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1、2023/9/14,1,Scientific English Writing,EST,Fan Cong,2023/9/14,2,Contents,1,Adverbial Clause,2,Appositive Clause,2023/9/14,3,Adverbial Clause,Characteristics Classification,2023/9/14,4,Characteristics,(1)种类繁多。(2)位置灵活。状语从句可位于主语之前,之后或中间。汉译时状语从句多数要译在主语前。(3)状语从句一般由从属连接词引导状语从句的引导词绝大多数有词义,它们在句中绝大多数不做句子成分。,

2、2023/9/14,5,Classification,时间,原因,方式,地点,条件,2023/9/14,6,Time,科技文中引导时间状语从句的连接词常见的有when(当)after(在以后)before(在以前)until或till(直到才)as soon as(一就)while(正当时,在期间)as(当时,随着)once(一旦),2023/9/14,7,Time,The conductivity of this material increases as the temperature increases.该材料的导电率随温度的上升而增加。The current starts flowin

3、g as soon as the battery is connected to the closed circuit.当把电流一接到闭合电路上,电流就开始流动。Electrical forces,once they have been produced,seem to be very strong.电力一旦产生后似乎是很大的。The chemical reaction goes on till the plates are charged.化学作用一直进行到两级被充电为止。Heat is developed whenever friction forces are present.只要有摩擦

4、力的存在就会产生热。,2023/9/14,8,Time,注意:(1)“notuntil”有时可译成“直到才”。The problem was not to be solved until a radically new and different concept was introduced.直到引入了一种崭新的不同概念这个问题才得到了解决。This machine will not start to operate until it receives a signal.这台机器接收到信号才会开始工作。,2023/9/14,9,Time,(2)在含有before从句(甚至介词短语)的句子中,若

5、强调从句(或短语)动作发生的晚或慢,则把before译成after之意,称为“后才”,如:Something further must be done to the amplified signals before they can be sent to the broadcasting antenna.必须对放大了的信号作进一步的处理后才能把他们馈送到天线上去。Nearly 100 years passed before the existence of subatomic particles was confirmed by experiment.在过了将近100年后才由实验证明了亚原子粒

6、子的存在。,2023/9/14,10,Time,(3)在由since引导的时间状语从句中的谓语若是持续性动词(work,stay,move,study等等)的过去时,则从句表示的时间是“从那持续动作结束算起”。It is two years since Mr.Smith worked in the Bell Company.史密斯先生离开贝尔公司已有两年了。,2023/9/14,11,Time,(4)以下一些表达法也可引导时间状语从句。“the+表示瞬间的名词(instant,moment,minute等)”等效于as soon as之意。Without a good deal of fric

7、tion a screw jack under load would unwind the moment the applied force was released.若没有大量的摩擦,外力一释放掉负重的千斤顶就会松脱开来。,2023/9/14,12,Time,(4)以下一些表达法也可引导时间状语从句。“the+序数词+time”The first time they designed an electronic computer,scientists encountered many difficulties.科学家们初次涉及电子计算机时,他们碰到了许多困难。,2023/9/14,13,Ti

8、me,(4)以下一些表达法也可引导时间状语从句。“不定代词(each,every,any,next)+time”One linear factor appears each time a root is found.每当求出一个根来就出现一个线性因子。These double-angle formulas can be used any time we have expressed one angle as twice another.每当我们把一个角表示成另一个角的两倍时,就可使用这些倍角公式。,2023/9/14,14,Time,辨析:when,while,as三个词均具有“当时候”的含义

9、,总的来说它们之间没有什么严格的区别。但是根据英国人所编的Essential English的Teachers Book所介绍,它们的用法区别如下:When:从句的动作发生在瞬间;主句也是如此。While:从句的动作持续一段时间,主句的动作发生在瞬间。As:从句的动作与主句的动作同时发生。,2023/9/14,15,Time,例如:When a large enough force is applied to a body,thebody will start to move.当把一个足够大的力加到物体上时,该物体就会开始运动。It may be necessary to store an i

