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1、from:The ACS Style Guide,Chapter 2,科技英语写作语法错误举例,1 Subject-Verb Agreements 例1 Application of this technique to studies on phytoplankton biomass and its environments are described.说明 The subject is“application”,which is singular.Application of this technique to is described.,Sometimes,two singular sub

2、jects joined by“and”cause this error.例2 Growth and isolation of M13 virus was described Growth and isolation of M13 virus were described.Exception:A subject that is plural in form but singular in effect takes a singular verb.例3 The name and address of each contributor is given on the title page.例4 R

3、esearch and development is attracting a growing number of young scientists.,However,when two or more subjects are joined by“or”,the verb takes the number of the closest subject.例5 Application or uses were noted.Uses or application was noted.,Collective nouns take a singular verb when the group as a

4、whole is meant,they take a plural verb when individuals of the group are meant.例6 The series is arranged in order of decreasing size.说明 Refers to the series as a unit.例7 A series of compounds were tested.说明 Refers to each compound.,例8 A series of low molecular weight phenolphthalein epoxy resins(Mn5

5、00700)has been prepared from phenolphthalein and epichlorohydrin using K2CO3(Na2CO3)/H2O as catalysts instead of NaOH/H2O.A series of low molecular weight phenolphthalein epoxy resins(Mn500700)heve been prepared from phenolphthalein and epichlorohydrin using K2CO3(Na2CO3)/H2O as catalysts instead of

6、 NaOH/H2O.,例9 Experimental data that we obtained are compared with previously reported results.说明 Refers to the data as individual results.例10 After the data are distributed,we can meet to discuss them.After the data is distributed,we can meet to discuss it.说明 Refers to the whole collection of data

7、as one unit.,例11 None of the samples was soluble.None of the samples were soluble.说明 Refers to individuals.例12 This group of workers are well aware of their responsibilities.This group of workers is well aware of its responsibilities.说明 Refers to the group as a unit.,Units of measurement are treated

8、 as collective nouns and therefore take a singular subject.例13 The mixture was stirred,and 5 mL of diluent were added.The mixture was stirred,and 5 mL of diluent was added.例14 Five grams of NaCL were added to the solution.Five grams of NaCL was added to the solution.例15 Three weeks are needed to com

9、plete the experiment.Three weeks is needed to complete the experiment.,Compound subjects containing the words“each”,“every”,and“everybody”may take singular verbs.例16 Each flask and each holder was sterilized before use.Both components of the compound subject must contain the words in question.Otherw

10、ise,the verb must be plural.例17 Each student and all of the professors were invited.,Restrictive and Nonrestrictive ClausesWhen a clause in a compound sentence is restrictive,the clause is necessary to the sense of the sentence,the sentence would become pointless without the clause.Restrictive claus

11、es are best introduced by“that”,not“which”.例18 It was necessary to fined a blocking group which would react with the amino group but not with the hydroxyl.It was necessary to fined a blocking group that would react with the amino group but not with the hydroxyl.,When a clause is nonrestrictive,it ad

12、ds information,but the sentence does not lose its meaning if the clause is deleted.Nonrestrictive clause are introduced by“which”are set off by commas.例19 The current-voltage curves,which are shown in Figure 6,clearly demonstrate the reversibility of all four processes.,3Dangling Modifiers(垂悬修饰语)One

13、 form of a dangling modifier is a verbal phrase that not refer clearly and logically to another word or phrase in the sentence.例20 Understanding the effect of substituents on the parent molecules,the ortho hydrogens could be assigned to the high-frequency peak.Understanding the effect of substituent

14、s on the parent molecules,we could assign the ortho hydrogens to the high-frequency peak.,例21 Using the procedure described previously,the partition function can be evaluated.the partition function can be evaluated by using the procedure described previously.Or,Using the procedure described previous

15、ly,we can evaluate the partition function.,4 Awkward Omissions of Verbs and Auxiliary VerbsBe sure that each subject in a compound sentence has the proper verbs and auxiliary verbs.例22 The eluant was added to the column,and the samples collected in 10-mL increments.The eluant was added to the column

