1、GROUP 11,MOVIE PROMOTION,THE CONCEPTION OF MOVIE PROMOTION,1.On the one hand,movie promotion refers to movie companies utilize such promotion ways as advertising and sponsorship to promote thier product.2.On the other hand,it refers to the marketing of movie itself.,What markting strategies can be u
2、sed in movie promotion?1.Print ads.-For example,poster.,Pictures of Film Poster,To stress the figures,This two posters just show us some words.However,this few words show us what the film is about and we will be more interested in the film.,Advertising the film on the internet by the form of tickets
3、 is another effective way for movie promotion.,Using some exaggerate way to show the character so as to arouse peoples interest.,2.Video advertisingtrailer(预告片)on television,website etc.C:UserssssDesktop冰雪奇缘预告 歌曲.flv(冰雪奇缘)FROZENC:UserssssDesktop归来预告片.flv归来),3.Word-of-mouthSuch as Zone,Wechat and Weibo.For example,Tencent weibo.让子弹飞发三巨头海报 三巨头演绎“三个王者,一个赢家”.,ways of promotion,Promotion Theme,Stars Promotion,Awards Promotion,All of these promotions can expand the target market,attracte consumers and get a great success.,The effect of all these promotions is to increase box office.,