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1、动词和动词短语考点例析,动词,动词是英语中最灵活、最难掌握的词,在历年高考题试题中动词所占比例最大,设题时往往都是给出四个不同的动词或短语来测试考生在具体语境中对动词短语意义的理解和运用能力。主要出现在单项选择及完形填空中。,1.动词的词义,(1)Modern plastics can _ very high and very low temperatures.(2005山东29)A.stand B.hold C.carry D.support【答案及解析】选A。stand 忍受某事物,经受得起。例如:He cant stand hot weather.hold 支撑住,承受重量;suppor

2、t 支持,支撑重量,养活;carry 携,带,搬动。显然不符合题意。,(2)-How about eight oclock outside the cinema?-That _me fine(全国河南、河北、山东、福建 26)Afits Bmeets Csatisfies DSuits【答案及解析】选D。A表示大小、色彩等适合;B表示碰见某人或满足需要等;C表示使某人满意;D可表示时间、场合等适合某人或者对某人方便。根据语境可知,8点钟对后者非常方便,故选D。,(3)John was late for the business meeting because his flight had be

3、en _by a heavy storm(2004辽宁卷33)Akept Bstopped Cslowed Ddelayed【答案及解析】选D。选项A表示保持;B的意思是:停止,阻止;C的意思是:减速,放慢;D是:延误,耽搁。根据句子及选项的意思,答案选D,表示他的航班被延迟了。,(4)After the trainer was sure that the whale could look after itself,he _it into the sea(2004上海卷47)Atransported Bunloaded Creleased Dhandled【答案及解析】选C。transport

4、ed意思是:运输;unloaded意思是:卸卜;handled意思为:处理,操纵,运用。这些词都与句子意思不符,予以排除。而release意为:释放,还以自由,与题意相符,故答案选c。,2.动词搭配,(1)From then on Ive always tried to _44_ the principle in my life and later in running my company.(2005山东完形)A.revise B.set C.review D.follow【答案及解析】选D。follow the principle遵循这一原则。,(2)Nick is looking for

5、 another job because he feels that nothing he does _his boss Aserves Bsatisfies Cpromise Dsupports【答案及解析】选B。that nothing he does _his boss是一个宾语从句,在这个从句中,he does是定语,限制前面的nothing,而实际上nothing是宾语从句的主语,his boss是宾语从句的宾语,单从谓语与宾语的关系来看,四个答案都可以,但从主、谓、宾的搭配来看,选项A、C、D的主语应该是人,而不能是事nothing,只有选项B的主语必须是事或物,故选B。,(3)O

6、n hearing the news of the accident in the coal mine,she _pale(2004湖北卷30)A.got Bchanged Cwent Dappeared【答案及解析】选C。选项A作系动词时,表示人为所致成一个相对长的过程;B是实义动词,不能接形容词作表语;C表示情况变坏、糟糕;D表示表面是这样而事实上并非如此。根据句子及动词的意思,答案选c。,(4)Happy birthday,Alice!So you have _twenty-one already!(2004天津卷25)Abecome Bturned Cgrown Dpassed【答案及

7、解析】选B。选项A表示身份的变化,C表示状态的变化(grow old),显然它们与意思不符,应排除;选项B、D都可表示:(时刻的)超过,但选项B的主语必须是人或事;而D的主语是时间段。因此,根据句子的意思,答案选B。,3.动词短语,很多动词与介词或副词连在一起构成固定的搭配从而形成动词短语或短语动词,不能随意更改。如:make out,make up,make off,make over,make into;give up,give in,give away,give out,give off,etc而这些短语的辨析,也备受历年高考命题者的青睐。解答该题型的关键是根据所给动词短语的意思,结合题

8、干作出正确选择。在平时的学习中应特别注意多积累一些习惯用语。,(1)What shall we use for power when all the oil in the world has _?(2005山东32)A.given out B.put out C.held up D.used up【答案及解析】选A。give out 用完,耗尽;put out 扑灭,把某物放在外边,发布/出版等;hold up 阻碍或延误某人/物,以武力/暴力威胁抢劫;used up 是最大的干扰项,use up表示把某物用完/尽,是及物动词短语,这里要用被动语态。故答案只能选A。,(2)It was _46

