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1、niulei,1,新四级听力,Listening Comprehension CET4,2,niulei,CET-4各部分测试内容、题型和所占分值比例:,3,niulei,题型介绍,第三部分是听力理解:(Part III Listening Comprehension)共含36道题,答题时间35分钟总共分为三部分:Section A:8个短对话+2个长对话 15%Section B:3篇小文章 10%Section C:复合式听写(Compound Dictation)10%,4,niulei,短对话题型介绍,共有8组短对话,每组长度约30字,一男一女朗读,之后问一个问题,每个问题后约有15秒

2、间隙,要求考生在听完对话与问题后从试题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。常考题型有10种:数字、地点、身份职业、因果与条件、否定于转折、比较、行为活动、请求建议、态度观点、逻辑推理。,5,niulei,与数字有关的表达法,基数词,序数词,小数,分数,百分数:55、565、2154、5,342,769、the tenth,a quarter/a fourth,two fifths,five point four six,seventy percent货币,价格:$45.32、1美分、1便士、seven pence航班号,房间号,电话号码:Flight 453、Room 713、7720972日期

3、,年代:April(the)eighth、nineteen ninety nine、2002、nineteen seventies,、数字与数量类对话,6,niulei,路程,距离:2米、4英里楼层,时间:二楼、昨天、前天、明天、后天 与数字有关的表达方式:double,a score,increase to,increase by,a dozen,monthly,daily,weekly,decade,millennium,about,almost,slow,fast,more than,over,less than,under,below,twice,times,early,late,as

4、 much as,与数字有关的表达法,、数字与数量类对话,7,niulei,真题演练,A)Look for a place near her office.B)Find a new job down the street.C)Make inquiries elsewhere.D)Rent the$600 apartment.(08年12月13题)A)He quit teaching in June.B)He has left the army recently.C)He opened a restaurant near the school.D)He has taken over his br

5、others business.(07年6月14题),、数字与数量类对话,8,niulei,(08年12月13题),W:Excuse me,do you have any apartments available for under$500 a month?I need to move in next week when my new job starts.M:The only vacant one I have is$600.Have you inquired at the apartment complex(公寓楼)down the street?Q:What does the man s

6、uggest the woman do?,9,niulei,(07年6月14题),W:Are you still teaching at the junior high school?M:Not since June.My brother and I opened a restaurant as soon as he got out of the army.Q:What do we learn about the man from the conversation?,10,niulei,1.A)Be back in town Thursday morning.B)Call him on Thu

7、rsday.C)Make an appointment for Thursday.D)Come to see him Wednesday.2.A)$55B)$35 C)$90 D)$203.A)140 pounds.B)144 pounds.C)150 pounds.D)164 pounds.4.A)$245.B)$235.C)$155.D)$220.5.A)For 15 minutes.B)For 25 minutes.C)For 30 minutes.D)For 45 minutes.,、数字与数量类对话(exercises 1),11,niulei,1.常见的提问方式,Where doe

8、s the conversation most probably take place?Where are the two speakers?Where did it happen?What kind of place is she going to?Where is the woman going?,地点和位置类对话,12,niulei,2.与常考地点有关的词,restaurant:waiter,tip,menu,order,delicious,dessert,soup,salad,steak,beefhotel:reception,reservation,check in/out,book

9、,roompost office:mail,stamp,telegram,package,airmail,postage,parcel,envelope,letterbank:cash,check,account,interest rate,savings,deposit,draw outhospital:doctor,patient,operation,pill,medicine,temperature,injection,surgeonmarket:price,bargain,supermarket,department store,grocery store,sale,expensive

10、airport:flight,take off,departure,arrive,plane,land,gate,air coachrailway station:train,platform,luggage,arrive,timetable,carriagelibrary:librarian,lend,borrow,renew,catalog,return,due,overdue,magazine,地点和位置类对话,13,niulei,熟悉一些:介词与地点名词的组合,如 at the airport,on the first floor。以及一些表示方位的词,如 near,beside,ab

11、ove,over,bottom,beneath,under,inside,behind,across,in(the)front of 等。把对话中人物身份关系作为判断的基础,然后再与对话情节结合起来。仔细辨认对话中的语境相关词。抓住对话中表示空间关系的介词或介词短语,它们多与地点和方向有关。要注意对话中采取的声东击西的方法和出现顺序干扰的现象。,地点和位置类对话,14,niulei,真题演练,A)On a train.B)On a plane.C)In a theater.D)In a restaurant.(08年6月12题)A)At the airport.B)In a restauran

12、t.C)In a booking office.D)At the hotel reception.(07年12月12题),地点和位置类对话,15,niulei,(08年6月12题),W:May I see your ticket,please?I think you are sitting in my seat.M:Oh,youre right.My seat is in the balcony.Im terribly sorry.Q:Where does the conversation most probably take place?,16,niulei,(07年12月12题),W:We

