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1、Unit 6 Sam Adams,Industrial Engineer,Teaching Goals,To learn some useful words To know the function of subordinating conjunctions.,Teaching Steps,Lead-in Questions&IntroductionInformation Related to the TextRead Aloud the New WordsComprehension of the TextExplanation of the TextKey to the Exercises,

2、Lead-in Questions,Are you a well-organized person?Do you consider yourself an efficient person?How would you arouse your hearers interest?What could we do to stay efficient?Are you a good listener?There are more complaints than suggestions?,Information Related to the Text,American educational system

3、,New Words&Expressions,efficiency,industrial,elementary,upper,drawer,bureau,underwear,pants,expert,utensil,foundation,career,engineering,unfortunately,bossy,project,bachelor,short-term,consultant,amaze,whatsoever,inspect,shipment,sleeve,uncomfortable,relieve,boring,workroom,furthermore,irregular,abs

4、ent-minded,assembly,recognize,shift,daydream,observation,oral,findings,inspection,redesign,decrease,worktable,operator,management,background,beautify,setting,productive,promotion,incentive,suggestion,co-owner,compliments,Useful Expressions,工艺,工业美术,Efficiency wage,绩效工资,Industrial art,Upper class,上层社会

5、,Elementary teacher,小学教师,擅长于,熟练于,Expert at/on/in,为打下/奠定基础,Lay the foundation for,FBI,Federal Bureau of Investigation,Useful Expressions,职业妇女,短期贷款,Career women,Short-term loans,Project oneself,突出/表现自己,单身未婚女子,Bachelor girl,CPPCC,Chinese Peoples Political Consultative Conference,Roll up ones sleeves,着手

6、做事,缓解压力,Relieve pressure,Comprehension of the Text,True/False1.Sam liked neatness when he was a child.2.Sam said that he was modest enough to take others advice.3.Mr.Hobbs owned a big and efficient factory.4.Shirts were not given a final inspection in the factory.,Comprehension of the Text,5.The ass

7、embly line work flow was regular.6.Sam believed that the plants worktables were too low.7.During his first week in the factory,Sam painted pictures on the wall.8.Mr.Hobbs was not pleased with Sams report and immediately sent him away.,Part division,Main Ideas,Paras,Parts,2,6-19,Exemplification:After

8、 graduation,I worked as a short-term consultant(6).After making observations(7-10),I reported my findings to the boss(11-7)and he thanked me(18-9).,I was well-organized and efficient(1-4),but a bit bossy(5).,1,1-5,Paragraph One,If you ask my mother how I happened to become an industrial engineer,she

9、ll tell you that I have always been one.how I happened to:what led me to;how it came about that I(became)e.g.The policemen want to know how she happened to be on the spot.警察想知道她怎么偏偏在这个地方。,Industrial engineer,Industrial engineer,Industrial engineer,Industrial engineering is the detailed analysis of t

10、he use and cost of men,materials and equipment in an organization,with a view to increasing its productivity,profit and efficiency.Those who are involved in this kind of analysis are called industrial engineers.,Industrial engineer,As for an industrial engineer his duties are primarily to coordinate

11、 personnel,materials and machinery and determine the most productive and efficient use of each.,Paragraph Meaning:,如果你问我母亲,我怎么偏偏会成为一名工业管理工程师的,她就会告诉你,我一直就是这样一个人。,Paragraph Two:,She means that I have always wanted everything to be well organized and neat.When I was still in elementary school,I liked t

12、o keep my socks in the upper left hand drawer of my bureau,my underwear in the upper right drawer,shirts in the middle drawer,and pants,nearly folded,in the bottom drawer.,Paragraph Two,1.She means that I have always wanted everything to be well organized and neat.neat:adj.整洁的,灵巧的,优雅的e.g.a neat desk

13、 整洁的书桌 Cats are neat animals.猫是爱整洁的动物,Neat/tidy,neat指“干净而整齐的”,含“细节不乱”的意思,如:a neat house 干净整齐的房间。tidy侧重“整齐、有条理的”,如:She keeps her room tidy.她的房间保持 得井然有序。,Elementary School,Bureau(AmE),A chest of drawers for bedroom use(卧室五斗柜),Bureau:1.a government department e.g.public security bureau 公安局 2.a business

14、 office,esp.one that collects and/or keeps facts e.g.an information bureau 资料室,传达室,Paragraph Meaning:,她的意思是说,我一贯希望把样样东西都安排得井井有条,整整齐齐。还在上小学时,我就喜欢把袜子放在衣柜左上方的抽屉里,内衣放在右上方的抽屉里,衬衫放在中间的抽屉里,叠得整整齐齐的裤子放在最下面的抽屉里。,Paragraph Three:,In fact,I was the efficiency expert for the whole family.I used to organize my fa

15、thers tools,my mothers kitchen utensils,my sisters boy friends.,Paragraph Three,“Efficiency expert”:noun+nounThere are many other examples of such combinations in the text.e.g.work flow,quality control inspection,assembly line,machine operator,Paragraph Three,Efficiency the ability to do sth.Well n.

