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1、,welcome,承接初中英语教师以及学生.,1300021218,05,04,03,02,01,实用课件做课课件定制,单元以及课堂教学设计定制,月考期中期末试题定制,情景交际等题型分类材料定制,网上初中英语辅导,课件制作,百度一下(格式,扩展名,关键词),课件制作,一个完整课件从一下几个方面着手:单词,词组,句型,报告,完整的对话,作文,阅读,练习题谚语,背景文化知识,歌曲,,课件制作,建议:1.白色背景。2.字号28以上。303.尽量去掉跟实际内容无关的装饰性图片。,课件制作,课件制作的最低技能:1.复制粘贴2.打字3.删除图片文字4.修改图片文字5.调整幻灯片顺序,谚语,Unit4 I

2、want to be an actor,Nothing is impossible for a willing heart.心之所愿,无所不成。,Unit 7 How much are your pants?,Money is a good servant but a bad master.要做金钱的主人,莫做金钱的奴隶。Money does not grow on tree.金钱不长在树上(意为:钱不容易挣)。,词汇,根据汉语写出单词和词组,1.几乎不_ 2.曾经_3.两次_ 4.一次_ 5.网络 _ 6.节目_ 7.结果_ 8.健康_ 9.采访者_ 10.健康的生活方式_ 11.习惯_12

3、.垃圾食品_13.至于_14.不同_15.汉溜冰 _16.一周一次_ 17.一个月两次_18.一年三次_ 19.锻炼_20.喜爱的节目_ 21.每两年一次_ 22.多久一次_,hardly,ever,once,program,result,Internet,twice,health,interviewer,hardly,as for,junk food,difference,go skateboarding,once a week,twice a month,exercise,3 times a year,favorite program,healthy lifestyle,how often

4、,once every 2 years,生词表,1.There are a lot of flowers(花)in the g_.2.We can take a walk in the p_.3.We can eat in the r_.4.We can stay in(呆在)a h_at night when we have a trip?5.We can post(邮寄)letters in the p_ _.6.We can borrow(借)books from a l_.7.I put my money in the b_.8.There is a b_ over(在正上方)the

5、river.9.When we are ill(生病的),we can go to h_.10.We can buy snacks in the s_.11.We can call friends with a p_ _.12.There are a lot of planes at the a_.13.Dont play on the s_.Its dangerous.,arden,ark,estaurant,otel,ost office,ibrary,ank,ridge,ospital,upermarket,ay phone,irport,treet,首字母猜词,bear,tiger,k

6、oala,elephant,dolphin,panda,giraffe,rabbit,duck,fish,butterfly,frog,fox,horse,lion,penguin,panda,lamb,monkey,sheep,spider,snail,Animals can swim:,Animals can fly:,Animals can run and swim:,Animals can run:,单词归类,nurse,doctor,shop assistant,reporter,policeman,policewoman,bank clerk,waiter,teacher,taxi

7、 driver,形象记忆,眼明口快,根据记忆,说出物品英文名称(第二组):,b,a,s,o,t,h,记忆挑战,kindsofmovies,action movies,comedies,romances,documentaries,cartoons,thrillers,What kind of movies do you like?,tragedies,science fictionmovies,musicals,swordsman movies,war movies,detective movies,动作片,恐怖片,动画片,喜剧,纪录片,战争片,武侠片,音乐片,科幻片,悲剧,侦探片,爱情片,脑

8、图,猜谜游戏,导入,What does she look like?,She is short.She has short straight black hair.She has big eyes.She is in red.,What is she doing?,She is eating,noodles.,Where is she?,In a restaurant.,外貌-食物,Peter,Jim,Selina,Nick,Dave and Tom,Jim is looking at his watch.He is late for school.,He is running in the

9、hallway.,She is eating an apple.,Theyre fighting with each other.,He is listening to music in class.,What are they doing now?,进行动作-班规,zoo,Library,Pay phone,W.C,Supermarket,Airport,Restaurant,Park,Bank,Fifth Avenue,Center Street,New,Street,Bridge,Street,Where is the zoo?,问路-动物园,情感教育,考拉是胖胖的小动物,它体重30磅,

10、一般只有2英尺高。,What can you do in the zoo?feed喂养,watch观看,take photos of照相,,句型训练,Canada,the USA,France,Japan,Australia,the UK,Singapore,China,be from 来自,the United States,the United Kingdom,A:Where are you from?B:Im from.,一二人称,A:Where is your/his/her/Lucys pen pal from?B:He/She is from.,Singapore,China,Ji

