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1、,the Attributive Clause,能力提升,1.(湖南卷26)I was born in New Orleans,Louisiana,a city_name will create a picture of beautiful trees and green grass in our mind.A.which B.of which C.that D.whose,2、-Do you know the man _is talking with your father?-Yes,hes our headmaster.A.he B.who C.which D.whom,.3 The gi

2、rl _ is reading under the tree _my sister.A.which;is B.whom;was C.who;is D.who;was,4.Have you seen the film Titanic _ actors are very famous?,A whoB whoseC that D whom,5.A child _parents are dead is called an orphan.A which B his C whose D with,6、This is the reason _ he told me.,A、thatB、whyC、on whic

3、hD、for that,A,tell sb sth:告诉某人某事,所以这个从句缺宾语,7.Do you know the scientist _ gave us a talk just now?A.who B.whom C.which D.whose8.This is the dictionary _ Mum gave me for my birthday.A.which B.what C.whose D.whom9.Shaolin Temple _ lies in the west of Zhengzhou welcomes the visitors both at home and abr

4、oad.A.where B.which C.who D.what,10.Do you know the girl _ is standing under the tree?She is my little sister.A.who B.whom C.whose D.which11.This is the question _ we are talking about now.A.that B.who C.where D.when,12.What are you looking for?I am looking for the book _ I bought yesterday.A.who B.

5、which C.whose13.Jack,there is someone in the office _ would like to speak with you.A.who B.which C.whom,14.If a bag is filled with books and pens,it must belong to someone _ works hard.A.which B./C.whom D.who15.Many young people prefer the songs _ have great lyrics.A.which B.who C.where D.whom,(歌词),

6、16.Even teachers cant understand some expressions _ their students use in daily life.A.whose B.who C.that D.whom17.Beijing is the 29th city _ holds the Olympic Games.A.where B.that C.which D.what,18.Have you read the book _ I gave you yesterday?A.that B.when C.where19.The man _ came to our party wit

7、h a present is my old friend.A.when B.which C.who,20.I like writers _ write short stories.A.which B.what C.whom D.who21.There are many volunteers _ are helping the children in Sichuan.And most of them are college students.A.which B.when C.whose D.who,*先行词前有下列词语修饰时,定语从句必须用that引导。,all,every,any,little

8、,few,much,no,only,very,the+序数词,the+形容词最高级,e.g.This is the cleanest park that you can imagine.,e.g.This is the only book that has been written in French.,e.g.He talked about the things and persons he had visited in the city.,*在who或which引导的特殊疑问句中,限制性定语从句必须用that引导。,that,e.g.Who is the man is standing o

9、ver there.,that,*先行词在从句中作表语时,限制性定语从句通常用that引导。(常可省略),e.g.She is no longer the girl that she was before she went to the country.,当先行词是one,ones,anybody,anyone,all,none,those 等,指人时一般用who,不用that。Those who want to go to the cinema will have to wait at the gate of the school.,在以疑问词who开头的句子中,或关系代词在从句中作表语时,

10、用that,不用who。Who is the man that is shouting there?She is not the girl that she used to be.,3.先行词是人,从句中缺动词宾语或 介词宾语时,用whom或that(介词 后不用that)。The teacher wants to return the book to the girl from whom he borrowed it.,He is the student(whom,who,that)youwant to see.关系代词that,which,whom 在从句中作宾语时可省略掉。但放在介词后面

11、时则不可省略。,*whose指人或物,在从句中作定语。,e.g.Thats the man whose house was burned down.,1.The famous basketball star,_ tried to make a comeback,attracted a lot of attention.A.where B.when C.which D.who 解析:本题考察定语从句关联词的选择,从句意可知先行词the famous basketball star(著名的篮球明星)是人,所以应用 表示人的关联词who。,真题解析,D,2.(2006 北京)Women _ drin

