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1、模块五期中考前辅导,选词填空、阅读理解和书面表达,be stricit with,be absorbed in,be fond of,remindof,be to blame,take up,speed up,sweep up,in addition,apart from,1.Many of us _ popular music,which is very high.2.Not you but I _for the serious fault.3.My parents _ my lessons.4.She is cute._,she works hard.5._ English,I also

2、like Chinese,mathematics,history,geography and so on.,are fond of,am to blame,are strict with,In addition,In addition,be stricit with,be absorbed in,be fond of,remindof,be to blame,take up,speed up,sweep up,in addition,apart from,6.The car soon _ after it started.7.I was on duty yesterday day,so I _

3、the floor for the class.8.Please put away the big magazine since it _ too much room on the table.9.The lovely photo in the nusery _me _my childhood.10.Our class _ our lessons as usual.,sped up,swept up,takes up,remindsreminded,are absorbed in,of,take up,speed up,sweep up,in addition,aprt from,be str

4、ict with,be absorbed in,lead to,put forward,make sense,break down,break away from,1.Jane was left to _ the broken vase that she had broken after school.2.The rising prices of oil _ with the heavy demand for gas.3.Please move the piano out because it _ too much room here.4.The headmaster _ a new plan

5、 for the school.5.It _ to save money while you can.,sweep up,speeded up,takes up,put forward,makes sense,6.Tim is clever._,he is also a har-working student.7.We study Chinese,maths,history and so on,_ English.8.The new teahcer _ us in our studies.9.All of us _listening to our teachers in class.10.So

6、oner or later,you will _,if you go on working like that.,take up,speed up,sweep up,in addition,aprt from,be strict with,be absorbed in,lead to,put forward,make sense,break down,break away from,In addition,apart from,is strict with,are absorbed in,break down,完形填空要点:摈弃”一步到位”的心态 着眼文意理解 花五分钟上下求索 左顾右盼 瞻前


8、利用排除法解题.摆脱定势逆向思维,阅读理解要点:言之有理,言之有据注意三种语言:文章表达语言,试卷命题语言和应试答题语言。忠实于原文,不断章取义,看清问题,看完所有选项再选择,复查注意答案的一体性,不自相矛盾,首先核准关键答案,以防一错皆错。,误区:1)题目没有慢读 2)看问题有些孤立 3)选答案时没有注意辨别,阅读理解解题技巧:去伪存真:选项间意思,形式相似的句子应仔 细推敲,从文中找出确凿的证据,确保判断的正确性2.合理猜词:警惕题目中利用词汇多义性而设置的陷阱3.注意特殊句型意义:特别注意虚拟语气,部分否定,特殊句型的语句,谨防以假作真4.关键句简化结构须谨慎(besides/excep

9、t)(more than/no more than/nearly)5.重视关联词意义6.客观追踪作者思路,谨防片面钻牛角尖,而不考虑通篇情况,7.注意掌握不同文体特点:1.)说明文,科普文首句常为主题句 2.)记叙文首句交代时间,地点,人物等因素 3.)新闻报道首句往往概括事件全貌(开门见山)4.)应用文字里行间找所需信息(划线)8.谨填修改答案:摸棱两可,不改为好,除非找到确凿证据9.合理猜答争分:速度慢来不及答或难而无法答的,不应留空,得机会分。(找选项中有中文或英文注解的选项,找长度最长的选项),短文改错两原则:1、不能改变原文意思2、原文中的内容不能用多种表达法去替换(以对改对)hel

10、p sb(to)dosth,技巧:规范化答题通读全文,了解大意,作出初步判断先易后难(以句为单位找错,改错),4.联系上下文,整句分析,*注意书写答案时单词的大小写,*注意标记的准确性,书面表达:(*用黑水笔写作文,铅笔无效)要点:段落(3-4段,人称、时态基点)该写什么:审题,明确规定任务,决定内容要点怎么写:明白要点-提炼要点-扩充细节-组织语篇-检查语句,考试说明要求:1.切中题意 2.语言准确得当 3.条理清楚文体:记叙文,说明文,应用文,议论文题材:中学生熟悉的生活常识范围之内,解题步骤与技巧审题:弄清体裁与题材,看清提示和注意点,确定格式、人称、时态。抓点:用重点句型和短语列出要点

