1、第二章 词法翻译04,四、重复:就同原文关系而言,重复分为两类:一是原文本身有重复,翻译时照译不误;二是原文由于某种需要省略的词,翻译时需重复,实质上是一种特殊的增词。因而重复没有词性限制。,就方式而论,重复分为完全重复和概念重复;就作用而言,重复可使译文:结构更完整、逻辑更严谨、含义更明了、语气更强烈、效果更生动。,A原文重复,译文照译:1.Home is home,be it ever so homely.尽管简陋,家总归是家。2.I want to talk to you about the future,about our future tomorrow.我想和你们谈谈未来,谈谈我们共
2、同的未来。,3.No one can be perfectly happy till all are happy.(先天下之忧而忧,)后天下之乐而乐。4.That is our policy and that is our declaration.(Churchills speech).这就是我们的政策,这就是我们的宣言。5.If you dont succeed at first,try,try,try again.如果开始不成,那就努力、努力、再努力(尝试、尝试、再尝试)。,7.Behind all this glare,behind all this storm,I see that s
3、mall group of villainous men who plan,organize,and launch this cataract of horrors upon mankind.在这刺眼的火光后面,在这暴风雨后面,我看到一小撮恶棍正策划组织和发动这场人类的灾难。,8.that government of the people,by the people,and for the people,shall not perish from the earth.(Abraham Lincoln,“Gettysburg Address”),The world will little not
4、e nor long remember what we say here,but it can never forget what they did here.It is for us,the living,rather,to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced.,It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us;that f
5、rom these honored dead,we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion;,that this Nation,under GOD,shall have a new birth of freedom;and that government of the People,by the People,and for the People shall not perish from the earth.使我们这个民有、民治、民享的政府永存于世永
6、世长存万古长青。,无独有偶,刚刚当选美国总统的奥巴马在胜选演说中引用了该句:,It grew strength from the young people who rejected the myth of their generations apathy who left their homes and their families for jobs that offered little pay and less sleep.今日之胜,有赖一众热血青年,抛其家,别其室,不辞其苦,不计其酬,矻矻于此“国中青年爱国之心已泯”之谬论,今可休矣!,It drew strength from the
7、not-so-young people who braved the bitter cold and scorching heat to knock on doors of perfect strangers,今日之胜,有赖壮志未已之诸 前辈,无惧寒暑,行走奔波,劝说民众。,and from the millions of Americans who volunteered and organized and proved that more than two centuries later a government of the people,by the people,and for th
8、e people has not perished from the Earth.今日之胜,有赖壮志未已之诸 前辈,无惧寒暑,行走奔波,劝说民众。今日之胜,乃数百万美利坚民众之胜,察其意,皆属踊跃为国,观其行,处处谨严有序,足堪告慰二百年前开国之先贤 民有、民治、民享之政体,未尝动摇也!,9.We shall go on to the end,we shall fight in France,we shall fight on the seas,and oceans,we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in t
9、he air,we shall defend our Island,whatever the cost may be,we shall fight on the beaches,we shall fight on the landing grounds,we shall fight in the fields,and in the streets,we shall fight in the hills;we shall never surrender,这是1940年6月4日,丘吉尔就过去一周内(5月27日到6月4日)盟军敦刻尔克大撤退取得成功向议会所做报告中的一段。此句前面的话为:,Even
10、though large tracts of Europe and many old and famous states have fallen or may fall into the grip of Gestapo and all the odious apparatus of Nazi rule,we shall not flag or fail.,We shall go on to the end,we shall fight in France,we shall fight on the seas,and oceans,we shall fight with growing conf
11、idence and growing strength in the air,we shall defend our Island,whatever the cost may be,we shall fight on the beaches,we shall fight on the landing grounds,we shall fight in the fields,and in the streets,we shall fight in the hills;we shall never surrender,短短75单词,we shall重复九次fight 重复八次,尽管欧洲大片土地以及
