1、旅游业电子商务需求与驱动,了解旅游需求的增长及对旅游电子商务发展的驱动知道旅游业网络营销的发展动向学会分析旅游业如何应用信息技术改善业务流程掌握旅游业与电子商务结合的内在动力机制,第一节 旅游业需求的增长,全球旅游业增长,2006年国际旅游人数与国际旅游收入 单位:百万人次、亿美元、%,国内旅游业的增长,从2006年年底开始,国家统计局和国家旅游局按照世界旅游组织推荐的方法,开始编制我国的国家级旅游卫星账户。根据初步的测算结果,2004年,我国旅游业增加值达到6472亿元人民币,占当年国内生产总值的4.1%。,19942006年国内旅游人数变化,根据国家旅游局有关部门的调研,在我国举行的200
3、找相应的住宿设施,进行票务预订;对于自驾车、自行车旅游者来说,必要的装备及路况信息的准备更是必不可少。这种准备工作使旅游者能更全面地了解旅游目的地,在旅游过程中,自助旅游者的食、住、行、游、购、娱都更贴近当地人的生活,能更真实地接触当地居民,感受当地的自然、历史、风土人情及社会习俗。同时游客还能根据自己的喜好,就某一方面或某一主题对目的地进行深度体验。最重要的是,自助游的平均花费远高于团队游。,自助旅游的发展趋势自助旅游将成为市场主流模式 自助旅游的规模将有较大增长,在旅游市场中所占比重增大;而且自助旅游的内容更为丰富多样。旅游目的地基础配套设施和中介服务将有极大发展 新型媒介如旅游网站在内容
4、和构架上将有较大调整,旅游信息将更加方便实用,票务、酒店预订及其它旅游电子商务业务将取得突破性进展;出现新的合作方式和商业模式,如华夏旅游网和我国国旅旅行救援中心即将联合推出的“旅游意外与旅游救援保险”,只要注册成为华夏会员即可获得预置有保险金的会员卡,并在使用前三天通知华夏旅游网,即可获得为期十天的境内游旅游意外与旅游救援保险。此类瞄准自助旅游商机的尝试还将不断涌现,并将对自助旅游的发展产生影响。自助出境旅游将有快速增长 随着越来越多的国内游客有了出国旅行的经验,而且自助出国的体验与团队旅游相比更受游客青睐,出现了专门为出境自助游服务的网站,这说明自助游的市场需求增强了。,需求增长驱动旅游电
7、沌状态,大约有300多家企业正在实施在线旅游计划,但集中度非常高。大型旅游网站独占市场的局面已初现端倪,携程网、艺龙网在存活率不到1%的网络公司中成为盈利规模、稳定性最好的在线旅游企业,而且销售额已经超过传统旅游企业的营业规模。从个性化旅游的发展趋势看,走向“两极分化”的市场格局是大势所趋,即一端是能提供非常多样的、大众化旅游产品的大型旅游电子商务网站,靠规模优势取胜;另一端是提供特色旅游产品或服务的小型旅游企业,它们小而精,专注于细分市场,并在他们从事的领域成为专家。,第二节 旅游业传统业务模式的改变,电子商务转变旅游业服务方式,旅游业电子商务体系,旅游电子商务体系:基础、主体、环境,旅游电
8、子商务体系,第三节 旅游企业的电子商务发展思路,旅游企业实施电子商务的战略意义企业战略联合拓展业务范围 实施积极的分销战略 树立在线旅游企业品牌完善客户关系管理系统,日益成熟的旅游电子商务系统,国际知名旅游集团及在线旅行社,电子商务对旅游业营销渠道的改造,国内外旅游企业联合投资电子商务领域概况,生活标准、旅游自由度、渠道选择(旅游消费模式)关系图,需求驱动的旅游电子商务案例,VIBE The virtual spa advisor The Vibe virtual advisor is hosted on the web portal of the Warmbad-Villach resort
9、,one of Austrias most renowned spas offering a variety of different tourism products that ranges from hotel accommodation in four and five-star categories,a variety of recreational and sporting facilities to health and beauty therapies.As a part of the resorts web portal,the goal of the virtual advi
10、sor Vibe(signifying the name of an ancient goddess of springs)is to welcome online visitors and provide them a single point of contact for multi-lingual guidance and preference elicitation.,Figure 1 Virtual advisor screenshot,Figure 2 Vibes personalized recommendation,Figure 1 and Figure 2 show how
11、the end user perceives the virtual advisor application.Advisor Suite applications such as Vibe follow a system-guided,conversational interaction style based on personalized fill-out forms,in which the customers requirements are incrementally elicited.The system constantly monitors and evaluates the
12、inputs of the current user and adapts the dialog in several dimensions.Depending on the previous and current inputs,the systems dialog model and the personalization rules in the underlying knowledge base,the application decides which questions to ask next,which variant of a question should be used(e
13、.g.,for experts or non-experts),whether there exists some situation-dependent add-on information to be displayed,whether additional help should be provided and so forth.The usage of a personal avatar as shown in Figure 1 is optional in Advisor Suite applications.Commonly,however,such life-like,anima
14、ted avatars are used to make advisory applications more persuasive by the means of personification.,A wide variety of monitoring sensors such as RFID devices are becoming increasingly cheaper,thus their deployment is becoming increasingly wider.These novel technologies have promised real time global
15、 information visibility for e-tourism participants.To benefit from such visibility,streaming data from these devices require real-time analysis instead of traditional offline analysis.These analyses should notify interested e-tourism parties and trigger corresponding reactions in a timely manner.Thi
16、s is called RFID enabled e-tourism.,RFID enabled e-tourism,For example,in an interactive RFID-enhanced museum exhibits let visitors continue their scientific exploration beyond the museums walls.Guests at a resort in Niagara Falls will be given RFID wristbands to access rooms and pay for service dur
17、ing their stay.Each wristband will act as a charge card,and guests may add funds to their wristbands at Smart Kiosks or Great Wolf Lodge POS stations.Alternatively,funds may be transferred onto the wristband using cash or credit or can be linked to the room account.,RFID enabled e-tourism community,
18、An RFID community includes participant networks,service networks,and resource networks.A participant network is a loosely coupled yet dynamic connection of RFID community participants,who share similar interests in conducting tourism businesses.These participants interact with each other via the ser
19、vices provided by service networks.A service network is a loosely coupled organization of tourism products and services for providing business functions.These services may make use of the resources in resource networks in product implementation and service fulfillment.A resource network organizes and manages various types of resources to support tourism business.,