10、ntermediate result while the arithmetic unit is computing another part of the problem.当运算单元在计算该题的另一部分时,可能需要存储一个中间结果。As the rocket rises,the value of g decreases.当火箭上升时,g值就会减少。,2023/9/14,16,Place,引导地点状语从句的连接词常见的是where,(在地方)。Small special-purpose computers are used where such factors as weight,power c

11、onsumption,etc.,are critical.小型专用机用在重量、功耗等因素要求高的地方。Where one curve crosses the X-axis,its y-value is zero.在一根曲线横切X轴的地方,其y值为零。,2023/9/14,17,Place,注意:在科技文中,有时where引导的从句并不是真正的表示地点,而是表示一种条件或时间,因而可译成“若;在情况下”,“当时候”。A condition of equilibrium exists where the resultant of all external forces is zero.如果一切力的

12、合力为零,则就出现平衡的状态。Where time and curriculum constraints allow,it is expected that two courses in digital system design should be taught.在时间及课程条件允许的情况下,希望随数字系统设计能开设两门课。,2023/9/14,18,Reason,引导原因状语从句的连接词becausesinceasnow that in that,2023/9/14,19,Reason,The positive charge of the nucleus is of greatest im

13、portance as it determines the chemical nature of the atom.原子核的正电荷是极为重要的,因为它确定了该原子的化学性质。Since a is a vector,we must also determine its direction.因为a是个矢量,我们还得确定出它的方向。The measurement of angles is unique in that the unit is dimensionless.角的测量是独特的,因为其单位是没有量纲的。Now that we have introduced the concepts of a

14、 function and the rectangular coordinate system,we are in a position to determine the graph of a function.由于我们已经介绍了函数以及直角坐标系的概念,所以我们能够来确定函数的图像。,2023/9/14,20,Reason,注意:需指出的是,for在科技文中也经常用来引出一个句子表示原因。A transformer cannot be called a machine for it has no moving parts.变压器不能被称为机器,因为它没有运动的部件。“not because”

15、有时汉译时往往否定在从句上(只能靠概念来判别)The binocular telescope was not invented because it was needed in the war.双筒望远镜并不是因为战争的需要而发明的。,2023/9/14,21,方式,其常见的引导词有as(如同,像),as if或as though.The molecules of a gas behave as though they were perfectly elastic bodies.气体分子的性能好像它们是理想弹性体一样。Electrons move round the nucleus as th

16、e earth moves round the sun.电子绕原子核运转就像地球绕太阳运行一样。,2023/9/14,22,方式,注意:有时“the way”也可以引出一个方式状语从句:Current flows in a circuit the way water flows in a pipe.电流在电路中流动就像水在水管中流动那样。一个特殊句型:“A is to B what C is to D”意为“A之于B正如C之于D”。Seven is to fourteen what eight is to sixteen.七之于十四犹如八之于十六。,2023/9/14,23,Condition

17、,其常见的引导词有ifunlessso long asprovided that/providing thatso far as/as far asin caseSuppose/supposing,except that(只是,除了之外)in the event that(即使,万一)on condition that,2023/9/14,24,Condition,In this case we can easily calculate the distance if we know the acceleration.在这种情况下,如果我们知道了加速度就能容易的求出距离来。No flow of

18、 water occurs through the pipe unless there is a difference in pressure.除非有压差,否则水是不会流过管子的。So long as the units are the same on both sides of the equals sign,we have a valid equation.只要等号两边的单位相同,我们就得到了一个能成立的等式。In fact,as far as we know,there is no such thing as a single force.事实上就我们所知,根本不存在单个力这样的事。,2

19、023/9/14,25,目的,其常用的引导词有in order that,so that,lest(以免).The magnet is usually made in the shape of horseshoes so that it will be as strong as possible.磁铁通常做成马蹄形的,以便使其磁性尽可能地强。We must introduce a 6 to complete the differential in order that the integral fits the proper form.我们必须引入一个6使该微分完整起来,以便使积分符合标准形式

20、。,2023/9/14,26,结果,其常用的引导词有sothat,so that,suchthat,such that,enough/sufficientlythat.偶尔还有单个that(因此)等。The concept of work is so important that it will bear further discussion.功的概念极为重要,所以还要进一步加以讨论。The normal atom has an exactly equal number of positive and negative charges,so that the atom as a whole i

