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1、系统功能语言学视阙下的案例分析,上海交通大学外国语学院马丁适用语言学研究中心王振华,引言,Judges Remark in Twelve Angry Men,引言,读者视角看语篇,往往关注:谁?讲了什么?谁对谁讲?语篇分析学家看语篇,除了关注:谁?讲了什么?谁对谁讲?还关注:什么导致那样讲?为什么目的那样讲?怎么讲的?怎么安排所讲内容的?为什么这样安排?用什么语言讲的?为什么?本文讨论语篇分析家所关注的内容,案例与读者心理活动(mental picturing),善于思考者在阅读的过程中会不断地就所读内容追问。如读到标题时,会在心里提出许多问题,如最近在国内上演的美国大片叫超体(Lucy)。善

2、思者会追问:超体:体:什么体?有生命的物体还是无生命的物体?人体还是生物体?超:怎么超?超什么?超能力还是超速度?Lucy:是谁?年龄如何?长相如何?什么职业?什么社会地位?。拟或会问:Lucy是人名,怎么翻译为“超体”?,Judges Remark in Twelve Angry Men,法官在什么情况下说的这些话?在审判完嫌犯之后说给谁?说给12位陪审员的跟谁有关?跟受审的嫌犯以及12位陪审员有关说了什么?传递了信息:一级谋杀是重罪;犯罪后果;法律指导表达了态度:谋杀罪;本案件;裁决;致谢怎么安排的?谋杀罪犯罪后果法律指导要求感谢为什么这么说?法官的职责,语言起什么作用?传递信息(经验)表

3、达观点和态度(人际)编织文本(组篇),系统功能语言学是一个研究语篇意义的有效工具主要考察两个系统:语境系统语言系统,语境系统与语言系统,本文关注:语言:词汇语法(lexico-grammar:three metafunctions of ideational,interpersonal and textual)语域(Register:three variables of field tenor and mode)语类(genre),词汇语法:三大元功能Ideational metafunctionInterpersonal metafunction,Textual metafunction为什

4、么?:因为它们生成三种意义,Tips for text analysis:Clause as PROCESS,A clause can be taken as a process.What kind process it is,it depends on the verb in the clause.The process is completed by participant/s,and the process can take place in a certain circumstance。,The main types of process are Material,Relational

5、,Mental,Verbal and Existential:Doing/happening process(Material):You are faced with a grave responsibility.The odd$20 or$30 here and there can soon mount up.Relating process(being;having)(Relational)Murder in the first degree premeditated homicide is the most serious charge tried in our criminal cou

6、rts.We dont owe him a thing.,-Tips for text analysis:Clause as PROCESS,Sensing process(Mental):you will know how much“fun”money you have.Saying process(Verbal)1.“The odd$20 or$30 here and there can soon mount up,”she says.2.you must declare him not guiltyExisting process(Existential):there is a reas

7、onable doubt in your minds as to the guilt of the accused,过程类型的作用,帮助我们了解:谁做了什么?说了什么?想了什么?是什么?拥有什么?有什么特征?,Tips for text analysis:MOOD of clause,A clause indicates interpersonal meaning via the MOOD TYPE it belongs to.The mood provokes the power relations between the speaker/writer and the hearer/read

8、er.Declarative mood:convey information;speaker as the knower has power over the hearer.E.g.,He was wearing an Obama sticker.Interrogative mood:ask question;speaker as the information seeker has less power than the replier.E.g.,Why was he wearing an Obama sticker?Imperative mood:command or order;spea

9、ker as the commander has power over the hearer.E.g.,Wear the Obama sticker,please.,语气类型的作用,帮助我们了解:话语权势:谁是知者、谁发号施令,Tips for text analysis:Theme-Rheme,Theme:the point of departure of the clause as message.It sets up an orientation or local context for each clause.The local context typically relates to