13、 dont seem to have a reservation for you,sir,Im sorry.M:But my secretary said that she had reserved a room for me here.I phoned her from the airport this morning just before I got on board the plane.Q:Where does the conversation most probably take place?,17,niulei,1.A)In a park.B)In a zoo.C)In a pet

14、 shop.D)In a museum.2.A)In the doctors office.B)In the waiting room.C)In the classroom.D)In the living room.3.A)In the library.B)In the shop.C)In the lab.D)In the restaurant.4.A)On board of the plane.B)In a theater.C)In an office.D)In the subway.5.A)At a library.B)At a store.C)At a bank.D)At a unive

15、rsity class.,二、地点和位置类对话(exercises 2),18,niulei,常见的提问方式,Whats the probable relationship between the two speakers?Who is the man/woman most probably speaking to?What is the man/woman?What is the mans/womans job/occupation/profession?Who is the woman talking to?,身份与职业类对话,19,niulei,判断身份和职业的常用语,陌生人的问候:Ho

16、w do you do?Glad/Nice to meet you.医生与病人的对话:What is the matter with you?顾客与售货员的对话:What can I do for you?May I help you?Is there anything I can do for you?出租司机与乘客的对话:Where shall I take you?老师与学生的对话:You failed the exam,Jake.,身份与职业类对话,20,niulei,常考的人物关系:师生、朋友、夫妻、父女、母子、同事、老板与职员、医生与病人、司机与乘客、顾客与售货员、学生与老师等。熟

17、悉常考的一些普通职业常涉及到的词和常用语,这些词汇会在对话中成为关键词,帮助考生快速听懂对话,做出正确判断。,身份与职业类对话,21,niulei,真题演练,A)A painter.B)A mechanic.C)A porter.D)A carpenter.(08年12月12题)A)Most of the mans friends are athletes.B)Few people share the womans opinion.C)The man doesnt look like a sportsman.D)The woman doubts the mans athletic abilit

18、y.(07年12月18题),身份与职业类对话,22,niulei,(08年12月12题),M:If you can make up your mind about the color,I can start on the outside of your house early next week.W:Well,right now I think I want white for the window frames and yellow for the walls,but Ill let you know tomorrow.Q:Who is the woman talking to?,23,ni

19、ulei,(07年12月18题),W:To tell the truth,Tony,it never occurred to me that you are an athlete.M:Oh,really?Most people who meet me,including some fronds of mine,dont think so either.Q:What do we learn from the conversation?,24,niulei,1.A)Boss and clerk.B)Husband and wife.C)Mother and son.D)Friends.2.A)Te

20、acher and student.B)Father and daughter.C)Doctor and patient.D)Husband and wife.3.A)Waiter and customer.B)Doorkeeper and visitor.C)Servant and hostess.D)Shop assistant and customer.4.A)He is a safe guard.B)He is a fireman.C)He is a policeman.D)He is a racing-driver.5.A)Interviewer and interviewee.B)

21、Teacher and student.C)Boss and secretary.D)Husband and wife.,身份与职业类对话(exercises 3),25,niulei,(一)因果关系类题型,因果关系类题型所考查的内容有时是原因,有时是结果。有些对话中明确含有表示因果关系的词汇,对话本身就能直接指明因果关系,这类题型比较容易判断;但是也有相当多的对话不直接了当地表明原因或结果,而是用比较含蓄委婉的方式或通过对话本身的逻辑关系来体现,这就要求考生必须运用逻辑思维能力,找原因,追结果。要想答对此类题型,考生还需要多做、多记,找点感觉。建议考生:,因果、条件关系类对话,26,niul

22、ei,熟悉常见的提问方式:What/What reason/What makes/What cause?Why did/Why didnt?熟悉常用表原因的词汇:because,for,since,as,now that,because of,due to,owing to,thanks to,on account of,that is why,cause,give rise to(引起,导致),lead to,as a result of,in that 等。熟悉常用表结果的词汇:so that,so,therefore,in order that,as a result,suchthat

23、等。,因果、条件关系类对话,27,niulei,真题演练,A)She wants to get some sleep.B)She needs time to write a paper.C)She has a literature class to attend.D)She is troubled by her sleep problem.(08年12月17题)A)Attending every lecture.B)Doing lots of homework.C)Reading very extensively.D)Using test-talking strategies.(08年6月17

24、题),(一)因果关系类对话,28,niulei,(08年12月17题),M:How about joining me for a cup of coffee?W:Id love to,but Im exhausted.I was up till 3 this morning,writing a paper for my literature class.Q:Why does the woman decline the mans invitation?,(一)因果关系类对话,29,niulei,(08年6月17题),M:Im really surprised you got an A on th

