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1、7A Unit 6复习纲要,掌握一些服装、颜色及衣服质地的词汇。读懂有关fashion的文章,运用表述服装搭配的用语。掌握can和may表示许可或请求的用法及区别。掌握表示时间顺序的副词的使用方法。了解单词音节的划分并能划分不超过三个音节的单词。能仿照课文写一篇有关服装设计的文章。,中考备考手册7A Unit6语言知识巩固运用 Page16,词汇:,1.归纳more和another的用法。,“数字+more”或者“another+数字”可以表示在原来基础上增加若干数量。I can spend ten more minutes in bed.=I can spend another ten mi

2、nutes in bed.China picked up another ten gold medals.=China picked up ten more gold medals.当数词为one时,常用one more+名词单数,或another+名词单数。Im wondering if I can ask you one more question.Im wondering if I can ask you another question.,2.hope(vt.&n.)的用法。,hope 作为动词时,意思为“希望、盼望”。常用于:1.hope to do sth.希望做某事 I hope

3、 to see you soon.2.hope+that 从句(从句中常用将来时或含有情态动词)I hope that she wont come/you can have a pleasant trip.3.I hope so/I hope not 作答语-Do you think it will rain tomorrow?-I hope so/not.hope 作为动词时,意思为“希望、期待、寄予希望的人或事”。You are my only hope.You mustnt give up hope.We have no hope of winning the game.hope的形容词

4、是hopeful(有希望的),hopeless(无希望的)副词是hopefully(满怀希望地;可以指望地),拓展提升:wish(v.send my best wishes to,3.too,also,either,(as well)的用法和区别。,too,also,either,as well都有“也”的含义,但用法有所不同:.too 多用于口语,位于句末或句中,只用于肯定句,其前常有逗号。They are students,too.=They,too,are students.also用在肯定句的句中,一般放在be动词和助动词之后,行为动词之前。She is good at French.

5、She is also good at English.She likes French.She also likes English.either在否定句中使用,放在句子末尾,常用逗号隔开。He doesnt like hot food.I dont,either.as well 用于肯定句,通常位于句尾。He knows French,and he knows English as well.,4.show(v.&n.)的用法。,show作为动词(vt.露面 Her worry showed in her eyes,4.show(v.&n.)的用法。,show作为名词的用法:1.展览,展览

6、会;陈列品 flower show/dog show/fashion show2.表演;节目 chat show/talk show/game showshow的常用短语:show sb.around 带某人参观 show off 炫耀;卖弄 be on show 在展出,5.be in,put on,wear,dress的用法和区别。,.in是介词,后接表示衣服或颜色,作表语或定语。the boy in a blue coat(定语)/Hes in blue.(表语).put on“穿上、戴上”,强调动作。Put on your coat,please.wear“穿着;戴着”,表示状态。He

7、 always wears an old coat.dress的宾语通常是人,意思是“给穿衣服”。She dressed her baby quickly.dress oneself/get dressed 自己穿衣提醒:人+look good in+颜色=颜色+look good on+人 put on的反义短语为take off,宾语为代词时放中间 be dressed in=wear/be wearing,6.年代的英文表达。,年代是将一个世纪以连续的十年为阶段进行划分的叫法。一个世纪为100年,依次按每10年为一个历史时期进行划分,依次分别叫做10年代,20年代,30年代,.世纪可以用

8、定冠词加序数词加世纪century表示,也可以用定冠词加百位进数加s表示.in the sixth(6th)century 在公元六世纪 in the 1900s 在二十世纪 in the 1600s 在十七世纪.年代用定冠词及基数词表示的世纪加十位整数的复数形式构成 in the 1930s 在二十世纪三十年代 in the 1860s 在十九世纪六十年代.表示某年代的早期、中期和晚期,可以在定冠词后,年代前加 early,mid-,late in the early 1920s 在二十世纪二十年代早期 in the mid-1950s 在二十世纪五十年代中期,7.sb.looks cool

9、 in sth.和 sth.looks cool on sb.,.sb.looks+adj.+in+sth.(颜色/衣服)某人穿着看上去.sth.looks+adj.+on+sb.某物穿在某人身上看上去翻译:他穿那条白色的裤子看上去很酷。He looks cool in the white trousers.=The white trousers look cool on him.你穿红色很好看。You look good in red.=Red looks good on you.,语法:1.使用情态动词can(could)或may(might)表示向别人征询意见。,can,could,ma

10、y,might都可以用于向别人征询意见、提出请求或征求许可。can 最常用,常用于同辈、朋友之间;在表现得更客气一些或没有把握能否得到允许时,可用could;而may,might 则多用于正式文体或第一人称。-Can you pass the sugar to me,Tom?-Here you are.-Could I use your camera,Dad?-Yes,you can.-May I smoke here?-No,you cant.Look at the sign.注意:当表示允许某人做某事时,要用 can或may,不能用could 或 might.-Can/Could I?-Y

11、es,you can.No,you cant.-May/Might I?-Yes,you may.No,you cant/mustnt.,拓展提升:.情态动词表能力,can表示现在的能力,could表示过去的能力,相当于be able to(be able to 有多种时态)。He can speak English.He could play the piano at the age of four.情态动词表推测。must 肯定 cant 一定不;may可能 may not可能不 He must be at home.The light is on.(一定)-Is that man ove

12、r there your cousin?-No,it cant be him.He has gone to Paris.(一定不)Tom may come to our party,but Im not sure.(可能)-Is John coming by train?-He may not.He likes driving his car.(可能不),2.表示先后顺序的副词(first,then,next,afterwards,finally)。,First,Sandy got up.Then,she went to school by bus.Next,she had assembly(

13、开晨会).Afterwards,she had lessons.Finally,she had lunch in the dinning hall.,实战演练,The work is too difficult for Mr Wu to finish in a week.He needs _ days.A.more two B.two more C.two another D.another more2.About _ of the engineers in my company were born in the _.A.two-thirds;1970 B.two-thirds;1970sC.

