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1、商务英语写作教学课件下载-样章.pptPayment,Unit 6 Part I,Question 1,What can be considered as the end of a successful business?No export transaction can be said to be successful until payment has been received for the goods delivered overseas,and the proceeds have been safely credited to the exporters account.,Ways

2、 of payment,There are different means of payment including draft(or bill of exchange汇票),promissory note本票,check,credit card and cash,etc.Cash and credit card are rarely used for large transactions in international trade.The common instruments of international trade are the draft,promissory note,and

3、check,among which draft is the most frequently used one.,Draft/Bill of Exchange,A draft is an unconditional written order addressed by one person to another and signed by the person giving it,requiring the person to whom it is addressed to pay at sight or at a fixed or determinable future time the s

4、um of money clearly specified to,or to the order of,a specified person,or to bearer(持有人).,There are usually three parties to a draft:the drawer who issues,signs,and sends the draft to the second party,the drawee.Lastly,there is the payee who is to receive payment made by the drawee.,Promissory Note,

5、It is an unconditional promise in writing,made buy one person to another,engaging to pay on demand or at a fixed or determinable time a certain amount of money to or to the order of a specified person or to bearer.,Check,A check is an unconditional order by the drawer or maker,asking his bank to pay

6、 a certain amount of money to a third party,the payee.,Question 2,Suppose you are doing business with one international company and how would you like to pay?,5 methods of Payment in International Trade,according to the order of the exporters preference,Cash in advance Documentary letter of credit D

7、ocumentary collection Open account Payment against goods on consignment,Cash in advance,Cash in advance means that the exporter is paid either when the importer places his order or when the goods are ready for shipment.,Documentary Letter of Credit,A documentary letter of credit is defined as an ins

8、trument by which a bank promises to pay the seller for his goods providing the seller conforms exactly to the conditions laid down in the letter of credit.,Parties involved:The parties involved in a letter of credit transaction include:applicant,opening bank,advising bank,beneficiary,negotiation ban

9、k,paying bank and confirming bank.,Applicant is the party who applies for the opening of a letter of credit,that is,the importer.,Opening bank is the bank located in the importers country that opens the letter of credit on behalf of the importer.,Advising bank is the bank located in the exporters co

10、untry who informs the exporter that a letter of credit has been opened in his favor and transfers the L/C to the exporter.,Beneficiary is the party in whose favor the letter of credit is issued,and who is entitled to receive the payment,that is,the exporter.,Negotiating bank is the bank that buys an

11、 exporters draft submitted to it under a letter of credit and then forwards the draft and documents to the opening bank for reimbursement.,Paying bank is the bank that makes payment to the beneficiary against presentation of stipulated documents.It is usually the opening bank but can also be a third

12、 designated bank(指定银行).,an advising bank is requested to add its own commitment to the letter of credit.In this case,it is called the confirming bank.,Procedures of L/C,The buyer then instructs his bank(the issuing bank)at his place to open a documentary credit for the exporter on the terms and cond

13、itions agreed.After issuing the L/C,the issuing bank sends it to the advising bank,usually his correspondent bank(往来行)in the exporters country。The advising bank advises the exporter of the establishment of the L/C and pass the credit to the exporter prior to release of the goods.,If the seller requi

14、res a confirmed letter of credit,then the correspondent bank may be asked to confirm the L/C opened by the issuing bank,and a fee will be charged to the buyer for this service.After the seller receives the L/C and is satisfied with the stipulations he can load the goods.,After shipment of the goods,

15、the seller will send the draft accompanied by all the necessary documents to the negotiating bank for negotiation with in the validity of the L/C.If the documents are full and correct,the bank will pay,or accept the draft and then send the documents to the paying bank(issuing bank).,After careful ch

16、ecking of the documents and if no problems are found,the paying bank will reimburse the money to the negotiating bank in accordance with the terms of the credit.The issuing bank(paying bank)then presents the documents to the buyer for payment or acceptance.,Documents will be handed over to the buyer

17、 upon buyers payment of the amount due or acceptance of the draft.With the documents,the buyer can take delivery of the goods.,B/L,CLEAN/UNCLEAN/DIRTY/FOUL B/LNEGOTIABLE B/LNON-NEGOTIABLE B/LOCEAN B/LORDER B/LSHIPPED/ON BOARD/SHIPPED ON BOARD B/LFULL SET OF CLEAN ON BOARD B/L MADE OUT TO ORDER AND E

