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1、短语翻译,1.sign up for2.pay the tuition3.show sb.Around4.show gratitude to ab.5.under discussion6.attach great importance to7.plays an important part 8.improve the situation9.according to the survey10.take measures/steps11.hold the opinion that12.as follows13.make/carry out a survey 14.have a better und

2、erstanding of,15.as for how to do16.go abroad for further study17.with/has a population of18.be famous for19.on its east lies20.consist of/be made up of21.be located in/be situated in/lie in22.have a gift for23.set a good example 24.realize ones dream25.solve problems26.turn to sb.For help27.be face

3、d with difficulty28.take for example,29.pay a visit to30.have a strong interest in31.modest and honest 32.devoted oneself to 33.think highly of34.be admitted pared with36.get along well with37.whats more38.as far as I am concerned39.Its necessary for sb.to do4.in general,句子翻译1.统计表明,中国有三亿五千万烟民,其中75%为

4、男性。2.晚会上将有各种各样的活动,包括唱歌和跳舞。3.如果你想参加,请与周末之前来报名。4.我们正要出发,这时天下起雨来了。5.最让我们惊奇的是这只小狗会和着音乐跳舞。,1.Statistics show that China has approximately 350 million smokers,among whom 75%are men.2.There will be different kinds of activities,including singing and dancing.3.If youd like to take part,please come and sign

5、up for it before this weekend.4.We were about to set off when it began to rain.5.What amazed us most is that the puppy can dance to the music.,6.如果你能帮忙解决这个问题,我将非常感激。7.其主要原因是父母的压力使他们几乎没有时间参加其他活动。8.我的观点是基于以下理由。9.越来越多的人开始重视人际关系了。10.保护环境对未来生活非常重要。,句子翻译6.I will appreciate it if you can give me a hand wit

6、h the problems.7.The main reason is that the pressure form their parents allows them almost no time for activities.8.My views are basic on the following reasons.9.More and more people begin to attach importance to interpersonal relationship.10.Practicing the environment is of great importance to lif

7、e in the future.,11.因特网在我们日常生活在正起着越来越重要的作用。12.从以上分析我们可以得出结论:课堂上记笔记很有帮助。13.最近的调查表明,中国青少年的健康大大下降了。14.在那以后,我们进行了大扫除。有的人打扫,有的人擦窗户,还有的人在提水。15.为了改善这种情况,我们政府应当采取措施帮助他们。,11.The internet is playing a more and more important role in our daily life.12.From the above analysis,we may arrive at the conclusion tha

8、t taking notes in class is of great help.13.A latest survey shows that the health of.Chinese youngsters has greatly declined.14.After that,we had a thorough cleaning.Some were cleaning,some were wiping the window,and others were carrying water.15.In order to improve the situation,our government shou

9、ld take measures to help them.,16.最近我们讨论了父母是否应该在学校陪读。17.最近我们团委进行了一次调查,其结果如下。18.正如调查所显示的那样,酒后驾驶会导致严重事故。19.她为科研献出了一切,对国家做出了巨大贡献。20.广州,拥有一千三百万人口的一座城市,有三百多年的历史了。,16.Recently we have had a discussion about whether parents should accompany their children at school.17.Recently our League Committee has carr

10、ied out a survey,whose result are as follows.18.As is shown in the survey,drunk driving may result in serious accidents.19.She devoted herself to scientific research and made great contributions to her country.20.Guangzhou,a city with a population of about thirteen million,has a history of more than 2,200 years.,


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