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1、英语信件的写作方法和技巧,告知信、祝贺信、感谢信、邀请信、申请信、公开信、投诉信,一、告知信,告知信是指告知朋友、亲人或有关人士某一重要信息,如喜庆、毕业、地址变动、病愈出院等事情。这类信件要言简意赅,也要表达出通信者之间的感情。,一、告知信,下面一封是Mary写给同学Tom及全班同学的信,告诉Tom及同学们她已经病愈出院,目前在家里休息,一两周后就返回学校。信中还表达了她对同学们的感谢和思念之情。,一、告知信,June 14Dear Tom,Im glad to inform you that I came home from the hospital last Sunday.These d

2、ays I,一、告知信,have been getting better day by day,with my weight gradually gaining and appetite pleasingly increasing.Im sure I will be in good condition in one or two weeks.,一、告知信,My illness has cost me a month of classes,and Im planning to make it up these days when I feel good.Im sure I will get he

3、lp from you and classmates when I get back to school.,一、告知信,I take this letter to thank you and all the other classmates for the beautiful flowers and interesting books you brought to me when I was in hospital and most of,一、告知信,all,for the cheerful notes.These wonderful gifts cheered up my spirit in

4、 the hospital.Every time I looked at these gifts,I miss all of you.,一、告知信,Now Im recovering quickly and Im going back to the school soon.How I miss you and all the classmates!Best wishes.Yours,Mary,一、告知信,告知信件的要点是言简意赅,一开始就告知写信的目的,然后再讲述其他事情。告知内容的用语主要有以下表达法:,一、告知信,I have the pleasure of announcing.I ta

5、ke great pleasure in informing you that.Im writing to inform that.,一、告知信,I regret to announce.It is with the greatest grief and regret that I have to inform you of.,二、祝贺信,每当朋友订婚、结婚、生日、晋升、获得荣誉或成功等,都要写信表示祝贺。写祝贺信时,一定要清楚地提到祝贺的事由、写信人得知这一喜讯的心情及衷心的祝贺等。,二、祝贺信,下面是David写给同学Jack的祝贺信,祝贺他获得中央电视台英语演讲比赛第一名。信中提到了听到

6、喜讯的具体时间和当时的情景,具体夸赞了Jack地道的发音和流利的表达,并对Jack在学习上,二、祝贺信,付出的努力表示赞赏。这样的祝贺可以让收信人感到写信人真实的喜悦之情。,二、祝贺信,June 14Dear Jack,Im writing to tell you how excited I was when I heard the announcement that you were the first-prize winner at CCTV English Speaking Contest,二、祝贺信,program last night.The announcement threw a

7、ll our classmates into cry of happiness before the TV.Your idiomatic pronunciation and fluent expression are certainly the best among all,二、祝贺信,the contestants.I know this success means years of hard study and hard work on your part,and its really an achievement you can well be proud of.How I admire

8、 your,二、祝贺信,endurance and persistence!I hope I can learn this spirit from you.All my warmest congratulations!Yours,David,二、祝贺信,表示祝贺的表达法主要有:With best wishes for the recovery of your health.It is greatly rejoicing for me to hear that.Hearty greetings on your.,二、祝贺信,I am writing to wish you.I have been

9、 delighted to receive the news that.Accept my heartiest congratulations on the happiest moment of your life.,二、祝贺信,I congratulate you wholeheartedly on your.,三、感谢信,如果得到某人馈赠、关怀、照顾,都应该表示感谢;当你在朋友处或亲友处小住一段时间,离开后,应给对方写信表示感谢;在生日或节日前后,收到礼物,不论礼品价值如何,都应该表示感谢。这类信件应该写得真挚,,三、感谢信,不能给人一种草率的印象。由于感谢的对象、原因不同,感谢的内容不同

10、,用语也不一样,应该根据实际情况选择适当的用语。为了表达谢意,应该提及所受到恩惠的具体情况,包括时间、地点、事由等。,三、感谢信,下面这封感谢信是Morris写给朋友Kate的,对在Kate家的农庄度过周末表示感谢。信中先讲到感谢之意,然后回忆农庄的生活细节,包括阳光、新鲜空气、明亮的天,三、感谢信,空、美丽的鲜花、宁静的晚上和早晨,还有可口的饭菜、可爱的小狗,以及热情的款待。信的最后再次表示感谢,并渴望再次拜访。这些细节描写能体现出Morris感谢之情的真实性。,三、感谢信,July 15Dear Kate,This is to tell you how very much I enjoye

