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1、世界上最小的蝴蝶 最小的蝴蝶是蓝灰蝶,翅展仅1.3cm,在我国云南西双版纳有采集记录。,世界上最大的蝴蝶 世界上最大的蝴蝶翅膀展开有30cm,产于太平洋西南部的所罗门群岛和巴布亚新几内亚。他的名字叫大鸟翼蝶。据资料,最初人们是在一个密林中发现的,它在树梢上飞来飞去,很不容易采捕,后来还是用弓箭将它射落。,Anecdote of butterfly蝴 蝶 趣 闻,Butterflies range in size from a tiny 1/8 inch英寸 to a huge almost 12 inches.,There are about 24,000 species of butterf

2、lies.The moths are even more numerous:about 140,000 species of them were counted all over the world.,head,蝴蝶在哪里睡觉,大多数蝴蝶是单独过夜的,但也有一些斑蝶喜爱集群栖息。不同品种的蝴蝶有不同的睡觉地方:朴喙蝶喜欢在枯枝的梢头安睡;桔凤蝶多半在植物叶下栖息;丝网蛱蝶则睡在悬崖峭壁上;很多眼蝶干脆就伏在草地上。,蝴蝶给宇宙飞行科学家的启示 一种珍珠蝴蝶能维持自身体温在34摄氏度左右,它是通过调节翅膀上的鳞片位置,来改变太阳光射在它上面的角度的。在宇宙空间里,由于没有空气,宇宙飞船将受到强烈

3、太阳光的直接照射。照射的一面,温度会急剧增加,背阳光一面又很冷,温度剧变对宇航员的身体非常不利。,生活在最高地方的蝴蝶 我国的帕米尔高原最高处有7000多米,登山健儿曾在海拔6000米左右的冰川裂缝里看到过一种紫酱色的小灰蝶。,因此,有人提出仿造珍珠蝴蝶,在宇宙飞船的船身上覆盖一层活动的鳞片,当鳞片紧贴船身时,船身上获得的热量最多,随着鳞片竖起,获得热量相应减少。宇宙飞船只要改变鳞片的倾斜角度,就能保持恒定的船体温度了。,飞行最远的蝴蝶 一种叫君主斑蝶的蝴蝶,每年的11月至次年的3月,数百万计地从加拿大东南部和美国东部山区飞到墨西哥城以西二百公里处的“蝴蝶谷”这段距离两千多千米。,Monarc

4、h butterflies journey from the Great Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico,a distance of about 2,000 miles,and return to the north again in the spring.,蝴蝶有一对明亮放光的复眼,是由一万五千多只小眼睛组成的。他们都呈六角形的楔状,上面大,下面尖,每只小眼睛的侧面都是互相紧密贴在一起的。,奇特的蝴蝶花纹,美国摄影师桑维德在不同的蝶翅上,居然拍摄到了全套从到的拉丁字母,以及从09的阿拉伯数字。在热带美洲海拔800m的山地里,有许多数字蝶。其后翅反面有89、88、98、

5、80等数字图纹。,世界上翅形最长的蝴蝶 长翅大凤蝶是非洲的代表凤蝶,它在翅形长度常超过2023cm,比大鸟翼蝶的雄蝶还长。成虫体内有剧毒,据说可毒死6只猫。,蝴蝶用脚来感觉滋味 一般动物都是用嘴来判断食物的滋味,然而蝴蝶的味觉器官却长在脚上。捉住一只蝴蝶后,把它的双翅合起来,小心地用架子夹住,让它饿两三天。然后,用沾有糖水的棉花球碰碰它的跗节,你可以看到蝴蝶马上会伸出它的长喙,准备吸吮食物了。要是你直接用针拨开它卷曲着的长喙,浸入糖水中,蝴蝶就会立刻缩回长喙,即使再饿,对糖水却是无动于衷。,蝴蝶有多少只小眼睛,Butterflies can see red,green,and yellow.,

6、Many butterflies can taste with their feet to find out whether the leaf they sit on is good to lay eggs on to be their caterpillars food or not.,Butterflies need the sun to be able to fly.Their body temperature needs to be above 30 degrees to fly.In the rain butterflies hide under leaves upside down

7、 with their wings curled.,Egg 3 to 6 days to hatch.The caterpillar hatches from its egg then eats.First it eats its eggshell then leaves.It eats leaves virtually non stop as it needs to grow several thousand times in size.,The pupa does not eat.It is camouflaged to look like a dead leaf or fruit or

8、twigs.,Butterflies live for around 2 weeks up to a year,they find a mate then lay lots of eggs so the life cycle can start again.,Some species of butterfly lay one egg at a time,others lay many eggs at a time.Most species lay eggs on leaves so that the caterpillar can start eating straight away.,Mos

9、t species are found in tropical conditions.Butterflies are diurnal(active during day)Butterflies help to pollinate plants.,Both sides of the butterflies wings are covered in tiny colored scales.Each tiny scale is one color red,yellow,black or white.The blues and greens you can sometimes see are as a

10、 result of light refracting or bending on the wing.,The colorful scales make up the patterns you see on the wings of a butterfly.The patterns are the same on the left and right wings of the butterfly.The front and back wings have different patterns on them.,There are three reasons for the colors on a butterfly:The butterfly is brightly colored because it is poisonous-other animals will not eat them The butterfly attracts mates to breed with.Some butterflies have dull colors-for camouflage.,


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