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1、Unit 1 New Words,Style:行为方式,风格Then the sailors,in true navy style,drank a bottle of rum each.那些水手们每人喝了一瓶朗姆酒,典型的水手风格。Bustling:繁忙的,熙攘的I lived in the bustling eastern Chinese city of Nanjing for a month in the spring of 1987.1987年春,我在繁忙的中国东部城市南京住了一个月。kindergarten:幼儿园Elementary:基本的,初级的,最初的Elementary sch

2、ool:(Am)小学Primary school:(Br)小学Telling:难忘的,有力的 a telling argument:有说服力的论据,Lobby:n 大堂,大厅 v 游说Lobby for/againstThe group is lobbying for a reduction in defense spending.该团体正在游说,以期削减国防开支。Lobby sb to do sthWeve been lobbying our State Representative to support the new health plan.我们一直在劝说我们的州议员支持新的健康计划。A

3、ttach:v 系,贴,连接Attach a recent photograph to your application form.Be attached to 被系于;喜欢,依恋Its easy to become attached to the children you work with.Too attached sometimes.很容易喜欢上和你相处的孩子们,有时候会喜欢过头。,Attendant:n 服务员;侍者,随从 A car-park attendant 停车场的服务员attendance n 出席人数 High/low attendanceTheres a low atte

4、ndance at the class 84s reunion.84级校友会出席人数很少。Slot:n 狭缝,狭槽;投币口Place your coins in the slot slowly.把你的硬币慢慢放进投币口。Vigorously:adv 用力地;精力充沛地 vigorous adjA vigorous opponent/defender 顽强的反对者/捍卫者Boil vigorously for five minutes.猛火煮5分钟。Tender:adj 年幼的;温柔的;嫩的Tender beef 嫩牛肉 A tender look 含情脉脉的一瞥Tender age:年幼时期,

5、未成熟时期,Not in the least=not at all It doesnt matter in the least if youre a bit late.如果你迟来一会儿,也毫无问题。Find ones way 到达;进入,流入He was happy when the key finally found its way into the slot.Bang:v 猛敲,猛击be banging ones head against a brick wall 白费力气,枉费心机Trying to teach that class is like banging your head a

6、gainst a brick wall.想要教哪个班的学生学点东西完全是白费力气。Exploratory:adj 探索的Phenomenon:n 现象 phenomenal adj 惊人的,非凡的the phenomenon of international terrorism 国际恐怖主义现象,Staff:n 全体职工,全体雇员We now employ a staff of 25.我们现在雇了25名员工。Its good to have you on the staff.很高兴你成为我们的职员。Initial:adj 开始的,最初的She overcame her initial shyn

7、ess and really enjoyed the evening.她克服了开始时的羞怯,那个晚上玩得很高兴。Assist:v 帮助,协助 I was employed to assist the manager with his duties.我受雇协助经理工作。assistance n 帮助,援助 assistant:n 助手,助理with the assistance of 在的帮助下come to sbs assistance 帮助某人,Reposition:vt 改变的位置re-再一次 recall 回想 rebuild 重建 regain 恢复,复得Insert:v 插入,嵌入I

8、nsert sth in/into/between He inserted a sheet of paper into the printer.他把一张纸放入打印机。Insert one 20p coin.投入一枚20便士的硬币。Somewhat:adv 稍微,有点The price is somewhat higher than I expected.这个价格比我预料的高了一点。Expectantly:adv 期待地 expectancy n 期待,期望I saw the look of expectancy in the childrens eyes.我从孩子们的严重看到了期待的神情。,A

9、wait:vt 等待,等候=wait forSeveral men are awaiting trial for robbery.几个人因抢劫正在等待审判。Occasion:n 时刻,场合 on occasion 有时,间或Ive seen Jane with them on several occasions.我多次看见简和她们在一起。Frown:v n 皱眉She saw him frown as he read the letter.她看见他在读信的时候皱起了眉头。He looked at her with a puzzled frown.他困惑不解地皱着眉头看着她。Frown on/u

10、pon sb/sth 不赞成Even though divorce is legal it is still frowned upon.尽管离婚是合法的,人们仍然不太赞同。,Slightly:adv 轻微的Alison is slightly older than the others.艾莉森比其他人略微年长。Neglect:v n 忽视Many of these ideas have been neglected by modern historians.这些想法中有许多都被现代历史学家们忽略了。Neglect to do sth 没有做某事The agent had neglected t

11、o warn us about delays.代理商没有提醒我们会出现延误。Tenants are complaining about the landlords neglect of repair of the property.房客在抱怨房东疏忽了房产的维修。Parental:adj 父母的 maternal母亲(般)的 paternal父亲(般)的,Relevant:adj 有关的,切题的 be relevant to 与有关For further information see the relevant chapters in the users manual.详情请查阅使用说明中的相

