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1、研究生科研综合能力的培养,谭凯旋南华大学核资源与核燃料工程学院2010年3月,科研写作第二讲,什么是科研综合能力,毅力、耐力、智力科研兴趣、态度思维能力、分析能力、解决问题的能力创新能力写作能力和表达能力,科研=试验技能?,Ideaskills,Thought,Creativity,ThinkDoCommunicate,Where is the idea from?,Reading references and booksThinking and thinking Whats new in this article?How and why did the authors design the

2、experiment?Whats the result?What should I learn from this paper?,Summary of References,Write a review paper on the references you have readWhat have been done?What kind of techniques was used?What is the trend?What needs to be done in the future?,Keep yourself at the front of your area,Make yourself

3、 as an expert,开题The opening of your project,Why should I do this project?What is the difference between my project and the work has been done by others?What I am going to do for this project?How can I achieve my goal?What kind of results can I get?,如何做好试验,多动脑筋多讨论多读文献和书籍多做记录多总结,Enjoy it,仪器状态好的时候抓紧做;心

4、理状态好的时候多做;,良好的心态,努力是一个流动的过程,长期的征程,自我克服、自我牺牲、战胜自我的心理战场付出可能没有回报,但你不付出,是根本没有回报 科研的传承性、反复性,坚韧性以及不确定性无时无刻不考究你的心态,充沛的精力,有规律的生活习惯良好的学习和工作习惯请勿沉迷于网络、游戏,文献的查阅与管理,多数文章看摘要,少数文章看全文 集中时间看文献 做好记录和标记 准备引用的文章要亲自看过 注意文章的参考价值,文献的查阅与管理,下载电子版文献时(caj,pdf,html),把文章题目粘贴为文件名不同主题存入不同文件夹 看过的文献归入子文件夹 重要文献根据重要程度在文件名前加001,002,00

5、3编号,然后按名称排列图标 复印或打印的文献,体会之一,既看综述,也看论著 看导师既往发表的文章,也看师兄师姐答辩的论文 早动手 多看、多想、多请教、多交流,体会之二,科研靠积累文献要追踪记录常整理,科学的态度,实事求是学术剽窃问题一稿多投问题署名问题(1)作者的排名,必须是其真实成就的公正而中肯的排列;(2)作者的排名同时也表明,所有排名的作者共同对文章的内容负有责任。,表达能力,写和说说:思路清晰 声音洪亮、抑扬顿挫 语言简洁 前后内容有机结合 保持互动,to share your findings with the scientific communityto get recogniti

6、on in your fieldto get grant from different granting agenciesTo get scholarship from oversea UniversitiesTo find a good job,Scientific publications are important,写作能力,敢于写强迫自己写养成一边做一边写的习惯,The Requirement of a Good Article,Clear:思路清晰、概念清楚、层次清楚、表达清楚Complete:内容完整、结构完整匀称,切忌虎头蛇尾,有始无终Correct:科学内容正确(不出错)、资料

7、数据正确(数据可靠、可信)、语言正确(无语法错)Concise:论述深刻、充分揭示其科学内涵、使用定量方法,Learn the Parts of a Scientific Manuscript,Target Your Manuscript to the RightAudience(journal)Describe Your Work AccuratelySharpen Your Writing Strategies,Essential Elements of a Journal Article,Scientific papers are written in a style that is c

8、lear and concise.Good English is critical in science writing.,Essential Elements of a Journal Article,1.Title2.Abstract3.Introduction4.Methods5.Results6.Discussion7.Literature Cited,Essential Elements of a Journal Article,There are 3 domains of components in a scientific paper:1.The Title and Abstra

9、ct2.The Main Body of the Paper including:Figures and Tables3.The Reference List and Acknowledgments,THE TITLE,PurposeIdentify the main topic or the message of the paperAttract readers,THE TITLE,Many people will read the title of your paper,but not read the entire paper.Why?A good title may be the di

10、fference between a reader choosing to look at your work or passing over it.,THE TITLE,Too many words(x)不要太长Ambiguous(x)表达不明确Boring(x)陈腐乏味Nothing new(x)缺乏新意,THE ABSTRACT摘要的重要性,This is the first(and often the only)part of the paper people will readFurthermore,it is accessible electronicallyEqually imp

11、ortant,it is the first component of the paper that journal editors reviewAbstracts should be carefully constructed,keeping these ideas in mind,INTRODUCTION,PurposeGive background information for the study Hook the reader,INTRODUCTION,The Introduction discusses the results of previously published stu

12、dies,to help explain why your study is of scientific interest,INTRODUCTION,The introduction is organized to move from general information to specific information.,INTRODUCTION,keep background information limited to studies that relate directly to the present study.emphasize your specific contributio

13、n to the topic.,INTRODUCTION,The last sentences of the introduction should be a statement of objectives and hypotheses(your thesis statement.)This will be a good transition to the next section,Methods,in which you will explain how you proceeded to meet your objectives and test your hypotheses.,Defin

14、e and emphasize Your Topic,Repeat your topic often:in the Title,in the Abstract,in the Introduction,in the Results,and in the Discussion,SENTENCES,Common mistakesToo longImproper word sequences,SENTENCES,Short sentences are preferable to long sentencesThe ideal sentence is 15-20 words in lengthThe p

15、rimary goal of the sentence is clarityOver 40 words are too long for a sentence,Break up Manuscripts into Sections,One timeline or strategy:Immediately write Materials and Methods2.Write the result of an individual experiment,including Figure Legends and Tables3.As complete results are obtained,star

16、t onDiscussionNext,work on Introduction,and link results5.Finally,write Abstract and last paragraphs for Introduction and Discussion sections,科学软件的使用,Data Analysis:Excel,SPSS,Figures:Excel,SigmaPlotReference management:Endnotes,Reference Manager,退稿的5个常见的原因,无新意,重复他人工作(国际刊物最欢迎的是具有原始创新性的工作);有新的发现,但未能很好

17、地提炼、升华并上升到理论的高度;单纯的定性描述,缺乏定量的、理论的分析;仅仅是区域性(Local)的工作,而不是具有普遍意义、可以推广到其他地方的的工作(General),即仅仅是国外方法在中国某一地区的应用,而不是提出新的方法;文章组织得不好,文字功夫欠佳,国外审稿人难以看懂。,学好英语,多看英文文献每天读30分钟的英文,Language,写出地道英语论文的窍门:多读,多记,多背,不妨采用小学生学作文的方法,多背一些句子甚至段落。,综述性论文的要求,综述某一领域中的最新进展,应该有述有评,而不只是前人工作的罗列;要有综述者自己的观点和对他人工作的评价,指出不足之处和解决问题的设想;应该归纳出几个热点或前沿问题,展开叙述,不要像记流水帐似的,面面俱到;既要大量占有文献,又要有所取舍,突出精华,要对文献仔细消化之后再动笔,切忌机械罗列。,在SCI刊物发表文章的几点体会,敢于向权威刊物投稿:不少杂志欢迎来自中国的成果;国外审稿人的意见颇多真知灼见,即使退稿,对你也有很大启发;,在SCI刊物发表文章的几点体会,档次越高的刊物,审稿人的水平越高,有新意的成果越不会被埋没;可以不花代价得到与世界级学者进行学术对话的难得机会。,引用文献,知而不引 断章取义 引而不确 来源不实 盲目自引,经过科研的洗礼,你的人生观、世界观、抵抗外界的能力将进一步提高,Be good!Do right!,


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