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1、Revision of Conjunctions连词,一、概念 在句子中用来连接两个或两个以上的词、短语或句子的词,叫连词。,二、分类按构成形式分类:简单连词:and before after but for 关联连词:both.and either.or.not.but neither.nor.分词连词:considering that provided that providing that suppose that supposing that 复合连词:as if as though even if even though except that but that as/so long

2、 as,2.按性质特点分类:并列连词和从属连词 并列连词:用来连接并列的词、短语和句子的连词。主要表示两个分句之间的并列关系、转折关系、选择关系和因果关系的连词。如:,从属连词:用来引导从句,一般连接主句与从句并修饰或说明主句的连词。从属连词通常引导名词性从句和状语从句。引导名词性从句的从属连词有:whether/if/that,Whether we will cancel evening classes depends on the coming education policy.The reason why we will cancel evening classes is that st

3、udents burdens are overloaded.,Revision ofthe Adverbial Clauses状语从句,九种状语从句,1.时间状语从句2.地点状语从句3.原因状语从句4.条件状语从句5.让步状语从句6.结果状语从句7.目的状语从句8.方式状语从句9.比较状语从句,九种常用的状语从句及其常用的连接词,1.时间状语从句,when,while,as,before,after,since,once,every time,each time,any time,the first/second/last time,by the time,as soon as,the mom

4、ent,the minute,the instant,the dayimmediately,directly,instantly,hardly/scarcelywhen/before,no soonerthan,till,until,notuntil,一.就.,区别,九种常用的状语从句及其常用的连接词,where,wherever,because,since,as,for,now that,in that(因为)considering that,seeing that,if,unless,as(so)long as,假如;如果:on condition that,provided that,p

5、roviding that suppose that supposing that,2.地点状语从句,3.原因状语从句,4.条件状语从句,九种常用的状语从句及其常用的连接词,6.结果状语从句,so that,sothat,suchthat,so that,in order that,in case,for fear(that)(注意:虚拟),as(正如,正像),as if/as though,than,asas,not so/asas,the+比较级,the+比较级,7.目的状语从句,8.方式状语从句,9.比较状语从句,5.让步状语从句,although,though,as,even thou

6、gh/even if,while(虽然),no matter+which/what/when/where/who/how,whichever,wherever,whatever,whoever,whenever,however,whetheror;,用横线划出下列句子中的状语从句,并指出是哪种状语从句:,1.Child as she is,she knows a lot of things.2.The more I can do for the class,the happier Ill be.3.He talks as if(as though)he knew all about it.4.

7、He is such a good teacher that the students love and respect him.5.I shall go to the park unless it rains.6.No sooner had I got home than it began to rain.,让步,比较,方式,结果,条件,时间,7.Where there is water,there is life.8.He studied hard so that he could catch up with his classmates.9.Since you are very busy

8、,I wont trouble you.10.Even if(though)I fail.Ill never lose heart.11.Once you begin the work,you must continue.12.Although the sun was shining,it wasnt very warm.,用横线划出下列句子中的状语从句,并指出是哪种状语从句:,地点,目的,原因,让步,时间,让步,考点与难点归纳,1、when,while,as 的区别2、it is since 和 it isbefore3、because,as,for,since 的区别4、状语从句倒装5、状

9、语从句的省略。,考点与难点归纳,when可用来引导时间状语从句,意为“当的时候”从句的谓语动词可以是延续性的,也可以是终止性的。(区别while)如:When the film ended,they went back.2.When 常用于下列句式:when为并列连词意为“就在这时”。be doing when be about to dowhen be on the point of doing.when had donewhen,1.when,while,as,(一)连接词when的用法小结,1.while引导时间状语从句,意为“当的时候”;从句的动作必须是延续性的,(区别when)如:P

10、lease dont talk so loud while others are working.2.while引导时间状语从句,意为:趁的情况赶紧做 Strike while the iron is hot.3.while引导让步状语从句,意为“尽管,虽然”,相当于although While I admit that the problems are difficult,I dont agree that they cant be solved.4.while作为并列连词,意为“而,却”,表示对比。Jane was dressed in brown while Mary was dress

11、ed in blue.,(二)连接词while的用法小结,1.as可用来引导时间状语,意为“一边一边”;“随着”She sang as she walked home all the way.(一边一边)She was doing her homework as she was listening to the music.As she grew older,she became more beautiful.(随着)As the day went on,the weather got worse.2.as引导原因状语从句,意为“因为、由于”As she is free today,she w

