1、商务英语翻译教程Business English Translation Course-book,4李晓亮Charlie,商标翻译策略中的适宜性 Adequacy译文的预期功能(supposition)直接音译法 V.S.直接义译法译文的预期读者(target addresses)直接义译法音义兼译谐音译法,SONY CANON Adidas Christian DiorMotorola Omega Casino GOOD COMPANION PLOYBOY CROWN Philips Kodak Konica Best Rich-on DOVE Parker CitizenNescafe H
2、oliday Inn Times Shell Blue Ribbon Beer panda Black Swirl Wind Great WallApollo Phoenix Diamond,Coca cola Xerox B&Q Pepsi Gold lion White Elephant Blue Bird Crown Blue Cat 7 upTruly Unilevel Arche Pantene Brandy,英汉广告中隐喻翻译策略Strategies to Metaphor Ads Translation from English into Chinese,隐喻-隐喻(metaph
3、or to metaphor)隐喻-明喻(metaphor to simile)隐喻-非隐喻(metaphor to non-metaphor),隐喻-隐喻(metaphor to metaphor),复制源语隐喻:In Asias bustling cities,an oasis awaits the trader and traveler 在亚洲喧闹的城市里,一座绿洲等待着商人和游客。Bread is life 面包就是生活。(BICE面包),隐喻-隐喻(metaphor to metaphor),目标语隐喻替代法:On Wall Street,if you are out to lunc
4、h,you are lunch 在华尔街。你出去吃顿午餐,你就是别人的盘中餐。,隐喻-明喻(metaphor to simile),Waterford,Light a Crystal Fire.瓦特副水晶玻璃器皿,像一团透明的火焰。,隐喻-非隐喻(metaphor to non-metaphor),转换源语隐喻:Ugly is only skindeep其貌不扬,精彩内涵。(Volkswagen),隐喻-非隐喻(metaphor to non-metaphor),删除源语隐喻:It gives my hair a top quality look.它(洗发水)给我一流的秀发。,汉语广告英译中修
5、辞手法的应用Application of Rhetoric CE Translation of Ads,重复(Repetition)头、尾韵(Alliteration)隐喻(Metaphor)拟人(Personification)对比(Contrast)排比、对偶(Parallel Construction)双关(Pun)套用或篡改惯用词句式,重复(Repetition),洁齿清气。Cleans your breath while cleans your teeth.随意挑选,保君满意。Choose once and choose well.“黑妹”牙膏,强健牙龈,保护牙齿。Dont say:
6、“Show me any other”say:“”Show me Black Sister”.带“梅花”,准时乐道(手表)。Give the watch to all,and to all a good time.,头、尾韵(Alliteration),爽口顺喉、和醇耐味、名贵高尚。Ssensuously smooth,mysteriously mellow,gloriously golden.骑上“金狮”,潇洒轻快。Smart and Swift Riding on Golden Lion.体积虽小,颇具功效。Compact,impact.“茉莉”香糖,越嚼越香。Murry mints,to
7、o good to hurry mints.百年老店,领先20年。A hundred years old but still 20 years old.,隐喻(Metaphor),柔软迷人,色泽悦目。Soft enchanting,simile coloring.幸福可乐,冷饮之王。Taste that beats the other colds.,拟人(Personification)“美人”鲜花,倾诉衷肠。Flower by beauty speaks from the heart.“涤纶”商标,信誉卓著。“Terylene”keeps its promises.“牡丹”香烟,醇味盖冠。“
8、Peony”stands out for taste.,对比(Contrast),历史悠久的宜兴陶瓷工业推出崭新的种种产品。The age old Yixing ceramics turns out the newest products.,排比、对偶(Parallel Construction),百万买卖,毫厘利润(强调薄利多销)。A business in millions,a profit in pennies.选择由你,荣誉属我(强调产品质量过关)。The choice is yours.The honor is ours.方便旅行,到达平安(强调方便、安全)。Smooth trip,
9、smooth arrival.,双关(Pun),Fun牌牛仔服装是生活的必须(或乐趣是生活的必须)。Fun is must in life.Spoil yourself and not your figure.(冰激凌),套用或篡改惯用词句式,Where there is South,there is a way.Kill three birds with one Yanwu.,商务英语中的隐喻的翻译原则,尽量保持隐喻特征接通两种语言喻体意象最大限度弥补隐喻翻译中的意象损失符合汉语表达习惯,尽量保持隐喻特征,The trend has been so extensive that it may
10、 be undermining the entire capital market.,接通两种语言喻体意象,They are quite successful as a niche specialist.,最大限度弥补隐喻翻译中的意象损失,Every one knows that John lost his shirt when the business he had invested failed.Re-exports to Kuwait have seesawed from Dh 183 million to 1.161 million and to Dh757 million withi
11、n 3 years.,符合汉语表达习惯,Developing countries,though,suspect that the EU wants to use environmental issues as a back door to protectionism.With the winter coming in,many fashion stores start to sell warm clothes.,商务英语翻译中的词类转换,名词的转换动词转译为汉语名词形容词的转译副词的转译介词转译为动词,名词的转换,The company gained$3 million by the sale
12、 of the lot.Considering the small amount of goods shipped we agree to make an exception by accepting the payment by DP The security of buying the products of the world famous business companies was wonderful.This affair was a public relations disaster for the company,名词的转换,In reply,we have the pleas
13、ure of informing you that the confirmed,irrevocable letter of credit No7634,amounting to$17 000,has been opened this morning through the Commercial Bank,Tokyo.For the time being,therefore,we regret our inability to accept DA terms in all transactions with our buyers abroad,动词转译为汉语名词,The volume of tr
14、ade has increased tremendously to the advantage of both countries.We thank you for your enquiry about the textiles transmitted by your letter of Feb 8,形容词的转译,The bill of lading is to be made out to order and blank endorsed.The new contract would be good for ten years.We hope that you will take your
15、commercial reputation into account seriously and open the LC at once;otherwise you will be responsible for all the losses arising as a result of your failure to do so,形容词的转译,We tender our apologies for not having replied in due time to your letter of March 1.In consideration of the friendly relation
16、s between us,we are,as an exceptional case,prepared to accept payment for your trial order on DP basis,副词的转译,Specialization enables one country to produce some goods more cheaply than another country.The real victory is not over another company but over ones own development.KFCs claims,somewhat impr
17、obably,that the recent fears over carcinogenic Sudan dyes have not affected sales in China at a11.,介词转译为动词,There are quantities of this item here,in different weights and sizes,with varied colors and shapes.The price is very reasonable and the quotations will be given upon request,商务英语翻译中的跨文化因素Cross
18、 cultural Elements in Translation of Business English动植物因素颜色因素数字因素宗教因素,商务英语翻译中的功能对等 Functional Equivalence,对外开放取得新进展。2008年共批准“三资”企业220家,全省“三资”企业已达到580家。New progress has been made in the process of opening to the outside world.In 2008,the province has been approved 220“Three forms of ventures”(Sino foreign joint ventures,cooperative enterprises and wholly foreign funded enterprises),the total number of the“Three forms of ventures”reached 580.,商务英语翻译教程,谢谢大家!1李晓亮 Charlie 再见,www.Lzcambridge.Com Thank you!,