25、e test.You didnt seem to have done a lot of reading.W:Now you know why I never missed a lecture.Q:What contributes to the womans high score?,(一)因果关系类对话,30,niulei,(二)条件关系类题型,条件关系类题型要求考生正确分辨真实条件句和非真实条件句(即虚拟语气)。真实条件句实现的可能性较大,而非真实条件句实现的可能性较小或表示与现实相反的情况和事实,即动词为肯定形式的虚拟条件句实际表达否定的概念,反之亦然。建议考生:,(二)条件关系类对话,31

26、,niulei,在听的过程中,考生首先要判断是真实条件句还是虚拟条件句。如果是虚拟条件句,一定要搞清楚它所表示的时间。熟悉常见的虚拟句型:if,if only,unless,suppose,in case,as long as,provided等引导的从句。也有由with,without,but for等引导的句子。,(二)条件关系类对话,32,niulei,真题演练,A)Teaching her son by herself.B)Having confidence in her son.C)Asking the teacher for extra help.D)Telling her son

27、 not to worry.(07年12月13题)A)The man regrets being absent-minded.B)The woman saved the man some trouble.C)The man placed the reading list on a desk.D)The woman emptied the waste paper basket.(07年6月13题),(二)条件关系类对话,33,niulei,(07年12月13题),W:What would you do if you were in my place?M:If Paul were my son,I

28、d just not worry.Now that his teacher is giving him extra help and he is working hard himself,hes sure to do well in the next exam.Q:Whats the mans suggestion to the woman?,(二)虚拟条件关系类对话,34,niulei,(07年6月13题),M:I wish I hadnt thrown away that reading list!W:I thought you might regret it.thats why I pi

29、cked it up from the waste paper basket and left it on the desk.Q:What do we learn from the conversation?,(二)虚拟条件关系类对话,35,niulei,1.A)Both Susan and John attended the meeting.B)Neither of them attended the meeting.C)Susan attended the meeting but John didnt.D)John attended the meeting but Susan didnt.

30、2.A)He is not to blame.B)It was his fault.C)He will accept all responsibility.D)He will be more careful next time.3.A)They will take the translation work despite attending night class.B)They took the night class to accept the translation work.C)They wont accept the translation work because it is use

31、less.D)They wont accept the translation work due to less time.4.A)She didnt want to answer the phone.B)She works at night for extra pay.C)She overslept and missed the work.D)She has to work longer than usual.5.A)Mary feels bad.B)Mary hasnt been to dinner.C)Marys boyfriend has been at her house all d

32、ay.D)Mary parts with her boyfriend.,因果、条件关系类对话(Exercise 4),36,niulei,(一)肯定否定关系类题型,肯定或否定关系类题型要求考生对内容的肯定或否定加以判断(也有人把此类题型定义为赞成与反对)。否定在英语听力和英语学习中是个难点,其原因之一可能是汉语和英语用来表示否定的形式不尽相同,容易引起理解上的偏差。建议考生:,五.肯定否定、转折关系类对话,37,niulei,五.(一)肯定否定关系类对话,熟悉肯定的表达方式:sure,of course,certainly,right,out of question,no problem,ca

33、nt agree more,等。熟悉否定的表达方式(含有否定意义的词或短语):none,nothing,never,neither,nor,hardly,rarely,little,seldom,few,impossible,without,instead of,deny,fail,refuse,ignore,overlook,miss,dislike,useless,far from,short of,tooto,anything but,rather than,not really,not yet,I am afraid not,not at all 等。,38,niulei,熟悉完全肯定

34、、完全否定、部分肯定、部分否定(如:not every,not many,not always)、双重否定等于肯定(如 not impossible,not unusual,no onenot 等)的表达方式。能听懂使用虚拟语气的句型,实际表达的是否定或不能实现的愿望。,五.(一)肯定否定关系类对话,39,niulei,真题演练,A)The man blamed the woman for being careless.B)The man misunderstood the womans apology.C)The woman offered to pay for the mans coffe

35、e.D)The woman spilt coffee on the mans jacket.(08年6月15题)A)He is taking care of his twin brother.B)He has been feeling ill all week.C)He is worried about Rods health.D)He has been in perfect condition.(07年12月15题),五.(一)肯定否定关系类对话,40,niulei,(08年6月15题),W:Im so sorry,sir.And youll let me pay to have your

36、jacket cleaned,wont you?M:Thats all right.It could happen to anyone.And Im sure that coffee doesnt leave lasting marks on clothing.Q:What can we infer from the conversation?,五.(一)肯定否定关系类对话,41,niulei,(07年12月15题),W:Hello,John.How are you feeling now?I hear youve been ill.M:They must have confused me w

