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1、中考英语解题技巧,考试形式及试卷结构,(一)听力,听力技能,听力部分主要考查学生对英语口头语言的理解能力以及从真实性语言材料中获取信息、归纳判断和正确应答的能力。主要考试形式是让学生在听录音过程中或听完录音之后,根据录音提供的信息完成某项任务。听力考试是在一定的语境情况下考察学生的语音识别和辨别能力。,听力,1能根据语调和重音理解说话者的意图;2能听懂有关熟悉话题的谈话,并能从 中提取信息和观点;3能借助语境克服生词障碍、理解大意;4能听懂接近正常语速的故事和记叙文,理解故事的因果关系;5能在听的过程中用适当方式做出反应;6能针对所听语段的内容记录简单信息。,语言技能五级,(1)抓紧时间,提前

2、审题。(2)沉着答题,遇难不慌。(3)仔细检查,理顺关系。,听力部分应试技巧,1.Where are the speakers?A.In a restaurant.B.In a hotel.C.In a school.,举例,2.What does the woman mean?A.Cathy will be at the party.B.Cathy is too busy to come.C.Cathy wont be invited.,听力技能强化(尽量使用标准化考试磁带)题干预览有备而听;集中精力心理稳定;大胆猜测推理判断;及时记录抓住信息;指导点拨训练落实;强化口语大声朗读,背诵经典,

3、培养语感,以说促听;分散训练平时的课堂教学中,以班为单位,每天训练510分钟;,(二)单项填空,考查目的:要求学生在充分理解题干的基础上,从所提供的4个选项中选出最佳答案,目的是结合一定的语境,考查学生语言知识的综合运用能力。考查的主要语言知识有语法知识、词汇知识、习惯用语、交际用语和各种常见表达法等。单项选择特点:考点多,覆盖面广,潜隐性强。强调在语境中考查所学知识,在语境中体现语言的运用和交际。,注重考查核心知识和核心能力。,1.You dont look well.Youd better see your doctor.I _,but he said theres nothing wro

4、ng.A.will B.would C.have D.had2.It is said all the hotels are filled with tourists.Dont worry!I _ a room in a hotel.A.have booked B.will book C.book D.may book,3.Shall we go out for a walk?Sorry,I cant.I _ my homework.A.do B.did C.am doing D.was doing(2010 山东荷泽26题)4.Its dangerous to swim here.Look a

5、t the sign.Oh,I _ notice it.Thanks for telling me.A.havent B.wont C.dont D.didnt(2010 山东荷泽34题),立足语境,强化运用。5.I _ ride a bike to school.But this morning I took a taxi because I got up late.A.never B.sometimes C.seldom D.usually(2010 山东荷泽24题)6.Mary spends a lot of money on clothes _ her family is not ri

6、ch.A.because B.though C.if D.so(2010 山东荷泽27题),坚持以能力立意,突出能力考查。7.Which is the _ way to Qingdao,by plane,bus or train?A.good B.wellC.betterD.best(2010 山东荷泽23题)8.Would you please drive_?My plane is taking off.Id like to,but safety comes first.A.faster B.better C.more carefully D.more slowly(2009安徽37题),(


8、。(3)仔细推敲,认真复查。,举例 Mr.Strong is a London taxi driver.The following talk is given by him.“I have been a taxi driver 36 nearly ten years.Its a nice job most of the time.You meet a lot of people.I always work at night,37 there is too much traffic during the day.I go to work at 5:30 in the afternoon,and

9、I usually 38 between 2:00 and 3:00 in the morning.”“Some 39 things happened late at night.40 day I was taking a woman home from a party.She had her little dog with her.36.A.in B.for C.beforeD.after37.A.if B.so C.thoughD.because38.A.go home B.go shopping C.do sports D.do housework39.A.sad B.good C.st

10、rangeD.disappointing40.A.The other B.Another C.The others D.Other,When we got to her house,she found that she had lost her 41.So I waited in the car 42 she climbed in through the windows.”“I waited and waited.After half an hour of ringing the bell I decided to find out 43 was going on.I tied the dog

11、 to a tree and started to 44 in through the window.The next thing I knew was that the police came.They thought I was a thief.”“Luckily the woman came downstairs.She 45 have gone to sleep and forgotten me and the dog!”41.A.money B.bag C.boxD.key42.A.until B.whileC.sinceD.as soon as43.A.what B.whichC.

12、whoD.that44.A.drive B.walkC.climbD.run45.A.will B.canC.mayD.must,(四)阅读理解,着重考查学生理解各种题材和体裁的书面材料以及从各材料中获取信息的能力;考查学生阅读信息、获取信息、处理信息及对文章整体的理解能力、判断能力、推理能力和概括能力。阅读理解题常见的五种能力考查形式(事实细节、推理判断、主旨大意、深层含义和词义猜测),读,能根据上下文和构词法推断、理解生词的含义;能理解段落中各句子之间的逻辑关系;能找出文章中的主题,理解故事的情节,预测故事情节的发展和可能的结局;能读懂常见体裁的阅读材料;能根据不同的阅读目的运用简单的阅读

13、策略获取信息;能利用字典等工具书进行学习;除教材外,课外阅读量应累计达到15万词以上。,语言技能五级,阅读理解选材特点:记叙文情节清楚,内容充实;议论文论点明确,论据丰富;说明文事实明确,条例清楚,逻辑性强;应用文针对性强,写作目的明确,阅读理解的考查内容,理解文章的主旨和要义;理解文章中的具体信息(包括图文转换的信息);根据上下文推测生词的词义;进行简单的判断和推理;理解文章的基本结构;理解作者的基本态度和观点,阅读理解做题技巧:通读全文,捕捉信息;快速阅读题干,初定答案;重读全文,核查答案。,考查具体细节信息:Most Americans live _,according to the p

