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1、Discuss the words meaning,Exercise 1,Exercise 2,Exercise 3,Discuss the words meaning,methodology:Weve been developing a new methodology for assessing new products.,the set of methods and principles used in studying a particular subject or doing a particular kind of work,1.Read the sentences below an

2、d use context to write the definitions of the underlined words.One word has been done for you.,e.g.,enact:In order to prevent employees from behaving badly,he recently noted that companies enactincreasingly elaborate codes of conduct.,to make a proposal into a law or a rule,When a government or auth

3、ority enacts a proposal,they make it into a lawe.g.The authorities have failed so far to enact a law allowing unrestricted emigration.(迄今为止,当局没能制定一部允许无限制移民的法律。)If people enact a story or play,they perform it by acting e.g.Tokyo Governor Shintaro Ishihara made a farce(闹剧)of trying to“purchase”the isl

4、ands,and Japanese right-wingers have continued to enact that farce.(东京都知事石原慎太郎制造了“购岛”闹剧,日本右翼分子仍要继续上演这出闹剧。),Discuss the words meaning,2.shield:He held up his hands,shielding his eyes from the sun.,VERB If something or someone shields you from a danger or risk,they protect you from it.e.g.In the old d

5、ays,Peking Opera did not permit women performers,possibly to shield women from unwanted attention.(旧时,京剧里不允许女性表演,也许是为了保护妇女受到不必要的关注。)N-COUNT usu sing Something or someone which is a shield against a particular danger or risk provides protection from it.e.g.The immune system is our bodys shield agains

6、t infection.(免疫系统是我们的身体防范感染的保护层。),to protect someone or something from being harmed or damaged,Discuss the words meaning,treatment:Medical treatment,or even diagnostic examination,can cause adverse effects in a patient.,something that is done to cure somebody who is injured or ill,Discuss the words

7、meaning,Treatment is medical attention given to a sick or injured person or animal e.g.The official with the Ministry of Health said that the AIDS treatment fees are relatively high and have not yet been included in the new rural cooperative medical insurance.(卫生部的官员说,艾滋病的治疗费用比较高,还未纳入到新农合医疗保险中。)Your

8、 treatment of someone or something is the way you behave towards them or deal with them.e.g.Civil rights groups have complained about the harsh treatment of prisoners.(人权组织抱怨过对待囚犯的严酷。),4.incorporate:Weve incorporated many environmentally-friendly features into the design of the building.,to include

9、something as part of a group,system,plan etc.,Discuss the words meaning,Verb If someone or something is incorporated into a large group,system,or area,they become a part of it.e.g.be V-ed+into The agreement would allow the rebels to be incorporated into a new national police force.(条约允许将叛乱分子纳入到新国家的警

10、察队伍中。)V n+into The party vowed to incorporate environmental considerations into all its policies.(政党誓言要将环保理念囊括到它推行的政策之中。),guideline:Most of us are familiar with the food pyramid,the governments guidelinesfor healthful eating.,rules or instructions about the best way to do sth.,Discuss the words mean

11、ing,N-COUNT usu pl If an organization issues guidelines on(or for)something,it issues official advice about how to doe.g.+on The government should issue clear guidelines on the content of religious education.(政府应该发布关于宗教教育内容的清晰指南。)+for A new set of guidelines for teachers has aroused controversy.(一套新

12、的教师指南引发了争议。),6.conceive:Language may be conceived of as a process which arises from social interaction.,to imagine a particular situation or to think about sth.in a particular way,Discuss the words meaning,If you conceive of something,you imagine it or believe it.e.g.V+of I just cant even conceive o

13、f that quantity of money.(我只是无法想象那么多的钱。)If you conceive(of)something as a particular thing,you consider it to be that thing.e.g.V n+as The ancients conceived the Earth as afloat in water.(古人认为地球是漂浮在水上的。)V+of We conceive of the family as being in a constant state of change.(我们认为家庭总是处于变化的状态。),accusati

14、on:By the way,there is wide spread accusationthat the coal companies did a great harm to the ecology environment here.,a statement saying that sb.is guilty of a crime or of doing sth.wrong,Discuss the words meaning,oft N that If you make an accusation against someone,you criticize them or express th

15、e belief that they have done something wrong.e.g.Kim rejects accusations that Country music is over-sentimental.(Kim否认指责乡村音乐过度多愁善感的说法。)Collocation:make an accusation(against)face an accusationdeny an accusation false accusations(of,that)wild accusations,8.intensive:No matter what the illness is,peop

16、le in hospital intensivecare units tend to have elevated blood sugar levels.,a department in a hospital that treats people who are very seriously ill or badly injured,or the continuous and thorough treatment given to patients there,Discuss the words meaning,ADJ usu ADJ n Intensive activity involves

