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1、Key point:useful sentences for establishing business relationship Difficult points:Letter writing on establishing business relationship,Requirement,By the end of this lesson,you should be able to have a good command of e-commerce terms given in the lesson useful sentences in letters of establishing

2、business relationship,.,。,Skill Training,Business Letter Writing(I)书信是电子商务活动中进行沟通的最主要手段之一。在本课和以下四课书中,我们将给出一些书信案例和常用句型。关于书信的结构和格式,在此不做赘述。只要灵活掌握常用句型,写出一封规范的书信并不困难。先熟悉一下一般书信正文常用的开头语句和结尾语句,然后在看各种不同内容的书信。Commonly-used Opening Sentences and Closing Sentences of Letters 一般书信正文常用的开头语句和结尾语句,1.Commonly-used O

3、pening Sentences 常用的开头语句,(1)表达“兹致函给您,通知您”的句子:I beg to inform you that I am writing to you to ask about I am glad to tell you that(2)表达“收到贵方X月X日来函,内容悉知”的句子:Thank you for your kind letter dated 6th.Your kind letter of July 30 arrived this morning.Your favor of the 5th inst.has come to hand and its con

4、tents have been duly noted.,注意:表示X月X日来函可有两种方法 a.用介词of;b.用过去分词dated。kind在“letter”前常用,以示客气;favor用在信函文字中就是指书信。(3)表达“迟复为歉”的句子:I must apologize for my delay in replying your recent letter.I beg thousand pardons for not having written to you sooner.,1.Commonly-used Closing Sentences 常用的结束语句,在书信正文的末尾,常常表达盼

5、回信、表祝愿和代问或嘱笔问候等意思,这种意思可以用句子表示,也可以用短语表示。用句子表示时,末尾用“.”;用短语表示时,末尾用“,”。(1)表达盼回信的句子或短语 I hope to hear from you soon.Hoping to hear from you soon,Awaiting your early reply,Your kind early reply will be appreciated.,(2)表示祝愿的句子 With best regards,Wish you the best of health and success.Much love to you and y

6、our family,(3)表达转达、或嘱笔问候 Say hello to Joe.Please remember me to your brother.My mother joins me in love to you.,Letters of Establishing Business Relations 书信(建立业务关系),建立业务关系是从事商务活动的最初始的活动,通过书面语言建立这种关系主要是依靠商务信函(电子邮件)来沟通。撰写这种信函时,首先要告诉对方我方是如何获悉对方的信息的,并表示我方有意与对方建立业务联系的愿望。其次需要介绍我方企业的性质、基本业务情况、经营范围、分支机构、品牌

7、等等,必要时也可向对方提供资信证明人,以便对方了解我方的资信情况。有时,还可说明希望推销什么商品或希望购买什么商品,以便对方按要求着手准备。下面是一封希望建立业务关系的书信例子:,China National Import&Export Corp.Shanghai Branch Shanghai ChinaJuly 18,2004M&D Co.211 Exhibition Road London SW7 2PGUK,Dear Sirs Your company has been introduced to us by Messrs.(Mr.的复数)Freeman&Co.Ltd London,E

8、ngland,as a prospective buyer of Chinese cotton piece goods.As this item falls within the business scope of our corporation,we shall be pleased to enter into business relations with you at an early date.To give you a general idea of the various kinds of cotton piece goods now available for export,we

9、 enclose a brochure and a sample-cutting booklet.Quotations(报价)will follow upon receipt of your specific enquiry.,We look forward to hearing from you soon.Faithfully yours,Wang LinEncl.1.a brochure of China National Import&Export Corp.Shanghai Branch 2.a sample-cutting booklet,Useful Sentences,1 1.H

10、aving had your name and e-mail address from we avail ourselves of this opportunity to write to you and2 2.We are a Sino-American joint venture specializing in the export of household electrical appliances.3.The American Consulate(领事馆)in Shanghai has advised us to get in touch with you concerning.4 4.Will you please send us your catalogue and price list for.,返 回,


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