16、效率,效能,功效 e.g.How to raise work efficiency is important to the owner.对这位老板来说,如何提高工作效率很重要。Efficiency expert 效率专家Labor efficiency 劳动效率Work efficiency 工作效率,Paragraph Three,Effective/efficientEffective 和efficient 都有“有效的”意思。Effective 意为“有效的”,指能产生预期的或较长久的效果;efficient 意为“效率高的”,“得力的”,有做事呀起作用快而且好的含义。,Paragrap

17、h Three,expert:(n.)a person with special training in a certain fielde.g.Nie Weiping is an expert at chess.(a.)skillfule.g.Nie Weiping is expert at/in playing chess.,Paragraph Meaning:,事实上,我那时一直是全家人的效率专家。父亲的工具、母亲的厨房用具以及姐姐的男朋友全由我统一安排。,Paragraph Four:,I needed to be efficient.I wanted to be well organi

18、zed.For me,there was a place for everything and everything was always in its place.These qualities gave me a good foundation for a career in industrial engineering.,Paragraph Four,These qualities gave me a good foundation forquality:n.high degree of goodness;special characteristic ofsth.or sb.质量,品质,

19、性质E.g.a poor quality of cloth 品质低劣的布料 qualities of leadership 领导才能,Paragraph Meaning:,我需要讲究效率。我希望有条不紊。对我来说,样样东西都有个固定的地方,样样东西总是放在适当的地方。这些素质为我日后从事工业管理打下了良好的基础。,Paragraph Five:,Unfortunately,I was also a bit bossy and I wasnt a very good listener.Youll see what I mean when I tell you about the first pr

20、oject I ever did after I finished my bachelors degree at the university.,Paragraph Five,bachelors degree,Paragraph Five,Academic Degree A.B.or B.A.Bachelor of Arts A.M.or M.A.Master of Arts B.B.S.Bachelor of Business Science B.C.L.Bachelor of Civil Law 民法学士,Paragraph Five,B.D.Bachelor of Divinity神学学

21、士 B.Lit,B.Litt or Lit.B.Bachelor of Letters文学士(or Literature)B.L.L.or L.L.B.Bachelor of Laws B.S.,B.Sc.,or Sc.B.Bachelor of Science M.B.A.Master of Business Administration,Paragraph Five,学院与大学 美国高等院校中,学院(College)主要提供大专课程和四年制大学本科课程,分别称二年制学院(Two-year college)或四年制学院(Four-year college)。大学(University)则是一

22、种综合性较强的学府,往往会包括学院(College)、研究生院(GraduateSchool)和若干专业学院(ProfessionalSchool),一所大学可以同时开设理、工、农、医、人、文和社会等学科的大学或研究生课程,有的大学(通常是州立大学)本身是一个宠大的体系,分有许多不同的校园(campus)。,Paragraph Five,大学教育 二年制学院(Two-year College)提供初级阶段的高等教育,学生学完两年的课程之后可以取得准学士学位(Associate in Arts,Associate in Science)。这种教育又分成两类,一类是一般性教育,学生学习相当于四年制

23、大学一、二年课程,所得的学分可以转到四年制大学;另一类是职业教育,所开设课程是为学生在社会上就业作准备,学生完成学年的学习后就从事技术的工作,不再攻读学位,二年学院的名称各叫地方学院(Community College),也有的叫初级学院(Junior College)。地方学院通常是地方政府兴办的。二年制学校收的学费比较低,招生要求也不高,,Paragraph Five,四年制学院(Four-Year College)和大学(University)提供学士学位(Bachelor of Arts,Bachelor of Science,即BA或BS)课程。多数四年制学院的专业设置范围包括文理科

24、的一般教育(Liberal Arts),即人文社会科学和自然科学的基础学科,有的也开设一些较专门的或应用性的科学,入学要求比两年制的高。,Paragraph Meaning:,遗憾的是,我这个人也有一点专横,不太善于听取别人的意见。等我把在大学取得学士学位后承办第一项工程的情况告诉你以后,你就会明白我这话是什么意思了。,Paragraph Six:,After graduation I returned home to my small town in Indiana.I didnt have a job yet.Mr.Hobbs,a friend of my fathers,owned a

25、small shirt factory in town.Within the past five years it had grown from twenty to eighty workers.Mr.Hobbs was worried that his plant was getting too big and inefficient,so he asked me to come in on a short-term basis as a consultant.,Paragraph Six,1.Indiana(The Crossroads of America),Paragraph Six,