16、,and the samples were collected in 10-mL increments.,补充 科技英语写作表达的几个问题,平山健三 英语化学论文写作方法市原 英语论文的写作方法周春晖 科技英语写作英文现刊,1 简明 2 富于变幻 3 辨析近义词 4 语法修辞及其他(1)由which,that,where 引出的从句(2)不要在一个名词前用一串词进行修饰(3)词序(4)利用时态表示事件发生的先后关系(5)介词 1)与描写实验过程有关的介词 2)由相同介词引起的相互平行的对等结构,1 简明 例 As can be seen from Fig.1,growth is rapid.G

17、rowth is rapid(Fig.1).Fig.1 shows that growth is rapid.As shown in Fig.1 Fig.1 shows,The molar enthalpy of decomposition was determined to be 62.38 kJ/mol by means of thee third peak area in DSC curve.The molar enthalpy of decomposition was determined to be 62.38 kJ/mol from(or by)thee third peak ar

18、ea in DSC curve.,下述句式可以更加简捷的形式表达 常以介词或副词代替 a number of=several,some at a temperature of at at some future time later at the present time(moment)now a very limited number of few by means of by or with,due to the fact that because or since during the time that while for a period of for for the reason

19、that because or since from the standpoint of according to greater(or higher)number of more if conditions are such that if compared with A,B was bigger B was bigger than A,considerable amount of muchconsiderable number(or proportion)many or most in a careless manner carelessly in a considerable numbe

20、r of cases often in a similar manner similarly in all cases always,all in any case anyhow in consequence of this fact therefore,in excess of more than in few cases sometimes,rarely,seldom in many cases chemists are many chemists are in order to to,in regard to in relation to in respect to in the cas

21、e of in the context of 以上可使用适当的介词,例如in,for,about,with,in some cases sometimes in terms of in in the case of sodium with sodium in the event that if in the near future soon in the temperature range of between and in view of the fact that since or because,large number(s)of many large proportion of man

22、y of great importance important of such hardness that so hard that on the basis of from,by,because on the order of about,over the past few years recently,in recent years owing to the fact that since,because a small number of a few subsequent to after a sufficient number of enough with reference to a

23、bout prior to before,It is apparent that Apparently,hence,thus It appears that Apparently It is interesting to note that Interestingly It was in 1977 that In 1977 It is clear that Clearly It is our conclusion that We conclude that,It is possible that It may be said that Perhaps,Possibly,Probably It

24、is often the case that Often It is possible that the cause is The cause may be,可去掉It,改用动词,而不用名词 It is the aim of the present investigation to provide This investigation is aimed to providing,两种类型的复杂句及其简化有被动式从句与主动式从句之分被动式从句 He uses an instrument which is called a spectroscope.He uses an instrument ca

25、lled a spectroscope.(简化为后置的过去分词),带有 介词+which 句子的简化(1)at which whereAirport is a place at which special attention is paid to the weather.Airport is a place where special attention is paid to the weather.(2)by means of which wherebyA fuse box is a device by means of which excessive loads are avoided.A

26、 fuse box is a device whereby excessive loads are avoided.,Definition of thermal analysis A general term covering a group of related techniques whereby the dependence of the parameters of any physical property of a substance on temperature is measured.,(3)of which whoseVenus is a planet of which the

27、 surface temperature is thought to be at least 200.Venus is a planet whose the surface temperature is thought to be at least 200.,有介词 from,in,for者不能简化 Laboratories are rooms in which experiments are conducted.有助动词的句子,不能简化 Here is a list of experiments which will be/should be/have been done this year

28、.(这里是今年要做的/必须做的/已做过的实验明细表。),主动式从句例 The man who lectures on Thursday is an expert in dynamics.The man lecturing on Thursday is an expert in dynamics.(简化为现在分词,作后置定语。),再简化 被动式Air which is compressed can be used for several purposes.Air compressed can be used for several purposes.Compressed air compress