12、许多著名古国已经或即将落入盖世太保和一切可憎的纳粹统治机器之魔爪,我们也不会气馁,不会屈服。,我们将战斗到底,我们将在战斗在法国本土,我们将战斗在近海、战斗在远洋;我们的空军将愈战愈勇、愈战愈强;我们将不惜一切代价保卫我们的英伦群岛;我们将战斗在海滩;我们在哪里登陆,就在哪里战斗;我们将战斗在田野山岭、大街小巷,我们决不会屈服,B原文省略,译文重复:,1.John is your friend as much as mine.约翰是你的朋友,同样是我的朋友。2.But we still have defect,and very big ones.但我们还是有缺点的,而且是很大的缺点。,3.Je
13、sse opened his eyes.They were filled with tears.杰西睁开双眼,眼里充满泪水。4.Happy families also had their own troubles.幸福家庭也有幸福家庭的烦恼。(有自己的烦恼)家家有本难念的经。,5.Each country has its own customs.各国有各国的风俗。6.Whoever violates the law should be punished.谁触犯了法律,谁就应受到制裁。(违法必究),7.She was proficient both as a singer and as a da
14、ncer.她能歌善舞。8.We talked of ourselves,of our prospects,of the journey,of the weather,of each otherof everything but our host and hostess.我们谈到自己,谈到前途,谈到旅途,谈到天气,谈到彼此的情况谈到一切,就是不谈我们的男女主人。,9.But his wife kept dinning in his ears about his idleness,his carelessness,and the ruin he was bringing on his family
15、.可是他老婆在他耳边唠叨没完,说他懒惰,说他粗心,并说全家都要毁在他身上。,10.They wanted to determine if he complied with the terms of his employment and his obligations as an American.他们想确认,他是否履行了应聘条件,是否履行了作为美国公民应尽的职责。,11.We traveled the 3000 miles from the west coast to the east by road,rail,and air.我们从西海岸到了东海岸,行程3000英里,有时乘汽车,有时乘火车,
16、有时乘飞机。,12.She was as different from him as possiblecalm as he was furious;moderate as he was fanatical;indulgent as he was sharp;reticent as he was garrulous.fanatical:extremely enthusiasticmoderate:not extreme,excessive or intenseindulgent:permissive,tolerant;sharp:merciless,harsh,reticent:reserved
17、garrulous:excessively talkative她和他性格迥异:一个性情温和,一个脾气暴躁;一个遇事沉着,一个过于偏激,一个宽容大度,一个伶牙俐齿;一个金口难开,一个滔滔不绝。,13.I must admit that I could never have anticipated his ability to discover,much less to appreciate such hidden virtues.我得承认,我真没想到他能够发现并欣赏这些内在品质。,14.Common and recurrent diseases have among other things b
18、een investigated and studied.同时,常见病和多发病得到了调查和研究。15.The signs of Chinas influence and success abound in America.(by Reagon)中国的影响、中国的成就,在美国随处可见。,16.He prefers Dutch chess and I prefer Danish.他爱下荷兰棋,而我爱下丹麦棋。17.You should do whatever you are asked to.让你做什么你就做什么。(让你干嘛就干嘛),18.To him,the birds sang,the squ
19、irrel chattered,and the flowers bloomed.鸟儿向他歌唱,松树对他叽咕,花儿为他绽放。,C意义重复:,英语普通词译成汉语重复(叠)词,以示强调或增强修辞效果:great contributions丰功伟绩gratitude 感恩戴德ingratitude忘恩负义prosperity 繁荣昌盛vivid生动形象hesitate犹豫不决、优柔寡断、彷徨犹豫,arrogance自高自大grotesque奇形怪状careless粗心大意in chaos乱七八糟、杂乱无章、乌烟瘴气street gossip街谈巷议rumors流言蜚语,1.He gave Lili e
20、very dime of that money.那笔钱他一分一文都交给了莉莉。2.“But youre bleeding to death,”protested she.“Id rather die!”said the injured sister.“可血再流下去你就没命啦!”她嗔(chn)怪道。“没命就没命吧。”受伤的一位说。,3.One day he drew some very clever picture of cats upon a paper screen.有一天,他在纸屏上画了好些活灵活现、栩栩如生的猫。4.I could not help thinking of this fa
21、ble when the other day I saw George lunching by himself in a restaurant.I never saw anyone wear an expression of such deep gloom.那天中午,我看见乔治一个人在饭馆吃饭,不由想起了这个寓言。我从未见过一个人能够这么无精打采,心灰意冷。,5There have been too much publicity about my case.我的事情已闹得满城风雨、尽人皆知了。6.I have been completely honest in my replies,withh
22、olding nothing.我的回答完全是坦坦荡荡、毫无保留。,7.With his tardiness,carelessness and appalling good humor,we were sore perplexed.他总是磨磨蹭蹭、马马虎虎,但出语诙谐、令人叫绝,我们拿他毫无办法。,8.The mayor of Toledo said in 1932,“I have seen thousands and thousands of these defeated,discouraged,hopeless men and women,cringing and fawning as th