11、m,Linda,人称转换,词组,watch TVdo homeworksurf the Internet,(冲浪),(上网),How often do you.?,训练中渗透,1.上学(上课、上班)迟到 2.在课堂上3.听音乐4.在外面吃5.穿一件制服6.在上学的当天晚上7.太多规则8.太多水9.在十点前到家(睡觉)10.大声谈话,be/arrive late for school/class/work in class listen to music eat outside wear a uniform on school nights too many rules too much wat

12、er be home/in bed by 10:00 talk loudly,单元后总结,语法、词法,时刻表达法:一、数字表达法(直读):1:00 one(oclock)2:05 two o five 3:15 three fifteen5:30 five thirty 7:45 seven forty-five 8:58 eight fifty-eight二、介词表达法(逆读):1.分钟数30,用介词 past.表示几点过几分.半点half,一刻钟a quarter4:03 three(minutes)past four 6:10 ten past six9:15 a quarter pas

13、t nine 2:25 twenty-five past two11:30 half past eleven2.分钟数30,用 to。表示几点差几分.5:35 twenty-five to six 3:45 a quarter to four 1:40 twenty to two7:55 five to eight 12:59 one to one,+er:cleaner清洁工,teacher,worker,hacker 骇客,cracker黑客,farmer,reporter,driver,player运动员,singer,dancer,painter,waiter,thinker思想家,r


15、housewife家庭主妇,对话,A:Excuse me,is this your pencil?,C:Yes,it is.,A:Is this your pencil?,B:No,it isnt.Its her/his/Toms pencil.,A:Here you are!给你!C:Thank you.,Find the owner.,话题完整,A:_B:Yes,please.I want a sweater.A:_B:Green.A:What about this one?B:Oh,_A:Sorry,here is a small one.B:Good._A:20 dollars.B:_

16、Here is the money.A:Thank you.,How much is it?,Can I help you?,What color do you want?,Ill take it.,its too big.,=I will take it.我要买它如上面的是复数的名词,用Ill take them.,如果是shoes,pants,socks,shorts,glasses等复数名词,则用this pair,可换成 How much?,对话讲解,A:What can I do for you?B:I want(to buy)a pair of pants for my daugh

17、ter.A:What color do you want?B:Pink.A:What about this pair?B:Theyre too long.Do you have shorter ones?A:Yes.Here you are./Here are the shorter ones./Here is a/the shorter pair.B:Good.How much(are they)?A:Twenty dollars.B:Ill take them.Here is the money.Thanks.A:Youre welcome.,bigger,smaller,longer,s

18、horter,对比一下单数对话与复数对话,扩展引申,A:Can I help you?B:_.I want a pair of shoes.A:_B:Green.A:_?B:Oh,they are too big.Do you have small(er)ones?A:Here you are.B:Good._A:20 dollars.B:_Here is the money.A:Thank you.,How much are they?,What color do you like?,Ill take them.,Yes,please.,What about this pair,训练,Wha

19、ts the matter?,What should do?,Illness,Advice,I have He/She has,a,cold.fever.headache.toothache.stomachache.sore back.sore throat.,drink lots of water.take some medicine.see a doctor.see a dentist.lie down and rest.go to bed early.drink some hot tea with honey.,I He should She,思考并解决问题,造句,Make reason

20、able sentences,backpack chair,some math books bookcase,a set of keys wall,some orange quilts bed,computer game floor,pencil sharpener drawer,an alarm clock sofa,some CDs lost and found case,two video tapes drawer dresser,a ring Chinese dictionary,Find the Difference,Picture(图片),Picture 2,(找不同),In Pi

21、cture 1,the is.In Picture 2,its,In Picture 1,the s are.In Picture 2,theyre,1,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,作文结构,What do you have/like for breakfast every day?,注意:可数名词和不可数名词的形式,For breakfast,lawrence likes/has.For lunch,he likes/hasAnd for dinner,he like/has,Collect and handl information and give a

22、 report(收集、处理信息并作报告):,1.(总)Lawrence eats lots of healthy food/unhealthy food.2.(分)略 3.(总)I think he should(应该)eat more vegetables./I think he should eat less(少吃点,eat more多吃点).,总分总结构,Writing II,学校的篮球队,排球队,棒球队,足球队,要招募一些球员,联系电话为5883-9102,请你为他们写一份招聘广告。Players Wanted We want good players for our school t

