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1、,第三部分 写作技能培优,第三讲图表作文,图表作文是高考书面表达较常见的考查形式之一,要求考生通过对数据、文字内容进行分析,对前后变化、正反观点进行对比,或者对某产品进行介绍,系统而准确地表达出图表所示内容,并得出令人信服的结论。从体裁看,主要有说明文、议论文和应用文。在该文体中常常使用一般现在时。一、试题特征1.表格式表格式书面表达就是将统计数据或被说明的事物直接以统计表的形式呈现出来。这类题目往往是介绍某种情况或辩论某种观点与看法,体裁以说明文和议论文为主。,2.图形式主要有以下三种形式:(1)表示数据变化的曲线图(2)表示数据大小或数量之间差异的柱状图(3)表示总体结构变化的饼状图二、写


3、过分析对比,找出不同点和相似点。,四、常用句式1.描述图表中的变化与发展趋势快速上升:rise(increase/go up)sharply(rapidly/quickly/dramatically)缓慢下降:decrease(reduce/come down/decline/drop/fall)slowly(gradually)2阐述事实的句式As is apparently shown in the pie chart/graph/table above.正如上面饼状图/曲线图/表格所明显呈现的As far as.is concerned,much progress has been ma

4、de.就而言,已经取得了很大进步。There is an increase of about.percent,compared with.与相比较,大约增加了,50%of the people surveyed express the satisfaction with.,while only 40%of them are satisfied with.在调查中有50%的人对满意,而仅有40%的人对满意。By comparison with.,it decreased(fell)/increased from.to.和相比,从减少/增加到It is obvious from the graph

5、/chart that.rank the first/highest,while.turn out to be the lowest.图中清楚显示是排在第一位/最高的,而结果最低。,3表达原因的句式The reason why/for.is that.的原因是One may think of the change as a result of.人们可能把这种变化认作是的结果。The change in.largely results from the fact that.在上的变化很大程度上是由的事实造成的。First/Firstly/To begin with.;Second/Secondl

6、y/And then/Next.;Finally/Last but not least/Apart from the above reasons.首先;其次;最后/最后但同样重要的是/除了上述原因It is because of.that.由于才,4归纳总结或发表评论的句式in a word(总之)/in a short(简而言之)/generally speaking(总的说来)/to sum up(总之,概括地说)/in conclusion总之,最后/in summary总之From what has been discussed above,we can draw the conclu

7、sion that.从以上的讨论我们可以得出结论,Obviously/Apparently,if we want to.,it is necessary to do/that.很明显,如果我们想,是有必要的。,There is no doubt that attention must be paid to.毫无疑问,我们必须注意I suggest the government take effective measures to.我建议政府应该采取有效措施来All in all,it is.that leads to the phenomenon.总而言之,是导致了这种现象。,下图是某大学教授

8、对其学生是否成功的判断标准以及人们对于这种观点的看法。请根据所给内容用英语写一篇短文。,一、“三准”确保作文上及格线典例为图表作文。体现其特点的句型有:开始语:正如上面饼状图所示Just as the pie chart above shows./Just as is shown in the pie chart above.中间过渡句:在接受调查的人群中,观点不同。Opinions are divided among the surveyed people./Different people hold different opinions.结束语:依我看来In my opinion/As f

9、ar as I am concerned,定体裁,审题准审题确定方向,行文紧扣主题,人称要对:第三人称时态要准:一般现在时要点要全:调查是否能用金钱来衡量大学生成功的标准。人们对于这个观点的看法:40岁时,没有4 000万身价就是耻辱和失败。被调查的人观点不同:70%的人反对;然而25%的人赞同。发表个人观点。,定人称、时态、内容要点及关键词,要点准要点全而不漏,时态合理运用,核心词汇:做一个调查:conduct a survey衡量成功:judge ones success耻辱和失败:shame and failure反对某人的观点:oppose ones view挣钱:make money

10、发表观点:voice ones opinion用合理的方法:in a reasonable way,要点一:最近进行了一项调查。Recently,a survey has been conducted.要点二:老师竟然用学生挣的钱来判断他们的成功。A teacher should judge his students success by the money they have earned.要点三:从上面图画中可以看到,一个老师说一个学生到了四十岁如果没有四千万那就意味着耻辱和失败。As can be seen from the picture,a teacher says that a s