14、two-third;1970 D.two-third;1970s3.-Bob,we are moving this weekend.-Congratulations!I _ you happiness in your new flat.A.wish B.hope C.expect D.send,B,B,A,4.-May I go out now,Dad?-No,you _ let your mother know first.A.can B.may C.need D.must5.-_ you turn down your radio,please?-Yes,I can.A.May B.Need

15、 C.Must D.Can6.-Mum,could I play with my classmates for a while after I finish my homework?-_.But you must come back before supper.A.Yes,you can.B.Yes,you could.C.No,you cant.D.No,you couldnt.7.Four hundred dollars for a pair of shoes,you _ be joking!A.may B.can C.need D.must,D,D,A,D,中考备考手册 7 A Unit

16、 6答案 Page16-18,第一课时 教材梳理,一、课文复习hold a fashion showraise money forfrom different times1990sare made of cottongo well with/match,makes me look smartlight bluecomfortable to wearleatherlightlook good on medonate money to,二、语言知识,自主识记 colourful 2.light 3.finally 4.hard-working 5.beautiful 6.made,fortable

17、10.suitable11.finally12.bored/boring,三、针对训练,单选:A B D C,第二课时 能力提升,一、looking forwhat to wearwhite bootsa pair ofmatch,二、1.even 2.require 3.long 4.show 5.wool,6.popular7.information8.girls9.dark10.shirt,三、1.Listen/Listening2.understood3.Suggestions/Tips/Advice4.Nod5.words6.purpose7.summary8.satisfied9.

18、easier10.hearts/minds,初三英语第一轮复习学案 7 A Unit 6答案,I基础知识 一、默写四会单词,(n.)1.fashion 2.tie 3.show 4.cotton 5.wool 6.leather 7.silk 8.shorts 9.suit 10.poster(v.)1.choose 2.hope(adj.)1.popular 2.colourful 3.cool 4.young 5.smart 6.modern fortable 8.heavy 9.light 10.boring(adv.)1.afterwards 2.finally 3.still 4.c

19、ertainly(pron.)1.anyone其他:1.pink 2.hope,二、翻译词组1.spend 10 more minutes in bed 2.look good in blue 3.raise money for 4.a pink cotton blouse 5.be made of 6.have/hold a fashion show 7.clothes from the 1970s 8.a pair of light blue jeans 9.look smart and modern 10.design fashionable clothes,II基础训练一、词汇,A c

20、otton 2.leather fortable 4.smart 5.modern/fashionable 6.boring 7.choose 8.poster,B1.lazy 2.heavy 3.turn 4.silk 5.choose 6.still/staying 7.certainly 8.trip,II基础训练 一、词汇,C1.colourful 2.beautiful 3.more 4.Finally 5.made fortable,二、单项选择,1-5.B C B C A 6-10.D B C A A11-15.C B A C B,7.raising 8.to have 9.is

21、 wearing 10.close 11.doing 12.to choose,三、语法专练,A选择填空:A B C D D AB.are made of Thats all for not cold or hot dress up in raise money matches/goes well with,中考指导书P35 7A Unit 6答案 Page 39-40,一、boring comfortable popular Hope choose,二、Finallyheavilywearingto raisecolourful,自主复习,II.课堂巩固,一、having a showrai

22、se money forfrom the 1980slooks colourfula pair ofin the 1990s,二、句型巩固,1.How beautiful the garden is!How tall the buildings are!2.What do you think of the house?What do you think of the books?3.We hope you can come to our party.He hopes we can be members of the Dancing Club.4.The desk is made of meta

23、l.Those pairs of shoes are made of leather.,III.语法梳理,cant,2.Can,3.cant,4.may,5.cant,二、First,I eat something because I feel a little hungry.Then,I do my homework in my study.Next,I have supper with my family in the dining room.Afterwards,I watch TV for half an hour on the sofa.Finally,I finish my hom

24、ework and go to bed.,IV.书面表达,I want to design a T-shirt,a pair of shorts and a pair of shoes.The colour of the T-shirt is blue and white because I think the colour can make singers look cool and it will go well with any other colour.The colour of the shorts is light purple because I think the colour

25、 will make everyone look active.The colour of the shoes is green because I think green means new life.The T-shirt and shorts are made of cotton.I think it is very comfortable to wear clothes made of cotton.But the shoes are made of leather because leather shoes are good for walking.,中考指导书P41 单元练习二 7

26、A Unit4-Unit6答案,一、单项选择1-5.DCABB 6-10.BCACD 11-15.CBBBB二、完形填空16-20.BBCAA 21-25.BDABD三、阅读理解26-30.DABEC 31.40th 32.actor 33.Jimmy Carter34.farmer 35.17th,A.36.matches37.healthy38.sugar39.noodles40.tired,四、,B.41.bookshelves42.made43.to stay44.lying45.having,C.46.a pair of47.get tired48.keep fit49.look smart50.looking for,五、51.make52.also53.cheap54.reason55.for,56.famous57.changing58.even59.full60.longer,


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