11、d the weekend at your farm.Thats a delightful stay.Everything was just perfect:the sunshine,the,三、感谢信,Fresh air,clean sky,the beautiful flowers,and the quietness in the nights and mornings.Also,your home is wonderful,your meals delicious,and your little dog lovely,and I enjoyed,三、感谢信,the fun and com

12、panionship.I am still thinking about every thing and enjoying it in retrospect.No wonder Im finding it difficult to get back to the noisy and crowded city.,三、感谢信,I hope you and your parents know how much I appreciate your hospitality.I do hope to visit your farm again.Affectionately yours,Morris,三、感

13、谢信,表示感谢的表达法主要有:Thank you very much/ever so much/most sincerely/indeed/from the bottom of my heart.Many thanks for your kind and warm words of congratulation.,三、感谢信,Please accept my sincere/grateful/profound appreciation/thanks for.I am writing to express my sincere/grateful/profound appreciation/tha

14、nks for.,三、感谢信,I am very sincerely/truly grateful to you for your.It was nice/kind/thoughtful/considerate of you.It is generous of you to take so much time in doing me favor.,四、邀请信,邀请信是指邀请朋友共进午餐、晚餐、茶会,参加生日聚会、舞会,看电影、戏剧等活动时,给被邀请者发出的信件。邀请信一定要讲清楚邀请事由、赴邀的具体时间和地点,有时还需讲,四、邀请信,清楚其他被邀请者的人数、姓名或与邀请者的关系,必要时还要交待

15、赴约的注意事项等。请看下面的例子:,四、邀请信,May 10Dear John,Our class is planning a dinner party at Xinfu Hotel to celebrate the twentieth anniversary of Professor,四、邀请信,Wang Mings teaching.Its next Saturday,May 15th,at six oclock.Most of our classmates have promised to show up,and we want you to come.,四、邀请信,Moreover,i

16、t is agreed upon that everyone in the party should prepare speech of congratulations to Prof.Wang,and all the activities will be video recorded as a,四、邀请信,reminder for Prof.Wang.Please remember to bring your video camera to the party.Thats a most important part of the party.I do hope you can make it

17、.,四、邀请信,I will meet you in the lobby of the hotel at 5:30 that evening.I am looking forward to hearing your reply.Yours,David,四、邀请信,该邀请信先讲述了邀请收信人所参加活动的原因,然后是活动的具体时间和地点、其他受邀请者,以及受邀人应该注意的事项。不同的段落表达了不同的内容,条理清楚。,四、邀请信,表示邀请的表达法主要有:We are/I am planning a tea party/dinner party/birthday party to celebrate.

18、on.at.I am having some very special friends in my place for dinner/tea/coffee.,四、邀请信,Will you come and have dinner with us on.at.?I hope you can come/make it.The party wouldnt be complete without you/your presence.,四、邀请信,Ill be looking forward to meet you on.at.If you have no other plans for.,will y

19、ou join my dinner party?,五、申请信,申请信是为了申请某个职务、工作、奖学金或助学金等,向公司、学校 等机构所写的信函。申请信要写清楚申请的具体内容,即所申请的具体职务、哪一种奖学金等,更重要的是说明自己,五、申请信,申请的理由或自己的能力。另外,还要注意申请信的语言要正式得体。下面是Maly申请学校兼职图书管理员职务。该职务是学校为学生提供的勤工助学职务,要求学生在周末和假期兼职。,五、申请信,July 5,2005Dear Sir or Madam,With reference to your advertisement of July 4 on the notic

20、e board,I hastento apply for the post as a,五、申请信,part-time librarian.Yesterday,I saw the advertisement which says the library is looking for students who can work as part-time librarian at the,五、申请信,weekends and on vocations.I believe that I will be the ideal candidate for the offer.I am at present

21、a junior student of English Department of our,五、申请信,University.I am always doing well in my major,which means that I have enough spare time for the post.Whats more important,I live in this city.,五、申请信,I do not need to travel long distance to go home on thesummer and winter vocations.This means that

