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1、Heal the world Make it a better place For you and for me And the entire human raceThere are people dying If you care enough for the living Make it a better place Michael Jackson,heal 治愈,Module 4 人与自然,Low Carbon Life,快乐阅读 九年级 第4期,开发区实验中学 刘风楚,Reading,抓住主题思想(topic sentence),抓住文章细节(detail information),抓

2、住段落大意(main idea),快速浏览,抓住主题思想。,What is low carbon life?,Skimming,_,we should start with the subtle.,_,its important for all of us to_.,_,we should _,wed better not use _.,检索各段,寻找特定信息。Finish the outline(大纲)of the passage.,plastic bags,save water,Ways of low carbon life,Next,Finally,All in all,put the

3、low carbon lifestyle into practice,Scanning,First,Please find out the ways of low carbon life in details as much as you can.细读3-5段,划出低碳生活的具体做法。,Close-reading,Recycle paper,What will you do to live a low carbon life?你将如何低碳生活,在小组里和大家分享一下吧。,Groupwork,3月22日是世界水日(World Water Day),3月23是世界气象日(World Meteoro

4、logical Day),3月的最后一个星期六会迎来全球范围的地球一小时活动(Earth Hour)。学校决定举办一次英语演讲比赛。倡导更多的同学享受低碳生活,保护地球环境。,Writing,分层写作:从以下三个任务中选择一个适合你的写作任务吧!,Level A:将Low Carbon Life 每段提取一两句话,写成一篇60词左右的演讲稿。Level B:将Low Carbon Life 改写成不超过100词的演讲稿。Level C:写一篇100词左右的演讲稿。要求:参考阅读内容,并做适当拓展。,Writing,列提纲 Make an outline,选词句Choose good sente

5、nces,拟草稿 Make a draft,纠错误 Correct mistakes,总述:The importance of low carbon life,分述:Ways of low carbon life,总结:All in all,First,Second,Besides,Make an Outline(提纲),1.First of all,Second,Third,2.First,Next,.Finally,3.On the one hand,on the other hand,4.Besides,/Whats more,5.In my opinion,6.All in all,/

6、In a word,1.Its important for us to do sth.2.We should do sth./We are supposed to do sth.3.Its better to do sth./Wed better do sth.4.It will be helpful for us to do sth.5.I believe that 6.,Reference(参考),Assessment(评价),书面表达评分标准:1作文词数符合要求,否则扣1分。2书写不规范,卷面不整洁,扣1分。3按五个档次给分。4评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的

7、 要求来确定本档次得分。出现考生个人信息不得分。5.各档次的给分范围和要求:第一档(13-15分):要点全,能表述出自己的观点,行文流畅,无语法和词汇错误。第二档(10-12分):写出绝大部分要点,行文基本流畅,有少量语法和词汇错误。第三档(7-9分):写出大部分要点,行文尚通顺,有一些语法和词汇错误。第四档(4-6分):写出部分要点,语言不通顺,有很多语法和词汇错误。第五档(0-3分):基本上没写出要点,语法及拼写错误太多,不知所云。,用 波浪线 划出好词好句。用 直线 _ 划出有问题的词句。用 表示缺少内容。,批改方法:,组长评价,写作优秀的同学:取得进步的同学:本组亮点:如:使用了哪些好

8、的句子结构?不足之处:如:拼写问题,语法错误等。,Summary(小结),Reading,抓住主题句(skimming),抓住文章细节(close-reading),抓住段落大意(scanning),Summary(小结),Writing,列提纲 Make an outline,选词句 Make good sentences,拟草稿 Make a draft,纠错误 Correct mistakes,Writing,列提纲 Make an outline,Lets live a carbon life to make the world a better place.,Homework1.巩固类作业:Perfect your composition.进一步修改演讲稿,把成稿写在下面的作文纸上。Level A、B 的同学可根据本节所学内容重写一下演讲稿。2.实践类作业(二选一):(1)Make a poster this weekend.利用周末时间制作海报。倡导同学们低碳生活,从我做起。(2)Write an introduction of Earth Hour.利用周末查阅资料,了解地球一小时。内容包括:Earth Hour 的由来,活动的目的,如何有意义的度过等。,Thank you,


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