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1、浅谈小学英语毕业书面表达,塘下镇新华小学 戴云丽,1、能模仿范例写句子;2、能写出简单的问候语;3、能根据要求为图片、实物等写出简短的标题或描述;4、能基本正确地使用大小写字母和标点符号。,语言技能分级目标(二级写),语言知识分级目标(二级语法),1.在具体语境中理解以下语法项目的意义和用法:知道名词有单复数形式和名词所有格;知道主要人称代词和形容词性物主代词知道一般现在时,现在进行时,一般过去时和一般将来时的表达;了解表示时间、地点和位置的介词;了解英语简单句的基本形式和表意功能。2、在实际运用中体会以上语法项目的表意功能。,命题范围:六年级上、下册,主要话题与时态:,日常活动(交通)B7U

2、1 How Do You Go There?日常活动(外出)B7U2 Where Is the Science Museum?爱好、日常活动 B7U4 I Have a Pen Pal(第三人称)职业 B7U5 What Does She Do?(第三人称)大自然 B7U6 The Story of Rain 身体(比较级在一般现在时中的运用)B8U1 How tall are you?身体(生病与心情)B8U2 Whats the Matter,Mike?,一般现在时,一般将来时,日常活动(打算、计划)B7U3 What are you going to do?,一般过去时,日常活动 B8U

3、3 Last Weekend节日 B8U4 My Holiday,现在进行时,日常生活 B6U4 What are you doing?动物活动 B6U5 Look at the monkeys 日常活动 B6U6A Field Trip,作文的形式,记叙文,书信体,注意格式,写作时易错的地方:标题的写法字母单词书写的规范 一线格的书写移行要注意的事项 时态人称混乱,2010学年毕业卷,A Special Day,你曾经为父母做过什么,想想曾经度过的最特别的一天,并记录下来。,It was _in _I _I was_.(happy/excited/)What a special day!,W

4、ords Bankcook the meals(breakfast/lunch/dinner/)go hiking/do the dishes go to a parkwash the clothes sing songsclean the rooms buy flowersmake a cake.see,想想动词要怎么变?,My Last Holiday,I was _(happy/tired/excited/busy/)last holiday.On the first day,I _in the morning.I_In the afternoon.On the 2nd,_.On the

5、 3rd,_.,do homework do housework read books learn math/go hiking go shopping go skiing/take pictures play the piano play football watch TV visit,busy watch after in studentbookstore supermarket visit buy play,Im Liu Yun.Im a _.Im going to have a _weekend.On Saturday morning,Im going to the _ by subw

6、ay.Im going to _ a new CD and some story books.In the afternoon,Im going to do my homework.On Sunday,Im going to the _ with my mother.We want to buy some fruits.Were going_lunch.At 3:00 oclock,Im _ football with my friends.Then,_ the evening,Im _ my grandparents.Were _TV together.,2010学年第二学期期中,五一过去了

7、,假设你去了海南岛施行,请根据下表写一篇My Holiday,(此题还可稍作改变用将来时态的形式来写),给Mike写信,告诉他你的周末生活,Dear Mary,My name is _.I was busy last weekend.I cleaned the room and did my homework on Saturday morning.I was a little tired._,2011第二学期期中,2010学年六上期末,2011学年六上期末,假设你是Jane,请写一封信给你的妈妈,根据表格,向她介绍你的好朋友Kate,用上所给的词。,Dear _,How are you in

8、 England.Im fine in Beijing.I have a new friend,Kate.She _Yours,_,Dear Tom,I am sorry to hear that you are sick.I hope you are in good health now.I am 14 years old.I like playing the _.My sister Jane is 15.She is _ _(younger/older)than me.She likes singing.My mother is years old.She is an _ _.She li