29、ed can be used for several purposes.,主动式Malaysia is a country which produces rubber.Malaysia is a country producing rubber.Malaysia is a rubber-producing country.,2 富于变幻 比如,“称作”一词 Such fractions are called as non-freezing water.Such fractions are referred to as freezing bound water.This water is des

30、ignated as freezing water.,再比如,报道、阐述、主张、确认 Conflicting data have been presented in literature concerning the compatibility of poly(vinyl chloride)-PVC-and poly(methyl methacrylate)-PMMA.Thus,Schurer et al1 reported PVC/PMMA to be miscible only in blends having a PVC content greater than 60 w/w,where

31、as Rozinska et al2 claimed PVC/PMMA to be immiscible.On the other hand,Parmer et al3 asserted PVC/PMMA to be miscible over the whole range of composition showing a single glass transition,Tg,in the second DSC heating rate traces.Miscibility of PVC/PMMA has also been confirmed by Albert et al4 by non

32、-radiative energy transfer and NMR.,3 辨析近义词 例1 absorbed by,adsorbed on adsorbed on(吸附于表面),absorbed by(吸收其中)。如:adsorbed on the surface of silver iodide.(吸附于碘化银的表面。)water was absorbed by the sponge.(水被泡沫材料吸收。),例2 accuracy,precisionaccuracy(准确定),示值(实验值)与被测量真值(约定真值)的一致程度;precision(精密度),某一物理量多次测量值的一致性(或称

33、数据的分散性)。例如:Although high precision was achieved,accuracy was low.(虽然达到高精密度,但准确度低。),例3 actually,in fact 在例句“Actually,the reaction rates by employing some other methods were considerably slower,”中,对于科学论文来讲,这里使用in fact更为合适。与书面语言相比,actually更多用于口语。,例4 adjust,calibratecalibrate的名词形式是calibration(校准),在规定条件下

34、为确定测量仪器或测量系统的示值与被测量相对应的已知值之间关系的一组操作。可以用校准的结果评定测量仪器、测量系统的示值误差,或给任意标尺上的标记赋值;有时把校准的结果表示为校正因子或取校正曲线形式的一系列校正因子。可按上述的校正对测量结果做调整(adjust)。例如:The results of the calibration permitted us to adjust the final result.(校准的结果允许我们去调整最终结果。),例5 common,general,ordinary,usual,routinecommon(普通的,共同的),-Alumina monohydrate

35、 is a common component of many bauxites,of which the French bauxites are typical.(-氧化铝单水合物是许多铝土矿的共同成分,general(一般的),One of the best and most general methods for preparing ketones in the aromatic series is the Friedel-Craft reaction.(制备芳酮类化合物一般最好的方法之一是Friedel-Craft反应。),ordinary(普通的,通常的),如:Heavy water

36、differs somewhat from ordinary water in certain physical properties.(重水在某些物理性质方面与普通的水有所不同。)ordinary pressure(常压),ordinary temperature(常温)。Usual(常规的),Under these condition the end-point of titration could be found accurately in the usual way.(在这种条件下,按常规的办法可以精确发现滴定终点。),茲以method为例:a common method 普通的方法

37、 a general method 一般的方法 a usual method 常规的方法 a conventional method 传统的方法 此外,routine(贯常的),如routine test(惯常测试),是指按即定的程序开展的大量重复测试。,例6 by means of,in terms of by means of 与by,using,by using同义,表示利用某种方法(手段,诸如IR,DSC,NMR,X射线衍射等)开展研究、观测;in terms of 通常用在采用某种理论(说法)、参数来解释实验结果。,例如:The thermal and dynamic mechani

38、cal properties of PES/PPS blends have been investigated by means of DSC and DMA.Sometimes,we have to study the miscibility of polymer blends by means of a combination of two or more methods in order to confirm the experimental results.Fox equation interprets the relationship between glass temperatur

39、e(Tg)and copolymer compositions.The relationship between glass temperature(Tg)and copolymer compositions was interpreted in terms of Fox equation.修改后,使重点(Tg 与组成的关系)更加突出,此句的重点并非是Fox方程。We have prepared the complex of title compound and discussed its thermal decomposition procedure by TG-DTG,DTA,SEM an

