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1、金字塔,PYRAMID,CONTENTS,The shape of a pyramid.金字塔的形状 Origin and history.起源和来历Some use of pyramid.金字塔的一些用途The famous pyramid building.著名的金字塔建筑Modern pyramid architecture.现代金字塔建筑,金字塔(Pyramid),Refers to the pyramidal structure in architecture,in general base for regular polygon is a triangle,or square,et

2、c May also be other polygons,or close to the surface phase of the triangle side by multiple triangle,the top area is very small,even as the spire.在建筑学上是指锥体建筑物,一般来说基座为正三角形或四方形等的正多边形,也可能是其他的多边形,侧面由多个三角形或接近三角形的面相接而成,顶部面积非常小,甚至成尖顶状。,Origin and history:,公元前四世纪,随着农业经济的发展尼罗河谷人口密度增加。with the development of

3、agricultural economy population density inc-reases from the Nile valley in the 4000 BC.,金字塔介绍于公元前1750年。The pyramid is introduced in 1750 BC.,埃及金字塔最早建造于间大约公元前2700至2500。The pyramids of Egypt between built in about 2700 BC to the earliestIn 2500.,埃及金字塔始建于公元前2600年以前,共一百多座,大部分位于开罗西南吉萨高原的沙漠中,是世界公认的“古代世界八大

4、奇迹”之一。Before Egyptian pyramids was built in the 2600 BC,a total of more than 100 seat,Most of Cairo is located in the southwest of Giza plateau in the desert,Is the world recognized the ancient one of the eight wonders of the world.,Famous Pyramid,其中,最大、最有名的是祖孙三代金字塔胡夫金字塔、哈夫拉金字塔和门卡乌拉金字塔。Among them,th

5、e largest,the most famous is the Pyramid-three generationsHu Fu Pyramid,Khafre and Menkaure Pyramid Pyramid.,其中,又以胡夫金字塔最为壮观,它相当于一座五十多层的大楼。Among them,the Pyramid of Khufus most spectacular,It was the equivalent of a 50 story building.一般认为,金字塔是古埃及法老(国王)的陵墓。Generally,Pyramid is the ancient Egyptian Pha

6、raohs tomb(King).,Pyramid of Khufu,雄伟的狮身人面像横卧在埃及基沙台地上,守卫着卡拉夫王金字塔已达五千年之久。Recumbent Sphinx of Giza in platform of Egypt,Guarding Calaf Wang Pyramid has reached five thousand years old.,小故事,古埃及人常用狮子代表法老王,象征其无边的权力和无穷的力量,这种法老王既是神又是人的观念,促使了狮身人面混合体的产生。The ancient Egyptians used a lion on behalf of the phar

7、aoh,The symbol of the limitless power and infinite power,The pharaoh is both Gods perspective,Produce the Sphinx mixture.,埃及法老,The end of the pyramid,终年咆哮的风沙不断侵略这座庞大的石像,在长达五千年的岁月中,大半时间都被数吨流沙深埋地底。All the year round constant roar of the wind the huge statue of aggression,In up to five thousand years,m

8、ost of the time is the number of tons of sand buried.,Tomb and sacrifice,西夏王陵九座陵墓,千秋少昊陵,据推测,埃及金字塔的功能不仅是当墓穴,在统治者健在时还起礼仪建筑的作用。It ispresumed that the function of the pyramids in Egypt is not only when the tomb,when the rulers living also ACTS as the etiquette construction.,依据海奥华的预言,金字塔是用来吸收宇宙能量来帮助人们提升灵

9、性的。诸多远古的精神文明(目前我们的文明是物质文明),如玛雅、埃及、大西洲、姆大陆都建有金字塔。,According to the prediction of the China sea,the pyramid is used to absorb energy to help people improve the spiritual universe.Many ancient civilization(currently our civilization is the material civilization)are built the pyramids.,The famous pyramid building.,海夫拉金字塔,门卡乌拉金字塔,胡夫金字塔,Modern pyramid architecture.,卢浮宫金字塔位于巴黎卢浮宫广场上,是一座玻璃金字塔。The Louvre pyramid in Paris Louvre square,is a glass pyramid.,美国旧金山泛美金字塔San Francisco transamerica pyramid,谢谢观赏,Thats all!Thank you!,


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