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1、,Unit Seven,The sampler,advantage:n.=sth.useful or helpful 利益,好处,优点,Its antonym is“disadvantage(缺点,不利条件)”。Collocation:take advantage of sth.=to make use of sth.Or profit from sth.利用;e.g.He took advantage of the fine weather to play tennis yesterday.(他利用昨天的好天气去打网球了。)take advantage of sb.=to make use

2、of sb.as by deceiving him 欺诈,欺骗;e.g.Bob has taken advantage of his parents and cheated them out of 10,000 dollars.(鲍勃对他的父母进行欺诈,骗走了他们1万美元。),suspect vs.doubt,suspect:vt.=feel doubt about;guess or suppose“怀疑,猜测”;侧重于对某一事物坏的方面作出怀疑,比较肯定,一般后面不接whether或if引导的从句。e.g.At first,we suspected that he was lost.(起先,

3、我们怀疑他失踪了。)常用结构:suspect sb.of(doing)sth.“怀疑某人犯罪,错误”e.g.He was suspected of selling state secrets and arrested last month.(他涉嫌倒卖国家机密,于上月被捕。)2.doubt:n./v.=to be uncertain,to consider unlikely“怀疑,看来不会”;只是一般性怀疑,表示“拿不准”,后面的宾语从句多由whether或if引导。e.g.I doubt whether Prof.Smith will come to our school to give a

4、 lecture this morning.(我怀疑史密斯教授今天上午是否会来我们学校做讲座。),admist vs.between vs.among,admist:prep.=in the middle of,among 在.中间;其后既可跟c.n.和 pron.,也可跟u.n.;e.g.A gentleman in white was standing amid/admist the crowd,addressing to the public.(一位穿白色衣服的男士站在人群中向公众发表演说。)between:指两者之间;e.g.There are a lot of similaritie

5、s between us.among后面一般接pl.n.和pron.,指三人以上的人或事;e.g.Tokyo is among the largest cities in the world.(东京市世界上最大的城市之一。),lay(v.)-laid(p.t.)-laid(p.p.),lay out=spread out陈列,安排,展现;e.g.Many new books have been laid out on the counter.(许多新书被展示在柜台上)lay on=supply or provide 供应,提供;e.g.They laid on a party for all

6、the old people in the village.(他们为全村的老年人举行了一次聚会。)lay up=collect or store for future use贮藏,搁置;lay off=stop working for a period停止(做有害或讨厌的事物);e.g.Youd better lay off smoking here.(你最好别在这儿吸烟。)而lay sb.off 意为“(由于没有足够的 工作而)解雇(某人)”;e.g.They laid us off for three months.(他们停雇了我们 三个 月。),lay down=to put somet

7、hing down when you have finished using it;to make a firm statement or give a rule放下,铺设,规定,拟定;e.g.The boss laid down many strict rules for his employees.Now,lets practice:The new City Park is according to the specific requirements of the citizens.A.laid off B.laid down C.laid out D.laid up,lay down=t

8、o put something down when you have finished using it;to make a firm statement or give a rule放下,铺设,规定,拟定;e.g.The boss laid down many strict rules for his employees.Now,lets practice:The new City Park is C according to the specific requirements of the citizens.A.laid off B.laid down C.laid out D.laid

9、up,in a row,=side by side in a neat line 成一长行;e.g.They are standing in a row.(他们站成一排。)=consecutively 连续,一连串;e.g.We have had good harvests for ten years in a row.(我们连续十年获得了丰收。),to ones taste=in a way that one likes合的口味,中的意,E.g.The book you sent me was quite to my taste.(你送我的那本 书非常适合我的口味。)Popular musi

10、c is not to everyones taste.(流行音乐并不是适合所有人的口味。),for instance=for example 例如,e.g.Martin,for instance,has a very logical head.(比如说,马丁头脑就非常有逻辑性。),and whats more=also,and more importantly 而且,更重要的是,This phrase is often parenthetically used.e.g.The little boy played the piano very well,and whats more,he le

11、arned it himself.(小男孩钢琴弹得很好,而且他是自学的。)Youre late for work again this morning,and whats more,you have lost the key to your office.(你今天早上上班又迟到了,而且把你办公室钥匙也弄丢了。),break off=pause,stop中止,中断,E.g.They broke off their talk when I entered the room.(我进入房间时,他们中止了谈话。),come down in the world=become poor,lose socia

12、l position 落泊,潦倒,失势,E.g.Poor old George has come down in the world since his business failed.(可怜的老乔治自打生意失败就开始穷困潦倒了。),out of place=improper(for ones surroundings)不适当的,不相称的,E.g.What you said at the dinner party was quite out of place.(晚饭时你说的话很不得体。),do sb.a favor=do sth.kind to sb.给某人以恩惠,帮某人忙,E.g.Can y

13、ou do me a favor to turn off the radio?(麻烦你帮忙把我收音机关掉好吗?),mistakefor=think wrongly that(sth.or sb.)is(sth.or sb.else)把错认为,e.g.I always mistake your twin sister for you.(我总是错把你的孪生姐姐/妹妹当作你了。)The foreigner mistook the house for a hotel.(这个外国人错把这个房子当成一家旅馆了。),pull out=take out抽出,取出,e.g.The car that fell i

14、nto the river was pulled out by a crane.(那辆掉到河里的小汽车被起重机拉了出来。),count out=count(things)one by one逐一数出,e.g.Kong Yiji counted out several coins on the counter.(孔乙己在柜台上排出几枚大钱。),long for=wish very much for 渴望,e.g.How I long for a beautiful car!(我多么希望有一辆漂亮的轿车呀!)I have been longing for your prompt reply.(我非

