model,implemented by different techniquesThe SOA implementation based on Web services is becoming popular and being standardized in the grid computing and Web computing communitiesIn SOA,messages exchanged among service requesters,service providers,and serv

5、ice brokers are usually in XML format and communicated over the SOAP protocol,RESTful web services(Representational State Transfer),Addressability REST models the datasets to operate on as resources,and identifies each resource via a URIuniform interface REST resources are accessed via a uniform and

6、 standard interface-familiarity-interoperabilityStatelessness each REST request is self-contained with all the information the server needs to fulfill the request-easy application development-good scalability-easy load balancing,EMBEDDED WEB SERVICES,Overhead:The ideal UDP payload over 6LoWPAN and I

7、EEE 802.15.4 is just 6080 bytes for reasonable performance(avoiding fragmentation).HTTP headers alone are easily larger than this.The use of XML payloads adds further overhead as it represents content inefficiently.The embedded web will require both highly efficient application transfer protocols an

8、d payload formats to meet the expected overhead.TCP binding:Web services today depend on TCP,which has performance problems over lossy links,sensitivity to mobility,no multicast support and high overhead for short-lived transactions.Furthermore the congestion and flow control model does not match M2

9、M interaction models well.Pull model:In sensor networks wireless nodes are typically sleeping over 90 percent of the time,making the HTTP request/response pull model inappropriate.Other interaction models are needed such as eventing and publish/subscribe.Complexity:Although HTTP may in theory seem s

10、imple,when used by modern HTTP servers,clients,and proxies it is not.HTTP has evolved into a highly complex protocol as used between modern servers and browsers.A large number of features and optional headers may be employed,increasing embedded device complexity.The use of XML as a payload adds furt

11、her parsing complexity.In RPC web services this is further compounded by the use of SOAP.,Typical CoAP message exchanges.A successful confirmable(CON)message is acknowledged(ACK).Below,a retransmission is performedbefore a successful ACK is received,SDP(1/3),OSE/OSPE(OMA):open SDP,SOA defines a fram

12、ework that unifies service design,creation,composition,deployment,activation,provisioning,execution,and more under a common logical viewintegrates network resources and service capabilities using the SOA approachIMS is a standard-based IP connectivity and service control architecture that enables va

13、rious types of multimedia services to end users using common Internet-based protocols for next-generation networks(NGNs),SDP(2/3),OPUCE(Open Platform for User-Centric Service Creation and Execution)a European project aimed at developing a complete and global platform for the dynamic creation and del

14、ivery of user services and software a user-centric platform for telecom-oriented usergenerated services that provides users with the tools they need to create new servicesOPUCE can achieve three main objectives-end-user services creation and service execution(i.e.,adaptability and context awareness,

15、service discovery,sharing,and notification)-security and identity management-user-centric service life cycle managementOPUCE was not designed as a platform for overlay networks on top of independent underlying networks,SDP(3/3),SPICE(Service Platform for Innovative Communication Environment)aims at

16、providing a service environment to enable telecom operators and service providers to reduce the cost and time of deploying innovative mobile service creation/execution platforms for networks beyond 3GThe SPICE platform provides context-aware dynamic service composition by combining and adapting netw

17、ork components within the service composition environment(SCE),REQUIREMENTS FOR BUSINESS MODELS TO SUPPORT WEB SERVICE COMPOSITION,Comparative analysis of existing business models,business model for Web service composition,现有方案的主要缺陷,限于单一网络域 不能适应动态复杂的用户、业务和网络环境 传输控制能力弱,NGSON基本概念,NGSON基本模型 NGSON主要特征 N

18、GSON与其它角色的关系 NGSON与SDP比较,A network model of NGSON,NGSON主要功能与特征,Service Discovery and Negotiation,Service Routing,Service Composition,Transport QoS Control,Content Delivery Support,Context Awareness,Self-Organization,Dynamic Adaptation,NGSON典型应用,NGSON实施系统架构 业务组合示例 环境感知的内容分发,Context-aware capability p

19、rovided by CIM FE in the NGSON,物联网与智慧城市,传感网、物联网与泛在网 智慧城市技术内涵 智慧城市实例,传感网、物联网与泛在网,传感网,物联网,泛在网,传感器网是物联网实现数据信息采集的一种末端网络;物联网是迈向泛在网络的重要一步,物联网基本概念,定义:指通过信息传感设备,按照约定的协议,把任何物品与互联网连接起来,进行信息交换和通讯,以实现智能化识别、定位、跟踪、监控和管理的一种网络。它是在互联网基础上延伸和扩展的网络。2010年3月,我国政府工作报告所附的注释中物联网定义,属性:物类终端(RFID、Tag、Sensor、Camera、)网络(BAN/PAN/

20、CAN/OAN、公网)业务(如智能交通、监控),关键:业务,M2M基本模型,Example M2M use cases with wireless WAN coverage and mobility support,A high-level M2M system architecture,Micro economy is entering the 5th phase,“Long-Period”Theory about Economy,Digital wave is sweeping the globe,智慧城市愿景,无处不在的计算和网络,以信息通信技术为基础把整个城市领域整合起来,建设成集成的(Integrated),智能的(Intelligent),自主创新(Innovative)的城市空间。,57,智慧城-融合的软基础设施,智慧城市的特征,智慧城市的技术内涵(1/2),60,智慧城市的技术内涵(2/2),几点思考,用户处于中心地位,既是消费者,也是创造者。-CBM,简单用户界面,用户行为分析(数据挖掘)网络异构。-NGSON 终端异构。-协同,虚拟终端 业务是关键。-运营模式、业务组合和内容的创新 物联网和智慧城市的本质在于泛在的计算和存储以及融合的数据和业务。-NGSON+CC,获得移动数据业务收入的关键是理解移动通信需求,并把他们组合成可管理的细分市场,


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