23、eams.Can you play balls?/Are you good at(playing)sports?Can you run fast?Are you good/friendly with other players?Please call us at 5883-9102.Come and join us!,back,必备要素,生成,5,go to bed B.go to school C.get home D.runE.take a shower F.get up G.have breakfast,-What time do you usually?,I usually.at.,1

24、2小时制:上午和下午的表达:在时间后加 in the morning 或 in the afternoon,in the evening。或在时间后加 a.m.或 p.m.。,usually 通常(副词),句型-作文,A:Where did you go?B:I visited Hong Kong.A:Really?That sounds interesting.What did you do?B:Well,I saw many different kinds of animals in the zoo.A:Did you go to Disneyland迪士尼乐园?B:Yes,I did.W

25、e had a great time.A:Were there many people there?B:Yes,there were.And I also went to the aquarium水族馆.A:Did you see the sharks鲨鱼?B:Yes,I did.A:How were they?B:They were so cool!A:Sounds like you had great fun.,first,then,finally,B:Sounds kike you had great fun.,Pair work,Report:Tom visited Hong Kong

26、.First,he went to the zoo and saw many different kinds of animals.Then he had a great time in Disneyland.Finally,he saw a lot of sharks in the aquarium.I think he had great fun there.,对话-作文,I have a pen pal named Maria.She is from Canada.She lives in Toronto.She is 18 years old.She can speak English

27、 and a little French.She has 2 brothers and 2 sisters.She likes swimming and playing the piano.,According to the form,introduce your pen pal/e-pal(或key pal)根据表格介绍你的笔友/网友,(M-male男 F-female女),关键词造句,I have a pen pal named Maria.She is from Canada and she lives in Toronto.She is 18 years old.She can spe

28、ak English and a little French.(She often writes to me in English and talks about things in China.She is very interested in China对中国感兴趣 because she thinks China has a long history.)She has 2 brothers and 2 sisters.(They have pen pals from the UK.)She likes swimming and playing the piano.(She is in a

29、 swimming club.She often goes swimming with her friends after school.She thinks it is good for her health.She wants to be a pianist钢琴家 one day.I think her dream can come true她的梦想能实现.),思考在所收集或所给信息的基础上如何进一步写出一篇完整的作文。,进一步,Name:Sex(性别):Agenationality:City:Language:Like:Dislike:Family:Want:Reason:(原因),To

30、m King,M,Canada,Toronto,English,a little French,P.E.,math,two brothers and a sister,a pen pal in China,China is a very interesting country,12,假如你是Tom King,请征笔友。,说说你要怎么写吧!,引导思考,Pen Pal Wanted My name is Tom King.Im a 12-year-old boy.Im from Canada and live in Toronto.I want a pen pal in China because

31、 I think China is a very interesting country.I can speak English and a little French.I like P.E.very much and I often play sports with my classmates after school.I dont like math at all because I think its very boring.I have two brothers and a sister.They have pen pals from the USA.,Make a survey(调查

32、),Name:_Job:_Work place:_Where is he from:_Things to do every day:_You like the job or not,why:_,Lawrence is a teacher.He is from Jilin,China.He teaches English in a middle school.He checks students papers every day.I dont like the job because it is busy and boring.If I am a teacher,I dont have time

33、 to play.,Lawrence,teacher,a middle school,Jilin,China,teach students English and check students papers,I dont like the job because it is busy and boring.If I am a teacher,I dont have time to play.,May I ask you some questions?Whats your name?What do you do?Where do you work?Where do you come from?W

34、hat do you do every day?,调查-作文,Thursday,August 1st What great weather(it was)!My friends and I took a bus to Tianan Men Square.We played all morning/the whole morning there.We found lots of people flying kites.In the afternoon,we went to the Palace Museum 故宫,the Summer Palace颐和园 and the Great Wall.T

35、hey were very crowded.I took many photos there.We had a great time there.We traveled around Beijing Hutong(on three-wheelers三轮车).After that,we went to eat Beijing Duck.It was very delicious.We learned more about China.We were tired but happy.,亲身经历,buy a souvenir,have/eat ice cream,see some sharks,go

36、 to the aquarium,take photos,went bike riding,作文训练,about your school uniform,I cant stand the idea that students should wear school uniforms every day.We should choose their own clothes.Every student wants to be different and good-looking.Our school uniforms are very ugly.We feel quite hot in them.I

37、 have to wear it from Monday to Saturday.I can only wash it on Sunday.It is easy to be dirty.,改变话题,Report 1:Tom really likes action movies and thrillers.He thinks they are exciting.He often goes to see movies with his parents.His favorite movie is Rush Hour.But he doesnt like documentaries or cartoo

