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1、Translation of English for Science&Technology,第十九章,科技文体的翻译,第十九章 科技文体的翻译19.1 科技文体的特点19.1.1 词汇涵义外延19.1.2 语法结构完整19.1.3 语体格式规范19.1.4 文体结构严谨19.2 科技文体的翻译19.2.1 科技论文标题的翻译19.2.2 科技论文内容摘要的翻译19.2.3 产品说明和成果介绍的翻译19.2.4 科技报道的翻译19.2.5 科普读物的翻译19.3 科技论文常见术语 第十九章综合练习及参考译文,第十九章重点,综合练习 1,综合练习 2,综合练习 3,综合练习 4,-end,3,第十

2、九章科技文体的翻译Translation of English for Science&Technology,科技文体是一个范畴极其广泛的概念,涉及到理科、工科、医科、农科以及社会科学等众多种学科。科技英语在文体学上称为科学散文,是一种重要的英语语体,有科幻小说、科技著述、科技论文(论文摘要)、科技报告、科技新闻,还有科技方面的理论探讨、过程描述、以及成果和应用方面的产品说明、科研成果介绍、科技成果报道、实验报告和方案等。,4,19.1 科技文体的特点(Features of Scientific Prose),5,科技英语中大量的科技词汇,科技术语大都借自英语的常用词汇。这些常用词汇看似并不

3、专业化,但用到科技领域某一专业中却成了专业技术用语,具有严格的科学涵义。,19.1 科技文体的特点(Features of Scientific Prose),19.1.1 词汇涵义广泛,6,科技英语为了达到准确、客观的目的,语法结构一般都比较完整。人称方面,多采用较正式的无人称句;时态方面,多用动词现在时,尤其是一般现在时,来表述“无时间性”的“一般叙述”;谓语动词多用非限定形式;句式多用结构复杂的长句以及被动语态.注重逻辑上的连贯、表达上的清晰与畅达、传递信息的客观性,精确性和确定性。,19.1.2 语法结构完整,7,翻译时必须熟记科技英语的语法结构特征,对原文句子进行准确的剖析,分清层次

4、,把握逻辑关系,层层分译,能用短句就用短句。,8,科技文体一般都采取正式的书面语体,语体格式比较规范。在风格上有着刻板与灵活的差异,但都具有客观性强、知识性强、语言严谨朴实、表意清晰、层次分明的基本特点。语体格式、遣词造句都比较规范,时常使用固定的格式,固定的套语,力求精确易懂,简洁明晰,结构紧凑,很少带有感情色彩。翻译时力求语体格式前后一致,不要随意改变。,19.1.3 语体格式规范,9,科技文体结构严谨,用词精确,语言准确、表达规范,逻辑严密,表达明晰畅达,复句长句多,省略句少。避免行文晦涩,避免表露个人感情,避免论证上的主观随意性。少用或不用描述性形容词以及具有抒情作用的副词、感叹词及疑

5、问词。避免使用旨在加强语言感染力和宣传效果的各种修辞格,忌用夸张、借喻、讥讽、反法、双关及押韵等修辞手段。翻译时要注意其科学性、严密性和准确性,不得随意夸大其词、任意加减。多用相对较短的句子,有条理地传达原意。,19.1.4 文体结构严谨,小节结束,10,科技论文是科技人员研究成果的直接记录,包括理论性论文和实验性论文两大类,或阐明理论、或描述实验,内容比较专业深奥,文字也较严谨正规。在体裁风格上,不同的体裁适应的是不同的读者群体。翻译时不应将绘声绘色的科幻小说风格带到科技论文中,也不应把科普文章译得高深莫测。,19.2 科技文体的翻译(Translation of Scientific Pr


7、改变,引起概念上的混乱。,14,在修辞手段上,增词义、重逻辑、讲修辞,规范正确,文理通顺。科技英语翻译增词多于减词。增词对科技英语而言是具有重大实意的,如表示名词复数概念的增词、表示具体概念的增词以及具有实意的结构词等。,15,例1:Around 2050,the amount of carbon released from the soil by bacteria would be greater than the amount soaked up by trees,and global warming would be accelerated.【译文】到2050年左右,土壤中细菌的碳释放量

8、有可能大于林木的吸收量,地球会加速变暖。,16,例2:The coolant is circulated through the annular spaces between the fuel elements and the moderator,absorbing heat as it passes,and the heat so absorbed is conveyed out of the core to the heat exchanger.Very large quantities of heat are generated by fission,and in order that

