1、Gramamer-Translation Method and Direct Method,Contents,Gramamer-Translation Method 1.1 Objectives1.2 Techniques 1.3 Advantages and Disadvantages2.Direct Method2.1 Objectives2.2 techniques2.3 Advantages and disadvantages,Gramamer-Translation Method,From the 16th century to 19th century,the grammar tr
2、anslation method is a foreign language teaching method derived from the classical(sometimes called traditional)method of teaching Greek and Latin.The founder is H.G.Ollendoff.The aim of this method is to be able to read and translate literary masterpieces and classics.,1.1 Objectives,In the Grammar-
3、Translation Method,the ultimate purpose of learning a foreign language is to enable the learners to read and translate its literature of the target language.1.(1).Grammar-Translation is considered as a necessary preliminary to the study of literary works.(2).Students are required to memorize grammat
4、ical rules in order to understand and manipulate morphology and syntax of the target language.(3).The students who can translate from one language into another are considered successful language learners.2.The other objectives of the method are to provide students with good mental exercise that help
5、 develop their minds,and to gain a better understanding of the first language.,1.2 Techniques,1.Reading:reading passages are planned around the sequenced grammatical structures and vocabulary to be studied.The passages may be excerpted from literary works or carefully written by a compiler,including
6、 particular grammar rules and vocabulary.2.Translation:translation can be employed in presenting a new grammatical item,understanding a new passage,or as exercises at the end of a lesson;the materials may be written or spoken.Literal translation should be followed by free translation.Sentence transl
7、ation usually takes place before passage translation.3.Deductive teaching of grammar(演绎法语法教学):grammar rules are taught directly by the teacher with exception to each rule noted.Then the rues are practiced through translation exercises.,1.2 Techniques,4.Analysis and comparison.In order to applying gr
8、ammar rules to specific examples and to understand the reading passage,difficult sentences re analyzed in detail and compared with the first language sentence.Usually,the function of each part of sentence is clearly explained.5.Memorization:one of the techniques is used in the Grammar-Translation Me
9、thod.6.Reading comprehension questions7.Written work(书面作业):(1).Fill-in-the-blanks is one kind of written work which requires students to fill in the blanks in a sentence or in a passage with new vocabulary items or with items of a particular grammar type.(2).Using new words to make up sentences(3).C
10、omposition.Students are asked to write about a topic that is based upon some aspects of the reading passage of the lesson.,1.4 Advantanges and Disadvantanges,、在外语教学里利用文法,利用学生的理解力,以提高外语教学的效果。、重视阅读、翻译能力的培养,重视语法知识的传授以及对学生智慧的磨炼。、使用方便。只要教师掌握了外语的基本知识,就可以拿着外语课本教外语。不需要什么教具和设备。、在外语教学里创建了翻译的教学形式,对建立外语教学法体系做出了
11、重大的贡献。,1.Overemphasis on translation can never emancipate the learners from dependence on the first language.2.The Grammar-Translation puts too much emphasis on reading and writing and neglects listening and speaking.Knowing a large number of grammatical rules can not ensure that students can use th
12、em appropriately in real communicative situation.3.In the Grammar-Translation Method,the texts are mostly taken form literary works.The language learned often doesnt meet the practical needs of the learners.4.memorizing grammar rules and bilingual word lists does not motivate students to actively co
13、mmunicate in the target language.,2.Direct Method,The theory of language underlying the Direct Method was mainly derived from the following views proposed by the innovations and reformers of the 19th century.Its founder is F.Gouin.Objectives:1.The objectives of the Direct Method are to foster the st
14、udents ability to communicate in the target language.2.The general goal of a language programme is to teach conversational skills.,2.1 Objectives,3.The reason for the exclusive use of the foreign language in the Direct Method is to enable the students to think in the target language,so that they can
15、 use it to express themselves directly without referring to their mother tongue.4.To train for basic language skills is not neglected,but reading and writing exercises should be based upon what the students practice orally first.5.Pronunciation is paid attention to from the beginning of a course.Voc
16、abulary takes precedence over grammar.6.To achieve correct pronunciation.,2.2 Techniques,1.Direct association(直接联系):new language items are presented by associating meaning with the target language directly.2.Question and answer exercises:in order to have the newly-introduced language items fully und
17、erstood by students,the teacher answers students questions and asks students to answer her questions in full sentences.3.Conversation practice:students are encouraged to ask each other questions using the same grammatical structures they have practiced.4.Error correction.Students are not allowed to
18、make mistakes.Their mistakes are immediately corrected by the teacher or by students themselves.,2.2 Techniques,5.Dictation(听写):Dictation is an exercise frequently used in consolidation with written work in the Direct Method.Dictation is used as a means to reinforce and test what the students have l
19、earned.6.Inductive teaching of grammar.Grammar is learned inductively through listening and speaking activities.7.Listening comprehension tasks.Designing listening comprehension tasks is one of the ways to establish a favorbable classroom climate in the Direct Method.8.Graded composition(分级作文):writi
20、ng can be introduced as a means of consolidation and evaluation in the Direct Method.Written work should be graded in the following sequence:reproduction of familiar reading texts;reproduction of narrative orally presented by the teacher;free composition.9.Graded composition is one of techniques of
21、the Direct Method.10.Gradation is principle by which the organization and sequencing was chosen.11.Classroom procedures in the Direct Method can be roughly divided into three phases:presentation by Direct Association;Oral practice in the target language;consolidation with written work.,2.3 Advantage
22、s and disadvantages,、采用各种直观教具,广泛运用贴近实际生活的教学方式,激发学生的学习兴趣,积极参与课堂教学活动。、有利于培养学生的语音语调,特别是在培养学生的活动能力方面效果明显。、强调直接学习和应用外语,促进学生使用所学的语言在课内外广泛开展交际。、注重实践练习,培养语言习惯。、课堂气氛活跃,、在外语教学中偏重经验、感性认识,而对人的自觉性估计不足。、对母语在外语教学中的作用,只看到消极的一面,不善于利用,一味排斥。、在中小学外语教学条件下,偏重了实际掌握语言,而对发展智能方面则注意不够。、使用这种方法培养学习,实际掌握外语(特别是口语)虽然一般不错,可是语文学修养浅薄
23、,对许多语言现象知其然而不知其所以然,对难度大结构复杂的语句只能凭语感猜测,不免出错。,Gramamer-Translation MethodL1Foreign literature worksReading and translationThe teachers dont need a influent oral,just translate the text into L1 word by word,sentence and sentence.The students translate whole texts word for word and memorize numerous grammatical rules,Direct Method L2 Oral materials Ouestion-Answer The teacher teach in L2 and with gestures,expression,object and pictures and other direct methods.Listen a sentence by sentence and imitate,and practice repeatly,Thank you!,