37、ith my twin brother Rod.Hes been sick all week,but Ive never felt better in my life.Q:What do we learn about the man?,五.(一)肯定否定关系类对话,42,niulei,(二)转折类题型,转折类题型考查考生对说话人的侧重点进行辨别的能力。题型特点为第一说话人所言往往无关紧要,问题一般是就第二说话人的内容提出的。建议考生:熟悉表示转折意思的词:but,or,otherwise,however,anyhow 等。,五.(二)转折关系类对话,43,niulei,熟悉题型特征:but类题

38、型出现频率最高,即第二说话人的内容通常先是一个简单的短句,后接一个较长的句子,并且短句子与长句子之间用 but 连接。考生解题时应紧紧抓住 but 后长句子的意思。另外干扰项总是由第一说话人的话和第二说话人先说的短句子演变而来,而 but 的转折作用使得 but 前后的两个句子的句意和用词相差悬殊,所以考生很容易在所给的四个选项中排除干扰,轻而易举地选出正确答案。,五.(二)转折关系类对话,44,niulei,真题演练,A)He is confident he will get the job.B)His chance of getting the job is slim.C)It isnt

39、easy to find a qualified sales manager.D)The interview didnt go as well as he expected.(08年12月18题)A)The digital TV system will offer different programs.B)He is eager to see what the new system is like.C)He thinks it unrealistic to have 500 channels.D)The new TV system may not provide anything better

40、.(08年6月18题),五.(二)转折关系类对话,45,niulei,(08年12月18题),W:You had a job interview yesterday,didnt you?How did it go?M:Not too bad,I guess.There were about 20 candidates competing for the sales managers job.And finally it was down to three of us,but the other two seemed better qualified.Q:What does the man im

41、ply?,五.(二)转折关系类对话,46,niulei,(08年6月18题),W:Have you heard about the new digital television system?It lets people get about 500 channels.M:Yeah,but I doubt that will have anything different from what we watch now.Q:What does the man mean?,五.(二)转折关系类对话,47,niulei,A)She will arrive at the park earlier tha

42、n the man.B)She wont go with the man.C)She will go to the park with the man.D)She prefers tennis to walking.A)She wants the man to stay home all his life.B)She doesnt want to keep the man at home.C)She doesnt want anybody to suggest that he stay home.D)She doesnt think that he must lead his own life

43、.A)Talk to Mr.Robert.B)Type some letters.C)Help the man to work.D)Go back home.A)He has ever visited no more than two cities.B)He has made only a few business trips.C)He has never been to Shenzhen and Beijing.D)He has been to many small cities.A)This is not the best place they could have found.B)Thi

44、s is the best place they could have found.C)This is one of the best places they could have found.D)This is the second best place they could have found.,五.肯定否定、转折关系类对话(Exercise 5),48,niulei,六、行为活动类对话,此类题型要求考生根据对话内容判断谈话一方或双方做过、正在做、准备去做什么,即什么时间什么地点什么人发生了什么事,或过去发生了什么事,或将来发生了什么事。建议考生:,六.行为活动类对话,49,niulei

45、,熟悉常见的提问方式。例如:What is the man going to do?/What will the man do?What does the man/woman intend to do?What will they do first?What did the man do?What happened to the man?What is the man doing?What are the speakers doing?How did they do?,六.行为活动类对话,50,niulei,在听的过程中一定要分清楚谁在哪里,是正在干还是已经干了,还是将要干哪一件事。建议考生记

46、录有关的提示信息和关键词,然后根据题意做出正确的判断。,六.行为活动类对话,51,niulei,真题演练,A)Have a short break.B)Take two weeks off.C)Continue her work outdoors.D)Go on vacation with the man.(07年12月14题)A)She sold all her furniture before she moved house.B)She still keeps some old furniture in her new house.C)She plans to put still her

47、old furniture in the basement.D)She bought a new set of furniture from Italy last month.(07年12月16题),六.行为活动类对话,52,niulei,(07年12月15题),M:Youve had your hands full and have been overworked during the last two weeks.I think you really need to go out and get some fresh air and sunshine.W:You are right.Tha

48、ts just what I am thinking about.Q:What is the woman most probably going to do?,六.行为活动类对话,53,niulei,(07年12月16题),M:Did you really give away all your furniture when you moved into the new house last month?W:Just the useless pieces,as Im planning to purchase a new set from Italy for the sitting room on

49、ly?Q:What does the woman mean?,六.行为活动类对话,54,niulei,A)To write a check.B)To find a telephone number.C)To ring up somebody.D)To check the telephone service.A)Take part in the championship game B)Try out for the field hockey team.C)Get tickets to see the championship game.D)Go to a field hockey practic

50、e.A)Go to the lab for a quick look.B)Check on whats for dinner.C)Go running before they eat.D)Go and see if they have dropped anything in the lab.A)Go to sleep.B)Go to a party.C)Stay home.D)See a movie.A)Visiting the Williams.B)Writing a postcard.C)Looking for a postcard.D)Filling in a form.18,六.行为活


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