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1、5 句子成分转换的译法,5 句子成分转换的译法,所谓句子成分转换的译法,是把句子的某一成分(如主语)译成另一成分,(如宾语等)。在多数情况下,词类转译必然导致句子成分的转译,例如:当英语的动词转译为汉语的名词或副词时,该动词的谓语成分也就相应地转译为汉语的主语、宾语或状语等。成分转换的目的是使译文通顺,符合汉语习惯。例句:It is because the bounding properties of one pair of electrons in the double bond are not fully satisfied.这是由于双键上的一对电子不具有充分饱和的键合性质。分句中主语:“

2、the bounding properties”转译为宾语;分句中定语:“one pair of electrons”转译为主语;分句中状语:“in the double bond”转译为定语;分句中表语:“are satisfied”转译为定语。,1 主语的转译,例句:The following definitions apply to the terms used in this specification.本说明所用的一些术语定义如下。(主语谓语)Evaporation emphasis is placed on concentrating a solutions rather than

3、 forming and building crystals.蒸发着重于将溶液浓缩,而不是生成和析出晶体。(主语谓语)Organic compounds are not soluble in water because there is no tendency for water to separate their molecules into ions.有机化合物不溶于水,因为水没有将它们的分子分离成离子的倾向。(主语宾语)Methane is less than half as heavy a water.甲烷的密度不到水的一半。(主语定语)When a copper plate is p

4、ut into the sulfuric acid electrolyte,very few of its atoms dissolve.当将铜极片置于硫酸电解液中时,几乎没有铜 原子溶解。(主语状语),2 谓语的转译例句:Thus,an acid and a base react in a proton transfer reaction.因此,酸与碱的反应是一个质子转移的反应。(谓语主语)The past few decades have been characterized by prodigious expansion of the organic-chemical industry.

5、过去数十年的特征是有机化学工业得到了惊人的发展。(谓语主语)The melting point of alkanes are rather irregular at first,but tend to rise somewhat steadily as the molecules become larger.烷烃的熔点起初很不规则,但随着分子的增大,则有些稳步上升的趋势。(谓语宾语),3 宾语的转译例句:TNT has high explosive power.(TNT=trinitrotoluene)TNT 的爆炸力很大。(宾语主语)It is assumed that there is l

6、ittle if any leakage through the condensers.可以设想,电容器即使漏电,也是很少的。(宾语主语)Light makes vision possible.有了光,才能看见东西。(宾语谓语)4 表语的转译Matter is anything that occupies space.凡占有空间的都是物质。(表语主语)In this sense structure analysis is common to most organic research.从这个意义上讲,结构分析普遍应用于大多数的有机研究。(表语谓语),5 定语的转译There are two g

7、roups of metals:pure metals and their alloys.金属有两大类:纯金属及其合金。(定语主语)Many factors enter into equipment reliability.涉及设备可靠性的因素很多。(定语谓语)Automatic machines having many advantages can only do the jobs they have been“told”to do.自动化机器虽然有很多优点,但它们只能干人们“吩咐”它们要干的是事。(定语状语从句)Benzene can undergo the typical substit

8、ution reactions of halogenation,nitration,sulphonation and Friedel-Crafts reaction.苯可以进行典型的取代反应,如卤化,硝化,磺化和傅氏反应。(定语同位语),6 状语的转译,例句:When oxides of nitrogen are absorbed in water to give nitric acid,a chemical reaction occurs.当水吸收氮氧化物形成硝酸时,就发生了化学反应。(状语主语)When a spring is tightly stretched,it is ready t

9、o do work.拉紧的弹簧随时可以做功。(状语从句主语)TNT is simple and relatively safe to manufacture.制造TNT简单而且比较安全。(状语谓语)In the simplest chemical cell the electrolyte is a solution of sulfuric acid in water.在最简单的化学电池内,电解液是硫酸的水溶液。(状语定语)The attractive force between the molecules is negligibly small.分子间的吸引力小得可以忽略不计。(状语补语),8

10、 What Are the Distinguishing Features of the Chemical Industry?化学工业的显著特点是什么?,distinguishing 有区别的ammonia 氨 NH3 ammonia liquor 氨水ammonium 铵 NH4+ammonium hydroxide 氢氧化铵 NH4OH ammonium chloride 氯化铵 NH4Cl ammonium sulfate 硫酸铵(NH4)2SO4 ammonium nitrate 硝酸铵 NH4NO3anesthetic 麻醉剂,麻醉的laughing gas笑气=nitrous ox