26、2.so he asked me to come in on a short-term basis as aconsultant.:come in:v.进来,到达终点,流行起来,当选,(钱)到手,Paragraph Six,e.g.When did the short skirt first come in?短裙是什么时候开始流行的?Has the train come in yet?火车到站了吗?come in third 得第三名 Where do I come in?我的作用在哪儿呢?,Paragraph Six:,on a short-term basis:temporarily;fo

27、r a period of timeSimilarly:(to work)on a five-day-a-week basis(to hold a job)on a full-time basis(to pay)on a piece-work basis,毕业后我回到家乡印第安纳州的一个小镇上。当时我还没有找到工作。我父亲的一位朋友霍布斯先生在镇上有一家小型衬衫厂。在过去五年里,厂里的工人从二十名增加到了八十名。霍布斯先生担心他的工厂规模变得太大了,效率变得太低了,便请我进厂当了个短期顾问。,Paragraph Meaning:,Paragraph Seven and Eight:,I wen

28、t to the plant and spent about a week looking around and making notes.I was really amazed at what I saw.Most curious of all,there was no quality control whatsoever.No one inspected the final product of the factory.As a result some of the shirts that were put in boxes for shipment were missing one or

29、 two buttons,the collar,even a sleeve sometimes!,Paragraph Seven and Eight,1.and spent about a week looking aroundlook around:v.(=look round)到处寻找,察看,观光,游览 e.g.“Can I help you?Is there anything you particularly want?”“No,than you,I am just looking around.”“Have you got a job yet?”“No,Id like to look

30、around a bit.”,Paragraph Seven and Eight,2.I was really amazed at what I saw.be amazed at(or by):对 感到惊奇e.g.The teacher was amazed at her rapid progress in studies.surprise,astonish,amaze 吃惊的程度由弱到强:surprise(由于突然而吃惊)astonish(大吃一惊)amaze(吃惊到了迷惑不解的程度)。,Paragraph Seven and Eight,3.there was no quality con

31、trol whatsoever.whatsoever:pron.无论什么e.g.He will come for the meeting.There can be no doubt whatsoever about it.Nothing whatsoever can prevent us from carrying out this plan.,Paragraph Seven and Eight,4.As a result some of the shirts that were put in boxesas a result:therefore,because of this as a re

32、sult of:because ofe.g.Some students were late for class as a result of the heavy snow.,Paragraph Meaning:,我来到厂里,花了一个星期左右的时间一边到处查看,一边做些笔记。说真的,我对看到的情况不胜惊讶。最为奇怪的是,厂里竟然没有任何质量控制。没有人检验工厂生产的成品。结果,有些装箱待运的衬衫不是缺了一两粒钮扣,就是少了衣领,有时甚至还会短只袖子。,Paragraph Nine:,The working conditions were poor.The tables where the wor

33、kers sat were very high and uncomfortable.Except for a half hour at lunchtime,there were no breaks in the day to relieve the boring work.There was no music.The walls of the workrooms were a dull gray color.I was amazed that the workers hadnt gone on strike.,Paragraph Nine:,1.Except for a half hour a

34、t lunchtime,except for:with the exception of;apart from e.g.The room was bare except for a few chairs.这间房间里除了一些椅子以外什么也没有.We had a pleasant time,except for the weather.除了坏天气外我们过得很愉快.,Paragraph Nine,Expect 所引导的词语在句中有与之对应的同类词语,而expect for 没这种对应,只是用其他细节来修正句中的基本内容。All the essays are good expect Johns.You

35、r essay is good expect for the spelling.,Paragraph Nine:,2.there were no breaks in the day to relieve the boring work.relieve:make less or easier;give help to those in neede.g.a drug that relieves headaches 缓解头痛的药,Paragraph Nine:,Let me relieve you of that heavy parcel.让我把你的重包裹解下来吧。to relieve a dull

36、 evening 调剂一下枯燥的晚上to relieve sb.s mind 解除某人忧虑,Paragraph Nine:,3.I was amazed that the workers hadnt gone on strike.go/be on strike:refuse to work e.g.The miners went on strike because of the lack of safety equipment.矿工们因为缺乏安全设备罢工。I would never go on strike for more money.我绝不为加薪而罢工。,Paragraph Meaning

37、:,工厂的生产条件很差。工作台很高,工人坐在旁边很不舒服。除了吃午饭的半小时外,全天没有别的休息时间来调剂一下令人厌倦的工作。厂里也不播放音乐。工场间的墙壁全是一片暗灰色。使我感到惊奇的是,工人们竟然没有罢工。,Paragraph Ten:,Furthermore,the work flow was irregular.There was one especially absent-minded young man in the assembly line who sewed on buttons.After a while I recognized him as“Big Jim”,who u