12、关章节。These issues are directly relevant to the needs of the slow learners.这些问题与接受慢的学习者的需要有直接关系。Investigate:v 调查;探究 Investigation n 调查 investigative adj 调查性的Be under investigation 在调查中Investigative journalism/report 调查性新闻报道/报告Creativity:n 创造力 creative adj 创造性的Anecdote:n 趣闻,轶事,Exception:n 例外 without ex

13、ception 毫无例外With one or two exceptions,there are few women conductors.除了一两个著名的例子之外,几乎没有女指挥官。make an exception 破例We dont usually give credit,but as youre a regular customer well make an exception this time.我们一般不赊账,但因为你是老顾客,这次我们就破个例。Colleague:n 同事He is a colleague of mine at the bank.他是我银行的一位同事。Action

14、:n 动作;行动 take action 采取行动Go/spring into action 采取紧急行动Be out of action 失灵,发生故障;受伤,On ones own 独立地;独自地I made this wardrobe all on my own.这个衣柜是我自己打做的。Ive been living on my own for four years now.我独自生活迄今已4年。Desirable:adj 值得向往的;称心的 desire:v n 渴望 overwhelming/burning desire 无法遏制的/迫切的愿望Accomplish:v 完成(某事)W

15、eve accomplished all we set out to do.所有计划要做的事情,我们都已完成。Activity:n 活动,行动 leisure activities 娱乐活动Accomplishment:n 本领,技艺;完成,成就,In due course 在适当时机The committee will consider your application in due course.委员会将在适当的时候考虑你的申请。Sympathetically:adv 同情地 sympathetic adj A sympathetic ear 乐于倾听别人的困难Pauls great if

16、 you need a sympathetic ear or advice.假如你想倾诉衷肠或征求意见,保罗最合适不过了。Critical:adj 至关重要的;危急的;爱挑剔的We need an immediate decision on this critical issue.我们需要立即对这个关键性的问题作出决定。Pat is always very critical of her sons appearance.帕特对儿子的外表总是很挑剔。Effectively:adv 有效地 effective adj The ads were simple,but remarkably effec

17、tive.这些广告很简单,但是效果出奇地好。,Self-reliance:n 依靠自己,自力更生 self-reliant adjIn his famous essay,Emerson called on the US to be self-reliant.爱默生在他那篇著名的文章中号召美国人要自力更生。Principal:adj 主要的,首要的 n 校长,院长The principal character in the book is called Scarlett.这本书的主人公叫斯嘉丽。Rear:v 养育,抚养 cattle-rearing 养牛She has reared a larg

18、e family.她养育了一大堆孩子。Make up for:补偿,弥补That one weekend made up for all the disappointments Id had.那一个周末补偿了我曾拥有过的一切失望。Misdeed:不端行为No one ever suspected the seriousness of his misdeeds.从来没有人怀疑过他违法行为的严重性。,View:v 看待,考虑 n 观点,意见Viewed from a financial standpoint,the show was a failure.从经济的角度看,演出是不成功的。View a

19、n exhibition/a garden 参观展览/花园Creative:adj 独创的He came up with a creative solution to the problem.他想出了一个很有创造性的解决这个问题的方案。In retrospect:回顾,回想起来In retrospect,it was the wrong time to set up a new company.回想起来,那时建立新公司的时机不对。Artistic:adj 艺术的Well-intentioned:好意的,Intention:n 意图have no intention of doing sth 不

20、想做某事I have no intention of helping him after what he said to me.听了他对我说的话,我再也不想帮他了。with the intention of doing sth 目的是They went into the town with the intention of visiting the library.他们进城的目的是参观图书馆。Observer:n 观察者,观察员Clumsily:adv 笨拙地 clumsy adjAt 17,she was clumsy,shy and awkward.17岁时,她做事笨手笨脚,既害羞又不灵活

21、。Extreme:adj 极度的,极端的 n 极端,过分Extreme south/end/limit 最南端/尽头/极限Be driven to extremes 被逼走向极端,Facility:n 熟练,灵巧;设备,设施They guided him with extreme facility.他们及其熟练地指引他。This is a 5-star hotel with fantastic facilities.这是一家设施完善的五星级饭店。Mold:v 塑造I enjoy working with children,helping to mold their young minds.我喜

22、欢喝小孩子打交道,帮着塑造他们稚嫩的头脑。Performance:n 表现,行为;演出,表演Jodies performance in the exams was disappointing.乔迪在考试中的表现令人失望。The orchestra will give two more performances this week.这个弦乐队本周将加演两场。,Tradition:n 传统 be in the tradition of 沿袭的传统His paintings are very much in the tradition of Picasso.他的绘画在很大程度上沿袭了毕加索的传统。C

23、ontinual:adj 不断的,一再重复的There will be five weeks of continual rain.将会连续5周有雨。The continual trips to my mothers house took up a lot of my time.经常去看母亲花费了我很多的时间。Apply:v 适用;申请The questions on this part of the form only apply to married men.表格中这部分只适用于已婚男士。I applied to four universities and was accepted by a