9、these may be rapidly dissipated,a large volume of coolant is required.,【译文】冷却剂在释热元件和缓和剂之间作环形循环,循环时吸收热量,并把吸收过来的热量从反应器中心向热交换器传递。裂变产生大量的热量。为使这些热量快速消散,需要大量的冷却剂。,17,It is therefore frequently pressurized,especially where a gaseous coolant is used,to increase its density.A number of different coolants hav

10、e been employed,including water,carbon dioxide and liquid metals.,【续】因此,要不停地加压(尤其使用气体冷却剂时),以便增加其密度。现已使用的冷却剂有若干种,其中包括水、二氧化碳和液态金属等。,18,例3:Then what?Well,mankind is not doing a very good job of running the earth right now.Maybe,when the time comes,we ought to step gracefully aside and hand over the job

11、 to someone who can do it better.And if we dont step aside,perhaps Supercomputer will simply move in and push us aside.(I.Asimov:The Difference Between a Brain and a Computer)【译文】到那时会怎么样呢?唉,反正人类现在也没有做好管理地球的工作。也许到那时候,我们真该豁达大度地让到一边,把工作交给更为称职的去做。如果我们不主动让位,也许超级电脑就会老实不客气地闯进来,把我们推到一边。,19,例4:A further infe

12、rence was drawn by Pascal,who reasoned that if this“sea of air”existed,its pressure at the bottom(i.e.sea level)would be greater than its pressure further up,and that therefore the height of mercury column would decrease in proportion to the height above sea-level.【译文】帕斯卡作了进一步推论,他说,如果这种“空气海洋”存在的话,其底

13、部(即海平面)的压力就会比其高处的压力大。因此,水银柱的高度降低量与海拔高度成正比。,20,例5:Earth is a spacecraft too.Our atmosphere acts as a shield against harmful radiation and space debris.Gravity holds the air and people on the spacecraft,so that everything doesnt float away.Each of us is an astronaut and our spacecraft,earth,provides o

14、ur food and water.The sun is our energy source and without it we would not be able to survive.【译文】地球跟宇宙飞船完全一样,其周围的大气层对有害的辐射和宇宙碎片起到保护作用。地心引力吸住空气和地球这艘宇宙飞船上所有的人,使每件东西不致飘浮离去。我们每个人都是宇航员,地球这艘宇宙飞船提供我们食物和水。太阳是能源,没有太阳我们就无法生存。,小节结束,21,科技论文标题和其他论文标题大体一样,语言精练,主题明确。在结构上以名词短语居多,还有名词加分词或分词短语、名词加形容词或副词短语、名词加介词短语以及其

15、他结构形式。不管是论文标题还是论文内容摘要,翻译时多用直译或意译的方法,适当使用增译、减译法,力求译文语言准确、简练、达意、清晰,力戒辞藻华丽,形容夸张。,19.2.1 科技论文标题的翻译,22,Computer Virus(两个名词)电脑病毒Wild Mushroom:Mysterious,MenacingMagnificent(名词词组)野生蘑菇:神秘莫测,内含毒素美味佳肴Diagnosis and Treatment of Cerebellar Abscess 小脑脓肿的诊断和治疗(两个名词加后置定语)Studying Direction of Moisture Motion in Un

16、saturated-soil by using Thermodynamic Theory(动名词短语)用热力学理论研究非饱和土壤中水分运动的方向,例 如:,23,Neutrons Causing Chain Reaction of Uranium Unclei(名词加现在分词)中子引起铀核链式反应Light Radiation From Pulsed Discharges in Water(名词加介词短语)水中高压脉冲放电的光辐射研究Development of Technique of Multi-arc Ion Plating(名词加介词短语)多孤离子镀膜工艺的技术开发,小节结束,24,内

17、容摘要是论文内容的概括和总结,读者常常先读摘要,再决定是否值得通读全文。内容摘要约300词左右,要求文字精练,陈述客观,提纲挈领,突出精华。句型多以扩展的简单句,结构紧密。时态用一般现在时。,19.2.2 科技论文内容摘要的翻译,25,内容摘要分为:指示型摘要 信息型摘要 信息指示混合型摘要 结构式摘要,26,指示型摘要又称介绍型摘要,或陈述型摘要,主要是简要地介绍论文的论题,或概括地表述研究的目的,使读者对论文的主要内容有个概括的了解。这种摘要一般要求字数要少一些,在100词以内就可以了。,指示型摘要,27,Abstract:Rank order distributions and the