21、s neutral.正常原子中正负电荷数是完全相等的,所以从整体上看原子是中性的。,2023/9/14,27,比较,这种状语从句通常是有省略形式的,引导词有than和as两个。In any machine,the work it does will be less than the energy supplied to it.在任何一台机器中,它所做的功总是小于给它提供的能量。The first series of calculations requires twice as much time as the second series.第一串计算所需要的时间是第二串计算所需时间的两倍。,20

22、23/9/14,28,让步,这种从句表示某一动作或状态与另一动作或状态在意义上有矛盾,但并不妨碍事实的进行或实现。其常用的引导词有although,while,as,though,even though,even if,whetheror,no matter what等等。Small as they are,atoms are made up of still smaller units.原子尽管很小,但都是由一些更小的单元组成的。All substances,whether they are gaseous,liquid or solid,are made of atoms.一切物质,不论是

23、气体,液体还是固体,均由原子构成。,2023/9/14,29,Appositive Clause,Translation,Definition,Function,Several key points,2023/9/14,30,Definition,最通常的情况是,当一个分句作其前面某个名词(多数为抽象名词)的同位语时,该分句就称为那个名词的同位语从句。,2023/9/14,31,Function,1、有一些同位语从句纯粹是补充说明其前面那个名词所含的具体内容。2、有一些同位语从句在逻辑概念上是其前面那个名词逻辑上的“宾语从句”,这时,该名词具有及物动词的含义,如suggestion,requi

24、rement,assurance 等。,2023/9/14,32,Translation,一般说来有以下两种主要译法1、把同位语从句译在被修饰的名词之前。一般在这名词前加上“这一”两字。The fact that everything around us is matter is known to all.我们周围的一切东西都是物质,这一事实是大家都知道的。In this case,the condition that the function must exist is not satisfied.在这种情况下,函数必须存在这一条件并没有满足。In this case,the stipula

25、tion that the charges must be stationary is very important.在这种情况下,电荷必须是静止不动的这一规定是十分重要的。,2023/9/14,33,Translation,2、采用“动宾”译法,把来自于及物动词的抽象名词译成动词,同位语从句就译成宾语从句了。There is a growing awareness that these techniques are also of great value in some other areas.现在人们越来越认识到这些技术在其他一些领域中也是很有价值的。One of the main ach

26、ievements is the recognition that properties of a material should be included in the analytic model.主要成就之一是人们认识到了材料的性质应包括在分析模型中。,2023/9/14,34,Several key points,1、Finding the solutions of systems of equations by graphical methods has one difficulty:the results are usually appropriate.用图解法求方程组的解会遇到一个

27、困难:其结果通常是近似的。These mechanisms all illustrate a fundamental fact:the natural direction of heat flow is from hot bodies to cold one.这些机理都阐明了一个基本的事实:热流的自然方向是从热的物体流向冷的物体。结论:同位语从句有时还可由“破折号+that”或由冒号引出。,2023/9/14,35,Several key points,2、由名词从句转变成的同位语从句(实际上在抽象名词question,problem,doubt,idea,clue,guarantee,spe

28、culation等后面省略了介词of,on,about,as to)。The question whether there is water on that planet will be discussed.那颗行星上是否有水存在的问题有待讨论。The users have no guarantee how long this kind of device will be operating.用户们得不到关于这种机器能使用多久的保证。,2023/9/14,36,Several key points,3、介词和及物动词后不能直接跟由that引导的宾语从句,需在that之前加上the fact.T

29、his is due to the fact that there is a capacitance across the PN junction.这是由于在PN结两端存在一个电容。This explains the fact that light travels in a straight line.这解释了光是以直线传播的。This reflects the fact that C+is better than C.这反映出C+比C好。,2023/9/14,37,Several key points,4.短语中的同位语从句With the result that其结果是,从而With the difference that 其差别是In the sense that在意义上This process is repeated over and over again with the result that the hole moves in a random motion throughout the crystal.这个过程一次又一次地重复着,结果该空穴杂乱地通过了整个晶体。,


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