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1、科研论文的构思、撰写和发表,2023/9/14,科研论文的构思、撰写和发表,2,Why?为什么要撰写和发表论文?What?什么是科学研究论文?定义 特点 结构How?如何撰写科研论文?,2023/9/14,科研论文的构思、撰写和发表,3,Why?为什么要撰写和发表科研论文?,基础研究的成果以论文形式表现发表论文的质量与数量是衡量科研工作者水平和效率的客观标准Publish or Perish!,2023/9/14,科研论文的构思、撰写和发表,4,Why?为什么要撰写和发表科研论文?,研究结果只有发表了,他人才能重复、验证,结果才可能成为知识撰写和发表论文是科研工作的最后一道工序科学研究的目的是


3、程的目的,知道 What is a good paper掌握构思要点、基本撰写方法和技巧提高分析和表达结果的能力避免常见错误提高论文的可读性了解论文的投稿、评阅和发表过程增加论文被高影响力刊物接受的机率,2023/9/14,科研论文的构思、撰写和发表,8,主要内容,创新性选题撰写要点结果的表达投稿和评阅常见错误,口头报告实验记录学位论文综述基金申请学术道德,2023/9/14,科研论文的构思、撰写和发表,9,What?什么是科学论文?,公开发表的、描述新研究结果的书面报告;必须按一定的方式撰写和发表首次出版:新研究结果的首次公布以同行能够重复实验、验证结论的形式发表发表在同行很容易得到的刊物上

4、或其它媒介(同行评议杂志)上,2023/9/14,科研论文的构思、撰写和发表,10,科研论文写作的要求,条理清楚,摆事实、讲道理语言简单、平实、明确、直接容易被理解和接受正确、准确地使用英语 vetral/ventricle;casual/causal用最少、最短的词,2023/9/14,科研论文的构思、撰写和发表,11,科学论文的基本结构,Introduction,Methods,Results,and Discussion(IMRAD)I:What and why?研究什么问题?为什么研究这个问题?M:How?如何研究的?R:What?发现了什么?D:What?发现意味着什么?,2023/

5、9/14,科研论文的构思、撰写和发表,12,标 题,重要性体现创新点包含所有关键词(检索)吸引人用动词、句子,2023/9/14,科研论文的构思、撰写和发表,13,采用动词(1),Hippocampal long-term potentiation is reduced by chronic opiate treatment and can be restored by re-exposure to opiates.J.Neurosci.Heterologous activation of protein kinase C stimulates phosphorylation of d-opi

6、oid receptor at serine 344 and this results in b-arrestin-and clathrin-mediated receptor internalization.J Biol Chem Anti-HIV agent trichosanthin enhances the capabilities of chemokines to stimulate chemotaxis and G protein activation and this is mediated through interaction of trichosanthin and che

7、mokine receptor.J Exp Med,2023/9/14,科研论文的构思、撰写和发表,14,采用动词(2),Divalent cations and ligands induce conformational changes that are highly divergent among b1 integrins.J Biol Chem Inhibition of CamK II in rat hippocampus attenuates morphine tolerance and dependence.Mol Pharmacol.Chemokine receptor CCR5

8、 functionally couples to inhibitory G proteins and undergoes desensitization.J Cell Biochem Carboxyl terminus of delta opioid receptor is required for agonist-dependent receptor phosphorylation.Biochem Biophys Res Commun,2023/9/14,科研论文的构思、撰写和发表,15,采用动词(3),N-methyl-D-aspartate attenuates opioid recep

9、tor-mediated G protein activation and this process involves protein kinase C.Mol Pharmacol.Endogenous delta-opioid and ORL1 receptors couple to phosphorylation and activation of p38 MAPK in NG108-15 cells and this is regulated by protein kinase A and protein kinase C.J Neurochem Activation of N-meth

