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1、1,四级讲座,大学英语教学部,解晓宁,完型填空 翻译,2,题型介绍,完型填空为第五部分。形式为在一篇约250词的文章中留出20个空白,要求从每题给出的4个选项中选出最佳答案。每题0.5分,20空为10分。时间15分钟。,3,测试要点,语法,逻辑推理,词汇,4,答题方法及步骤,4)复核全文,消除疏漏。(第三遍),1)通读全文,掌握大意。(第一遍),2)瞻前顾后,先易后难。(第二遍),3)上下连贯,合乎逻辑。,5,解题技巧,1.注意动词词组中的介词或副词;,2.利用固定搭配或习惯用语;,3.根据邻近原则;,4.从整体出发,注重语篇逻辑;,5.注重语境,结合背景知识;,6,解题技巧,1.利用动词词组

2、中的介词或副词;,7,Acame on Bcame off Ccame overDcame out,Over half the worlds people now live in cities.The latest“Global Report on Human Settlements”says a significant change took place last year.The report this week from U.N.Habitat,a United Nations agency.,D,8,Aout BintoCoff Dup,Youll automatically be o

3、n the right heart-healthy track if vegetables,fruits and whole grains make three quarters of the food on your dinner plate.,D,9,解题技巧,1.利用动词词组中的介词或副词;,2.利用固定搭配或习惯用语;,10,Ain Bbeyond Cwith Dat,This is where cities expand quickly into rural areas,sometimes a much faster rate than urban population growth

4、.,D,11,Ain Bupon Cfor Dby,But now we have a different understanding of healthy eating and the kinds of food necessary to prevent not only heart disease but disease general.,A,12,1Anotion BhesitationCreasonDdoubt 2 Aoutcome BfunctionCimpactDcommitment,Without a 1,each of the small decisions you make

5、in this realm can make a big 2 on you health in the years to come.,D,C,13,Akeep Bturn Clead Drefer,Urbanization can to social and economic progress,but also put pressure on cities to provide housing and services.,C,14,解题技巧,1.利用动词词组中的介词或副词;,2.利用固定搭配或习惯用语;,3.根据邻近原则;,15,Aessential Bprior CprimitiveDmaj

6、or,In a recent study,Art Hall at the University of Kansas found that people are moving away from the cities to smaller ones.,D,16,Aserious BsplendidCspecificDseparate,In the past we used to believe that amounts of individual nutrients were the key to good health.,C,17,解题技巧,1.利用动词词组中的介词或副词;,2.利用固定搭配或

7、习惯用语;,3.根据邻近原则;,4.从整体出发,注重语篇逻辑;,18,并列和递进,and,while,in addition,in addition to sth.,besides,whats more,moreover,furthermore,plus,also,too,similarly,not onlybut also,someothers等。,19,因果,because,since,for,as,due to the fact that,so,therefore,thus,hence,accordingly,consequently,as a result,as a consequen

8、ce,now that,in that,for this reason 等。,20,转折和让步,but,however,though,whereas,nevertheless,although,yet,on the contrary,otherwise,on the other hand,after all,for all,still,notwithstanding,anyhow,anyway,in spite of,despite,even though,even if等。,21,比较,in comparison with,by comparison,like,as,just as,in c

9、ontrast,by contrast with,conversely,oppositely,on the contrary,instead of,rather than等。,22,列举,for example,for instance,and so on,and so forth,such as,etc.等。,23,顺序,first(ly),second(ly),third(ly);first,next,then,last,one,two,three;for one thing,for another thing before,after,and,to begin with,finally等

10、。,24,解释说明,that is to say,in other words,to put it another way等。,25,条件,if,unless,once,provided that,in case(of)等。,26,总结,so,in brief,in short,in conclusion,in a word,on the whole,generally speaking,to sum up,to summarize,to conclude等。,27,Areally Bbarely CeverDalmost,A century ago,less than five percen

11、t of all people lived in cities.By the middle of this century it could be seventy percent,or six and a half billion people.,D,28,解题技巧,1.利用动词词组中的介词或副词;,2.利用固定搭配或习惯用语;,3.根据邻近原则;,4.从整体出发,注重语篇逻辑;,5.注重语境,结合背景知识;,29,1.Aflourishing Bdeveloped Cthriving Dfertile 2.Aextension Baddition CraiseDgrowth,Already

12、three-fourths of people in 1 countries live in cities.Now most urban population 2 is in the developing world.,D,B,30,1.AmoreBother Cless Drather2.ABy BThroughCAlongDTo,Over half the worlds people now live in cities.A century ago,1 than five percent of all people lived in cities.2 the middle of this

13、century it could be seventy percent,or almost six and a half billion people.,C,A,31,真题演练,32,Translation,Translation,Translation,Translation,Translation,Translation,33,题型介绍,四级考试的最后一个部分,共5个句子,一句一题,句长为15-30词,只翻译半句话。,考试时间为5分钟,分值占5。,34,解题步骤,首先看句子的英语部分,了解句子大意;其次看汉语,确定句形、时态和语态;然后以动词为切入点翻译;最后通读全句,查缺补漏。,35,常

14、考语法要点归纳,虚拟语气,倒装结构,从句,固定搭配,36,小结-虚拟语气,37,真题演练,38,If she had returned an hour earlier,Mary(就不会被大雨淋了).,wouldnt have been caught in the rain,虚拟,39,(should)be installed by/next to the window,It is suggested that the air conditioner(要安装在窗户旁).,虚拟,40,nor did they make any explanation/nor did they give the r

15、eason for doing so,The university authorities did not approve the regulation,(也没有解释为什么)(2011.6).,倒装,41,(给游客印象最深的)was the friendliness and warmth of the local people.,What impressed the tourists most,从句,42,at the risk of his own life,John rescued the drowning child(冒着自已生命危险).(2011.6),固定搭配,43,重点提示,强记单词,认真分析真题,放松心情,调整答题顺序,控制时间,相信直觉,


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