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1、,英语翻译,Traslation,小试身手,1.书籍将会仅仅在电脑上,而不在纸上。Books_only_on computer,not_paper.,2.我们要把人送上太空的梦想终于实现了。Our dream of sending man into_finally _ _.,will,be,on,space,came true,汉译英,1.这消息使他非常失望。2.她靠写作谋生。3.他将在医院躲过一段痛苦的时光4.这个男孩不能回答这个简单的问题。5.我想我将周游世界。,答案,The news makes her very disappointed.He makes a living by wri

2、ting.He wii spend a difficult time in hospital.This boy isnt able to answer this easy question.I think Ill travel all over the world.,英语的遣词造句,篇章结构以及语体形式均离不开语境,因而正确翻译的基础应在于准确地把握语境。从这一观点出发,得出语域理论是有关语境的理论中最具效力的。在翻译中,要注意单词在不同的语境中所具有的不同意义,翻译表达应再现原文情景,要注重不同的语篇具有不同的功能。,翻译一般来说是指语际之间的信息传递和语族之间的文化交流。它不仅涉及两种相关

3、的语言系统,而且包括涉及大量语言体系以外的制约因素,如翻译活动中的心理和思维过程,以及不同语言所负载的哲学、美学、修辞学和文化传统等等。在翻译活动中,译者面临着对原语文本进行最大限度的理解。,在历届中考中,翻译往往占据这重要地位,分数一般在10分左右。所以熟练的掌握翻译技巧对同学们来说非常重要。,多练,多写,多记,定语从句的翻译,定语从句是由一些关系代词或者关系副词引导的从句组成,用来修饰名词中心词。,定语的翻译要特别注意位子上的变化,即:如果是单词修饰名词就放在中心词的前面,这和汉语的词序是一样的;如果定语太长,定语就要放在中心词的后面,这时就要注意断句,重复先行词。,例如,I have t

4、he same problem as you concerning the learning of English。,在学英语的问题上,我和你有同样的问题。,在过去的几百年中,已经有记载说,确实有被动物养大的与世隔绝的狼孩的存在。,For several hundred years,cases have been reported of children who have been reared in thewild by animals kept isolated from all social contact.,随堂练习,He is the very person(whom)Im look

5、ing for.This is the flexible policy that our government has pursued consistently.I still remember the time when we studied in the same university.a.Misers are often lonely and obscure men whose wealth is revealed only after their death.,具体翻译来说,定语从句的翻译可分为限制性和非限制性定语从句两种,翻译成汉语时不论是在语序方面还是重复先行词方面都有一定的讲究:

6、,前置,这种定语从句一般比较短,翻译起来比较方便,和汉语的词序完全一样,。,例,Our two countries are neighbors whose friendship is of long standing.我们两国是友谊长存的友好邻邦。,随堂练习,Teachers generally like the students who achieve high scores in tests.He is not the one who will give up easily.This is the finest weather that I have ever seen this mont

7、h.,后置,以上的这些例子告诉我们,如果定语很短的话,我们可以把他象汉语一样放在中心词的前面。但是,有的时候,如果定语太长,读起来就不符和汉语的习惯,因此,往往要后置,重复先行词,这就是下面要提到的定语从句的“后置“问题。,A table has four legs,one of which is broken.,桌子有四条腿,其中的一条腿是坏的。,综合性翻译,综合性”的翻译就是,翻译时不需要关系词,其中的关系完全靠上下文的意思来表现出来。,中考一般考文段翻译,熟记单词,In ten years,I think Ill be a reporter.Ill live in Shanghai,be

8、cause I went to Shanghai last year and fell in love with it.I think its really a beautiful city.As a reporter,I think I will meet lots of interesting people.I think Ill live an apartment with my best friends,because I dont like living alone.,例,因为去年我去了上海并且爱上了那里。作为一名记者,我想我会结识很多有趣的人。我想我会和我最要好的朋友住在一所公寓里

9、,因为我不喜欢独自生活。,注意,“as”引导的句子:除了以上这些例子以外,还有一些特殊的由“as”引导的句子,翻译时可参考“as”的比 较结构从句。,He is not such as fool as he looks.,他并不象看上去的那么傻,例,课后作业,You should take advantage of the opportunity to learn English well,which is very valuable.We examine the quality of our products,which is why they are so reliable.He arri

10、ved at the railway station in time,which is expected,汉译英,1.这个周末我们将去远足旅行。2.他们已经失败了多次,但是总有一天他们会成功。3.你十年后的生活会怎样?4.我甚至可能会独自居住在那房子里。5.我一看到那个MP3就喜欢上了它。,1.We will go hiking this weekend.2.they have failed many times,but one day theyll be successful.3.What will your life like in ten years?4.I might even liv

11、e alone in the house.5.I fell in love with the MP3 as soon as I saw it.,About 200 million years ago the earths surface was very different from the one we know today.All of the landmasses were grouped together into one vast supercontinent called Pangaca.The rest of the globe was now covered by a sing

12、le greater ocean known as Panthalassa.But,if you lookdown at our planet from outer space now,most of what you see is water;71%of the planetssurface is covered by oceans and its because of this that thee earth is sometimes called”the waterplanet”.,文段翻译,Often we complain when we have to accompany or w

13、atch over our parents.But do we realize that our parents accompany us and watch over us for as long as we or they live?Since the day we were born to our adulthood,and even when death comes to greet us,they are always at our side.Now its our turn to spare our short time for a great and meaning life a

14、head of our lives.,I never heard her play again in my life.I no longer went downstairs to listen like before.Only thick leaves were left behind.But I will always remember the fine figure of the girl.She is like a dream;so short,so bright,like a shooting star giving off so much light that it makes th

15、e autumn beautiful.There are many kinds of friends.Some are always with you,but dont understand you.Some say only a few words to you,but are close to you.Many people will step in your life,but only true friends leave footprinks.I shall always recall the autumn and the girl with the violin.She will always bring back friendship between us.I know she will always be my best friend.,


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