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1、中国文化通览An outline of Chinese Culture,第一章Chapter One 第一节 序言 中国古代地理环境 经济结构Introduction;geographical surroundings;economic structure,1.A brief introduction of the course TCC 2.Definitions of culture,Chinese culture and traditional Chinese culture 3.The geographical surroundings and economic structure of

2、 ancient China,2,A brief introduction of the course, acquire a better understanding of Chinese culture;to improve English communication competence;to develop the ability to think critically about history and culture.2.Course pattern:lectures;seminar;pair work and group work3.hours:36;2hs/pw;4.ex

3、am:test;course work,Write out the English versions of the following Chinese cultureloaded expressions Write out the Chinese versions of the following English expressions Explain in English the following expressions Introduce in English the historical development of Chinese ancient culture and the ch

4、aracteristics of each stage.Choose only two of the following topics and say something about them in about 50-100 English words.,5,culture Chinese culturetraditional Chinese culture,汉语关键词,精神文化;行为文化;物化的文化形式这些文化形式最典型地反映展示了中国文化的概貌和基本特征。,汉语关键句,这些文化形式最典型地反映展示了中国文化的概貌和基本特征。富有鲜明的民族特色的文化体系,汉语关键词、句 Definition

5、s of culture 1.胡文仲 教授2.E.Sapir said in 1921:“Culture is what society thinks and does”(Sapir,E.1921.Language.New York:Harcourt,Brace&Co.),Definitions of Chinese culture,The Chinese culture can be defined as a cultural system rich in distinct national style which took shape within the terrain of China

6、.The culture includes the spiritual culture and behavioral culture as well as their materialized presentations.It is these cultural forms that typify the fundamental features of the Chinese culture.,It belongs to the historical category,having undergone 5 000-year development before it turns into to

7、days splendid sight,both extensive and profound.To some extent the Chinese culture indicates the Chinese tradition.Meanwhile it can be relegated to the national category.After a long process of relatively independent development followed by the collision and exchange afterwards between China and for

8、eign countries,the Chinese culture assumed unique characteristics,became an outstanding member in the brilliant global family of national cultures,and grew to be a main representative of Oriental national cultures.,Definitions of Traditional Chinese Culture,Traditional Chinese culture refers to the

9、Chinese culture which had taken shape by the Opium War,but it can not be separated from its development in the modern period.,The Geographical Surroundings,Question:Why is it said that the geographical surroundings play a vital role in the formation and development of Chinese culture?What are the ma

10、in features of geographical surroundings in ancient China?,Key sentences,Situated in the continent of East Asia,China is located in relatively enclosed geographical surroundings.In the north stretches the vast desert and prairie;in the west,the vast expanse of Gobi and desert and Qinghai-Tibet plate

11、au;in the southwest,Yunnan-Guizhou mountainous region and boundless tropical rain forests;in the east and southeast,the ocean.,The relatively enclosed geographical surroundings provided exceptional natural advantages for the ancient Chinese culture to develop independently,for a fairly long period f

12、ree from the impact of foreign cultures,especially those powerful ones.These facilitated the Chinese culture to evolve into a stable and independent system with distinctive regional features.,Since the terrain of China is high in the west and low in the east,several long rivers running from west to

13、east are distributed evenly to form the valleys of Liaohe River,Yellow River,Yangtze River and Pearl River.The large rivers and their tributaries facilitate the agricultural development and transportation as well as the growth of regional cultures.Chinese cultural system is an organic unity with mul

14、ti-elements.Different styles of regional cultures enrich the connotation of the Chinese culture.,For quite a long period,the Yellow River Valley has been the major birthplace and base of the ancient civilization.Agricultural civilization plays a decisive role in forming and promoting the Chinese cul

15、ture,which constitutes its fundamental differences from Western culture.,For quite a long period,the Yellow River Valley has been the major birthplace and base of the ancient civilization.Agricultural civilization plays a decisive role in forming and promoting the Chinese culture,which constitutes i

