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1、New Standard English 8(B)Module 9 Heroes,No 6 Middle SchoolChen Qinfang,一、教学内容分析:,本模块以你心目中的英雄为话题,重点介绍了白求恩大夫和南丁格尔的有关事迹,学生通过听、说、读、写等环节可以全面了解这些名人所作的贡献。本模块通过对话引入了状语从句的用法,通过阅读培养了学生人物介绍的写作能力。在设计活动时,可根据学生的实际,扩大话题的范围,让学生谈谈自己心目中最棒的歌星、球星等,或说说自己将来希望成为什么样的人。更多资源,二、学情分析:,1 学生已经在前面的中,学习了条件状语从句和时间状语从句的用法,在本模块中,学生将

2、继续学习原因、目的、和结果状语从句。有了前三个模块的基础,本模块的知识应该不难掌握。2 模块的话题是“我心目中的英雄”,也是学生比较感兴趣的,但该话题涉及的人有各行各业,所以应该要求学生利用多种途径了解自己的偶像,做好充分的准备,以达到在学中用,用中学的目的。,三、教学目标:,语言知识目标1 理解并掌握下列词汇avoid,brave,excuse,thought,rewrite,bet,army,Canada,Canadian,medical,treat,treatment,Dr,front,injured,war,First World War,invent,tool,local,opera

3、te,operation 2 掌握并能运用下列词组so that,on ones own,come up,give ones life to,in spite of,in the end,take care of,avoid doing,ask sb.to do sth.,in the hospital,stop sb.doing sth.,3 语法Adverbial clause of cause,purpose and result,(二)语言技能目标,1听懂包含状语从句的对话和课文,了解有关名人的生平事迹。2能运用所学的知识对人物进行介绍。3能读懂介绍名人的文章,进行简单的阅读技能训练。

4、4(1)能熟练运用状语从句。(2)能够仿照范文,对自己心目中的英 雄进行简单的介绍。,1通过对话学习,培养学生善于为别人着想,关爱他人的良好品质。2通过课文学习,了解有关名人的事迹,学习名人的奉献精神,培养学生树立正确的人生观。3通过本模块中的各种活动,培养学生的团结合作精神。,情感态度目标,四教学重点、难点,1理解并掌握本模块的有关词汇和词组。2掌握表目的、原因、和结果的状语从句,并能熟练运用。3能对人物进行简单介绍。,五课时安排:,Period One:Unit 1 She missed the final practice so that Kylie could play.Period

5、Two:Unit 2 There were few doctors,so he had to work very hard.Period Three:Unit 3(Around the world,7,9,10,11,12)Period Four:Unit 3(1,2,3,4,5,6,8),Unit 1 She missed the final practice so that Kylie could play.,Period One,Mozart,was a great composer.,He could play the piano on his own when he was six.

6、,What do you know about Yang Liwei?,He trained for five years so that he could land safely in the end.,What do you think of him?,He is a brave man.,What does he do?,He is a singer.,What is he doing?,He is giving a concert.,Listen and answer the questions.,1.Who is speaking?2.When are they speaking?3

7、.What will happen next?,Listen again.Answer the questions,use the words to help you.,How does Sally usually feel about playing on her own?2.What do Lingling and Betty think of Sally?3.What does Mrs Styles know?4.Whats Mrs Styles going to do?,(1)Where are the children?(2)Why did Sally miss the final

8、practice?,(3)What do you think will happen in the Starsearch competition?(4)What will happen when Kylie and sally get back to the UK?,(5)Have you ever heard or seen a programme like Starsearch?What happens?(6)Do you agree that Sally is a hero?,Listening,Make a survey,A:Who ie your hero?B:Its Jackie

9、chan!A:Why?B:Because he is a great film star,I think all his film are fantastic.,Report like this:Jims hero is Jackie Chan,because Jackie Chan is a great film star,and all his films are fantastic.,Homework:,1Finish off WB Exx.3,5.2Make a survey,ask your family members about their hero.3Search some i

10、nformation about Dr Norman Bethune.,Period Two Unit 2 There were few doctors,so he had to work very hard.,Game time.,Eg:My fathers hero is a basketball player.He is Chinese.He is 2.26 meters tall.Who is he?,stay with local people,AntiJapanese war,Soldiers,Perform operation,operate,treat the injured

11、soldier,Canada,Canadian,medical tools,give ones life to,(1)Where does Norman Bethune come from?(2)Is he one of chinas most famous heroes?(3)When was he born?Did he go to the front to look after injured soldiers in the First World War?(5)When did he become a doctor?,Scanning and answering,Norman Beth

12、une is one of chinas most famous heroes.()(2)He wasnt Canadian.()(3)He gave his life to helping the Japanese people.()(4)Norman Bethune was born in 1890.()(5)He become a doctor in 1926.()(6)He went to the front to look after injured soldiers in the anti-Japanese war.()(7)He invented new treatments t

13、o help soldiers.()(8)He came to china in 1938.(),True or False.,(9)He worked very hard.()(10)He opened hospitals to train doctors and nurses.()(11)When he was tired,he stopped to have a rest.()(12)Once he performed operations for 59 hours without stopping.()(13)In the end he died because he was tire

14、d.()(14)He cut his hand during an operation.()(15)Our Chinese people think Dr Bethune is a hero.()(16)He is remembered in both Canada and china.(),Writing,Look at the facts about Yuan Longping and write a passage about him.,1.Finish off WB Exx.3,5.2.Retell the story.,Homework:,Period Three Unit 3(Ar

15、ound the world,7,9,10,11,12),A famous British nurse,Read and fill in the form.,Florence Nightingale,Discussion and task,In groups of four,discuss and choose a hero.Writing about a hero.,Homework:,1.Finish off WB Exx.1,2,4.,Period FourUnit 3(1,2,3,4,5,6,8),Competition,Homework:,1.Make a poster about your hero.2.Finish off WB Ex11.,Thank you!,更多资源,


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