12、ould like to do some shopping.3.as引导让步状语从句(从句必须倒装)意为“尽管”。Tired as he was,he refused to take a rest.(尽管)Hard as he worked,he cant work out the problem.Child as he is,he knows a lot.Try as he might,he wouldnt succeed.,(三)连接词as的用法小结,注意:as从句通常将作表语的adj/n.、作状语的adv、作谓语的do(情态动词后的动词原形)提到句首,但单数名词前的冠词必须省略。),wh

13、en,while,as这三个连词都可表示“当的时候”。1)When通常表示一个时间点,如:When he came in,we were having supper.2)while则只表示一个时间段。它所引导的时间状语从句中的时态常用进行时态。如:While he was eating his breakfast,he heard the doorbell ring.3)as则强调主句和从句的动作在同一时间进行,表示“一边一边”;也可表示“随着”(with结构的互换)。She sang as she walked along.As the election approached,the vio

14、lence got worse.,连接词when,while,as的用法区别:,2.It is before 和 it is since,1)It will be/时间段before It will be two years before he leaves the country.2)It was+时间段+before It was three weeks before he came back 3)It will not be+时间段+before It wont be long before she comes back 4)It was not+时间段+before It wasnt

15、long before he left the country.,“要过才会”,“过了才”,“要不了就会”,“没过就”,It is before 结构,从句和主句的时态:1.一致:过去式 2.时态退一格:主句为将来时,从句为一般现在是,(1)从句常用一般过去时,主句常用现在完成时或完成进行时(表示时间段时,可用一般现在是)。(2)固定句型:It is/has been段时间since一般过去时。,It is since 结构,It is/has been时间段since如:It is/has been three years since she joined the army.,主句和从句的时

16、态:,3.because,as,for,since 表“因为”的区别,1、because表示事情发生的直接原因或理由,它的语气很强。He didnt come to school yesterday because he was ill.1)回答why的提问,必须用because。Why didnt he come yesterday?_ he had something important to do.ABecause BAs CSince DFor2)当有only,,all,partly,merely 等强调词或not等否定词时,The two girls were late again,

17、which was partly because they got up late.3)在强调原因状语从句时,只能用because。It was because it rained hard that they put off the football match.,3种情况必须用 because,2、since常表示对方已经知道的既成事实,说话人根据这个事实得出某一种结论。其语气比because要弱,一般译成“既然”。如:Since you are here,why not stay for a few more days?3、as常用于表示十分明显的原因,说明因果关系,重点放在主句上,语气

18、较弱,常译成“由于”。如:As its getting darker,we must go home now.4、for只是一个并列连词,用于连接两个并列句,表示推理或解释,对前一个分句进行附加说明。如:It must have rained last night,for the ground is wet,1、So difficult _ it to live in an English-speaking country that I determined to learn English.(01 上海)A.I have felt B.have I felt C.I did feel D.d

19、id I feel2、Not until all the fish died in the river _ how serious the pollution was.(95 NMET)A.did the villagers realize B.the villagers realized C.the villagers did realize D.didnt the villagers realize,D,A,4.状语从句的倒装,状语从句的倒装有哪些情况?,状语从句的倒装一般有下面几种情况:否定词开头;not until so 加 adj/adv 或such+n 放开头;as/though引

20、导的让步状语从句特别注意:Hardly when/Scarcely when/No sooner.than(一就)【注意倒装中的时态:过去完成时】Child as he is,【注意倒装的部分是哪些部分,另外,当倒装的部分是单数 可数名词,冠词必须省略】Hardly had he got to the station when the train left.No sooner had he got to the station than the train left.Child as he is,he can speak seven foreign languages.,状语从句的倒装有哪些情

21、况?,5.状语从句的省略,While watching TV,_.A.the doorbell rang B.the doorbell rings C.we heard the door bell ring D.we heard the doorbell rings,C,1.Dont speak until you are spoken to.2.Ill buy a TV set if it is necessary.3.She stood at the gate as if she was waiting for someone.4.He was a swimmer when he was

22、a child.5.Though it is cold,he wore a shirt.6.While I was walking alone in the street,my name was called.,什么时候可以省略?怎么省略?,spoken to,necessary,waiting for someone,a child,7.While I was walking walking alone in the street,I heard my name called.,Though cold,he were a shirt.,While walking alone in the s

23、treet,my name was called.,walking alone the street,:什么时候可以省略?怎么省略?在含有状语从句的复合句中若从句的主语是it或与主句的主语相同,且从句中谓语中含有be时,常省略从句的主语和be。,1._(在北京的时候),I paid a visit to the Summer Palace.2._(当是个年轻人的时候),Abraham Lincoln was a storekeeper and a postmaster.3.He has no money._(要是有的话),he will give us.4._(除非修理),the machin