16、ts fundamental differences from Western culture.,18,Provide the Chinese equivalents for the following English expressions:-relatively enclosed geographical surroundings-the Yellow river valley-river tributaries-an organic unity with multi-elements-temperate and subtropical zones-birthplace,The Econo

17、mic Structure,小农经济;自然经济形态;农耕经济;游牧;渔猎;劝农政策;抑商政策;籍田制度Qs:1)What is the main natural economic pattern in ancient China?2)What are the three types of regional economy and the layout of economic zones in ancient China?3)What is the dominant economic policy of ancient China4)What are the four features of s

18、mall-scale peasant economy?,关键词,籍田制度耒耜褊狭训诂笺注,汉英互译,华夏族 游牧部落炎黄子孙 封建主经济抑商 礼仪之邦宗法制 小农经济 自然经济形态自然经济形态劝农政策,区域经济 籍田制度农耕、游牧、渔猎 立春之日农耕经济区 天子 诸侯游牧经济区 力田中原地区 男耕女织 劝农政策 保甲制度,In ancient China,the natural economic pattern went like this:farming was the major mode of production and family,the basic unit.In primiti

19、ve society,three types of regional economy farming,pasturage and fishing gradually came into existence because of the discrepancies in natural geographical surroundings.After the Xia,Shang and Zhou dynasties,some relatively stable economic zones developed:the farming zone in the middle and lower val

20、leys of the Yellow River and the Yangtze River,the nomadic zone in the northern and northwestern frontiers and the fishing and hunting zone in the northeast,。,The mainstream of the ancient Chinese culture was based on the agricultural civilization.The nationalities engaged in pasturage or fishing an

21、d hunting in the north mounted large-scale offences southward many times by taking advantage of their military might,and managed to establish their political power successively,but each time they were brought under the control of the agricultural civilization of the Central Plains.,Assimilated by an

22、d integrated with the Hua Xia and Han nationalities,they reverted to the traditional social pattern with Han nationality as its main body and agricultural economy as its foundation.,Agriculture was fundamental to the development of ancient China.Farming,the origin of which can at least be traced bac

23、k to 8 000 years ago,has been instrumental in molding the basic social outlook of ancient China.Agriculture shaped the political system and ideology.In ancient China,rulers of each dynasty happened to coincide in their policy of protecting agriculture,i.e.encouraging farming but limiting commerce.In

24、centive measures were adopted to develop farming.With the beginning of the Western Zhou Dynasty,emerged the system of household land,Every year at the Beginning of Spring(first solar term)of each year,a grand ceremony would be held.The Emperor,as well as dukes and princes would plough their own hous

25、ehold land,setting a model for the common people to follow,and conveying the message that the government attached high importance to agriculture.Later,this became a conventional practice.The government also commended those who had scored outstanding achievements in the area of farming,In order to di

26、scourage the development of the craft and commercial sector,measures were taken to punish and restrain those handicraftsmen and businessmen.The punishments were sometimes very stern,such as forbidding businessmen to wear silk clothes,carry swords or use a chariot and even to confiscate their propert

27、y.All these measures guaranteed the dominant role of agricultural economy in the ancient society.,The agricultural society,which lasted for several thousand years,with the small-scale peasant economy in the leading position,exerted a strong influence on the development of the Chinese culture.,1)解词籍田



30、南北许多省份的运河流域文化,4.大运河肇始于春秋时期,完成于隋代,繁荣于唐宋,取直于元代,疏通于明清。中国古代的经济结构 5.中国社会的经济结构经历了一个由古代以农业为主体的经济形态向现代工业会发展的历史过程。长达数千年的,以小农经济占主导地位的农业社会,给中国文化的发展打下了深刻的印记。在中国的古代社会,社会经济结构是以农耕为主要生产方式,以家庭为基本单位的自然经济形态。,长江流域文化长江沿岸分布着110多座大中城市,其中著名古城、工商城和风景名城有上海、南通、扬州、镇江、南京、芜湖、铜陵、安庆、泸州、宜宾等。长江流域代表性的区域文化主要有巴蜀文化、荆楚文化和吴越文化,分居长江上、中、下游。