17、concentrating a lot of effort or people on one particular task in order to try to achieve a great deal in a short time.e.g.a one-week intensive course in English(一周的英语强化课程)Collocations:intensive(efforts,negotiation,study,training,treatment),9.pilot:The expansion of a pilotpayment system by mobile ph

18、one this week has quickened its stride.,a small study,project etc which is carried out as a test to see if an idea,product etc will be successful,Discuss the words meaning,N-COUNT usu N n A pilot scheme or a pilot project is one which is used to test an idea before deciding whether to introduce it o

19、n a larger scale.e.g.Chinas government has recently approved the establishment of a new economic inland pilot zone in northwestern Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region.(中国政府近日批准在宁夏回族自治区建立一个崭新的内陆经济试验区。),10.provision:The provision shall apply to all patents existing at the time when it comes into effect.,Dis

20、cuss the words meaning,N-COUNT A provision in a law or an agreement is an arrangement which is included in it.e.g.The agreement includes a provision for each side to check the other sides weapons.(协议包含一项条款,允许每一方都可以核查对方的武器。)N-UNCOUNT The provision of(or for)something is the act of giving it or making

21、 it available to people who need or want it.e.g.+of The department is responsible for the provision of nursery for children with special needs.(部门有义务为有特殊需求的孩子们提供托儿所。),a condition in an agreement or law,11.immunity:He recently reoccupied his parliamentary seat though some suggest this was largely an

22、attempt to secure immunityfrom prosecution.,the state or right of being protected from particular laws or from unpleasant things,Discuss the words meaning,N-UNCOUNT+from being able to escape from a particular process or situation e.g.The police are offering to witnesses immunity from prosecution.(警察

23、正在对证人授予豁免权。)diplomatic immunity 外交豁免权N-UNCOUNT+to being unable to be infected by a disease e.g.Birds in outside cages develop immunity to airborne bacteria.(生活在室外鸟笼的鸟类对空气中传播的细菌有免疫能力。),12.conformity:The contents of a bill of exchange must be in conformity with that of the relative contract.,Discuss t

24、he words meaning,N-UNCOUNT If something happens in conformity with(or to)something such as a law or someones wishes,it happens as the law says it should,or as the person wants it to.e.g.We must act in conformity with(to)local regulations.(我们的行为必须符合当地的规定。),compliance with standards,rules,or laws,13.s

25、ubsidy:These projects are mostly politically driven and run mainly on external money sources and subsidyother than own generated funds.,money that is paid by a government or organization to make prices lower,reduce the cost of producing goods,etc,Discuss the words meaning,N-COUNT A subsidy is money

26、that is paid by a government or other authority in order to help an industry or business,or to pay for a public service.e.g.European farmers are planning a massive demonstration against farm subsidy cuts.(欧洲农民们正在计划举行一次大规模的示威活动,抗议削减农业补助。),14.incentive:Awards provide an incentive for young people to i

27、mprove their skills.,something that encourages you to work harder,start a new activity,etc,Discuss the words meaning,N oft N to-inf If something is an incentive to do something,it encourages you to do it.e.g.Awards provide an incentive for young people to improve their skills.Political leaders unite

28、d yesterday to condemn the latest wave of violence.(奖励为年轻人提供了鼓励,让他们提高自己的技能。)Collocation:create/provide/give somebody an incentive economic/financial/tax etc incentives,15.align:The test is being revised to align it with what students need to know before entering college.,to publicly support a politi

29、cal group,country,or person that you agree with,Discuss the words meaning,VERB If you align yourself with a particular group,you support them because you have the same political aim.e.g.He has attempted to align the Socialists with the environmental movement.(他已经努力让社会主义者与环保运动结成联盟。)alignment n.,16.co

30、lumn:He writes a weekly column for The Times.,an article on a particular subject or by a particular writer that appears regularly in a newspaper or magazine,Discuss the words meaning,Noun-Count part of a newspaper(or magazine)dealing with a particular subject or written by the same journalist e.g.th

31、e fashion,motoring,financial,etc column(时装、汽车、财经等专栏)Noun-Count a tall solid upright stone post used to support a building or as a decoration e.g.The temple is supported by massive columns.(此庙由粗大的柱子支撑着。),17.escalate:It will be interesting to see how much the violence will escalateif nothing changes a

32、nd the unstable government is not repaired.,if fighting,violence,or a bad situation escalates,or if someone escalates it,it becomes much worse,Discuss the words meaning,VERB If a bad situation escalates or if someone or something escalates it,it becomes greater in size,seriousness,or intensity.e.g.+

33、into Her fear is escalating into panic.(她的恐惧正在升级为恐慌。)escalation n.,18.encompass:The human rights enjoyed by the Chinese citizens encompass an extensive scope,including not only survival,personal and political rights,but also economic,cultural and social rights.,to include a wide range of ideas,subje

34、cts,etc.,Discuss the words meaning,VERB If something encompasses particular things,it includes them.e.g.The study encompasses the social,political,and economic aspects of the situation.(这个研究包含了这个形势的社会、政治以及经济方面。),19.demonstrate:The findings in this years report demonstratea continuing trend in scient