12、k more than two cups of coffee a day have a greater chance of having heart disease than those _ dont.A.who;/B./;whoC.who;whoD./;/Key:C 解析:本题考查两个定语从句,这两个定语从句都缺少主语,在定语从句中,如果是关系代词做定语从句的主语,关系代词不能省略,故答案选C。,3.(2006 福建)Look out!Dont get too close to the house _ roof is under repair.A.whose B.which C.of whi

13、ch D.thatKey A解析:whose在定语从句中做roof的 定语,用于修饰house。,1.This is all _ I know about the matter.A.that B.what C.who D.whether2.Is there anything else _ you want?A.which B.that C.who D.what3.The last place _ we visited was the Great Wall.A.which B.that C.where D.it,Choose the best answers:,4.Please take the

14、 second chair _ is over there.A.where B.which C.who D.that,5.Is oxygen the only gas _ helps fire burn?A.that B./C.which D.it,6.Finally,the thief handed everything _ he had stolen to the police.(NMET98)A.which B.what C.whatever D.that,7.All of the flowers now raised here have developed from those _ i

15、n the forest.A.once the grew B.they grew once C.that once grew D.once grew.8.I dont like _ you speak to her.A.the way B.the way in that C.the way which D.the way of which,9.The weather turned out to be very good,_ was more than we expected.A.what B.which C.that D.it10.He paid the boy$10 for washing

16、ten windows;most of _ hadnt been cleaned for ten years.A.these B.those C.that D.which,1.The man _ I saw told me to wait.2.The man to _ I spoke was a foreigner.3.I know a boy _ father is an acrobat.(杂技演员)4.He saw a house _ windows were all broken.,Fill in the blanks with who,whom,whose,which and that

17、.,who,whom,whose,whose,5.All the apples _ fall are eaten by wild boars.6.Can you think of anyone _ could look after him?7.This is the best hotel _ I know.8.He showed a machine _ parts are too small to be seen.,that,that,that,which,基础练习,1.Is that the house _ you bought last year?A.where B.which2.Is t

18、hat the picture _ you are laughing at?A.which B.where3.It is the most interesting book _ Ill ever read.A.which B.that,B,B,A,4.The street _ is to the park is very narrow.A.where B.which5.The person _ finds my watch will get a reward.A.who B.when6.This is the room _ we listened to the lecture.A.which

19、B.where,B,A,B,7.The boy _ mother is ill can not come to the party.A.who B.whose8.Tell me the reason _ you are late.A.which B.why,B,B,填空:1.Look at that lady _ name is Pochi.2.He is a teacher _ I like very much.3.Those pictures _ were drawn by Tom are nice.4.Those _ will go to the park stay here.5.Tha

20、t was all the money _ I had.,whose,whom/that,which/that,who,that,6.Tom is the first boy _ left the room.7.Look at the boy and his dog _ are coming this way.8.You can read any book _ I have.9.That was the year _ I went to America.10.we came to the town,_ we stayed for 2 hours.,that,that,that,when,whe

21、re,1.It is reported that two schools,_ are being built in my hometown,will open next year.(2007 四川)A.they both B.which both C.both of them D.both of which2.We shouldnt spent our money testing so many people,most of _ are healthy.(2007 北京)A.that B.which C.what D.whom,高考链接,D,D,3.Chans restaurant on Ba

22、ker Street,_ used to be poorly run,is now a successful business.(2007 浙江)A.that B.which C.who D.where 4.Human facial expressions differ from those of animals in the degree _ they can be controlled on purpose.(2007 重庆卷)A.with which B.to which C.of which D.for which,B,B,5.Last week,only two people cam

23、e to look at the house,_ wanted to buy it.(2007 安徽)A.none of them B.both of them C.none of whom D.neither of whom6.Eric received training in computer for one year,_ he found a job in a big company.(2007 辽宁)A.after that B.after which C.after it D.after this,D,B,9.Yesterday she sold her car,_ she bought a month ago.(2008浙江)A.whom B.where C.that D.which,D,


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