10、 the method of development of the text:the Theme is selected in such a way that it indicates how the clause relates to this method and contributes to the identification of the current step in the development.The theme of a clause may include elements from all three metafunctions that are given thema

11、tic status:textual Theme,interpersonal Theme and topical Theme.(C.M.I.M.Matthiessen and et al 2010),主位-述位结构例句分析,Youve heard a long and complex case,gentlemen,and it is now your duty to sit down to try and separate the facts from the fancy.One man is dead.The life of another is at stake.If there is a

12、 reasonable doubt in your minds as to the guilt of the accused.then you must declare him not guilty.Unfortunately,he has passed away.,主位-述位的作用,帮助我们:组织语篇识别旧信息和新信息识别话题的变换,Tips for text analysis:logico-semantic relations in clause complex,The meaning of one clause can be expanded or projected.Projectio

13、n&Expansion:2-2Although the average starting salary for those who do graduate is 23,500,1 says the Association of Graduate Recruiters,2-1 it pays students and their families to be financially aware from day one.-1 projects 2-1 and 2-2.2-1 is expanded by 2-2 in terms of enhancementProjection:if you d

14、ont think you have the self-discipline to keep yourself out of trouble,dont put temptation in your way in the first placeExpansion(enhancement)1 Respondents in the poll typically spent 710 on food 2 when they only expected to spend 510.-The meaning of 1 is expanded in 2 by enhancement in terms of ti

15、me,Expansion(扩展关系):Extension(延伸):one unit extends the meaning of another by adding,replacing or alternating with new to it.Elaboration(详述):one clause elaborates on the meaning of another by further specifying or describing itEnhancement(提升):one clause(or sub-complex)enhances the meaning of another b

16、y qualifying it,for example,by reference to time,place,manner,cause or condition.Projection(投射):One clause as the representation of the linguistic content of another either as ideas in a mental clause of sensing or locution in a verbal clause of saying.,逻辑语义关系的作用,帮助我们识别并列关系(paratactic)识别从属关系(hypotac

17、tic),语域Register:field,tenor and mode,A variety of language determined by a particular set of values of the context;it is determined by what the speaker is doing socially.(Cf.register in music.)The principle controlling variables are field of discourse(type of social action),tenor of relationship bet

18、ween speaker and listener(role relationships),and mode(symbolic organization),Field,tenor,mode,JUDGE:Murder in the first degree premeditated homicide is the most serious charge tried in our criminal courts.Youve heard a long and complex case,gentlemen,and it is now your duty to sit down to try and s

19、eparate the facts from the fancy.One man is dead.The life of another is at stake.If there is a reasonable doubt in your minds as to the guilt of the accused.then you must declare him not guilty.If,however,there is no reasonable doubt,then he must be found guilty.Whichever way you decide,the verdict

20、must be unanimous.I urge you to deliberate honestly and thoughtfully.You are faced with a grave responsibility.Thank you,gentlemen.Field:judge instructs the jurors social actionTenor:judge to jurors.The judge has power over the jurors relationshipMode:the text is organized by orientation,conjunction

21、,instruction&thanks,语类(genre),In the model of context developed by Martin(1992a),one of the conno-tative semiotic planes constituting the context in which language is embedded(see Martin&Rose,2008:ch.1,for a recent account of the model).It realizes ideology and is realized by register(in Martins sen

22、se of the contextual variables of field,tenor and mode):it is itself a purposeful social process.Genre is staged,goal-oriented social process.,JUDGE:Murder in the first degree premeditated homicide is the most serious charge tried in our criminal courts.Youve heard a long and complex case,gentlemen,

23、and it is now your duty to sit down to try and separate the facts from the fancy.One man is dead.The life of another is at stake.If there is a reasonable doubt in your minds as to the guilt of the accused.then you must declare him not guilty.If,however,there is no reasonable doubt,then he must be fo