24、ll of them.我申请了4所大学,全部都录取了我。Calligrapher:n 书法家,Work on/at 从事,致力于Ken was working on some sets for an opera at the Met.肯正忙于为大都会歌剧院演出的一部歌剧制作几台布景。Craft:n 手艺,工艺She is good at a craft such as needlework.她精通针线活一类的手艺。-craft 运载工具 spacecraft航天器 hovercraft气垫船 技艺 statecraft 政治手腕 stagecraft 演技,舞台经验Reversal:n 颠倒P

25、riority:n 优先考虑的事;重点In terms of attitudes to creativity there seems to be a reversal of priority:从对创造力的态度来说,优先次序似乎是颠倒了:,Bold:adj 勇敢的,无畏的;冒险的;鲁莽的Its a bold venture starting a business these days.如今开办企业是个冒险之举。He came in here,as bold as brass(厚颜无耻),and asked if he could have his money back.他厚颜无耻地来到这儿,问是

26、否他可以要回自己的钱。Departure:n 背离;出发,离开This approach represents a radical departure from previous policy.这种方法与以往的策略有着根本区别。I saw Simon shortly before his departure for Russia.在西蒙离开这儿去俄罗斯前不久我见过他。Inseparable:adj 不可分离的A is inseparable from B A与B不可分离,Evolve:vi/vt(使)逐步发展Darwin believed that we evolved from apes.达

27、尔文认为人类是由猿进化而来的。We must evolve a new management style.我们必须形成新的管理风格。Summarize:v 总结,概述 summary n in summaryJack quickly summarized the main points of his plan.杰克很快地概述了他计划中的要点。Originality:n 新颖,独创性 Independence:n 独立;自主Independence Day 美国独立纪念日(7月14日),Contrast:n v 对比 In/by contrast 相比之下Their old house had

28、been large and spacious;by contrast the new London flat seemed cramped and dark.他们的老房子又大又宽敞,相比之下,伦敦的那套新公寓又窄又暗。Contrast sharply/strikingly with 与截然不同These results contrast sharply with other medical tests carried out in Australia.这些结果与在澳大利亚进行的其他医疗检测的结果截然不同。Culture:n 文化Harbor:v 怀有 n 港口I think hes harb

29、oring some sort of grudge against me.我觉得他对我有点怀恨在心。,Fearful:adj 害怕的,担心的Be fearful of sth/be fearful that(on the one hand)on the other hand 一方面另一方面On the one hand I want to sell the house,on the other hand I cant bear the thought of moving.一方面我想把房子卖掉,但另一方面我又不愿意搬家。Comparable:比得上;可比的 incomparable无可比拟的Hi

30、s poetry is hardly comparable with Shakespeares.Promote:v 促进,推进A meeting is just held to promote trade between China and the UK.刚刚举行了一次促进中英间贸易的会议。,Emerge:v 出现American educators fear that unless creativity has been acquired early,it may never emerge.美国教育工作者担心,除非一开始就发展创造力,不然创造力就有可能永不再现。Pick up:获得,学会Sk

31、ills can be picked up later.技艺可于日后获得。Overstate:v 把讲的过分,夸大 understateWe mustnt frighten people by overstating the dangers.我们决不能危言耸听。Enormous:adj 巨大的,极大的an enormous bouquet of flowers 巨大的花束Technological:adj 技术的,工艺的technological advance 技术上的进步,Innovation:n 革新,新事物We must encourage innovation if the comp

32、any is to remain competitive.公司要保持竞争力,就必须鼓励革新。Exaggerate:v 夸大,夸张The extent of the damage was greatly exaggerated by the press.损害程度被媒体极力夸大了。Breakthrough:n 突破 make a breakthroughScientists have made a major breakthrough in the treatment of cancer.科学家在癌症治疗上取得了重大突破。Reliance:依靠,信赖 reliant adjplace relian

33、ce on 信赖Be reliant on/upon 依赖于,Achievement:n 成就;成绩 achieve v 实现,获得成功sense of achievement 成就感Winning three gold medals is a remarkable achievement.赢得三枚金牌是个了不起的成绩。Valid:adj 有根据的 validate v 证实;使合法化Valid reason/argument 正当的理由/有根据的论点Foster:v 培养;照顾,抚育(孩子)adj These sessions are designed to foster better working relationships.这些会议旨在培养更好的工作关系。Foster father/mother 养父/母Worthwhile:adj 值得的Id rather the money went to a worthwhile cause.我宁愿把钱花在有价值的事情上。,Superior:adj 优良的;较好的 inferior 差的,次的The new mark IV is superior to its rivals.新的IV型发动机强于其竞争产品。Mother Superior 女修道院院长,


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