38、ns.He thinks they are boring,Interview and give a report:,收集信息3种方式,Report 2:In our group,Tom likes thrillers because they are scary and exciting.And he likes comedies,too.Sonias favorite movie is also comedies.She thinks they are funny.Dick thinks action movies are exciting.And I like thrillers,come

39、dies and documentaries.In a word,we like comedies best.And we want to see a comedy.,收集信息3种方式,Look at TomS and Mikes rooms.What kind of movies do you think they like?Write your ideas about them.,Tom likes sports very much.I think he likes exciting movies and he likes action movies and soccer match.An

40、d he is very happy.I think he also likes comedies.,Mike likes reading very much.I think he likes documentaries.He can learn about history in the documentaries.,不同观点,Make a poster for your favorite movie制作一张宣传海报。要求内容简洁,特点突出,足够吸引人的眼球!,Time:Next FridayPlace:Class 16 Its“Scream 4”!Its a thriller.Its ver

41、y scary and exciting.Neve Campbell and Cox are in the movie.Do you like thrillers?Come on and Join us!,PK,Tutor Wanted I need a tutor.Are you good at English,math and Chinese?Can you work every night/from Monday to Friday?Please call Lucy at 16754-6752.Babysitter Wanted Can you look after babies wel

42、l?Can you help us clean the room and cook meals?Can you work hard from Monday to Friday?Please call Mr.Lee at 6234-8723.,作文引申,Dear Miss Jiang,Im sorry to tell you that Im not feeling well today.I have a fever.The doctor told me to stay in bed for two days.So I cant go to school today and tomorrow.I

43、hope I can get well very soon.Thank you!Yours Tony,作文引申,Davids Fast Food Welcome to Davids Fast Food.You can enjoy all kinds of delicious food here.We have great new specials.For rice,we have tomato and egg rice for 5 RMB.We also have sausage and cabbage rice for 4 RMB.For dumplings,we have beef and

44、 onion dumplings on sale for 20 RMB a kilo.For dessert,we have pies for 2 RMB each and ice creams for 3 RMB each.Thats not all!Come and enjoy your meals here!Tel:1234-5678 Add:at 114 Road,作文扩展,阅读,Read the bulletin board notices and circle the words from 1a.,3a,2.Whats Alans telephone number?,1.Whats

45、 in the lost and found case?,3.Is Marys telephone number 235-0265?,4.Is that Tonys ID Card?,提出问题,Headline,balance,yin,Yang,weak/tired,beef/Dangshen Huangqi,stressed out angry,tofu,China,western,popular,Its easy to have a healthy lifestyle.Its important to have a balanced diet.,关键词,I usually at.I hav

46、e milk and bread for breakfast.After breakfast,I and then I by bus.I get to school at.I have five classes in the morning.And then I have lunch at.In the afternoon I have two classes.I go home at.I get home at 4:30p.m.I at about.After dinner,I.I at.My life isnt exciting.,图示,_ Student,My _ is Bob.I _

47、_ Toronto,Canada,and I _ a pen _ _ China.I _ China is a _ interesting _.Im 14 _ _ and my _ is _November.I _ speak English and _ _ French.I _ a brother,Paul,and a sister,Sarah.They have _ pals in the _ _ and _.I like _ to the movies _ my friends and _ sports.My _ subject _ school is P.E.Its _.But I _

48、 _ math.Its _ _!Can you _ _ _ _?Bob,Dear,name,live,in,want,pal,in,think,very,country,years,old,birthday,in,can,a,little,have,pen,United,Kingdom,Australia,going,with,playing,favorite,in,fun,dont,like,too,difficult,write,to,me,soon,背诵有很多种方法,你会几种?,填空,Dear Tom,Im Lucy.I want to be your pen pal and I thi

49、nk its so nice to have you as my pen pal.Now I live in Beijing.I think China is a great country.It has a very long history and its very beautiful.I study very hard at school.My favorite subject is English but Im a little weak in it.Can you help me?I have 2 cousins.They have pen pals in Australia.The

50、 winter vacation is coming.After doing my homework,I will have a trip to Dalian with my parents.What do you want to do in your vacation?I think I can be your good friend.Write to me soon.Best wishes,Lucy,haveas把当做,study hard学习努力,寒假就要来了,be weak in在方面弱,同学们,自己开始收集一些积极词汇吧!弄个积累本就不错哟,请说出这个作文的不足之处!,启发与思考,D


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