11、ide 氧化亚氮 N2O,radical 数学 根 e.g.3 and-3 are radicals of 9.化学 基,基团,原子团 e.g.aromatic radical 芳(族)基 hydroxide radical 羟基,氢氧根 语言 词根 adj 基本的,根本的;重要的,主要的;固有的 完全的,彻底的 激进的,极端的,过激的 Keep.abreast of.保持与.并列,In the case of ammonium nitrate,natural components of the atmosphere(nitrogen,oxygen)and the earth(coal,nat

12、ural gas,water)are converted into a substance which can be used as a fertilizer,an explosive,and as a reactant in preparation of a widely used general anesthetic.就硝酸铵而言,大气(氮气、氧气)和土地(煤、天然气、水)的自然组分被转化成一种这样的物质:它既可用作化肥、炸药,也可胜任制备广谱性麻醉剂的原料。,Another feature of the chemical industry which becomes evident is

13、 its ability to use radically new approaches to solve problems of supply.化学工业另一个显著特点是能够以全新的方法解决供应问题。,The expansion of nitrogen-containing fertilizer production,essential to keeping food supplies abreast of population increases,was accomplished by developing a revolutionary,low-cost method of produci

14、ng ammonia from abundant atmospheric nitrogen.氮肥生产的扩大,基本上使粮食的供应与人口的增长相适应,这一伟大成就是由通过开发一种革命性的、低成本的、由取之不尽用之不竭之大气中的氮合成氨来实现的。,natural gas 天然气water gas 水煤气 C+H2O=CO+H2coke-oven gas 焦炉煤气,简称COGblast furnace gas 高炉煤气,简称BFGproducer gas 发生炉煤气。简称PGHaber process 哈伯制氨法 N2+3H2=2NH3built-in capacity 内在的能力nitrogen f

15、ertilizer 氮肥phosphorus fertilizer 磷肥potassium fertilizer 钾肥conservation 保护,保持,节约,守恒,The three alternate sources of hydrogen for the Harper process(natural gas,water gas,coke-oven gas)illustrate the flexibility which is typical of many of the processes used by the chemical industry.哈伯制氨法的三个可替代的氢源(天然气

16、、水煤气、焦炉煤气)说明了其灵活性,这在化学工业中所采用的许多工艺中具有典型性。,This built-in capacity for interchange raw materials engenders efficiency,keeps cost low and often permits conservation of natural resources.这种互换原料的内在能力产生效率,保持低成本,并且常常使得保护自然资源成为可能。,As it does 实际上vulnerability 脆弱性lipstick coloring agent 口红色素plastic wrapper 塑料包

17、装纸anonymous 匿名的,不知名的for the most part 在极大程度上on the whole 总的来说,大体上,大致carelessness or expediency error 粗心大意或贪图方便make certain 确定,确保,弄清楚an array of.一系列的general welfare 公共福利,considering 就而论innovation 革新,创新harmonious adj.和谐的,和睦的;协调的,调和的,The capacity of the chemical industry to produce products which serve

18、 as replacements for the others also provides some relief from the vulnerability of imported raw materials.化学工业生产替代产品的能力也缓解了进口原材料的脆弱性。,Ammonium nitrate typifies the products of importance,serving as it does,as an agricultural fertilizer,a mining explosive,and a precursor to a surgical anesthetic.硝酸铵

19、就是典型的重要产品,实际上,它既可以用作农业化肥、矿山炸药,还可以用作早期的外科手术麻醉剂。,The chemical industry produces an amazing array of products of great value both to economy and the general welfare,but obviously this work must be carried out in harmonious balance with environmental considerations.化学工业能生产许许多多不仅对经济发展而且对公共福利均有巨大价值的产品,但是,

20、显而易见,这个工作必须在环境友好条件下进行。,acid radical 酸根,酸基,酰active radical 活性根acyl radical 酰基alkyl radical 烷基,烃基alkylidene radical 烷叉基;次烷基anesthesiophore radical 麻醉基,苯甲酰基aromatic radical 芳(族)基auxotox radical 甲亚氨基bivalent radical 二价基borine radical 硼氢基,cation radical 阳离子基complex radical 复基,络合基compound radical 复根cumylo