40、d IR techniques and the corresponding non-isothermal kinetics by means of the Malek method.in terms of the Malek method.,例7 curve,thermogramcurve(曲线),thermogram(热谱)。thermogram的一种解释是,住院病人,例行查房,体温的逐日记录。因此,以英国学者为主的热分析名词委员会主张称热分析的记录为“曲线”,而不称“热谱”。如DTA curve(DTA曲线),DSC curve(DSC曲线)。,例8 derivative,differen

41、tial derivative(微商),表示某物理量P对温度T或时间t的微商,dP/dT(或dP/dt),如derivative thermogravimetry(微商热重法)differential(差,差式),如differential scanning calorimetry(差式扫描量热法)。,例9 different,various,varyingdifferent(不同的),various(各种的),varying(改变的)。例如:The results are clearly different.(结果显然不同。)We tried various(或several differe

42、nt)methods.(我们试过各种方法。)The effect of varying the condition was(改变条件的影响是),例10 mass,weight mass(质量),weight(重量)。如:mass of the sample(试样质量,或简称试样量),而不称sample weight(试样重量)。重量在本质上与力是相同的,即是质量与因重力而产生的加速度的乘积。,例11 often,sometimes,usually 它们在表现时间的频次上是不同的,usually,often,sometimes 依次为“通常”、“常常”、“有时”,频次降低。如:It was us

43、ually observed that(通常观测)It was often observed that(常常观测)It was sometimes observed that(有时观测),例12 standard material,certified reference materialstandard material 标准物质,certified reference material有证参样(或称有证标准物质)。standard material用于检定仪器测量准确度的物质;certified reference material用一种或多种技术上正确的方法,鉴定了其特性值、具有可溯源性并

44、附有鉴定机构所发给的证书或其他文件的标准物质。,4 语法修辞及其他(1)由which,that,where引出的从句 which 1)通过which进行双扩展The change of heat of fusion of polyethylene as a function of the specific volume which the sample has at room temperature,and which is related to the crystallinity through Eq.(5)in Chapter IV is shown in Fig.IV 12.,2)由于插

45、入从句,which远离它所代替的主句 中的词 In the case of cold crystallization it is suggested that by reason of somewhat rigid backbone chains in these polymers,there will be some local order such as parallel chains or nematic domains,originating during quenching the melt and frozen in the glassy state,which favors su

46、bsequent crystallization.,(2)不要在一个名词前用一串词进行修饰 Thermal decomposition kinetics of the complexes of light rare earth bromides with alanine by DSC method DSC study on kinetics of thermal decomposition for the complexes of light rare earth bromides with alanine,(3)词序In the form of extended helical chain,

47、the junction zones are linked.The junction zones are linked in the form of extended helical chain.Fox equation interprets the relationship between glass temperature(Tg)and copolymer compositions.The relationship between glass temperature(Tg)and copolymer compositions was interpreted in terms of Fox

48、equation.,(4)利用时态表示事件发生的先后关系Examine the contents of the tube in which the liquid have collected.考察(事先已在)试管中收集的液体。(现在完成时在前,现在时在后。),(5)介词 1)与描写实验过程有关的介词 under condition under non-isothermal condition at heating/cooling rate under atmosphere The exothermic crystallization peaks were recorded at differe

49、nt cooling rates ranging from 2.5-40/min under a nitrogen atmosphere.,升、降温速率也可用with,但如with已用于使用某种仪器前,则扫描速率仍须用at。The melting range of this polymer was 138163,and the heat of fusion was 24 cal/g,as determined by differential scanning calorimetry with a scan speed of 8/min.subsequently the specimens we

50、re cooled down,and crystallization thermograms were recorded at scan speed of 0.532/min with a differential scanning calorimeter manufactured by Perkin-Elmer(DSC model 1 B).,by 使用方法 differential scanning calorimetryWith 使用仪器 differential scanning calorimetrer in 按(升、降温)模式 The following equation is v


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