9、kes _ stamps.My father_ _ _ Best wishes to you!Your new pen pal,Jenny.,相信你的本领肯定很大,关于my father至少写出两个句子哦!书写时要注意大小写和标点符号!,当Jenny收到Tom 的来信时非常高兴,你能根据Jenny一家的介绍表,帮Jenny写一封回信给Tom吗?相信你一定可以,加油!,如何提高?,2、模仿写作,如六年级下册P30 Lets read:Wu Yifan was busy last weekend.,1、造句:要求学生运用课文的重点词组造句,也可模仿课文里边的句型仿写句子。,3、时态归纳训练:相关的


11、技巧。如:My mother was busy last weekend.She(ed)Sat.morning.She(ed)Sat.afternoon.In the evening,she.(ed)Sunday morning,she(ed).In the afternoon,she(ed).She was busy and tired.So I must help my mother do housework.(She(ed)是提醒学生:动词用过去式)给出这样的提示,学生会更容易说,会更容易掌握写作方法与作文的思路,从而提高写作技巧。,如:题目(1)看图写几句话,说明图中有多少人,是男孩还


13、好地突破时态。学生就不会把题目(2)写成是一般现在时或正在干的事情了。还有,注意提醒学生看关键词,如:打算去哪里?通常做什么?正在干什么?干了什么?等,帮助学生更好地抓关键词的提示去理解时态,从而写好作文。,一、介绍你和家人上学或上班的方式 I go to school on foot.My sister goes to school on foot,too.My brother goes to school by bike.My father goes to work by car.My mother goes to work by bike.二、介绍你和朋友各自上学的方式。I go to

14、school by bus.My friend Amy goes to school on foot.John goes to school by bike.Mike goes to school bySubway.Sarah goes to school by bus.,写作素材,三、看图,说说你怎样去电影院 I go to the cinema.I start from here(the post office).Go straight for five minutes.Then turn left at the library.Go straight for one minute.The

15、 library is on the right.四、写写下周末你和朋友的计划 Im going to have a busy weekend with my friends.On Saturday morning,we are going to go shopping.On Saturday afternoon,we are going to the park.On Sunday morning,We are going to go fishing.On Sunday afternoon,we are goingto climb mountains.We will be happy.,写作素

16、材,五、说说这个星期天,你和家人的安排。I am going to have a busy Sunday with my family.We are going to the zoo on Sunday morning.We are going to see elephants.On Sunday afternoon,we are going to visit my grandparents.We are going to clean the room for them.六、说说你和你家人的爱好。I like flying kites.My father likes diving.My mot

17、her likes playing the violin.My brother likes riding a bike.My sister likes listening to music.,写作素材,七、介绍你和你朋友的爱好。I like diving.My friend John likes flying kites.Amy likescollecting stamps.Zhang Peng likes playing football.ChenJie likes riding a bike.八、介绍你一家人的职业和上班地点和方式。My father is a teacher.He wor

18、ks in a school.He goes towork by car.My mother is an accountant.She works in a bank.She goes to work by bus.,写作素材,九、写一封信给你的笔友,介绍你一家人的情况。Dear Amy,My name is Sarah.Im 13.Im tall and thin.I like swimming.My father is 40.Hes tall and strong.He likes reading books.He is an engineer.He works in a car comp

19、any.He goes to workby car.My mother is 39.Shes short and thin.She likes cooking.She is a salesperson.She works in a bookstore.She goes towork on foot.Yours,Sarah 十、看图介绍图中这个人的情况。He is Ben.He is 26.He is a policeman.He goes to work by bus.He likes playing the violin.He likes going fishing,too.,写作素材,十二、根据提示写一篇短文 He is John.He is 12.He likes collecting stamps.He getsup at 6:40 in the morning.He goes to school at 7:30.He reads books at 8:00 in the evening.,写作素材,十一、写一封信给你的叔叔,向他介绍你的好朋友Amy。包括她的名字,上学的交通方式,放学后她经常做什么?介绍她的爱好以及下个周末的计划。,谢 谢!,


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