9、_ a great deal of time,and the headmaster of my school gave me(2005山东完形)A.taking up B.making up C.picking up D.keeping up【答案及解析】选A。take up time 占据时间;make up编造,组成;pick up 捡起,接收(节目),接人,学会等;keep up 继续,维持。,(3)John is leaving for London tomorrow and I will _ him _ at the airport.(2005 广东)A.Sendaway B.see

10、off C.leave off D.show around【答案及解析】选B。为某人送行 see.off 这是一个习惯用语。,(4)Before the war broke out,many people _in safe places possessions they could not take with them(2004重庆卷26)Athrew away Bput away Cgave away Dcarried away【答案及解析】选B。由空格后内容可知,人们把不能带走的财产藏在安全地方。B项意为收拾,贮藏故为正确答案。而选项A的意思是扔掉;C是分发、泄露、出卖;D是冲走,与语境不

11、符,都予以排除。,(5)-_for the glass!-Its OKIm wearing shoes(2004湖南卷22)ALook out BWalk out CGo out DSet out【答案及解析】选A。考查短语动词的意思区别及与语境意思的联系。首先我们要正确区别短语动词的意思,选项A的意思是“当心,小心”;B是“罢工、罢课、退席”;C是“出去,滚出去”;D是“出发,开始”。再根据句子的语境,从后者的回答中可推知前句的意思是:当心玻璃。故答案选A。,Practice,1Some of the students have already learned enough English

12、to _ a conversation with a native English speaker.A.hold on B.keep on C.go on D.carry on2Youd better fly somewhere in the west.Then you can _ a hire car and travel around.A.take up B.get on C.pick up D.turn on,D,C,3Weve invited Mr and Mrs Brown to dinner.But well have to_ because of the babys sickne

13、ss.A.took up B.made up C.gave up D.put off4They have _ most carefully the time and money needed to complete the project.A.picked out B.left out C.figured outD.taken out,D,C,C表示主观想法,pick out挑出,选出;leave out 漏掉;figure out算出;take out拿出,,5The actress who had been thought highly of _ to be a great disappo

14、intment.A.turned up B.turned out C.turned down D.turned in6Its a good idea.But whos going to _the plan?I think Tom and Mike will.A.carry out B.get through C.take in D.set aside,B,A,carry out执行,实行;get through完成,度过,通过;take in吸收,领会;set aside不理会,搁置、留出时间/金钱等。,7Most people didnt accept the theory when it

15、was first _.A.set about B.set off C.put forward D.put out8 Without proper lessons,you could _ a lot of bad habits when playing the piano.A.give up B.catch up C.keep up D.pick up,C,D,set about 着手;set off出发,激发;put forward提出;put out扑灭,9They see you as something of a worrier,_problems which dont exist a

16、nd crossing bridges long before you come to them Asettling Bdiscovering Cseeing Ddesigning10If you are feeling so tired,perhaps a little sleep would _ Aact Bhelp Cserve D1ast,C,B,既然不存在,也就谈不上解决或发现.see 设想、想象,1.The teacher asked the class to put _ their books.A.awayB.byC.on D.up2.The sports meet will b

17、e put _ till next week because of the bad weather.A.off B.upC.onD.down3.A new play will be put _ at the theater.A.off B.up C.on D.out4.He was too excited to put the idea _ words.A.with B.in C.to D.into5.By the time the fire-engine arrived,the fire had been put _ by the people there.A.down B.out C.of

18、f D.away,6.No sooner had he put _ the receiver than the bell rang again.A.outB.down C.away D.off7.A list of the new League members was _ and the pupils looked at it and discussed.A.put away B.put upC.turned up D.turned on8.Is that you,Mr Brown?Please put me _ to your manager.A.up B.up with C.through D.over9.Its a pity!You put me _ the trouble of doing up the room again.A.in B.into C.with D.to,10.Get out!I can no longer put _ your remarks.A.up B.downC.down with D.up with11.We must find a place where we can put _ the night.A.up forB.up C.down D.down for,


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