18、NDORSED IN BLANK,Documentary Collection,Documentary collection is a method by which the exporter authorizes the bank to collect money from the importer.,two types of the documentary collection,Documents against Payment(D/P)Documents against Acceptance(D/A).,Documents against Payment(D/P),Documents a

19、gainst payment means documents can only be handed over to the buyer when he has paid the amount on the draft.,Documents against Acceptance(D/A),Documents against Acceptance means that the title documents will be handed over to the buyer once the buyer has accepted the usance draft drawn by the selle

20、r.,Open Account,The open account system is one of the principal methods of settlement in international trading practice.The exporter dispatches goods,sends the appropriate documents of title,e.g.bills of lading,together with an invoice,and then has to wait for payment.The goods thus pass into the cu

21、stomers possession before payment is made and the exporter has only the protection of the particular contract of sale.,Due to the high risk to the exporter,open account is usually adopted when the exporter is well acquainted with the financial status of the buyer,or when the exporter sells goods to

22、his own overseas branch or subsidiary.,Payment against Goods on Consignment,Consignment sales are usually used as a way of expanding overseas sales and especially opening up markets for new products.Goods shipped on consignment enable the exporter to place stocks in the importing country without act

23、ually giving up the title of ownership.The consignee sells the goods on behalf of the consignor and gets a certain percentage of commission.,the exporter will not receive any payment until sales are made in the overseas country and the goods may always be sent back without liability on the part of t

24、he importer/consignee.,Documents related,DraftB/LInvoiceinsurance policy/certificateCertificate of OriginForm AInspection CertificatePacking List/Weight Memo/Specification ListFumigation certificate,Part 2,Urging establishment of L/C,Questions to answer,Why should the L/C reach the seller at least o

25、ne month prior to the date of shipment?Get the goods ready for shipmentBook the shipping spaceAmendment to the L/C,Up to,Up to date/the minute/moment/present/this writing/the moment of writing/the time of writing=so farYou can see from the enclosed leaflet that the styles of our blouses are really u

26、p-to-the-minute and suitable for all occasions.Up to sampleIf your goods are up to sample,they should sell readily in this market.,Up to(export)standardOn careful examination of your sample,we found the cotton in question was up to standard in quality.On order for 100 dozen or up,=upward=upwards在提单、

27、发票、保险单、装箱单上须画上麦头并写上全批货物的件数号(package number,serial number,Case No.1-100;No.1/up;No.1&up,expedite,Please do your utmost to expedite the establishment of the L/C.=hasten/hurry/rushAs we are in urgent need of the goods,could you manage to hasten the delivery?The buyers urged you to hurry the shipment.Pl

28、ease rush the relative L/C.,accordingly,句末:相应地,按照(要求)办事 we will amend the L/C accordingly.句中/句头:=thereforeAccordingly,we have to ask you to extend your offer for 3 days.,question,Questionin questionout of question=beyond all questionout of the question=impossibleQueryIf you have any query about our

29、account,please advise us.ProblemIssue,verify,Proveevidencecertifytestify,cost,Cost:material,laborExpense:laborFee:professional labor e.g.Doctor,lawyer,schoolcharge:total amount charged for one service or product,Remind sb of sth.Remind sb to do sth.Remind sb that,Part three,L/C Amendment and Extensi

30、on,Questions to answer,On receiving the relevant L/C,why is it essential for the seller to make a thorough examination of the L/C?In which cases an amendment to the original L/C is required?Why should the date of shipment and the expiry date of the L/C be made apart at least two weeks?,Beneficiarys

31、alternatives to amendments,The beneficiary may reject or accept an amendment.According to the established international trade practice,once an amendment is issued and communicated to the beneficiary,the beneficiary holds the right of accepting or rejecting the amendment.,All the discrepancies must b

32、e indicated at one go.If there are several discrepancies,they should be included in one amendment.If an amendment involves two clauses or more,what the beneficiary can do is either reject all or accept all.He cannot accept part of the amendment.,修改,amend,是“修改”,常指正式地修正(议案等)名词为amendmentPlease amend L/

33、C No.205 as follows.Your refusal to amend the L/C is equivalent to cancellation of the order.The amendment to L/C No.102 should reach us in two days,failing which the goods cannot be shipped within the stipulated time.,modify,“更改”、“修改”、“修正”,modification 是其名词形式 The law,in its present form,is unjust i

