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1、实例展示一Tom visits his grandmother every two weeks.He never watches TV on weekdays.Jack left Mary a message.He offered some help to the children in the disaster areas.They robbed the old man of his money.They ordered some food for the two of them.,仿写练习1.他每天都在一个小时内完成作业。2.这个老人喜欢住在乡下。(enjoy)3.我弟弟从来都不对父母撒谎

2、。(tell lies to)4.这会节省你很多时间。(save),He/finishes his homework/in an hour/every day.,The old man/enjoys living/in the countryside.,My brother/never tells lies/to my parents.,This/will save you/much time.,5.下周我爸爸将给我买一台新电脑。(buy sb.sth.)6.他已经警告了我前面有危险。(warn sb.of sth.)7.我有每天读书的习惯。(have the habit of)8.父母为这个

3、小女孩准备好了一切。,Next week/my father/will buy me/a new computer.,He/has warned me/of the danger ahead.,I/keep the habit of/reading books/every day.,The parents/have prepared everything/for the little girl.,实例展示二We elected Lee our monitor.The news made us sad.I found myself in the dark(全然不知).I heard my nam

4、e called.I am very busy and have no time to rest.,仿写练习1.我们都认为李老师是一位很好的老师。(consider)2.这噪音快要使我发疯了。(drive sb.crazy)3.每天散步半小时可以帮助我们保持活力。(keep energetic),We all consider Miss Li a good teacher.,The noise is driving me crazy.,A 30-minute-walk every day helps us(to)keep energetic.,4.我们必须保持身体健康。(in good con

5、dition/health)5.洗手之后别让水一直流。(leave sth.doing.)6.高三时,我每天都有做不完的作业。(endless),We must keep our health in good condition(keep healthy).,Dont leave the water running after washing your hands.,I have endless homework to do every day in Senior 3.,实例展示三Our teacher makes it a rule to do the dictation in the mo

6、rning.I found it very pleasant to be with your family.She thinks it no point practicing so much.,仿写练习1.学校定了一条规则,我们每天早读后要跑步。(make it a rule to,morning reading)2.我相信,每天写五个句子对英语学习一定有用。(believe it useful to do)3.我认为,政府采取一定的措施是很有必要的。(think it necessary+从句),Our school makes it a rule for us to do some run

7、ning after morning reading.,I believe it useful for us English learners to make five sentences every day.,I think it necessary for the government to take some measures.,4.我觉得,保护环境是我们每个人的责任。(feel it ones duty)5.他没有说明白会议什么时间在哪举行。(make it clear+从句)6.政府官员明确表示,他们会尽一切可能来解决这个问题。(make it clear+从句,do everyth

8、ing possible to),I feel it our duty to protect the environment.,He didnt make it clear when and where the meeting would be held.,The official made it clear that they would do everything possible to solve the problem.,总结规纳后面接 to do或sb.to do的动词有:attempt,dare,decide,desire,like,love,hate,expect,hope,in

9、tend,learn,need,offer,afford,pretend,promise,refuse,want,wish,ask,beg,cause,choose,encourage,force,get,invite,order,permit,persuade,request,tell,warn等allow/advise/require/permit/forbid sb.to do sth.;allow/advise/require/forbid/permit doing sth.;would like to do sth.make/let/help+do sth.后面接 sb./sth.+

10、do/doing/done的动词有:see,watch,notice,observe,catch,look at,hear,listen to,feel等+sb./sth.+do/doing/doneget,have+sb./sth.+doing/done;get sb./sth.to do;have sb./sth.+do;.do.but/except do sth.;.but/except to do sth.,后面接v-ing作宾语的动词有:admit,advise,appreciate,avoid,ban,mind,delay,enjoy,excuse,finish,forbid,im

11、agine,consider,miss,practise,risk,spend,suggest,escape,give up,cant stand,cant help,look forward to,be used to,be accustomed to,put off,feel like,spend time doing.,have trouble/difficulty/a hard time(in)doing sth.,pay attention to,contribute to,devote to,get down to,be fond of,be(well)worth,prevent/

12、stop/keep sb./sth.from doing sth.接“疑问词+不定式”作宾语的动词有:ask,consider,decide,discover,explain,find out,forget,guess,know,learn,remember,see,settle,tell,think,understand,wonder等,强化训练I.改错1.He refused helping him.2.I want you tell me the truth.3.We must make our school beautifully.4.He has his hair be cut on

13、ce a month.5.I believe it no use to talk with that man.,He refused to help him.,I want you to tell me the truth.,We must make our school beautiful.,He has his hair cut once a month.,I believe it no use talking with that man.,.完成句子1.他请我们参加做游戏。(ask.to do sth.)2.她微笑着表示谢意。(express.with)3.他从不介意被别人误解。(min

14、d doing sth.)4.他总是不能理解我的意思。(fail to do sth.),He asked us to join in the game.,She expressed her thanks with a smile.,He never minds being misunderstood.,He always fails to understand me.,5.我们浪费不起时间。(cant afford to do)6.我们必须在这个周末前把所借的书都还给图书馆。(return.to;by)7.父母为了孩子,什么都愿意做。(would like to do/be willing

15、to do.for.)8.我们应该尽一切可能来保护环境。(do everything sb.can.to do.)9.他们感到汽车行驶得很快。(feel.doing.),We cant afford to waste time.,We have to return all the books to the library by this weekend.,Parents would like to do everything for their children.,We should do everything we can to protect our environment.,They f

16、elt the car moving fast.,10.我明天找人来修一下电脑。(have.done.)11.很多人都认为学英语是很容易的事。(a large number of,think it easy to do.)12.我相信,每天读读报纸是很有用的。(believe it useful to do.)13.我觉得,学生每天大量做题却不理解这些题目是没有意义的。(think it no point doing.,quantities of)14.我给自己定了一个规则,每天写一篇作文来提高自己的英语水平。(make it a rule,aiming to do.),I will have

17、 my computer repaired tomorrow.,A large number of people think it very easy to learn English.,I believe it very useful to read some newspaper every day.,I think it no point doing quantities of exercises without understanding them.,I make it a rule to write a composition every day aiming to improve my English.,


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