31、,(1)巴蜀文化巴蜀文化是以今四川、重庆两地为主要范围的区域文化。3000多年前重庆即为巴国首府,2400多年前,成都就是蜀国王都,加上四川历来以“蜀”相称,因此,我们把成长发育于四川盆地 Sichuan basin的区域文化被称之为巴蜀文化。,(2)荆楚文化荆楚文化以江汉平原为中心,主要包括湖南、湖北两省。三国古战场遗迹ruins 遍布全区。这里也是中国近代革命的热土。楚国介于夷夏之间,因而文化也带有长江流域文化与黄河流域文化的中和类型。人民以蛇龙为图腾totem。,(3)吴越文化吴越文化地处长江下游,东临大海,北接齐鲁,南连闽粤,西邻荆楚,是一个地势平坦,河湖遍布,气候温润,适于稻作的地区

32、。自然资源丰富,人文气氛浓郁,古文化遗址众多。吴越文化的得名,固与吴、越建国有关,吴、越先后成为“春秋五霸”之一。公元222年被秦王朝统一。,黄河流域文化黄河及其支流沿岸的咸阳、西安、洛阳、开封,是显赫一时的历史古都,兰州、银川、包头、呼和浩特、济南等城市,既有大量风光胜迹,又聚集现代都市风情。黄河流域是中华文明的发祥地,是我国古代政治、经济、文化的中心,关中文化、中原文化、齐鲁文化和燕赵文化是黄河区域文化的典型代表。,关中指中国陕西秦岭北麓渭河冲积平原alluvia plain,平均海拔elevation约500米,又称关中盆地,其北部为陕北黄土高原,向南则是陕南山地、秦巴山脉,为陕西的工、

33、农业发达,人口密集地区,富庶之地,号称八百里秦川。关中及汉中盆地自古是我国文明的发祥地,留下了炎帝、黄帝活动的足迹。周、秦、汉、唐等历代王朝在此定都。秦汉以来,关中一直是全国的政治、经济、文化中心,从而使古朴稳健的关中文化具有弘大的大文化气象,带有隆盛威严、仪态万方Distinguished air of elegance and coquetry 的帝都royal capital文化的浓厚色彩。,(2)中原文化狭义的中原指的是函谷关以东,齐鲁以西,太行山以南,江汉以北的黄河中下游地区。这里是我国的心腹地带,是东、西、南、北交汇与交流的中心与结合部。大禹治水及其子启建立的夏,就是以中原地区为中


35、要在今山东省。从空间上细分,齐鲁文化由齐文化和鲁文化构成,二者既有区别,又有联系,具有某些共同特征。,(4)燕赵文化本区南连齐鲁文化区和中原文化区,北接蒙古文化区和松辽文化区。这里是“北京人”Beijing Ape Man的故乡。稍后的“山顶洞cave people”人也生活在这里。北方的少数民族文化,外来的佛教文化,也对燕赵文化产生了深刻的影响。在儒学方面,汉代这里出现了董仲舒这样的大儒学家和经学家。在科学技术方面,这里出现名医扁鹊、数学家祖冲之。地理学家郦道元是河北深县人,所撰水经注是一部全国河流的地理名著。元戏剧家关汉卿,更代表了元杂剧的Drama of the Yuan dynasty

36、的最高水平。清代文学家曹雪芹,更写出了红楼梦这一名著。著名的永乐大典和四库全书等旷世巨编,都出现在这里。,珠江流域文化习惯上所说的珠江流域是指西江、北江、东江及珠江三角洲delta广大流域,跨越滇、黔、粤、桂、赣、湘等省区。珠江流域的代表性区域文化有云贵高原plateau文化和岭南south of the five ridges文化。,(1)云贵高原文化本区范围主要是云贵高原。是少数民族聚居的地区之一。早在170万年前的远古,这里就有元谋人the people of Yuanmou生息,是迄今我国境内发现的最早人类。本区以少数民族文化和高原原生文化为特点。(2)岭南文化岭南指五岭(越城岭、都庞




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