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1、看图作文,基础写作专题之:,高考作文评分细目,1.下面4幅图片描述的是星期天上午在中山公园里发生的一件事。请根据图片所提供的信息用英语为你校的“英语园地”写一篇短文。注意:短文须包括所有图片的主要内容。短文的内容要连贯、完整;只能使用5个句子表达全部内容;参考词汇:货摊stand(n.);抢夺 snatch(v.);逮捕 arrest(v.),例文1,内容要点:,1.公园,冰淇淋货摊旁,年轻妇女的包被抢 2.人们追赶抢包者,3.长排椅上坐着一位老人,抢包者从老人身旁跑过,老人用伞将他绊倒,4两名警察逮捕抢劫者,5妇女感谢老人,人们称赞老人的机智,One Sunday morning,there

2、 were some people in Zhongshan Park,where a woman was buying an ice-cream,when a young man behind her snatched her handbag away.Seeing this,a few people began to run after the snatcher.As the young man was running past an old man,who was sitting quietly on a bench nearby,the old man quickly picked u

3、p his umbrella and put it between the snatchers legs.The young man fell down on the ground hard and two policemen came and arrested him.The woman thanked the old man,and the people around praised the old man for his cleverness.,How to write a picture story,1.认真审题。首先要看题头的汉语要求或提示,通常包括:(1)审文体。如是要求写说明文还


5、接自然,行文流畅。文末应尽量加上适当的结束语,以使文章结构完整。若是要点过多,要注意用并列句、从句、非谓语动词、with的复合结构等手段合并句子,确保全文是英文句子。,命题预测 图画作文一般是要求考生根据图画叙述一个故事,描写一段经历,报道一个事件,写一篇日记。因此,有可能要求考生根据图画:叙述一个成语故事、历史故事、身边同学的故事;描述种树的经历、做义工或其他某种有意义的活动的经历;报道一次球赛,报道救人、救火、抓小偷之类的好人好事等;写一篇郊游日记。这类作文一般属记叙文.,若是对比类图示的作文,可能是社会生活某个方面的今昔对比,如校园的今昔对比,交通工具的今昔对比,百姓收入的今昔对比等;处

6、理某事的不同方法及不同结果的对比。这类作文属于议论文。图示作文还可能是要求叙述某物的结构、实验的过程、制作的流程,以及如何做其他事的过程与方法。这类作文属说明文。还可能要求考生就某一漫画进行议论、发表看法。,1.记叙事件经过。(1)at first.then.five minutes later.finally/in the end/at last.开始时然后五分钟后最后(2)Upon arrival,we began to work.我们一到达就马上开始工作。(3)Some.;some.;others.一些人(做)一些人(做)另一些人(做)(4).were doing.when sudden

7、ly sb./sth.did.当某事正在发生时突然又发生另一事,2.发表议论或表达观点。(1)Firstly,.Secondly,.Last but not least,.首先其次最后但同等重要的是(列举事实证据)(2)On one hand,.on the other hand,.一方面另一方面(引导相互矛盾的观点或意见)(3)In my opinion,.依我看(表达自己的观点,例文2,Step1:Watch the pictures from the first one to the last one and get the main idea of the whole story.,通

8、看全图,掌握大意,根据每幅图提示找要点,根据要点,找词组。,Step2:Choose the correct main point or phrase for each picture.,clock didnt ring woke up late,Cookingburned my hand,ran outmissed the bus,ran three miles to the school,arrived therefound that it was Sunday,Step3:Put each group of words into a sentence.(Pay attention to

9、the correct verb form.),根据词组组句子,In the morning,my alarm clock didnt ring.I woke up late.,I burned my hand when I was cooking breakfast.,I ran out of the house to catch the bus.I missed it.,I had to run three miles to the school.(I had to go to school on foot.),When I arrived there,I found that it wa

10、s Sunday.,Step4:Choose correct connectives to join the sentences into a passage,使用恰当连词,连句成文。,In the morning,my alarm clock didnt ring so I woke up an hour late.I was in such a hurry that I burnt my hand when I was cooking breakfast.Then I ran out of the house to catch the 8:30 bus,but of course I mi

11、ssed it.I was very unhappy because I knew my teacher got angry if anyone was late for class.So I ran three miles to the school.But when I arrived there in the end,I found that it was Sunday.,May 18th cloudy,范文:,Homework:父母对子女期望太高以下这幅画说明,大部分中国家庭只有一个孩子,他们是家庭的希望,所以父母对他们寄予厚望,期望值很高。,写作内容请就图画的内容,写一篇短文,包括:

12、1.简要叙述下面这幅图片的内容;2.结合图片和社会实际恰当议论,如对独生子女溺爱,包办一切,期望他们成绩优秀;3.谈谈你的看法;4.只能使用5个句子表达全部内容。,In the picture,the boy who scored 80 in his exam is being scolded by his mother,because she doesnt think his score is so good.As we all know,each family is encouraged to have only one child in China.On one hand,parents

13、 take care of every thing for them;on the other hand,they expect them to get good marks at school.Some of them are pushed so hard that they even lose interest in their lessons.In my opinion,children should be encouraged to study instead of just being forced to do that,and at the same time,I also hope all parents can understand their children and let them fly by themselves.,The Eager hope of the Parents,


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