10、yl-D-aspartate receptor attenuates acute responsiveness of delta-opioid receptors.Mol Pharmacol Cholecystokinin-B receptor antagonists attenuate morphine dependence and withdrawal in rats.Neuroreport,2023/9/14,科研论文的构思、撰写和发表,16,采用词组,Identification of G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2 phosphorylatio

11、n sites responsible for agonist-stimulated delta-opioid receptor phosphorylation.Mol PharmacolDifferential roles of corticotropin-releasing factor receptor subtypes 1 and 2 in opiate withdrawal and in relapse to opiate dependence.Identification of a human brain-specific isoform of mammalian STE20-li

12、ke kinase 3 that is regulated by cAMP-dependent protein kinase.J Biol Chem Selective interference of b-arrestin 1 with k and d but not m opioid receptor/G protein coupling.J Biol Chem.Differential and tissue-spesific expression of mitochondrial elongation factor Tu and Ts during development.Acta Bio

13、ch Bioph SinDifferential efficacies of k agonists to induce homologous desensitization of k opioid receptor.Neurosci Lett,2023/9/14,科研论文的构思、撰写和发表,17,采用词组(冒号),Reactivation of morphine conditioned place preference by drug priming:role of environmental cues and sensitization.Psychopharmacology Five-tra

14、nsmembrane domain structure is sufficient for a G protein coupled receptor:Functional five-transmembrane domain chemokine receptors.Proc Natl Acad Sci USA.Etorphine inhibits cell growth and induces apoptosis in SK-N-SH cells:involvement of pertussis toxin-sensitive G proteins.Neurosci Res Retardatio

15、n of pain development:a case of recovery from congenital insensitivity to pain.Acta Anaesthesiol Scand,2023/9/14,科研论文的构思、撰写和发表,18,类似的研究(1),Differential regulation of beta-arrestin 1 and beta-arrestin 2 gene expression in rat brain by morphine.NeuroscienceAcute and chronic morphine treatments and mor

16、phine withdrawal differentially regulate GRK2 and GRK5 gene expression in rat brain.Neuropharmacology,2023/9/14,科研论文的构思、撰写和发表,19,类似的研究(2),Direct and differential interaction of beta-arrestins with the intracellular domains of different opioid receptors.Mol Pharmacol Direct binding of beta-arrestins

17、to two distinct intracellular domains of the delta opioid receptor.J Neurochem,2023/9/14,科研论文的构思、撰写和发表,20,类似的研究(3),Functional expression,activation and desensitization of opioid receptor-like receptor ORL1 in neuroblastoma x glioma NG108-15 hybrid cells.FEBS Lett Endogenous opioid receptor-like rece

18、ptor in human neuroblastoma SK-N-SH cells:activation of inhibitory G-protein and homologous desensitization.Neuroreport,2023/9/14,科研论文的构思、撰写和发表,21,Not so good(1),Mechanistic studies of the translational elongation cycle in mammalian mitochondria.Biochim Biophys Acta Molecular characterization and fu

19、nctional expression of opioid receptor-like receptor.Cell Res.Functional expression of opioid receptor-like receptor and its endogenous specific agonist nociceptin/orphanin FQ during embryogenesis.Cell Res,2023/9/14,科研论文的构思、撰写和发表,22,Not so good(2),Identification and characterization of large,complex

20、 forms of chloroplast translational initiation factor 2 from Euglena gracilis.J Biol Chem Immunological characterization of the complex forms of chloroplast translational initiation factor 2 from Euglena gracilis J Biol Chem,2023/9/14,科研论文的构思、撰写和发表,23,作者和作者单位,作者:设计和执行实验、对论文有重要、创造性贡献的人作者排序:按贡献大小作者对所做的工作负责、通讯作者对全文负责作者单位:作者做论文所描述的研究工作的实验室(不同于作者的单位),2023/9/14,科研论文的构思、撰写和发表,24,摘 要,缩写的论文150250词关键的创新点和意义,


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