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1、Unit 4 What would you do?,No.11 Middle School,Period 5,更多资源,根据中文完成句子,1.我不想当众说这件事.,I dont want to say it _ _.,2.未经允许请别借我的书.,Dont borrow my books _ _.,in public,without,permission,3.在借我的东西之前,你必须先征得我的同意.,You should _ _ _ before borrowing my books.,4.我想把我的好朋友汤姆介绍给大家.,Id like to _ my good friend Tom _ yo

2、u.,ask my permission,introduce,to,5.我正在等我的好朋友.,Im _ _ good friend.,6.他一点都不觉得累.,He didnt feel tired _ _ _.,waiting for,in the,slightest,7.他有许多好朋友.,He has _ _ good friends.,8.你和你的朋友相处得好吗?,Do you _ _ _ _ your classmate?,plenty of,get along well with,9.我宁愿呆在家看电视也不愿去参 加聚会.,I would _ stay at home and watc

3、h TV _ go to the party.,rather,than,3b,Write your own personality survey,If your parents dont allow you to stay at home on weekends,would you,A:play computer games at home instead?B:ask your friends to come to your house?C:argue with your parents?,If you didnt finish your homework on time,and your t

4、eacher asked you to do it at school after school,would you,A:run away?B:finish it on time next time?C:do it right away?,Fill in each blank with the correct form.,nervous shy tired terrible friendly,Im really.Ive been studying all day.2.I dont like making speeches.I feel_ talking in front of many peo

5、ple.,tired,nervous,3.If you were more to people,you would have more friends.4.My stomach feels.I think I ate something bad at lunch time.5.People think Paul is very _.But in fact he talks a lot with his friends.,friendly,terrible,shy,Dear Knowledgeable,My best friend,Mei,has a problem.There is a rea

6、lly important English speech contest for our whole city next month.Our classmates want her to represent the class in the school contest.,Everyone is sure she will win.Its true.Mei is very clever,and can speak English really well.In fact,she always comes top in the school exams.,The problem is that s

7、hes very shy.She doesnt want to let her friends down,but shes terrified of speaking in front of other people.Shes my friend,so she can tell me that shes shy.But she cant tell everyone that.,I dont think they would believe her.I cant think of any good advice to give her,but you always come up with go

8、od solutions to peoples problems.What should I tell Mei?What should I tell the rest of the students?,Reading(2:P31),For e-mail writing,we must pay attention to the following:1.Keep your message short.2.Keep your message simple.3.Give your main idea using a few sentences so people can understand you

9、immediately.4.Dont type all in capital letters.,写作训练营!,Subject:Reply From:Knowledgeable Dear Fran,Its common that someone would feel nervous when they talk in front of many people.Because they are shy.In my opinion,they are unconfident.They are afraid of making mistakes.,So you could tell your friend that she should be confident,and she should believe herself.Dont be afraid of making mistakes.Because everyone would make mistakes.,Thank you!,Bye-bye,更多资源,


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