15、常希望得到您的及时的回复。),促销手段:,在现代生活中,许多商家为了扩大销售,采取了各种方法来让消费者对自己的产品产生更大的兴趣。文章中的免费品尝(free sample)就是一种。除了在传媒上大肆宣传,还有一些手段,例如:打折降价,免费试用,当场展示产品性能,随机抽奖,附送礼品等。,西方老人的生活:,在西方人的观念中,老人即是无用的人,对他们缺乏应有的关怀和照顾。一般老人在60-65岁退休后,会从政府及原雇主处领取退休金,但比原来工资少得多。西方的老人不同子女生活在一起,一般独居或住老人院,子女偶尔去探望。在亲情淡于金钱的西方社会,其晚景可谓凄凉。,I have often wondered

16、 whether some people,who had no intention of making a purchase,would take advantage of this privilege.(Para.2),本句等于I often doubted whether some people,who didnt want to buy a pudding,would take the good chance and eat a lot.Tr:我经常怀疑某些人本不打算买布丁是否也会利用这种优惠。have intention of doing=to plan to do sth.有做的意图

17、;e.g.Have you any intention of going there?(你打算去那里吗?)make a purchase=to buy 购买Yesterday she went to town and made a purchase.(昨天她上城里买东西去了。),One day I asked this question of the shop girl,and I learned it was indeed the case.(Para.2;Line 6-8),本句中asked this question of the shop girl之间接宾语the shop girl在

18、直接宾语this question之后,因此用了介词of.这是一种较为正式的说法。一般情况下用asked the shop girl this question.也即to ask a question of sb.就等于to ask sb.a question.Translation:一天我向一位售货员小姐问起这个问题并得知确实是这样。,Well,let him come if he wants it,and welcome to it.(Para.3,Line12-13),句中的两个it都表示his coming and sampling the puddings without the i

19、ntention of buying some.(他来(本店)品尝布丁而并无要买的意思。)“welcome”here is an adjective,which means“allowed freely to have(可随便享用,可任意地)”。E.g.You are welcome to any book in my study.(你可随便享用我书房里的任何书。)welcome还可以作vt.用,如:The Queen welcomed the President as soon as he got off the plane.(总统一下飞机,女王就上前迎接。),He looks as if

20、he needed it all right,and I suppose they can afford it.,as if=as though,seeming to show that 仿佛,好像,俨然;e.g.Tony talked as if he had ever been to the moon.(托尼说话的样子仿佛他去过月亮上似的。)由look as if 引起的从句中,若现实情况并非如此,则用虚拟语气;若是对现在事情的虚拟,as if 句子用过去式;而若是对过去事情的虚拟,as if 句子用过去完成时。e.g.She looks as if she were his elder

21、sister.(她看起来像是他的姐姐。)若在look as if 引起的从句中,若事实是有可能的,则用陈述语气;e.g.He looks as if he is from Northern China.(他看起来像华北人。)It looks as if it is going to rain.(看起来天要下雨了。),and in a burst of benevolence,I went up to him,本句等于“seized suddenly by a strong desire to be helpful”意为“突然动了怜悯之心”;Other examples:a burst of a

22、nger/sympathy/tears/blood etc.“一怒之下/突生怜悯/眼泪夺眶而出/突生冲动”等。本句翻译:怜悯之情在我心中油然而生,我上他跟前,And that was the last I saw or heard of the old man.,本句等于“That was the last time for me to see or hear other things mention him”“那是我最后一次看到和听到有关这位老人的事.”hear of=to know of a fact or existence of sth.or sb.,to receive news a

23、bout sth.or sb.听到消息,听说;e.g.He seemed to be vanished,I never heard of him for ages.(他好像消失了一样,好多年我没听到他的消息。)hear from=to receive news from someone by letter 收到的信;e.g.It was war-time,Jenny hadnt heard from her husband for three months.(当时正是战争时期,珍妮有三个月没收到丈夫的信了.),Ex.13 Cloze(A),When the e(1)man entered th

24、e pudding shop,his w(2)appearance made it quite e(3)that he could not a(4)to buy any of the Christmas puddings that were l o(5)on the counter.However,he s(6)them as if it were his honest i(7)to purchase one.He appeared o o p(8)among the other,more p(9)customers;and,feeling that he had probably c d(1

25、0)in the world,I decided to do him a f(11)by buying him one.To my surprise,however,he seemed quite insulted(受侮辱)by my offer;and immediately(立即)c o(12)what little money he had to purchase one for himself.,Ex.14 Translate the following sentences into English.,1.萨姆买不起他极想要的那种照相机(camera),因为那相机太贵了。Sam cou

26、ldnt afford to buy the camera that he wants very much,because it is too expensive.2.整个上午他都在忙于写那篇故事,只是偶尔停下来喝杯茶。He had concentrated on writing that story the whole morning,only broke off occasionally to have a cup of tea.3.他是个富人家的儿子,不过看上去已经家道中落了。He is a son of a rich family,however,he seems to have co

27、me down in the world.4.他常利用她缺乏(lack)生意头脑(business sense)而欺骗她。He often cheats her by taking advantage of her lack of business sense.,Ex.14 Translate the following sentences into English.,5.王教授,请您赏光来参加我们星期六的英语晚会好吗?Professor Wang,would you please do us a favor by coming to/attending our English Evening

28、 on Saturday?6.看外表他一点也不像是个八十多岁的人。He doesnt seem to be an old man of eighty years old at all,considering his appearance.7.他们肯定没打算把他培养成一名工程师,我猜想他们永远也不会这样做。Undoubtedly,they do not have the intention of making an engineer of him,and I suspect they never will.8.我怀疑这家工厂什么质量控制也没有。经过一周的观察,我发现情况果真如此。I suspected that there was no quality control whatsoever in the factory.After making observations for a week I found this was indeed the case.,


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