18、corresponding estimation problem are discussed.Their application to the study of rare events is considered.Examples are given of the application of the simplest of these distributions in predicting the occurrence of rare events.,【译文】内容提要:本文讨论了从大到小的分布以及相应的估值问题,并考虑它们在稀少事件研究中的应用,提供了一些分布的最简单形式在预测稀少事件发生方

19、面的应用实例。,例如:,28,信息型摘要(又称报道型摘要,或资料型摘要)是用来报道论文的研究目的、方法、结果与结论。是目前科技期刊中学术类论文的英文摘要中使用最多的一种摘要形式。其篇幅要稍长些,一般约在200词左右。,信息型摘要,29,Abstract:An aim of the experiments is to determine if an imperfect listening typewriter would be useful for composing letters.Participants dictated,either in isolated words or in con

20、secutive word speech.This was carried out with simulations of listening typewriters that recognized either a limited vocabulary or an unlimited vocabulary.Results show that some versions,even upon first using them,are at least as good as traditional methods of handwriting and dictating.Isolated word

21、 speech with large vocabularies may provide the basis for a useful listening typewriter.,【译文】内容提要:本实验的目的是要确定一台尚不完善的听写打字机能否用来写信。实验者口授信函时,有时一字一字读,有时是连续话语读。口授时,听写打字机便做模拟工作;听写打字机有的能识别有限量词语,有的则能识别无限量词语。结果表明,即使第一次使用听写打字机,有一些样信的效果和传统耳听、手写的效果一样好。具有较大量词汇的逐词口授将成为可用听写打字机的依据。,例如:,30,信息指示混合型,信息指示混合型摘要是一种既兼有信息型又兼

22、有指示型的摘要。一般约在150词左右。,31,Abstract:An improvement in optical efficiency over contemporary external reflector evacuated tube collectors was achieved by integrating the reflectors surface into the outer glass envelope.The design,fabrication and testing results are described for a prototype collector base

23、d on this concept.Efficiencies above 40%up to 300 are achieved.A comprehensive testing program to measure performance and operational characteristics of a 2m2 panel(45 tubes)is being carried out.,【译文】内容提要:通过把反射器表面与外玻璃封壳相结合,实现了目前的外部反射器抽空管集热器光效率的改善。本文描述了基于这一概念的一台集热器样机的设计、制作和测试结果。所达到的效率高于40,温度达到300。目前正

24、在进行一项2m2集热板(安装45只管子)的性能和工作特性的综合测试计划。,例如:,32,结构式摘要是用醒目的字体(黑体、全部大写、黑体全部大写或斜体)直接标出目的、方法、结果、结论标题,较广泛地应用在医药卫生等学科和一些理工科技期刊。最大的优点是可读性强,读者很容易从英文摘要中了解到这篇文章的重要信息。不足之处是,在摘要里几个小标题是独立的,上下不衔接,连贯性差些。,结构式摘要,33,Abstract:Aim To study the characteristics of plasma radiation from pulsed discharges in water.Methods Pyro

25、meter-oscilloscope system was used to measure the brightness of the plasma radiation.The spark channel temperature and the distributions of the irradiance as a function of wavelength were obtained through a greybody radiation model.Results For a stored capacitor energy of 312.5 J,the spark channel t

26、emperature of 5104 K was obtained with a peak current of 50 kA.Most of the plasma radiation energy is distributed in the far ultraviolet region of the spectrum(10-200nm).Conclusion Radiation of plasma underwater corresponds to its electric characteristics.Ultraviolet radiation is one of the principa

27、l form of energy which is released from a pulsed discharge in water.,例如:,34,【译文】内容提要:目的:研究水中高压脉冲放电的光辐射性质。方法:通过高温计-示波器系统,测量放电的光谱辐射亮度;采用灰体辐射模型,计算放电通道的温度和发射率;结合放电的电特性,分析这一过程中等离子体的光辐射特性。结果:在电容器储能为312.5J、最大峰值电流为50 kA的条件下,计算得到的最高温度约为5104K。光辐射能量的绝大部分分布在远紫外的范围(10200 nm)。结论:水中放电的光辐射特性对应于放电的电特性。紫外光辐射是放电等离子体的主

28、要释能方式之一。,35,产品说明或成果介绍属科技专利文献,主要指的是专利说明书。说明书是新发明、新技术、新工艺、新材料、新产品、新设备等的记录,是一种技术性、专业性、法律性极强重要的科技信息文献资料。其语言特点是句子长,结构复杂,常用被动句式和非谓语动词形式。翻译时应先理顺句子与句子、修饰语与被修饰语之间的关系,然后按照逻辑顺序进行拆译。,19.2.3 产品说明、成果介绍的翻译,36,例1:The specification of Patent No.1,012,052 describes and claims a body of polycrystalline dielectric cera