21、xy radical 枯氧游离基cyclopropenyl radical 环丙烯基developing radical 显影基divalent radical 二价基electronegative radical 阴(电)性根electropositive radical 阳(电)性根fixed oil radical 固定油基fluorocarbon radical 氟碳基free radical 自由基,游离基heterocyclic radical 杂环基hydroperoxyl radical 过氧羟自由基,hydrophilic radical 亲水性基团hydroxide rad

22、ical 羟基,氢氧根iminoxyl free radical 氧化亚胺自由基ion radical 离子基irreducible radical 不可约根masked radical 掩蔽基metal ketyl radical 金属羰游离基monovalent hydrocarbon radical 一价烃基multivalent cyclic hydrocarbon radical 多价环烃基negative radical 阴根;负(电性)根;负(性)根nilpotent radical 幂零根基nitrosyl radical 亚硝酰基organic radical 有机基;有机根

23、osmate radical 锇酸根,perester radical 过酸酯基polar radical 极性基positive radical 阳根,正(电性)根,正(性)基;正(电性)基selenate radical 硒酸根selenite radical 亚硒酸根semistable radical 半稳自由基side chain radical 侧链基simple radical 简(单)基stearate radical 硬脂酸根sulfanilamido radical 磺氨基thiocyanate radical 硫(代)氰酸根titanate radical 钛酸(根)tr

24、apped radical 截留基transient radical 瞬变基triptyl radical 三蝶烯基trivalent radical 三价基,三价根unipotent radical 幂单根式univalent saturated hydrocarbon radical 一价饱和烃基wolframate radical 钨酸根,无机物的构词法元素-化物 正酸 正酸盐 亚酸 亚酸盐boron boride boric acid borate borous acid borite carbon carbide carbonic acid carbonate-chlorine ch

25、loride chloric acid chlorate-chromium-chromic acid chromate chromous-chromitefluorine fluoride mangneses-manganic-manganate manganous-manganite nitrogen nitride nitric acid nitrate nitrous acid nitritephosphorus phosphide phosphoric-phosphorate phosphorous-phosphoritesulfur sulfide sulfuric acid sul

26、fate sulfurous acid sulfitebromine bromide bromic acid bromate bromous acid bromiteiodine iodide iodic acid iod(in)ate iodous acid iodite oxygen oxidehydrogen hydridehydrochloric acid 盐酸、氢氯酸hydrofluoric acid 氢氟酸hydronoreic acid 氢溴酸,oxide hydroxide chloride sulfate nitratepotassium K2O KOH KCl K2SO4

27、KNO3sodium Na2O NaOH NaCl Na2SO4 NaNO3calcium CaO Ca(OH)2 CaCl2 CaSO4 Ca(NO3)2magnesium MgO Mg(OH)2 MgCl2 MgSO4 Mg(NO3)2aluminum Al2O3 Al(OH)3 AlCl3 Al2(SO4)3 Al(NO3)3ammonium-NH4OH NH4Cl(NH4)2SO4 NH4NO3cupric CuO Cu(OH)2 CuCl2 CuSO4 Cu(NO3)2cuprous Cu2O CuOH CuCl Cu2SO4 CuNO3ferric Fe2O3 Fe(OH)3 Fe

28、Cl3 Fe2(SO4)3 Fe(NO3)3 ferrous FeO Fe(OH)2 FeCl2 FeSO4 Fe(NO3)2,Long practice becomes(a)second nature.The best defense is offense.All is fair in war.明月当空叫,黄犬卧花芯。(王安石)明月当空照,黄犬卧花阴。(苏轼),美之为美李耳 天下皆知美之为美,斯恶已。皆知善之为善,斯不善已。故有无相生,难易相成,长短相形,高下相倾,音声相和,前后相随。是以圣人处无为之事,行不言之教。万物作而不辞,生而不有,为而不恃,功成而弗居,夫唯弗居,是以不去。,兵势孙武 故善动敌者,形之,敌必从之;予之,敌必之。以利动之,以卒待之。故善战者,求之于势,不责于人,故能择人而任势。任势者,其战人也,如转木石。木石之性,安者静,危者动,方则止,圆则行。故善战人之势,如转圆石于千仞之山者,势也。,


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