24、und guilty.Whichever way you decide,the verdict must be unanimous.I urge you to deliberate honestly and thoughtfully.You are faced with a grave responsibility.Thank you,gentlemen.Genre:the judge urges the jurors to decide the verdict honestly and thoughtfully.,语类的作用,帮助我们分析语篇目的A text is to realize so

25、me goal of the writerOrganization plays an important role in realizing the goal.Different ways of organization reveals different rhetoric effect,Register,Genre and knowledge,Register:contents contained in textRegister instantiate genre through:Linguistic knowledgeIntentions indicated by linguistic k

26、nowledgeAttitudes indicated by linguistic knowledge,2023/9/14,How to analyse a text?,Top-downDiscourse is a social processAny discourse has a goalAny discourse has ideology underlying itAny ideology concerns powerAny discourse can be realized as a textAny text has symbols Any text can be analyzed by

27、 the three metafunctions,分析:Munich Pact September 29,1938,Agreement concluded at Munich,September 29,1938,between Germany,Great Britain,France and ItalyGERMANY,the United Kingdom,France and Italy,taking into consideration the agreement,which has been already reached in principle for the cession割让 to

28、 Germany of the Sudeten German territory,have agreed on the following terms and conditions governing the said cession and the measures consequent thereon,and by this agreement they each hold themselves responsible for the steps necessary to secure its fulfilment履行:(1)The evacuation will begin on 1st

29、 October.,(2)The United Kingdom,France and Italy agree that the evacuation of the territory shall be completed by the 10th October,without any existing installations设施 having been destroyed,and that the Czechoslovak Government will be held responsible for carrying out the evacuation without damage t

30、o the said installations.(3)The conditions governing the evacuation will be laid down in detail by an international commission composed of representatives of Germany,the United Kingdom,France,Italy and Czechoslovakia.,(4)The occupation by stages分阶段 of the predominantly German territory by German tro

31、ops will begin on 1st October.The four territories marked on the attached map will be occupied by German troops in the following order:The territory marked No.I on the 1st and 2nd of October;the territory marked No.II on the 2nd and 3rd of October;the territory marked No.III on the 3rd,4th and 5th o

32、f October;the territory marked No.IV on the 6th and 7th of October.The remaining territory of preponderantly占优势 German character will be ascertained by the aforesaid international commission forthwith立刻 and be occupied by German troops by the 10th of October.,(5)The international commission referred

33、 to inparagraph 3 will determine the territories in which a plebiscite plebst平民表决 is to be held.These territories will be occupied by international bodies国际机构 until the plebiscite has been completed.The same commission will fix the conditions in which the plebiscite is to be held,taking as a basis t

34、he conditions of the Saar萨尔州 plebiscite.The commission will also fix a date,not later than the end of November,on which the plebiscite will be held.,(6)The final determination of the frontiers will be carried out by the international commission.The commission will also be entitled to recommend to th

35、e four Powers,Germany,the United Kingdom,France and Italy,in certain exceptional cases,minor modifications in the strictly ethnographical 民族志学的determination of the zones which are to be transferred without plebiscite.(7)There will be a right of option into and out of the transferred territories,the

36、option to be exercised within six months from the date of this agreement.A German-Czechoslovak commission shall determine the details of the option,consider ways of facilitating 促进the transfer of population and settle questions of principle arising out of the said transfer.,(8)The Czechoslovak Gover

37、nment will within a period of four weeks from the date of this agreement release from their military and police forces any Sudeten Germans who may wish to be released,and the Czechoslovak Government will within the same period release Sudeten German prisoners who are serving terms of imprisonment for political offences.Munich,September 29,1938.ADOLF HITLER,NEVILLE CHAMBERLAIN,EDOUARD DALADIER,BENITO MUSSOLINI.,语篇分析者的心理活动,什么样的语类?本文是什么样社会过程?有什么目的?有什么样的意识形态?反映出什么样的权势关系?什么样的语域?语言的三个元功能是如何传递信息、建立关系和组织语篇的?评价资源是如何表达态度的?,谢谢!,


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