29、mic material having a lead zirconatelead titanatelead stannate composition falling within the area A B C E F of the triaxial diagram 1d of the drawings accompanying this specification and containing at least one substitutional additive ingredient selected from the group consisting of elements having

30、 respective ionic radii sufficiently close to the ionic radius of one of the elements lead,tin,titanium,zirconium and oxygen to permit of substitution,37,and a valence state differing from that of said one element by less than three units,the aggregate quantity of additive ingredient amounting to fr

31、om 0.1 to 5 percent of the replaced ion on an atom basis,each additive ingredient present in said material being in ionic form and substituting for a finite percentage of the ions of a particular one of the elements lead,tin,titanium,zirconium and oxygen with respect to which it conforms with regard

32、 to ionic radius and valence state,said additive ingredient replacing a quantity of said elements having in the aggregate an equal number of valence units.,38,【译文】第1,012,052号专利说明书介绍一种含有锆酸铅、钛酸铅、锡酸铅的多晶陶瓷介质材料,其组成在说明书上附图1d三元相图中处于A,B,C,E,F区域内,该组成至少还含有一种置换添加物,这种添加物从一组离子半径分别接近于铅、锡、钛、铬、氧的元素中选出,以利于互相置换,而与上述一

33、种元素化合价之差应小于三价。该添加物的总量为被置换离子的0.15%克原子。上述材料中的每种添加物是以离子形式存在的,它以一定的百分数置换铅、锡、钛、铬、氧中的某一元素的离子。添加物在离子半径和价数上必须类似于上述任一元素,并且置换添加物的量与被置换的元素在总体上具有相等的化合价数。,39,例2:The Midnight Sun Researchers in Washington State are working on a generator that might replace internal-combustion engines in hybrid electric vehicles.I

34、t would give these vehicles a much greater driving range than solar-powered cars while nearly eliminating hydrocaron and carbonmonoxide emissions.And because the device operates at relatively low temperatures,its not expected to produce oxides of nitrogen(NOx).,【译文】午夜太阳 华盛顿州的科研人员正在研制一种发电机,它可能取代现在用于混

35、合式电动车中的内燃发动机,这种发电机能使电动车比太阳能汽车跑得远得多,还几乎不排放碳氢化合物和一氧化碳气体。此外,因为这种发电机的工作温度相对较低,所以也不会产生氮氧化物(NOx)。,40,The patented device is a ten-inch-long generator dubbed the Midnight Sun.A burner inside the generator ignites a mixture of air and natural gas,heating a ceramic tube to more than 1,4000C;in effect,the tub

36、e becomes a tiny sun.Super-efficient but expensive gallium antimonide solar cells are arrayed around the glowing core to convert thermal energy into electricity that could power a car and charge its batteries.Because the natural-gas generator burns fuel continuously,carbon monoxide and gydrocarbon e

37、missions would be one-fiftieth those of vehicles with internal-combustion engines.,【续】这种10英寸长的专利,别名叫“午夜太阳”。发电机内部的燃烧室点燃空气和天然气的混合气,把陶瓷管加温到摄氏1 400度以上;实际上这时陶瓷管已成一颗小太阳。在这灼热的芯管周围排列着超高能的,但很昂贵的镓锑化合物太阳能电池,把热能转化为电能来驱动车,并给车上的电池充电。因为这种天然气发电机不间断地燃烧,所以一氧化碳和碳氢化合物的排放量只是使用内燃发动机车辆排放量的50分之一。,41,The researchers have al

38、ready built a prototype of the Midnight Sun that is powerful enough to operate a small television.The next step is to construct an eight-burner generator that will be installed in the universitys Viking 23 vehicle.While the car could operate strictly on natural gas,its intended to run primarily on b

39、attery power.The Midnight Sun generator is a backup system designed primarily for recharging the batteries and for long trips.,【续】研制者们已经制造出一个“午夜太阳”的样品机,发出的电能足以供一台小电视机使用。下一步是制造具有八个燃烧室的发电机,并将其安装在该大学的Viking 23型车上。虽然这车只能烧天然气,但是现在让它主要靠电池能来工作。“午夜大阳”发电机主要用来为电池充电,供跑长途时使用。,42,The generator will produce 20 ki