14、assage.(第46题)A.in or around the cities B.in citiesC.around cities D.in the countryHow many American families own a cat?A.About 40%B.About 20%.C.About 74%.D.About 26%.(第47题)Where did this story happen?(第51题)A.At a bank.B.In a shop.C.In the street.D.In the womans car.,考查词义推测:The underlined word“exhaus

15、ted”means“_”in Chinese.(第53题)A.精疲力竭的 B.激动的C.充满希望的 D.沮丧的考查推断隐含意义:What will happen in the future according to the passage?(第56题)A.The air wont be much cleanerB.Cars will run by itself without a driver.C.Itll be much more dangerous to drive a car.D.Therell be fewer accidents and less pollution.,考查主旨要义:

16、What can we learn from the passage?(第50题)What do you think of the man?(第55题)Which is the best title of the passage?(第60题)考查语篇结构、材料出处等。You can most probably read the text in _.What can be discussed in the paragraph after it?,Here are some facts about homes in the United States and the people who live

17、 in them.In the early 1990s,about 50%of the Americans owned their homes and the rest rented(租)their homes.The rented homes were usually apartments(公寓).74%of the people in the US make their homes in or around cities.26%live in the country.Dogs live in about 40%of all homes in the US.About half that n

18、umber have cats.Families in the US are becoming smaller.On the average(平均),2.64 people lived at home in early 1990s.In 1960,the average was 3.5.Half of the teenagers in the US have their own bedrooms.An American moves,on the average,twelve times in his or her life.In Japan a person moves about five

19、times,and in England a person moves eight times.,46.Most Americans live _,according to the passage.A.in or around the cities B.in citiesC.around cities D.in the country47.How many American families own a cat?A.About 40%.B.About 20%.C.About 74%.D.About 26%.48.On the average,there were _ people in an

20、American family in 1994.A.more than 3B.only 3.5C.less than 2D.about 2.6449._ in the US have their own bedrooms.A.All of the people B.Most of the childrenC.Half of the teenagersD.Only some of the teenagers50.What can we learn from the passage?A.In the early 1990s,most of the Americans owned their hom

21、es.B.Families in the US are becoming bigger and bigger.C.A Japanese moves more often than an American.D.An American moves more often than an Englishman.,(五)书面表达,书面表达,着重考查学生运用所学语言知识与技能以书面的形式进行信息沟通、再现生活经历、描述周围事物、发表意见和观点的能力。书面表达的考查给学生提供了用英语表达自己的观点和愿望的空间。既考查学生的语言基本功,又考查学生综合运用语言的能力。,写作能根据写作要求,收集、准备素材;能独立

22、起草短文、短信等,并在教师的指导下进行修改;能使用常见的连接词表示顺序和逻辑关系;能简单描述人物或事件;能根据所给图示或表格写出简单的段落 或操作说明。,语言技能五级,书面表达解题思路,整理思路组织素材规划文章结构列出提纲起草文章组织语言遣词造句修改文章正确使用标点符号和字母大小写,书面表达总体要求:语言的准确性。语句通顺、达意是写作的基本要求。语言的得体性。使用得体就是恰到好处。要注意摆脱汉语的影响,写出地道的英语,避免Chiglish的出现。表达的连贯性。行文连贯是一个很重要的评分标准。许多考生常犯的一个错误就是在写出了若干个句子后,不使用连词或过渡词,让人觉得结构不严谨,句子不连贯。书写

23、的规范性。规范的书写,整洁的卷面,给阅卷老师留下良好的第一印象。,学生写作时注意事项,切中题意,条理清楚,语句通顺、连贯,语言准确、得当,书写工整。认真审题,看清要求;把握要点,逐步扩充;条理清楚,注意使用关联词;避免常识性错误,如时态、单复数、主谓一致、一逗到底、大小写等;卷面整洁、书写公整;注意控制字数,但决不可抄阅读文章。,你收到一封咨询信,请你以旅行社工作人员的身份完成任务。Dear Ace Travel,Im Li Ming,from the east of China.For the coming winter vacation,my family and I want to sp

24、end our vacation in a foreign city for ten days.We would like to go somewhere not only warm but also interesting.We dont mind how far we have to go.It has to be a place where we can swim every day,and it would be nice if our hotel is not expensive but clean and comfortable.We like to pay no more tha

25、n$5,000 for the trip.Could you please give us your suggestions for vacation spots?Thanks a lot.Yours Li Ming 请你根据来信,从下列所给的地方中选择一个或两个符合Li Ming要求的地方,向他提出建议。(80词左右)Tokyo,Sydney,Hawaii,Shanghai,写作指导:这篇作文结合了提示性作文和应用文的写作要求。首先,我们要读懂英语提示的内容,也就是那封咨询信的内容。其次,我们要知道书信的写作方法。针对本道题,还要注意这封信是以旅行社工作人员的身份来写的。最后,还要注意咨询信

26、后的要求-从下列所给的地方中选择一个或两个符合Li Ming要求的地方,向他提出建议及字数限制。,One Possible version:Dear Li Ming,Im Gina.Its my pleasure to give you some suggestions for your vacation spots.According to your letter,I think either Sydney or Hawaii is the best choice because they are both warm and interesting.There are some cheap

27、hotels,which are clean and comfortable in both places.Whats more,you can enjoy sunshine,walk on the beach and swim every day.Besides,there are many good museums in Sydney.(Its also a wonderful place for shopping.)And if you go to Hawaii,you could have a visit to Pearl Harbor,which is quite educational and historical.(And you can also enjoy exotic dances.)Thats just my idea.I hope it would give you some help.Yours,Gina,Thank you for listening!,


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