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1、NEW CONCEPT ENGLISH,BOOK 3,A traffic policeman guides drivers on a snow-covered highway in Hami,Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region,on Oct 12,2011.,Motorists get help on a snow-covered highway.,A driver is stranded by heavy snow,Local residents help clear heavy snow.,Babe drinks beer when he feels thir

2、sty,It eatsdelicious food everyday.,Babe,a little boar swims in the sea off a private island in the Bahamas.It is a 12-year-old tamed boar.,Mona Wiethuchter walks along the beach with Babe,the little boar when it is a nice day.idyllicaidilik,It sleeps on the beach and enjoys the sunshine.,Take a sho

3、wer when it backs home.Luke Abbott grooms Babe the pet boar with a special brush,(NAE)puma cougar/mountain lion:a large American wild animal of the cat family,with yellowish-brown or greyish fur.-ish:近乎.的,有点.的(构成形容词)eg:greenish 略呈绿色的 ninetyish 近乎九十岁的-ishly:近似.地,有点.地(构成副词)eg:foolishly child 傻乎乎地小孩/傻里

4、傻气的孩子 单词扩充:jaguar 美洲豹,美洲虎 cheetah 猎豹/tit/it/(土著语),spot:to see or notice a person or thing,especially suddenly.eg:1.Ive just spotted a mistake on the form/booking form(产品预订单).2.The grandpapa finally spotted little Tom,his grandson in the crowd.习惯短语:1.be spot with sth 满是 的斑点eg:The little girls skirt w

5、as spotted with oil.衣服上满是油点2.put sb on the spot 使某人尴尬,使某人为难eg:The reporters questions put her on the spot.记者的问题使她很下不来台。成语:A leopard will not change its spot.江山易改本性难移词汇扩展:spot check 抽查spot light 聚光灯,Evidence:the facts,signs or objects that make you believe that sth is true.词汇扩展:1.witness 证人2.judge 法官

6、3.Jury 陪审团(western countries)4.court of law 法庭self-evident 不言自喻的It was drawn up by Thomas Jefferson in 1776.We hold these truths to be self-evident,that all men are created equal,that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights,that among these are life,liberty and the pursuit

7、of happiness.我们认为下面这些真理是不言而喻的:人人生而平等,造物者赋予他们若干不可剥夺的权利,其中包括生命权、自由权和追求幸福的权利。,The declaration of Independence,Thomas Jefferson,the Statue of Liberty,accumulate:to gradually get more and more of sth over a period of time.eg.1.By investing wisely,he accumulated a fortune.2.Dust and dirt soon accumulate i

8、f a house is not clean regularly.3.Snow accumulated on the ground.地上积了一层雪。oblige:to force sb to do sth,by law or morality,because it is a duty.eg.1.Circumstances oblige me to do that.2.Very oblige with your presence.敬请光临 惯用型:1.feel obliged to do sth 有义务去做某事 2.Unfeeling,selfish girl!we refuse to obli

9、ge you.,hunt:to chase wild animals or birds in order to catch or kill them for food,sport,or to make money.惯用型:1.hunt for 寻找 eg.I hunt for a house to let.2.hunt sb down 缉捕某人 hunt sth down 搜寻某物 eg.1.The police will surely hunt him down.2.My dog hunted down a rabbit and killed it in the woods.3.hunt f

10、or a job 4.hunt for a love(a man or woman want a love story)5.bargain hunter 6.head hunter blackberry:a small soft black fruit that grows on a bush.human being:a person rather than an animal or a machine.Men be:存在 Hamlet:to be or not to be,that is the question.(when he hesitated to kill his uncle),W

11、illiam Shakespeare,Hamlet 哈姆雷特,Corner:1.a part of sht 2.to get a person or an animal into a place or situation from which they cannot escape.惯用型:1.at/on the corner2.around the corner=is coming Eg.The new year is around the corner.Trail:A series of 惯用型:1.a trail of Eg.The truck left a trail of dust.p

12、ath:田间树丛中常走动的小路。road:广阔平坦的大道,多指公路。way:普通用词,含义广泛,可指各种路。street:尤指城市中的道路,highway:通常指市区外可以通行各种机动车辆的交通干线。avenue:在美国,指城市中一侧或两侧建筑物林立的大道或马路;而在英国则常指通往大住宅、私人大庄园或两旁栽树的道路。,Avenue des Champs-É,print:mark词汇扩展:foot printfinger print cling:come or be in close contact with.例句:1.Wet clothes cling to the body.2.

13、I saw a boat-cling on the waves.3.Old people tend to Cling to old ideas.墨守成规Convince:to make sb or yourself believe that sth is true.convince可以直接接人,如果表达“说服某人某事”可用“convinceof”或“convincethat”We hope to convince him of our sincerity.We hope to convince him that we are sincere.错句举例与错句分析:错句:Nobody can co

14、nvince Jane to change her mind.订正:Nobody can persuade Jane to change her mind.翻译:没有人能劝间改变主意。分析:convince表示“使某人确信,信服”,而persuade则表示“说服某人”。,Somehow:for a reason that you do not know certain.Eg.Somehow or other,the baby burst into tears.disturb:to make sb worry.Eg.1.The letter shocked and disturbed the f

15、ather.2.It disturbed Mary to relize that she was alone in the big house.同义词辨析:bother:指使人烦恼而引起的紧张不安或感到不耐烦。eg.Dont bother yourself about me;I am doing quite well.disturb:较正式用词,多用被动态。指扰乱,使人不能平静或妨碍别人工作、思维或 正常秩序,是程度较深的烦恼。trouble:指给人在行动上带来不便或在身心上造成痛苦。eg.1.Im very sorry to trouble you.2.The old ladys back

16、has been troubling her again.,A puma at large,Text,判断句:是解释说明某事物是什么或不是什么的句子。(下定义)Eg.1.He is a warm hearted person.2.Water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen.3.A sponge will absorb water.4.The salt is water soluble.句型:be found 产于,分布 Eg.1.Penguin pewin are found in Antarctica nt:ktik.2.Pandas are large

17、,bear like animals which are found in China.同位语从句:(The appositive clause)在复合句中充当同位语的名词性从句。eg.I,the oldest girl in the family,always had to care for the other children.定语从句:(Attributive Clauses)在句中做定语,修饰一个名词或代词。eg.The boy whom you spoke to just now is my younger brother.状语从句:(Adverbial Clause)状语从句指句子

18、用作状语。可以修饰动词或整句话。eg.The boss asked the secretary to hurry up with the letters so that he could sign them.,定语从句和同位语从句的区别:1.定语从句与其先行词是修饰与被修饰的关系,同位语从句和其中心词是等同的关系。2.定语从句的引导词 that/which 是句子的成分,作主语或者宾语,同位语从句的引导词that 是连词作用。South of 在.以南Take sth seriously 认真对待Take sth slightly 轻描淡写地对待However 语篇标识词 引导作者的意图,目的

19、Claimed to have done(动词不定式的完成时)Eg.Till now,no organization claimed to have been responsible for this accident.unless:if notOn a.trip to 在去。的途中Eg.1.on a fishing trip to.2.on the honey moon trip to Tibet.,reported missing 挂失,报失In the possion of 为。所有(主语一定是物)In possion of 为。所有(主语一定是人)In the care of.由。照看In the charge of.某事由某人负责重点词组,短语:plain of/about 抱怨某事2.in the possision of sb=in sbs possision3.leave behind谚语:Only when you experience the pain of pain,can you enjoy the hapiness of hapiness.Go with what you are!,Thanks for watching!,


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