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1、专题七 形容词与副词,专题七 形容词和副词,考点直击,考点1形容词的用法,1作定语。形容词作定语修饰名词时,一般放在名词之前;但修饰不定代词时,放在不定代词的后面。如:Mary is an outgoing girl.玛丽是一个性格外向的女孩。There isnt anything special in todays newspaper.今天的报纸上没有不同寻常的东西。,专题七 形容词和副词,2作表语。(1)放在be动词或系动词之后。如:The piano is very expensive.这架钢琴非常昂贵。The music sounds sweet.音乐听起来很优美。(2)大多数以a开头

2、的形容词(表语形容词),在句中只能作表语。如:The old man is alone in the house.老人独自在家。(3)某些表示健康状况的形容词,在句中只能作表语(sick除外)。如:His mother has been ill for a long time.他的妈妈已经生病很长时间了。,专题七 形容词和副词,3作主语或宾语。有些形容词与定冠词连用,表示一类人或物,相当于名词,在句中可作主语或宾语。如:The Chinese are very hardworking.中国人是非常勤劳的。4作宾语补足语。如:Please keep your room clean and tid

3、y.请保持你的房间干净、整洁。,考点2副词的用法,专题七 形容词和副词,1作状语。修饰动词、形容词、副词或整个句子。如:I can speak French quite well.我法语讲得很好。2作表语。表示方向的副词(up,down,in,out等)和表示位置的副词(above,below,inside,outside等)在句中可作表语。如:When will he be back?他什么时候回来?,专题七 形容词和副词,3作定语。通常放在被修饰词的后面,故称“后置定语”。如:The weather here is very enjoyable.这儿的气候非常的宜人。4作宾语补足语。如:A

4、sk Jim downstairs!让吉姆下楼!,考点3形容词和副词比较级和最高级的构成规则,专题七 形容词和副词,1一般在词尾直接加er或est。如:talltallertallest2以不发音的字母e结尾的单词在词尾直接加r或st。如:nicenicernicest 3以辅音字母y结尾的词,把y变为i,再加er或est。如:busybusierbusiest4在重读闭音节中,末尾只有一个辅音字母,双写这个辅音字母,再加er或est。如:bigbiggerbiggest,专题七 形容词和副词,5部分双音节词和多音节词在原级前加more构成比较级和加most构成最高级。如:interestin

5、gmore interesting most interesting carefullymore carefully most carefully6不规则变化。如:Good/wellbetterbest many/muchmoremost ill/bad/badlyworseworst littlelessleastfarfarther/furtherfarthest/furthest,专题七 形容词和副词,考点4形容词和副词原级、比较级和最高级的用法,1原级常用的句型结构(1)A、B 两者相比,AB 时,用“as形容词原级/副词原级as”表示。如:Lucy is as clever as K

6、ate.露西和凯特一样聪明。Mary could do as well as a man.玛丽能做得和男人一样好。(2)A、B 两者相比,AB 时,用“not as/so形容词原级/副词原级as”表示。如:This classroom isnt as bright as that one.这个教室不如那个明亮。He doesnt walk so slowly as you.他走路不像你那样慢。,专题七 形容词和副词,2比较级常用的句型结构(1)A、B两者相比,AB时,用“比较级than”表示。如:Jim is more generous than Kate.吉姆比凯特慷慨大方。(2)A、B两者

7、相比,哪一个更/较,用“the比较级of the two”表示。如:I know the more beautiful of the two girls.我认识两个女孩中较漂亮的那一个。(3)“比较级 and 比较级”,表示“越来越”。如:Your English is getting better and better.你的英语越来越好了。,专题七 形容词和副词,(4)“the 比较级,the 比较级”,表示“越就越”。如:The more money you make,the more you spend.你挣的钱越多,花的钱也越多。(5)“特殊疑问词v.比较级,A or B?”。如:Wh

8、o gets up earlier,your father or your mother?谁起得更早,你的父亲还是你的母亲?,专题七 形容词和副词,3最高级常用句型结构(1)“主语v.the最高级(单数名词)in/of短语”表示“是中最的”。如:Tom is the tallest(student)in his class.汤姆是班上/所有学生当中最高的。She works(the)hardest in her class.她是班上学习最用功的。(2)“主语v.one of the最高级复数名词in/of短语”表示“是中最之一”。如:,专题七 形容词和副词,The Changjiang Riv

9、er is one of the longest rivers in the world.长江是世界上最长的河流之一。(3)“特殊疑问词v.the最高级A,B or C?”用于三者以上的比较。如:Which season do you like best,spring,summer or autumn?你最喜欢哪一个季节,春天,夏天还是秋天?(4)“主语v.the序数词最高级”表示“是中的第几”。如:The Yellow River is the second longest river in China.黄河是中国第二长河。,专题七 形容词和副词,考点5比较级形式表示最高级含义,1“Av.比

10、较级thanany other单数名词/the other 名词复数/anyone else介词短语”表示“A比同一范围内的任何一个人/物都”,即“A最”。如:Jack is taller than any other student in his class.Jack is taller than the other students in his class.Jack is taller than anyone else in his class.Jack is the tallest student in his class.杰克比他班上任何学生都高。2“否定词谓语比较级”相当于最高级。

11、如:Ive never seen a nicer picture than this one.This is the nicest picture that Ive ever seen.这是我所见过的最好的一幅画。,中考透视,专题七 形容词和副词,()1.2011南宁 Mrs Smith has a cute baby.It often smiles at people _Afriendly BlovelyChappily Dlively,C,解析副词修饰动词,放在动词后面作状语。,专题七 形容词和副词,()2.2011凉山 What a careful boy you are!Thank y

12、ou.In fact,Tom does everything _ than me.Amore carefully Bmore carefulCmuch careful Dmuch carefully,A,专题七 形容词和副词,()3.2012福州 ShuHow Lin is now one of_ basketball players in the NBA.Apopular Bmore popularCthe most popular Dmost popular,C,解析此题考查“one of the 形容词最高级 可数名词复数”,形容词最高级前必须加the。,专题七 形容词和副词,()4.2012株洲 I play basketball every day because I want to play as _ as Yao Ming.A.well Bbetter CBest Dgood,A,解析同级比较用“as形容词/副词原级as”,意为“和一样”,play为动词,故应用副词修饰。,专题七 形容词和副词,()5.2012毕节 When winter comes,days get_Along and long Bshort and shortClonger and longer Dshorter and shorter,D,解析“比较级 and 比较级”表示“越来越”,


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