40、lowatts,giving the car the horsepower of an early Volkswagen Beetle.Running on the generator alone,the vehicle could maintain a speed of 60 mph on level ground,but it would need help from the batteries in order to climb hills at that pace.,【续】发电机的功率将是20千瓦,和早期的大众公司Beetle车的马力一样大。单靠这台发电机,在平地上车速能维持在每小时6

41、0英里,但要以同样的速度爬上山坡,就需要借助于电池的帮助。,43,The primary obstacle to commercialization is the expense of the gallium antimonide solar cells:They currently cost about$300 apiece;and hundreds arc required for each of the eight burners in the Viking 23 car.The generator could soon be cost-effective enough to be us

42、ed in motor homes,and boats,however.In these applications,the Midnight Sun would serve as a co-generator providing electricity as well as space heating.,【续】这种车商业化的主要障碍是镓锑化合物的太阳能电池太贵,现售价约300美元一个。Viking 23车里有八个燃烧室,每一个燃烧室就需要好几百个电池。然而这种发电机可能很快在汽车旅馆和船上使用比较合算,在使用中,“午夜太阳”将起双重作用,既能供暖又能供电。,小节结束,44,科技报道通常由标题和

43、正文两部分组成。标题文字简短,往往在一行左右。正文紧跟在标题下面,其报道要点和结论一般都在第一段集中反映出来。科技报道的文体特证是简短,用词造句比较通俗易懂,具体准确,有吸引力,较口语化,表达较为自由。科技报道大致分成一般性科技报道和专业性科技报道。翻译科技报道时,在语言风格上应符合原文的特点。,19.2.4 科技报道的翻译,45,例1:Underground Test in U.S.NEW YORK,Thurs.,APP A nuclear device as powerful as 90,000 tons of TNT was detonated a mile beneath the Co

44、lorado Rockies today in an experiment aimed at loosening vast stores of natural gas.The explosion of the devices three 30-kiloton atomic mechanism went smoothly.,【译文】美国的一次地下核试验 美联社纽约星期四日电 今天,在科罗拉多落基山区地下一英里处,爆炸了一个能量为九万吨级的三硝基甲苯炸药的核装置。这是一次以释放储量丰富的天然气为目的的实验。该装置是三个三万吨级原子结构,爆炸进行顺利。,46,It was the largest n

45、uclear blast so far in the Atomic Energy Commission project to stimulate massive stores of natural gas locked in rock formations.The AEC said only background levels of radiation normally found in the environment was recorded at a monitoring station at the blast site.The blast shock the ground at an

46、observation area 11 miles from the site and street light go miles away in Montrose,Colorado.,【续】到目前为止,这是原子能委员会开发蕴藏在岩层中大量天然气工程所进行的一次最大的核爆炸。原子能委员会说,爆炸现场监测记录到的只是当地环境所常有的基本辐射强度。这次爆炸震动了离现场11英里处观察区的地面和90英里外科罗拉多州蒙特罗斯城的街灯。,47,Residents of Rifle,about 30 miles from the site of the detonation,said they felt n

47、othing.The AEC had predicted that the buildings in the town would shake.The National Earthquake Centre l80 miles away at Boulder recorded the blast 40 seconds after it was set off.,【续】距爆炸现场大约30英里的莱福镇居民说,他们毫无感觉。原子能委员会曾预计该镇的建筑物会发生震动。180英里外的布尔德国家地震中心四十秒后记录到这次爆炸。,48,Center spokesman Jim Lander said seis

48、mographs recorded the jolt at 5.3 on the Richter Scale,which has no top limit.Mr.Lander said the tremor would be classed as a“locally severe earthquake which would cause damage”.,【续】该中心发言人金兰德说,地震仪记录的震动强度为里氏5.3级,这种震动没有强度极限。兰德先生说,可把这种震动列为“局部有严重破坏性的地震”。,49,例2:The Age of Spiritual Machines Since its beg

49、inning in the work of Alan Turing,the British mathematical genius who conceived of the computer,artificial intelligence has been overly anthropocentric.Its traditionalsome would say misguidedaim has been to build machines that are like humans.For example,the Turing test for machine intelligence hold

50、s that a computer is a genuine thinker if it resembles a human being to the degree that someone interviewing both the computer and a human by teletype cannot tell which is which.,【译文】智能机器时代 人工智能的概念最初出现于设想出计算机的英国数学天才艾伦图灵的著作之中,从此,这一概念一直过分地强调以人为中心。人工智能的传统目标(有人说是误入歧途的目标)一直是想造出像人一样的机器来。例如,图灵的机器智能检测认为:一台计


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