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1、1,8D ANALYSIS STEPS8D 分析步驟,上完了,也會分析,2,What is 8D?,【失效分析及改善對策】8D 就是英文(8 Discipline)的縮寫,在生產的過程中,面對異常問題發生時,按照 8 個標題指示的步驟,提出治標及治本的改善方法。,使用時機:(第一級)客訴問題分析(第二級)廠內嚴重性異常(第三級)生產線 TOP3(第四級)生產線經常性問題,Urgent/Important,Urgent/unimportant,Non urgent/Important,Non urgent/unimportant,I,II,III,IV,3,Overview of 8D Disc

2、iplines,D0-Prepare for 8D ProcessD1-Establish a Team 主題選定及團隊形成 D2-Describe the problem-粉重要 描述問題及現況掌握 D3-Develop Interim Containment Action(ICA)執行及驗證暫時防堵措施 D4-Define&Verify Root Cause and Escape Point 定義及驗證真因 D5-Choose&Verify Permanent Corrective Actions(PCAs)for Root Cause&Escape Point 列出選定及驗證永久對策 D

3、6-Implement&Validate Permanent Corrective Actions(PCAs)執行永久對策及效果確認 D7-Prevent Recurrence 預防再發生及標準化 D8-Recognize Team&Individual Contributions 恭賀團隊及未來方向,1,2,4,Discipline 1 規則 1,Identify the team champion 訂定小組競逐目標Select the team 選定組別,5,Discipline 2規則 2Problem Description問題描訴,Clearly describe the probl

4、em.明確描訴問題(Time,Place,Qty)What object has a problem 什麼東西出現問題Where on the object is the problem 哪個部位出了問題What is the problem 問題是什麼How big is the problem(use data:counts,%,trend charts,.)問題嚴重性(運用資料:讀值,百分比,趨勢圖,),6,Discipline 3規則 3Interim Containment 過渡期圍堵,Explain how the problem is being contained at the

5、 operation.說明問題如何在正常運作下予以圍堵Use data to verify containment prior to shipping 運用資料去驗證在出貨前的圍堵措施Certification Data Before Containment:Example,14%defective 採行圍堵措施之前的佐證資料:例如,不良率14%Certification Data After Containment:Example,0.2%defective 採行圍堵措施之後的佐證資料:例如,不良率0.2%The Data verifies the quality of the contai

6、nment action.由上述的資料來驗證圍堵措施的成效,針對現有生產線及出貨品需採取的短期處理對策,7,Discipline 4規則 4Identify and Verify Root Cause釐清與驗證根本原因,Determine critical differences between problem areas and non-problem areas.找出介於有問題與沒問題的部位之間的關鍵差異點(強調驗證重覆性之確認)Develop a Process Flow Diagram.發展出一套圖解方式的製程流程圖Develop a Cause(Potential Root Caus

7、e)and Effect(Problem)diagram based on the main process functions in 2.依據上述的製程流程圖中的主要製程功能,延伸並找出問題的因(潛在根本原因)果(問題的影響)關係.Prioritize the Potential Root Causes,most likely to least likely 將潛在的根本原因依其發生機率由最可能到最不可能予以排列.(使用 製程 FMEA 模式進行),8,Discipline 5規則 5Choose and verify permanent corrective action選擇與驗證長期的矯

8、正措施,Select the best corrective action.選擇最佳的矯正措施Use a pre-production run to verify the effectiveness of the corrective action.運用量產前試作,來驗證矯正措施的有效性.Verify the effectiveness of the corrective action.驗證此矯正措施最為有效.,9,Discipline 6規則6Carry out the permanent corrective action(s)將長期矯正措施付諸行動,Describe the perman

9、ent corrective action.清楚描述此一長期矯正措施Use a verification over time chart 運用時序圖來驗證有效性to track the effectiveness of the action over time.依循時序逐一追蹤矯正措施之改善成果,10,Discipline 7規則 7Prevent reoccurrence of the problem預防問題再發生,Describe the changes to the manufacturing/quality system.清楚描述矯正措施對於生產與品質系統中的更動.Update all

10、 design and purchasing checklists.更新所有設計與採購點檢表Update the FMEA.更新失敗模式效應分析Notify all personnel of the permanent corrective action.把此長期矯正措施傳達至所有員工Standardize the new practice across all products/processes.對所有生產或加工過程中的新對策都必須予以標準化,11,Discipline 8規則 8Congratulate the team 恭賀改善小組與結案,範例/動腦時間?,SARS 來了!,葉金川?邱

11、淑緹?,Leader,封鎖?監控?範圍?層級?,立即Action,1,Date Initiated:11/27/02 Prepare By:Brian SuUpdate:11/29/02Defect:20/35 SAMPLED IN MSP IQA FOUND STAIN IN COUNTER BORE OF RETURN Background information:Upon feedback and verification at MSP incoming samples and pictures,Verification was done on the lots in MAT and i

12、ncoming Returns.,MIN AIK FAILURE ANALYSIS RESPOND ON AURORA BOTTOM ASSEMBLY,STAIN LOCATION(magnified),2,未記錄發生之時間,Findings:Verified MSP rejected sample and found similar to component Returns in MAT.Visual naked eye inspection not easy to detect if not focus on area.With intended focus on the area,saw

13、 some small stain spots in the inner step of the counter-bore of Return.(see pic below)With 10 x scope,observed stain spots with gray stain around spots.Unable to be easily removed with IPA.Investigation to understand defect:Screened incoming stock Returns and found similar spots stain.20/50pcs foun

14、d.Put samples of spot stain for water boiling test,and found stain worsened.Magnified pics,A),B),Before Boiling,After Boiling,Not easy to detectUnder naked eye,D4,Immediate Action duplication experiment:SUSPECT IMPROPER PRE-TREATMENT EFFECT DUE TO QTY LOADING PER BARREL.Run samples to full capacity

15、weight per barrel(5kg)in plating line.-observed parts with stain spots and failed boiling water test.(magnified pics)Decrease(same batch of material)weight of parts per barrel(2kg)in plating line.-Observed parts without stain and passed water boiling test.(with 10 x Magnification.),before,After Wate

16、r boiling test,懷疑前處理出問題?加強前處理能力及減少 Loading,Immediate Action duplication experiment:Run samples evaluation to set optimum control weight per barrel.Run samples 2kg,3kg,4kg,5kg qty per barrel Observation:1.If use 5kg per barrel to load,there will be easy to find out the stain.2.If use 2kg per barrel t

17、o load,there are not any stain in the parts.3.Use the 10X Magnifier and boiling test to verify the result,2kg/Barrel,5kg/Barrel,Magnified pics,OK,NG,a)Plating site(5pcs/load)b)MAT Incoming per 5pcs/lot.C)10 x magnification Incoming inspection for stainRecovery Schedule:New parts with New improved Re

18、turns 600pcs ETD.Dec/3/2003.Another 1000pcs ETD.Dec/5/2003.Other schedule per PO:TBAConclusion and Corrective Action.Experiment showed that the weight 5kg per barrel has resulted poor removal of particles from the inner counter-bore surface of the Returns during pre-treatment,resulting the Nickel pl

19、ating not covering the particle surface.Min Aik will immediately set 2kg per barrel load as a immediate control.,Immediate Corrective Action,Containment Plan:At MSP:1600pcs RTV for ReworkRework flow schedule to be advised(Dec/2/2002)FIG/WIP-TaiwanAt finished good store(Taiwan):Screened through 1000pcs found 456.Please see the Rework flow as belowComponent Returns MAT qty 2000pcsRTV and ScrappedComponent at Ten Rong qty 0,


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