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1、Read the text and translate it,Mrs.Smith:Good morning,Li Ming and Jenny!Li Ming:Good morning,Mrs.Smith!What time is it?Mrs.Smith:Its 7:00.Time for breakfast!Let me show you the kitchen,Li Ming.Mrs.Smith:What would you like for breakfast?Li Ming:I would like eggs,toast and jam,and juice,please.Jenny:

2、I would like cereal,please.Mr.Smith:I would like some toast.Please pass me the knife,Jenny.I need it to put the jam on my toast.,冀教版七年级英语(下),Lesson34:Making Breakfast制作人:郭燕燕,Lesson 34:Making Breakfast,NEW WORDS:,stove n.炉;火炉;电炉,cook v.烹调;煮,refrigerator n.冰箱;冷藏室,inside adv.(在里面)在的里面,sink n.水槽,水池,dish

3、 n.盘,碟,Read the text and translate it,Mrs.Smith:Good morning,Li Ming and Jenny!,Li Ming:Good morning,Mrs.Smith!What time is it?,早上好,李明和詹妮!,早上好,史密斯太太!几点了?,Mrs.Smith:Its 7:00.Time for breakfast!.,7点钟。到吃早饭的时间了!,Let me show you the kitchen,Li Ming.,让我带你去看看厨房,李明。,This is the stove.We cook on the stove.,T

4、his is the refrigerator.Its cold inside.,This is the sink.We wash dishes in the sink.,Mrs.Smith:What would you like for breakfast?,Li Ming:I would like eggs,toast and jam,and juice,please.,Jenny:I would like cereal,please.,你们早餐想吃什么?,我想吃鸡蛋、烤面包和果酱,以及果汁。,我想吃麦片。,Mr.Smith:I would like some toast.,Please

5、pass me the knife,Jenny.,I need it to put the jam on my toast.,我想要些烤面包。,请递给我刀,詹妮。,我需要用它往我的烤面包上放果酱。,这是你的,李明。,这是我的!,Jenny:This is yours,Li Ming.,And this is mine!,Read the text again and answer the questions,3.What do the Smiths like to eat for breakfast?,He would like eggs,toast and jam,and juice.,Je

6、nny would like cereal and Mr.Smith would like some toast.,1.What time do the Smiths have breakfast?,Its 7:00.,2.What does Li Ming like to eat for breakfast?,1.Show v.出示,给.看其后可接双宾语,,Can you show me your photographs?把你的照片给我看看好吗?,即 show sb.sth.或 show sth.to sb,Key words,Show,v 带领,引导He showed me around

7、the factory.他带我参观工厂。I showed her to her seat.我把她带到座位上。,Show,n.名词展览,展览会;陈列品CWe visited an art show this morning.今天上午我们参观了一个画展。,拓展,2.Pass v.传递(用具等),其后可接双宾语,,即 pass sb.sth.或 pass sth.to sb,Please pass the ball to him.请把球传给他。,Please pass me the sugar.请把糖递给我。,pass v.(时间)逝去;(考试、测验)及格。It was a long journey

8、 but the time passed very quickly.这是一次漫长的旅行,但时间过的很快。Good luck in the exam!Im sure youll pass.祝你考试成功!我相信你会通过考试的。,pass n.(考试)及格。I got a pass in French.我法语考试及格了,拓展,1.Good morning,Mrs.Smith!What time is it?早上好,史密斯太太!几点了?,What time is it?用来询问时间,意为“几点了?”。还可以说,What is the time?或,What is the time by your wa

9、tch?例如:,LANGUAGE NOTES,(1)直接表达法:点钟+分钟。10:10 ten ten 9:35 nine thirty-five,(2)间接表达法:分钟数小于30时,用past表示“超过”,即“分钟+past+点钟”。3:05 five past three 6:25 twenty-five past six,分钟数大于30时,用to表示“差;不到”,即“60-分钟+to+点钟+1”4:55 five to five 2:35 twenty-five to three,整点则由“整点数+oclock”来表示。4:00 four oclock,半点用half来表示。8:30 h

10、alf past eight,一刻钟用a quarter 来表示。8:45 a quarter to nine 6:15 a quarter past six,2.Time for breakfast!该吃早饭了!,Its time for something.(Time for something.),Its time to do something.(Time to do something.),在英语中常用以下说法表示“(某人)做某事的时间到了”或“(某人)该做某事了”。例如:,Its time for somebody to do something.(Time for somebod

11、y to do something.),Its time for class.该上课了。,Its time for class to go to bed.到了上床睡觉的时候了。,Time for you to read English.你该读英语了!,For example,Would you like a cup of tea?你想喝杯茶吗?,3.What would you like for breakfast?你们早餐想吃什么?,would like 意思是“希望,想要”,后跟名词、代词或动词不定式。want to do sth.也是“想要做某事”的意思。would like 的语气更加

12、委婉和客气。例如:,Id like to see you again.我希望再见到你。,Would you like to go with us?你想和我们一起去吗?,Yes,I would like to./Id like to.是的,我想去。,请注意 would like to用在答语中,to不能省略。,4.This is yours,Li Ming.And this is mine!,这是你的,李明。这是我的!,yours,mine为名词性物主代词。,Think about it!,表示所有关系的代词叫物主代词.物主代词可分为形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词:形容词性物主代词起形容词的作

13、用,用在名词前。名词性物主代词起名词的作用。它的句法功能:,作主语:May I use your pen?Yours works better.我可以用一下你的钢笔吗?你的比我的好用。作宾语:My bike is broken.Can I borrow yours?我的自行车坏了,我能借用一下你的吗?作表语Look at the two pencils.The red one is yours and the blue one is mine.看那两支铅笔,红的是你的,蓝的是我的。,拓展,Do the exercises:,1.Would you like some_(果汁)2.Please

14、_(传递)me the glass of milk.3.I use the _(小刀)to cut fruit.4.That is your book and this book is _(我的)。,根据汉语提示完成句子,juice,pass,knife,mine,Do the exercises:,1.Let me show you the kitchen.(改为同义句)Let me _ the kitchen _ _.,show,to,you,句型转换,2.Please pass me the knife.(改为同义句)Please pass _ _ _ me.,3.This is you

15、r bike,and mine is over there.(同上)This is your bike,and _ _ is over there.,the knife to,my bike,Do the exercises:,5.Id like some bread and a glass of milk for breakfast.(对划线部分提问)_ _ _ _ for breakfast?,4.What time is it?(同上)_?,What would you like,Whats the time,Do the exercises:,1 Its half _ six.Its

16、time to get up.A.passed B.pass C.past D.pasted2.Please _ the book _ me.A.pass,to B.pass,on C.pass,out D.passed,to 3.Please help me put the jam_ the bread.A.of B.to C.on D.at 4.The cereal is _._ is in that bowl.mine;Yours B.my;YoursC.mine;Your D.my;Your,C,A,C,A,单项选择,Do the exercises:,Ted:What are you

17、 doing,John?John:1_Ted:Do you come over to my house?_2_John:OK.Where is your house?Ted:Its on Bridge Street._3_John:Sorry.How can I get there?Ted:You can take a No.6 bus and get off at the Childrens Park._4_You can see a hotel on the right.John:_5_Ted:No,its across from it.John:OK.See you later.,A.Do you know?B.Reading a book.C.Is your house next to the hotel?D.Then walk down the street.E.We can watch a video.F.We are very happy.G.My house is next to the hotel.,B,E,A,D,C,情景对话(选择最佳答案),You are great!,Homework,1.Make a dialogue.Introduce your kitchen to the class.,2.Preview Lesson35,Good bye!,


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