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1、A:What color is it?B:Its,Unit 2 Topic 2,Section B,What does she look like?,学习目标:1.掌握P37,P38新单词。2.掌握询问人物外貌特征的句型以及回答。,学习指导一:学习新单词。(8分钟),1.学生根据语音规则自己拼读单词。(2分钟),2.小组内纠正错误读音。(1分钟),3.记忆单词。(5分钟),汉译英给_ 信,字母_对不起_ 像,跟一样_高的_ 会,将_给,因为_ 年轻的_男人_ 妇女_雪人_,学情展示:,What does she look like?,tall,young,She is a_ girl.She

2、is _.,学情展示:,她长什么样?,young,tall,学习指导二:学习1a。(10分钟),听录音填空。(3分钟),Here is a _ for Maria.Maria is in Class _,Grade _.She is _.Her hair is _ and_.The _ will give the letter to her.,(录音1),letter,Four,Seven,tall,brown,short,girl,认真读对话,理解句子意思,并画出自己不理解的地方,小组讨论解决难点。(3分钟),自研共探,难点:1.Please give this letter to Mari

3、a.give sth to sb=give sb sth 把某物给某人例子:I want to give this letter to Maria.=I want to give Maris this letter.2.What does she look like?她长样?look like 看起来像句型:What+do/does+人 look like?某人长样?3.Ill是I will的缩写,表示将要发生的动作。,再听录音注意语音语调,然后模仿其语音语调分角色朗读对话。(4分钟),(影片1),Make up a new one.,A:B:What look like?A:tall/sho

4、rt,has B:I see.give toA:B:,Key words:,1.He is short.He has black hair and big black eyes.2.She is tall.She has red hair and long legs.3.she is young.She has short blond hair and a small nose.4.He is old,but he doesnt have gray hair.His hair is black.,3,4,1,2,学习指导三:把下列描述和对应的图片连接起来,然后和搭档练习对话(4分钟),What

5、 does she look like?,Short blond small,tall red long,What does he look like?,short,black hair,big black eyes.,gray,?,black,重点:She has short blond hair.金黄色的短发当有多个形容词修饰名词时,其顺序应该是:数量+大小/长短+颜色+名词。例子:two big red apples 两个大红苹果,颜色,大小,数量,What color is the flag?Red,white and blue.,Where is he from?He is from

6、 Cuba.,What does he look like?He has brown hair and black eyes.,Cuba,1,学习指导四:完成3。(5分钟),What color is the flag?,Where is he from?,What does he look like?,Red and white.,He is from Japan.,His hair is black andhis eyes are black.,Japan,2,What color is the flag?,Where is she from?,What does she look lik

7、e?,Red and white.,She is from Canada.,Canada,3,She has red hair and gray eyes.,What color is the flag?,Where is she from?,What does she look like?,Blue,red and white.,She is from America.,She has blond hair andblue eyes.,America,4,Listen to the passage and color the snowman.(2分钟),(录音2),学习指导五:听录音完成4。

8、(5分钟),Listen again and answer the following questions.(3分钟),Does the snowman have black eyes?_2.What color is his nose?_3.Does he have short arms?_4.Does he have hair?_,No,he doesnt.,Its red.,Yes,he does.,No,he doesnt.,(录音2),I have big eyes.,I dont have big eyes.,Linda has a red ruler.,Linda doesnt

9、have a red ruler.,Group A,Group B,.,.,Lets play.,Summary,词汇:,give.to.,look like,tall,young,sorry,will,letter,snowman,句子:,What does she look like?She has red hair and long legs.I dont know her.I dont have big eyes.,根据汉语或首字母提示完成句子。1.Hi,Jane.Your _(信).Thanks.2.Kangkang is a _(高)boy.3.My English teacher

10、 is _(年轻的).4.What do they look _(像)?5.That m_ is my father.6.Please g_ this book to Li Lei.Im s_,I dont know her.单选 1.Please give the letter _ Andy.A.to B.of C.in 2.What does the girl look like?A.She is 14.B.She is a student C.She is tall,巩固提升,3.I _ an apple,but I dont have an orange.Michael has an orange,but he _ an apple.A.have;dont have B.have;doesnt has C.have;doesnt have4.-Does she have _eyes?-Yes,she does.A.black big B.brown small C.big black5.-Its her pen.Please_.-Ok,I will.A.give her it B.give her to it C.give it to her,你能把自己的面部特征画下来吗?然后,用英语把你的画描述一下吧!,Homework,


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