1、Oral Presentation Skills,Oral Presentation Skills,OutlinePlanningPreparationPracticePerformanceQuestions,Planning,Who are you talking to?Why are you talking to them?How long have you got?What story are you going to tell?,Preparation,Outline and sketch slides Prepare slides Prepare notes-brief keywor
2、ds and phrases,except maybe first couple of paragraphs,Preparation-Slides,Use Images&Graphics,Relevant images communicate,and maintain interest,Preparation-Slides,Use Images&GraphicsMinimise text&numbers,Preparation-Slides,Use Images&GraphicsMinimise text&numbersLight text on dark background,Prepara
3、tion-Slides,Use Images&GraphicsMinimise text&numbersLight text on dark backgroundAvoid distracting backgrounds,Preparation-Slides,Use Images&GraphicsMinimise text&numbersLight text on dark backgroundAvoid distracting backgroundsUse large fonts,Helvetica or Arial rather than serif fonts like Times24
4、pt is minimum,32 pt,or even 36 pt is better,Preparation-Slides,Use Images&GraphicsMinimise text&numbersLight text on dark backgroundAvoid distracting backgroundsUse large fonts,ALL CAPITALS IS HARDER TO READ,ALTHOUGH IT MIGHT BE OK FOR THE ODD TITLE,Preparation-Slides,Use Images&GraphicsMinimise tex
5、t&numbersLight text on dark backgroundAvoid distracting backgroundsUse large fontsUse colour to highlight text,Use high contrast colours for important lines,symbols or text,and lower contrast colours for less important lines,symbols or text.But use a small number of colours,Practice,Practice,practic
6、e,practiceGet feedback,and use it.Be ruthless-delete unnecessary information,Performance,Dont ApologiseSpeak loudly&clearly Use short simple sentences Avoid jargon&abbrev.Vary pitch,tone,volume,speed and pauses,Performance,Relax,be enthusiasticMake eye contactKeep an eye on the time remaining,Questions,Prepare questions and answers,Questions,Paraphrase questions1.so that other people hear the question,Summary,Like most things,the best way to learn is to do,