24、e is of no use.5._(要是给更多的关注),The boy could have turned out better.6.A girl stood at the gate of the school as if _ _(跟老师讲话).,When/While in Beijing,When/As a young man,If any,Unless repaired,If given more attention to,talking with a teacher,一、在含有状语从句的复合句中 1.when,while,as,once,whenever引导的时间状语从句;2.if,u

25、nless引导的条件状语从句;3.though,although,even if,even though引导的让步状语从句;4.as though,as if,as引导的方式状语从句;5.wherever引导的地点状语从句,若从句的主语是it或与主句的主语相同,且在谓语中含有be时,常省略从句的主语和be。,再强调:,1.The man we followed suddenly stopped and looked as if _ whether he was going in the right direction.(NMET 2003 安徽春)A.seeing B.having seen

26、C.to have seen D.to see,as if he was going to see whether,He shook his head as if(he was going)to say:“Dont trust her”.,特别强调,as if 引导的状语从句的省略,:省略在As if引导的方式状语从句中应用的较多.,1.Tom raised his hand as if(he was going)to say something.2.He acted as if(he was)a fool.3.She left the room hurriedly as if(she was

27、)angry.4.He stared at the girl as if(he was)seeing her for the first time.5.The player is rolling on the ground as if(he was)hurt badly.6.He opened the drawer as if(he was)in search of something important.,:as if用于省略句中,如果as if 引导的从句是“主语系动词”结构,可省略主语和系动词,这样as if后就只剩下不定式、名词、形容词(短语)、介词短语或分词。,_,_(好象要说什么)

28、,_(好象他是个傻瓜),_(好象生气了),_,_(好象是第一次看到她),_,_(好象严重受伤了).,_,_(好象在寻找重要的东西),:省略在As if引导的方式状语从句中应用的较多.,1.Tom raised his hand as if(he was going)to say something.2.He acted as if(he was)a fool.3.She left the room hurriedly as if(she was)angry.4.He stared at the girl as if(he was)seeing her for the first time.5.

29、The player is rolling on the ground as if(he was)hurt badly.6.He opened the drawer as if(he was)in search of something important.,高考链接:1.When first _ to the market,these products enjoyed great success.(NMET 2004全国卷II)A.introducing B.introduced C.introduce D.being introduced 2.It shames me to say it,

30、but I told a lie when _ at the meeting by my boss.(NMET 2004全国卷IV)A.questioning B.having questioned C.questioned D.to be questioned,对比训练与巩固,_ he heard this,he got very angry.2.I met Lucy_ I was walking along the river.3._ a child,he lived in the countryside.A.when B.while C.as,对比训练 1,A,B,C,1.We were

31、 about to leave_ it began to rain.2.She thought I was talking about her son,_,in fact,I was talking about my son.3.Hardly had I finished my composition _ the bell rang.A.when B.while C.as D.during,A,B,A,对比训练 2,1.Child _ she is,she know a lot.2.He did the experiment _ he was told.3.The pianos in the

32、other shop will be cheaper,but not _ good.A.during B.as C.so D.though E.both B and C,对比训练 3,E,B,B,1.He would have a look at the bookstores _ he went to town.2.We decide to finish the work on time,_ happens.3.If we work with a strong will,we overcome any difficulty,_ great it is.4.Ill give the book t

33、o _ likes English.A.whenever B.whoever C.whatever D.however,对比训练 4,A,C,D,B,对比训练 5,1.It will be years _ we meet again.2.It is ten years _ I came to this town.3.It is ten years ago _ I came to this town.A.when B.that C.before D.since,C,D,B,对比训练 6,D,B,A,1._ it rains,the game will be played on time.2._

34、I was twenty,I had never been away from my hometown.3._ he were there,he couldnt help us.A.Even if B.Until C.Till D.Unless,even if/even though 主从句时态一致,不能放于句首,对比训练 7,Go and get your coat.It is _ you left it.2.You are free to go _ you like.A.there B.where C.wherever D.when,B,C,1.The article is written

35、 in such easy English _ all of us can read it.2.The article is written in such easy English _ all of us can read.A.that B.which C.as D.so that,对比训练 8,C,A,对比训练 9,1.If we work hard,we can overcome any difficulty,no matter _ great it is.2.If we work hard,we can overcome any difficulty,_ great it is.3.I

36、f we work hard,we can overcome any difficulty,_ difficulty it is.4.If we work hard,we can overcome any difficulty,no matter _ difficulty it is.A.what B.how C.however D.whatever,B,C,D,A,Thank you!,延续性动词:指能够延续的动作learn,study,work,stand,know,walk.,终止性动词:表示不能延续的动作,这种动作发生后立即停止 open,die,close,begin,finish,come,arrive,buy,go,


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