35、ific innovation.,to show or prove something clearly,Discuss the words meaning,VERB To demonstrate a fact means to make it clear to people.e.g.V that You have to demonstrate that you are reliable.(你必须证明你是可信赖的。)VERB When people demonstrate,they march or gather somewhere to show their opposition to som

36、ething or their support for something.V+against What are they demonstrating against?(他们在游行抗议什么呢?)V+for In the cities vast crowds have been demonstrating for change.(城市里,很多人群在游行,要求改革。),20.expire:They can be fired tomorrow or whenever their contracts expire.,if an official document expires,it can no l

37、onger be legally used,Discuss the words meaning,VERB When something such as a contract,deadline,or visa expires,it comes to an end or is no longer valid.e.g.He had lived illegally in the United States for five years after his visitors visa expired.(他的访问签证到期后,他在美国非法居住了5年时间。)expiration n.uncountable 过

38、期,21.trigger:We know that skipping meals can triggermigraines(偏头痛),and it may also triggertension-type headaches.,to make something happen very quickly,especially a series of events,Discuss the words meaning,VERB If something triggers an event or situation,it causes it to begin to happen or exist.e.

39、g.The assassination triggered off a wave of rioting.(刺杀事件引发了一轮暴乱。)N-COUNT The trigger of a gun is a small lever which you pull to fire it.e.g.A man pointed a gun at them and pulled the trigger.(一个人将枪瞄准他们,扳动了扳机。),pensate:If you dont have the resources,you have to compensatewith intelligent strategy.,

40、to pay someone money because they have suffered injury,loss,or damage,Discuss the words meaning,VERB To compensate someone for money or things that they have lost means to pay them money or give them something to replace that money or those things.e.g.The firm will compensate workers for their loss

41、of earnings.(公司会对工人收入的损失进行补偿。)VERB If you compensate for a lack of something or for something you have done wrong,you do something to make the situation better.e.g.The film,like most old-school superhero movies,can only compensate for the lack of originality by giving viewers plenty of action.(这部电影,

42、就像大多数老派的有关超级英雄的电影一样,只能让观众看到许多的武打动作,以此弥补原创性的缺乏。),23.eligible:But people who have already modified their mortgages are still eligible,as long as they meet all of the other requirements.,be able or allowed to do something,Discuss the words meaning,ADJ usu v-link ADJ,ADJ to-inf Someone who is eligible t

43、o do something is qualified or able to do it,for example because they are old enough.e.g.+to Over 500,000 18-year-olds will become eligible to vote this year.(今年会有50多万年公民年满18,获得参选资格。)+for You could be eligible for a university scholarship.(你可能资格获得大学奖学金。)eligibility n.资格,24.file:At the time,her paren

44、ts tried to filea claim with that government-created system.,to give a document to a court or other organization so that it can be officially recorded and dealt with,Discuss the words meaning,VERB If you file a formal or legal accusation,complaint,or request,you make it officially.e.g.The staff file

45、d a formal complaint against the department.(全体职员发起了对这个部门的正式投诉。)Collocations:file a complaint/lawsuit/petition etc(against somebody)发起(针对某人的)投诉,起诉,请愿等file for 提交,25.outcome:Unfortunately,measuring performance by clinical outcomeis easier said than done.,the final result,Discuss the words meaning,N-C

46、OUNT usu sing The outcome of an activity,process,or situation is the situation that exists at the end of it.e.g.+of It was impossible to predict the outcome of the election.(要预测选举的结果是不可能的。),26.convince:Persuasion,not coercion,is the only way to convince people.,to make someone feel certain that some

47、thing is true,Discuss the words meaning,VERB If someone or something convinces you of something,they make you believe that it is true or that it exists.e.g.The officials were eager to convince us of the safety of the nuclear reactors.(官员急于让我们确信核反应堆的安全性。)VERB If someone or something convinces you to

48、do something,they persuade you to do it.e.g.Ive been trying to convince Jean to come with me.(我已经努力说服简跟我一起走。),27.diagnosis:Information gained from that research could in turn be used for early diagnosisof brain deformities or cancer in humans.,the process of discovering exactly what is wrong with so

49、meone or something,by examining them closely,Discuss the words meaning,N-VAR Diagnosis is the discovery and naming of what is wrong with someone who is ill or with something that is not working properly.e.g.+0f I need to have a second test to confirm the diagnosis of kidney disease.(我需要进行第二次检查,对肾病的诊

50、断进行确认。)Word familydiagnose v.诊断diagnosable n.可诊断的diagnosability n.可诊断性,28.identify:He said so many new kinds of birds are showing up,and villagers need a guidebook to identifythem.,to recognize something or discover exactly what it is,what its nature or origin is,etc.,Discuss the words meaning,VERB


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