11、tudent without 40 million yuan at the age of 40 means shame and failure.,根据要点提示,写出句式,表达准表达准确得体,避免汉式英语,要点四:在接受调查的人群中,观点不同。Opinions are divided/different/vary among the surveyed people.要点五:正如上面饼状图所示,70%的人反对这位老师的观点。Just as the pie chart shows,70%of them oppose the teachers view.要点六:他们认为老师不应该用金钱来评判他们的学生

12、。They think that teachers shouldnt judge their students success by money.要点七:25%的人认为这是鼓励学生多赚钱的好方法。25%of them think this is a good way to encourage students to make more money.,要点八:还有一些人没有发表他们的观点。There are also a few people who dont voice/express their opinions.要点九:就我看来,我们应该用一种理性的方法来理解成功。In my opinio

13、n/As far as I am concerned,we should understand success in a reasonable way.要点十:金钱肯定是衡量成功的一种方式。Money is certainly one way to measure success.要点十一:金钱不是衡量成功的唯一方式。Money is not the only way to measure success.,二、“四美”走出平庸创高分升级句式一:用whether引导的宾语从句连接要点一、二Recently,a survey has been conducted about whether a

14、teacher should judge his students success by the money they have earned.升级句式二:用形式主语it改写要点三中的状语从句It can be seen from the picture that a teacher says that a student without 40 million yuan at the age of 40 means shame and failure.,词汇、句式升级,语言美追求高级表达,张扬个性风采,升级句式三:用what引导的主语从句改写要点五What the pie chart show

15、s is that 70%of them oppose the teachers view.升级句式四:把要点八的定语从句改成非谓语结构There are also a few people not voicing/expressing their opinions.升级句式五:把要点十中的certainly改成it is certain that.It is certain that money is one way to measure success.,要点三与四之间可使用表示转折关系的连词however或副词but;要点五、六表达的反方观点和要点七表述的正方观点可以使用并列连词whil

16、e。,巧用过渡词,衔接美巧妙衔接过渡,读文如沐春风,正确分段,结构美行文条理清晰,力避一段到底,第一段:提出论点(要点一、二)第二段:根据饼状图,介绍各种观点(要点三至八)第三段:发表自己观点(要点九至十一),完善成文,外在美书写清晰规范,卷面漂亮美观,One possible version:Recently,a survey has been conducted about whether a teacher should judge his students success by the money they have earned.As can be seen from the pic

17、ture,a teacher says that a student without 40 million yuan at the age of 40 means shame and failure.But opinions are divided among the surveyed people.Just as the pie chart shows,70%of them oppose the teachers view.They think that teachers shouldnt judge their students success by money,while 25%of t

18、hem think this is a good way to encourage students to make more money.There are also a few people who dont voice their opinions.,As far as I am concerned,we should understand success in a reasonable way.Money is certainly one way to measure success,but it is not the only way.,(2014长春调研)“中国梦”已经成为社会上的

19、一个热点话题,根据最近央视的社会调查,不同的人群有不同的梦想。请结合表格提示,用英语写一篇关于“中国梦”(Chinese Dream)的演讲稿。,注意:1.对所给提示逐一陈述,适当发挥,不要简单翻译。2词数100左右。开头已经写好,不计入总词数。3作文中不得提及有关考生个人身份的任何信息,如校名、人名等。,Chinese DreamThe“Chinese Dream”has become a hot topic among Chinese people.According to a recent survey CCTV,different groups of people have diffe

20、rent dreams._,One possible version:Chinese DreamThe“Chinese Dream”has become a hot topic among Chinese people.According to a recent survey CCTV,different groups of people have different dreams.Urban residents dream of having easy access to modern transportation so that life will be easier and more c

21、onvenient.Besides,they hope to enjoy a better living environment and more public facilities.What college students are mainly concerned about is employment.,So their dream is to have wellpaid jobs where they can bring their potentials into full play.Meanwhile,they hope the government will strengthen

22、its supervision over food so that people can have more pollutionfree and green food.As for the farmers,they hope that they can enjoy good and affordable medical care and their children can receive a good education.,As far as I am concerned,my dream is to be enrolled by a good university and be a talent who can make contributions to my country.Besides,I dream there to be practical reforms in education so that high school students have enough time to sleep and exercise.,本部分内容讲解结束,按ESC键退出全屏播放,


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