11、。造句:将要点扩写成句。成文:连句成文。正确使用过渡词,使行文流 畅。并注意段与段的衔接。改错:注意时态、标点是否正确。词数量是否 符合要求等。誊写:修改无误后,认真规范地誊写在规定的 地方。(不要答出方框外),容易扣分的环节英语标点符号和大小写使用错误。文章里面出现汉字、汉语拼音等。时间分配不合理,给作文留的时间太少,文章没有写完。一般说,每篇文章有5到6个左右的基本要点,要注意抓全,避免遗漏,同时也要注意要点的组织和条理化书写的好坏会直接影响阅卷老师的情绪。文章缺乏必要的构思,卷面不工整,涂改现象严重者扣6分。文章词数少于80或超过规定方筐要求的会被扣分。,如何谋求书面表达的高分 语言表达

12、中需要增加一些“亮点”。语言生动、流畅是近年书面表达题评分标准中提出的新要求,语言幼稚、生硬的作文得分一般不会超过及格分。基础稍好的同学应该尽量变化语言的表达方式,尝试使用较为高级的语言,同时注意突出段落中心,用好过渡性语句,使短文自然流畅。1).使用高级词汇,增加文章的亮点2).适当使用替代词,同位语,介词短语,形容词短语,非谓语动词等,使语言更精练3).变换句式,使表达丰富多彩 a)用并列连词把意义相关的几个句子连起来,避免句子冗长累赘,松散无力,使句子凝炼,层次清晰,b)试着改变句子的开头,不要一味地都是主语开头,接着是谓语,宾语,最后加一个状语要灵活应用倒装句、强调句、主从复合句、分词

13、状语等,这样能增加文章的节奏和韵律美c)在整篇文章中,避免只使用一两个句型,要灵活运用各种语法结构,使文章有声有色 4.以下做法是增加句子复杂性的常见方法,也是得高分的“亮点”。改变句子的开头方式,不要一味地都是主语开头,接着是谓语、宾语,最后再加一个状语。可以把状语置于句首,或用分词做状语等。B).在整篇文章中,避免只使用一两个句式,要灵活运用诸如倒装句、强调句、主从复合句、分词状语等。,V.举例:(1)写作中常用的词语并列 and;as well as;also;选择 or;eitheror;or else;otherwise原因 because;owing to;due to;on ac

14、count of;thanks to结果 so;therefore;thus;as a result时间 when;soon after;before;later;first;and then;next;finally;afterwards.比较 on the contrary;on the other hand;like转折 but;yet;however;although;in spite of;instead;递进 besides;moreover;even;in addition举例 for example/instance;such as;that is;总结 after all;i

15、n short;in general;generally speaking,in all,in a word,(2)文章及段落起始的过渡词:To begin withTo begin with,Id like to express my thanks to you.Generally speakingGenerally speaking,the more you practice,the more skillfully you can write in English.First of all First of all,doing exercise every day is important

16、 in keeping fit.(3)文章及段落结尾的过渡词语:Therefore,thusTherefore(thus),it takes longer time to communicatein written English than in oral English.,In conclusionIn conclusion,the international agreement should be made to prevent the world from the warIn briefIn brief,birth control is very important in China.I

17、n a wordIn a word,country life is more beautiful than city life.,目前,学校存在少数学生考试作弊现象。某英语杂志社拟对此现象向中学生征文,标题是“My Opinion on Cheating in Examinations”。请根据下列提示用英语写一篇征文稿。内容要点如下:,My Opinion on Cheating in ExaminationsIt is known to us all that some students cheat in examinations at school.,【写作指导】:正反观点型作文是高考训

18、练的常见题型,平时多积累一些相关词汇、短语和句型对于备考很有帮助。如:支持/赞成 be in favor of/be for/approve of 反对 be against/disagree/disapprove of 优点 advantages 缺点 disadvantages/shortcomings/drawbacks.常见句型:Different people have different ideas/opinions/views onThere are different ideas about,Some people hold the idea/opinion that,Each

19、 coin has two sides.On(the)one hand;on the other handIn my opinio/Personally speaking,As far as Im concerned,From my point of view,It is known to us all that some students cheat in examinations at school.As students,we often take examinations at school,but sometimes we have too many examinations,whi

20、ch are too difficult for us.On the hand,some of us are too lazy to work hard at their lessons.So when taking examinations,they sometimes cheat in order to get better results to please their parents and teachers.In my opinion,it is wrong to cheat in examinations because it breaks the rules of schools.We students should be honest and try to get good results by studying hard instead of cheating in examinations.Whats more,we should improve our study methods and get well prepared for examinations.,Thanks!,


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