38、sed to sit behind me in math class in high school.He was very slow and all the shirts were held up at his position.Workers behind him in line on his shift had to wait with nothing to do;therefore,a great deal of time and efficiency were lost as Big Jim daydreamed while he worked.All week I wondered

39、why he wasnt fired.,Paragraph Ten,1.assembly line,Paragraph Ten,2.He was very slow and all the shirts were held up at his position.hold up:delay or cause to stope.g.The train was held up for an hour by the accident.They were held up by fog.他们为雾所耽搁。,Paragraph Ten,3.Workers behind him in line on his s

40、hift had to wait with nothing to do;:His fellow workers who worked further down the assembly line had to wait doing nothing,Paragraph Ten,All week I wondered why he wasnt fired.Fire:dismiss sb.from his or her jobe.g.Youre fired.你被解雇了。According to the Law of Labor,bosses cant fire workers at will any

41、 longer.根据劳动法,老板们再也不可以任意解雇工人了。,Paragraph Meaning:,此外,厂里的生产流程也时断时续。在装配线上有个缝钮扣的年轻人特别心不在焉。没有多久,我便认出了他,原来他就是在中学上数学课时坐在我后面的“大个子吉姆”。他动作很慢,所有的衬衫到了他这儿都被耽搁下来。装配线上他后面的同班工人只好等在那儿无事可干;因此,在“大个子吉姆”边工作边胡思乱想的时侯,大量时间便白白流逝了,劳动效率大受损失。整个礼拜我都在纳闷,为什么他没有被解雇。,Paragraph Eleven:,After I made observations for a week,Mr.Hobbs

42、asked me for an oral report of my findings.I covered my major points by telling him the following:,Paragraph Eleven:,1.Mr.Hobbs asked me for an oral report of my findings.findings:the result of any research or injurye.g.Unlike most researchers,Prof Wang keeps his findings to himself.The government p

43、ublished its findings in Washington Post.,Paragraph Eleven:,2.cover:包括e.g.The review covered everything we learned last term.这次复习包括上学期我们所学的全部课程。This passage does not fully cover the subject.,Paragraph Meaning:,我观察了一个星期后,霍布斯先生便要我就调查结果作一个口头汇报。我把要点概括了一下向他汇报如下:,Paragraph Twelve to Seventeen,“If you have

44、 a quality control inspection,you will greatly improve your finished product.”“If the assembly line is redesigned,a smooth work flow can be achieved and time and energy can be saved.”“If you decrease the height of the worktables,the machine operators will work more comfortably.”,Paragraph Twelve to

45、Seventeen,“If the management provides pleasant background music and beautifies the dull setting,the factory will be much more productive.”“If the workers have a fifteen-minute coffee break in the morning and afternoon,they will be more efficient.”“If excellent work results in frequent pay increases

46、or promotions,the workers will have greater incentive to produce.”,Paragraph Twelve to Seventeen,1.a smooth work flow can be achievedachieve:vt.完成,达到e.g.The university has achieved all its goals this year.这个大学今年已经实现了所有的奋斗目标。He hopes to achieve all his aims soon.他希望尽快达到所有目标。,Paragraph Twelve to Seven

47、teen,2.If you decrease the height of the worktablesdecrease:v.(cause to)become less减少e.g.The number of children in the school has decreased this year.今年在校的儿童人数减少了。,Paragraph Twelve to Seventeen,4.the factory will be much more productive.productive:adj.able to produce well or much生产性的,生产的,能产的,多产的,Par

48、agraph Twelve to Seventeen,e.g.a very productive writer 多产作家Un-is a productive prefix.un-是一个构词力活跃的前缀。a productive effort 生产力Science and technology are the first productive force.,Paragraph Twelve to Seventeen,If excellent work results in frequent pay increases or promotions result in:v.cause,lead to

49、,bringabout 导致e.g.Eating too much often results in sickness.The accident resulted in his death.,Paragraph Twelve to Seventeen,promotion:n.an action to help sth.develop or succeed;advancement in position or rank促进,发扬,提升,提拔,晋升 e.g.Xiao Wang has got a promotion.a promotion worker推销员,Paragraph Meaning:,

50、“如果实行质量检验,你们就会大大改进成品。“如果把装配线重新设计一下,生产流程就会达到平稳,并能节省时间和精力。“如果降低工作台的高度,机器操作工作业时就会舒服一些。,Paragraph Meaning:,“如果厂方播放悦耳的背景音乐,美化一下单调的环境,工厂的生产率就可以大大提高。“如果工人们在上、下午各有一次十五分钟的体息时间喝咖啡,他们的效率就会更高。“如果工作出色能经常得到加薪提级,工人们就会有更大的生产积极性。”,Paragraph Eighteen and Nineteen:,Mr.Hobbs thanked me for this report and told me he wo


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