23、ey come to ask for public aid.It is a spectacle of national degradation.(William Manchester,The Glory and the Dream)托莱多市长在1932说过:“我见到成千上万的山穷水尽、灰心绝望的男男女女前来请求救济,他们低声下气,苦苦哀求,此情此景,真是丢尽了美国的脸。(冯庆华:P.134),改译:托莱多市长在1932就说过:“我见到成千上万的男男女女山穷水尽、灰心绝望前来请求救济,他们低声下气、苦苦哀求,此情此景,真是丢尽了美国人的脸。,9.Only a very slight and ve
24、ry scattering ripples of half-hearted hand-clapping greeted him.欢迎他的只有几下轻轻的掌声,稀稀拉拉、冷冷淡淡。10.It was a bright September afternoon,and the streets of New York were brilliant with moving men.这是一个九月的下午,天气晴朗,纽约大街上,人来人往、五光十色。,11.He showed himself calm in an emergent situation.他在紧要关头表现得镇定自若。12.The questions
25、were evidently unexpected to the slow-witted spokesman,who instantly found himself tongue-tied.这些问题显然让这位反应迟钝的发言人感到意外,他立刻显得张口结舌、哑口无言(无言以对)。,13.Its a bit fishy that she should have given away a villa like that.那么好端端的一座别墅,她竟然拿它白白递送了人,个中必有蹊跷。14.With what seemed my last hope frustrated,I slipped into a d
26、eep lethargy.随着最后一线希望破灭,我不知不觉中感到了心灰意冷(无精打采,身心俱惫)。,五、正译与反译:,词法翻译中的正译与反译不同于句法翻译中肯定与否定的译法,也就是说,正译与反译同原文肯定或是否定句型可以有关,也可以无关。正译与反译的运用有助于表达的通顺,有时可加强语气。,1.Excuse me.对不起。2.Dont stop working.继续干活吧。3.He went into the insecure building.他走进了那座危楼。,4.This would cover my absence from the house.这样可以为我不在房里提供掩护。5.With
27、out reasoning one is apt to be beyond control.没有理性就容易失去控制。,6.His explanation is pretty thin.他的解释很难站得住脚。7.Wet paint!油漆未干!8.Admission by Invitation Only.(Staff Only.)非请莫入。9.Keep upright.切勿倒置!10.Agreeable Sweetness.甜而不腻。,A英语从正面表达,汉语从反面表达:,1.The first bombs missed the target.第一批炸弹没有命中目标。2.Their rescue a
28、ttempts turned out predictably futile.不出所料,他们的营救行动毫无结果。,3.It would be most disastrous if even a rumor of it were given out.稍稍透露一点点风声,后果将不堪设想。4.We are watching with concern the fluid situation in the Mid-east.我们密切关注中东动荡不定的局势。,5.This problem is above me.这个问题我力所不及(无能为力)。6.It was beyond his power to sig
29、n such a contract.他无权签订这种合同。,7.We believe that the younger generation will prove worthy of our trust.我们相信,青年一代不会辜负我们的信任。8.Both sides thought that the peace proposal was one they could accept with dignity.双方认为,那是一个双方均可接受而又不失体面的和平建议。,9.When Philip missed the last bus,he was at a loss to know what to d
30、o.菲利普误了末班车,茫然不知所措。10.Her husband hates to see her stony face.她丈夫不愿看到她那张毫无表情的脸(她脸上毫无表情的样子)。,B英语从反面表达,汉语从正面表达:,1.It was said that someone had sown discord among them.据说有人在他们中间挑拨。2.He manifested a strong dislike for his fathers business.他十分厌恶(讨厌)父亲的事情(业务、职业、行当)。,business:1)occupation,profession,trade2)
31、something a person is concerned witheg:Words are a writers business.3)affair,project:Hes got fed up with the whole business.,3.The doubt was still unsolved after his repeated explanation.尽管他再三解释,疑团仍然存在。4.Many agreed that the Prime Minister had in effect resigned dishonorably.许多人认为,首相辞职实在是丢面子。,5.The
32、investigation left no doubt that the victim had died of murder.现场勘查清楚地表明,受害人死于他杀。6.Generally she accepted the family life in all its crowded inadequacy.通常情况下,她还是接受了拥挤寒碜的家庭生活的。,7.We must never stop taking an optimistic view of life.我们对生活要永保乐观态度。8.Dont make your conclusion before the end of the year.到年底再下结论吧!,9.He returned home with no hope on his face.他一脸绝望地回到了家中。他一脸无望地回到了家中。10.The train from Moscow will arrive in no time.来自莫斯科的火车即将到达。,