22、I can be on duty any time at the weekends and in the vocations.,五、申请信,I shall be much obliged if you will offer me an opportunity for an interview.I am sure I will be the best candidate.Yours sincerely,Mary Yang,五、申请信,这封申请信函一开始先直接说明这封信的目的,接着说明职务的具体要求,然后自己介绍,说明自己的情况和胜任能力,尤其是最后讲到自己家住在该城市,周末和假期可以随时上班。整

23、个申请信简练、信息全、具有说服力。,五、申请信,申请信函常用的表达法如下:I should like to obtain application forms for your school.I am planning to apply for admission to Smith College in the fall of 2009.,五、申请信,Having known that your office needs a typist,I hasten to apply for the post.I am desirous of getting the admission to.,五、申请信

24、,With reference to your advertisement in Jiefang Daily of May 4,2005,Ishould apply to you for the interview.,五、申请信,I wish to apply for a position with your office as a part-time postman(typist,accountant,volunteer).,五、申请信,Having read your advertisement in this mornings paper for an office assistant

25、I wish to be considered as an applicant for the position.,六、公开信,公开信一般是写给某一群体阅读者的书信体应用文。公开信应该开门见山直奔主题,告诉阅读者此信的目的,然后讲清楚写此信的原因,最后告诉阅读者需要他她们做些什么,怎么做。,六、公开信,下面是一封学生会写给所有学生的公开信,希望学生为百年校庆出谋划策,提出自己的意见。信中给出了具体接受建议的联系方式、地点和时间段。,六、公开信,March 1Dear Schoolmates,This open letter calls for your advice and suggestio

26、ns on the centenary celebration of our University.As we all know,the,六、公开信,centenary celebration of our University falls on the coming October.The Presidents office is calling for advice and suggestions from among our students to,六、公开信,decide the formation of the celebration.We are sure that every s

27、tudent has valuable ideas to express their love for the University.Therefore,the Student,六、公开信,Union is collecting ideas in various ways.To let your ideas known,you can call 55881473,or write to,or talk to office 423 in the,六、公开信,Executive Building.Your ideas should better be heard from March to Jul

28、y.All the advice and suggestions will be appreciated.Student Union,六、公开信,号召或呼吁的表达法主要有:This letter calls for Your participation in.Your suggestions are needed for.,六、公开信,The President of the University calls everybody to offer your help to.Your kind offer of help/idea/suggestion is expected.,六、公开信,Th

29、is letter is to call for donation of money and other help for the earth-quake stricken area in the Southwest of our country.,七、投诉信,投诉信是写给特定部门或个人来表达写信者对某个事件,或商品,或服务的不满。注意投诉信一定要详细描述事件的经过,或某商品的具体使用情况。,七、投诉信,另外也要注意语言得体,用词正式,投诉要有理有节,称呼和签名都要用正式用语。请看下面的投诉信:,七、投诉信,July 14,2008Dear Sir or Madam,The Longman D

30、ictionary of Contemporary English(second edition)I ordered from your bookstore arrived on July 13.,七、投诉信,I am sorry to inform you that the dictionary has been badly damaged.When I opened the package,I found that the back cover of the dictionary has been torn off.Moreover,many pages have been dog-ear

31、ed.It,七、投诉信,is totally an old dictionary.Would you please let me know whether or not you would be willing to send me a new copy and whether I should arrange to lodge another,七、投诉信,complaint to the top of your store?In the meantime,I shall hold temporarily the current copy until I have a reasonable a

32、nswer.Yours sincerely,David Huo,七、投诉信,这是一封写给书店的投诉信。信件一开始先如实描写写信者收到所邮购词典的名称、版本、收到日期。然后描述词典收到时的状况。这一点也是细节描写。最后提出解决办法,并同时说明如果问题解决不了,将进一步向书店上层投诉。这样的投诉信非常理性、得体、有理有节。,七、投诉信,表示投诉的表达法主要有:My order for.,has not yet been delivered,which is now causing inconvenience for me.I must ask you to complete the order i

33、mmediately;otherwise I shall be obliged to cancel it.,七、投诉信,We regret having to complain that we have not yet received the goods ordered on July,14.I shall be glad if you will look into the matter at once and let me know the reason for the delay.,七、投诉信,I am sorry to inform you that one of the.,was badly damaged upon its arrival.We have received a number of complaints from several of our customers concerning the.,supplied by you on.,七、投诉信,I shall be glad if you are prepared to make some allowance for the damage of.,英语信件的写作方法和技巧,THANK YOU!,


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