34、n this country;it needs modification.,change,往往指“使改变得与原物完全不同”或“使发生以新代旧的变化”The appearance of the town is quite changed.,alter,指“局部的、外表的变化”,但特点不变。名词为alteration Wed like to alter the destination port from London to Liverpool.Any alteration to the contract terms should be mutually approved by both parti

35、es in advance.,vary,指“不规则或连续地改变”Customs vary with the times.,条款、条件,terms and conditions,往往连用,terms常指大的方面的条款,如支付方式等;condition指terms确定后的具体的条件,对terms进行补充说明 Im thinking of offering you a sole agency in Australia on the following terms and conditions.All other credit terms and conditions remain unchanged

36、.,Stipulation,指“规定”、“条款”,适用于合同、规定、信用证等。有关信用证的条款应与我方销售合同的条款严格相符。The stipulations in the relative credit should strictly conform to the terms stated in our S/C.,article,书面文件中的具体章节或一系列中的条款,如合同,章程或条约 This article is the most important one in the agreement.,clause,“条款”,“款项”,指文件中明确的条约、规定或条款 The clause in

37、the contract is insusceptible of another interpretation.,item,“条款”:文件中的条款,terms:(pl),合同或协议书的条件、条款、细则与达成协议come to terms with,provision也是指一种规定或条件,尤其是指一个文件或协议中的条文 Your provisions in the scope of work section are very restrictive.They dont give me much room to work.,符合,accord,词组in accordance with,Shipme

38、nt is to be made within 60 days upon receipt of the L/C which accord with relevant clauses of this Contract.“与完全/严格一致”就是be in exact/full/strict accordance withThe stipulations in your L/C are not in accordance with the contract.The quality of the goods must be in strict accordance with the sample.,c

39、onform to,If the quantity of the goods does not conform to that stipulated in the contract,the importer would refuse to accept the goods.The arrivals do not conform to the sample.,in conformity with 和 in conformity to,This is not in conformity with our arrangement.,用comply,这个报盘不符合我们的要求。This offer do

40、es not comply with our requirements.,be consistent with表示“一致”,This statement is not consistent with what you said at yesterdays meeting.,用far from,The quality of your shipment for our order No.346 is far from the agreed specifications.,Extend the L/C to.And for shipment and negotiation respectivelyE

41、xtend the shipment date and the negotiation date of your L/C to and respectively,上、中、下旬,上旬:the early part of May=early in May中旬:mid-May下旬:the late part of(a month)=late in(a month)The first ten days ofThe second ten days ofThe last ten days of,Translation-1,We have received with thanks the letter of

42、 credit covering your order No.100.Thank you for writing to us frankly on your inability to pay your debt.We understand that the unfortunate event is an exception,and are willing to grant you the extension asked for.We understand how you now stand,but we can hardly overlook the fact that your paymen

43、ts have been delayed so frequently.We enclose our check for$1,000 in settlement of your invoice No.218,and would like to add that we are pleased with the way you executed the order.We were pleased to receive your bank cheque for$1,000.It has been credited to your account,which is now completely clea

44、r.Despite our great efforts in collection,money is coming in rather slowly,and we cannot but ask you for another ten days extension for payment.We suggest that payment be made on presentation of documents against irrevocable letter of credit at sight in your favour through the Bank of China,Beijing.

45、,Translation 2,We would ask you to extend the validity and shipping date of the letter of credit to the end of August and September 15th respectively.The amount of the settlement is being sent to you today through the Bank of China telegraphic transfer and you will receive it ia a couple of days.Pay

46、ment is to be made against sight draft drawn under a confirmed,irrevocable,divisible and transferable letter of credit without recourse for the full amount.In view of the amount of this transaction being very small,we are prepared to accept payment by D/P at sight for the value of th egoods shipped.

47、,Translation 3,As the goods against your order No.234 have been ready for quite some time,it is imperative that you take immediate action to have the covering L/C established as soon as possible.We wish to draw your attention to the fact that the date of delivery of your order NO.l401 is approaching

48、,but we still have not received the covering L/C up to date.Please do your utmost to expedite the same so that it can reach here before the end of May.Please do your utmost to expedite the L/C,so as to enable us to execute the order smoothly.In order to avoid subsequent amendments,please see to it t

49、hat the L/C stipulations are in exact accordance with the terms of the contract.The credit is short by USD 500 in amount and we have to ask you to amend the amount immediately.We would ask you to extend the validity and shipping date of the L/C to the end of August and September 15 respectively.,穩蝲険



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